artdude75 (from Chicago)'s LiveJournal
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Below are the 17 most recent journal entries recorded in artdude75 (from Chicago)'s LiveJournal:

    Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
    12:33 pm
    storm troopers
    Were the storm troopers in Star Wars human or robots? I think they are humans.
    Monday, March 18th, 2002
    9:24 pm
    got an excellent book from the library today
    "Dialogues in Public Art". It's a book that i've been wanting to get from my amazon wishlist. But now I can read it and get a preview! yeah! rock on!
    Sunday, March 17th, 2002
    9:25 pm
    i kinda miss the snow. it's fun to take pictures in the snow.
    Saturday, March 16th, 2002
    9:22 pm
    upper case numbers
    We have lower case and upper case letters. Why not lower and upper case numbers? John Weistroffer pointed this out to me while we were discussing why upper and lower letters exist. Then we figured that the numbers before the decimal point can be upper case, and the letters after it can be lower case. Thay way we don't need to put the dot in there to indicate a decimal.
    Friday, March 15th, 2002
    9:13 pm
    squeeeeeeky floors at the art museum
    Another note on the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. They recently installed new floors this winter on the second floor. I'm not sure what material they are made out of, but it's kind of a plastic rubbery material. When you walk on it, you shoes squeak SUPER LOUD. It's soo loud that it almost overtakes the artwork. But they have to be all cutting edge and not use the traditional wood or carpet.
    Thursday, March 14th, 2002
    9:12 pm
    art museum for free
    I went to Chicago's Museum of Contemporary Art today. It's only free on tuesdays and today being thursday, you're supposed to pay. When you pay, you get a little metal button to wear. It's not a pin, but a clip-on button, so they can fall off kinda easily.

    When walking up to the MCA, I always scope out the sidewalks and curbs for any fallen buttons that let me get into the museum for free. In fact, alot of my time in the museum is spent looking for these buttons. It's like a fun game. You can walk around without the buttons and the guards don't say anything. It's more for the treasure hunt challenge.
    Wednesday, March 13th, 2002
    9:19 am
    new pda?
    Considering getting a new pda (like one of them palmpilot doo-dahs). I had one a couple years ago, but it's been busted for a couple years now. Check out what I'm looking at.
    Tuesday, March 12th, 2002
    1:51 pm
    kicked out of the amoco building
    today i got kicked out of the Amoco Building in Chicago. I wasn't really inside the building when i got kicked out. I was standing right next to it taking pictures. The Amoco Building (or AON Center as it's now called) is like the 10th tallest building in the world. So I thought it would be neat to shoot some photos standing right at the edge looking up.

    After shooting lots of pictures, a security guard told me, "You aren't allowed to take pictures of the building."

    I found that rather odd and asked her "Do you mean I can't take pictures of the inside lobby?" I figured that they wouldn't want somebody documenting how their procedure for examining people inside. And I knew this was a reaction to the heightened security measures from September 11.

    She replied, "You are not allowed to take ANY pictures of the building."

    Finding this rather extreme I questioned, "No pictures at all?" How can you just elminiate people taking pictures of a building?

    She said, "You just can't stand next to the building and take pictures, you can be by the curb and take pictures."

    Not wanting to cause a ruckous, I walked away. In all reality, I would think that they wouldn't want people to take pictures of the building from the curb either, because then someone could be documenting how to drive a van into the building.

    Every week on Monday, I post my new pictures to my site at: So on March 18, I'll post the new "controversial" pics of the Amoco Building.
    Monday, March 11th, 2002
    2:25 pm
    Tribune over Sun-times
    Another reason why the Tribune Company is superior over the Sun-Times. (both are competiting newspapers in chicago).

    This afternoon I got some Subway for lunch and walked over by the Sun-Times building to eat, because it was close by. Upon arrival at the plaza outside the Sun-Times building, it was difficult to find a place to sit because of all the pigeon poop on the benches.

    Once I found poop-free area to sit down, I started to eat my Subway sandwich. Then a bunch of pigeons started to gather around me. These are not your normal nice pigeons (if there is such a thing as a "nice" pigeon. These are pigeons that hang around this area, because there is a McDonaolds nearby. Therefore, their diet comprises mostly of McDonalds french fries. It is mostly evident by their ruffled feathers. These are a bad-ass group of pigeons. Extremely rude.

    Being the only person eating in the Sun-Times plaza that day, they all concentrated on me. I had to leave. I walked over to the Tribune plaza (which is only a block away). And getting to the point of this post. The tribune is superior because they have pigeon-poop-free benches and there isn't a resident gang of nasty pigeons.
    Sunday, March 10th, 2002
    9:19 pm
    new smileys aren't working
    I was trying to get AOL instant messenger to add new smileys, but it didn't work. Here's the instructionsinstructions.
    Saturday, March 9th, 2002
    9:18 pm
    student design portfolios
    I did a bunch of portfolio reviews today with a bunch of design students. One thing i found was that students with experience in film did an excellent job of explaning things in their portfolio.
    Friday, March 8th, 2002
    9:18 pm
    Today i spilled some tartar sauce from my filet o fish sandwich on my shirt. It made me wonder if tv newsmen ever spill stuff on their shirts during commercial break. If so, would they have an extra one handy right away?
    Thursday, March 7th, 2002
    8:30 am
    Another campaign promise
    I forgot to add one of the most crucial elements to my campaign. One of the most controversial topics. The issue that will set me apart from the competition. The issue that will get brought up at every one single of my public debates. The cornerstone of my campaign...The destruction of all carrot cakes worldwide! Join the Carrot cake boycott club.
    Wednesday, March 6th, 2002
    8:54 am
    I want to run for office in Chicago.
    My campaign would include:
    * Bringing a white castle downtown
    * Building more croquet courts
    * Instituting 2-hour lunches, and 2-month vacation minimums
    * Making Macintosh the official computer platform
    * Eliminating the stupid wrigley bleacher expansion plans
    * Metra Station at Addison
    * Little Debbies on every corner
    * Instituting public soapbox debates in public squares
    * Making the museums free everyday
    * Establishing Chicago as the official annual Atari competition center
    * Bringing back pepsi clear
    Tuesday, March 5th, 2002
    9:17 am
    New mousepad wanted
    My current mousepad at work is all dirty and grungy. Time for a new one. If you have a cool mousepad that you aren't using, please send it to:

    Tribune Media Services
    Matt Maldre
    435 N. Michigan Ave
    Suite 1400
    Chicago, IL 60611

    If you send me one, I'll mail you something fun in return. My only restriction is that the mousepad be uncoated. No slick surfaces. I want it to be a cloth-like surface. Thanks! I'll even post a picture of any new mousepads on my site!
    Sunday, January 20th, 2002
    12:32 am
    wow! it works!
    huh, the macintosh livejournal program works. Pretty nifty!

    Current Mood: cheerful
    12:30 am
    Checking out the macintosh version of this posting program

    Current Mood: curious   About