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Below are the 25 most recent journal entries.

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  2002.02.28  01.42
Found this in my In box


  2002.02.28  01.06
More images...

These are a couple of the images I did today from class, towards working on our group project, these are two of the concept models I will be working on for the next couple of weeks. I will post some of the model roughs when I do them, though I will not be posting the model sheets, for personal reasons, I still have to have ways to prove my property. Since I will retain all rights to the characters at all times. I guienely think that my instructor who was an art director for an animation company was impressed at how fast I turned these illustrtions out. Each one taking no more than a few seconds. I have a third one that I was going to scan but it is on loan for purposes of helping out another artist who is stuck on concept design. I undertand that having been through stges of artist block myself.

Copyright 2002 David True. (c)

Mood: artistic
Music: I Palindrome I - They Might Be Giants - Apollo 18


  2002.02.27  00.41
images from the other night.. will have more tomorrow

Copyright 2002 David True (c)


  2002.02.25  23.09
Huzzah! and stuff

Well I like this class better than the last, since the group of people that I am with are a lot more into games to begin with. This helps out a lot when talking game speak to others. Though mind we have not digressed to Evercrack Speak, so there is hope yet. I am goign to be putting together a presentation for the game I would like someof us to do tomorrow.. Will post my end result on here as well... which reminds me I have to set up the links still for my last bits of animation... Will get that all on the agenda for tomorrow. So tonight I am watching old movies and doign concept sketchs, then tomorrow I scan and do layout.. =) Yippie.. I actually reall really like doing that stuff.. its simple neat and clean. Course I also use style sheets, for my layouts.

Mood: bouncy
Music: Bed Knobs and Broomsticks

  2002.02.25  15.54

Just faxed out 4 resumes with cover letters, emailed out 6 with cover letters as well, made 5 phone calls all to different prespective employers. Going to go out and hand out more resumes tomorrow. Sigh looking for work is never a easy task at times. Trying not to go the way of telemarketing though I know I can do inside sales easy as Pi. Stopped by one temp agency today to let them know I am still looking for work. Going to track down a couple more and hand my resume out there as well. Just can't sit back and wait thats all, doing my best to be proactive about looking for a job.

With good hopes I should have a job by the end of the week, or at least acouple interviews this week at the very least. Start Advanced Modeling tonight. So when I start doing more modeling this week I will put some of the screen shots up and links for your browsing pleasure. which reminds me I am off to go update my resume on my web site.

Mood: accomplished
Music: Supercalifragisticexpalidoucious - Mary Poppins

  2002.02.14  00.09
Time for a real post..

Well its been a little while since I have really posted. For the most part I have been working on my animation work, looking for work. There seems to be some jobs coming back to the Valley for Graphic Design, but not at the volume I would like. This friday I should be getting my severance check, which will allow me to make rent for this next month, thats the first priority. Secondly pay off some bills, get some new tires, as I have one that is getting ready to leave this plane of existence. Though the really neat tire fix stuff that I got from Axis this last Nov. is still holding the tire together. Though I am not one for taking chances. So I would once agian like to say thanks Axis.

I should hopefully have an interview or two by the end of the week. If not I am not going to let that stop me from looking of course. Still waiting to hear back from the Temp agency, and have to go run by a couple more in the next couple of days.

Though on the plus side I have been playing chess and other assorted games with someone I have been getting to know better. For one reason I know that everyone has a story as to why things the way they are. I really wanted to get to know her story better. I learned some new things by it too.

In the mean time I have some animation work to get done. And like this last time I will also post the animations once they are finished, these ones are modeled by me, as well as all the boning and setup is mine too. So to say the least I am happier with the way that the model moves. I still have to do the bitmaped textures for the model so it doesn't look so gray. =)

Mood: artistic
Music: Majestic - Spooky (curious just ask)

  2002.02.13  21.15
=) go figure...

You are most like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast.

take the Disney Villians test here

Mood: accomplished
Music: Hotel California - Eagles - Hell Freezes Over

  2002.02.11  21.55
Well at least they are done...

Two animation quick and short, not that happy with them. But like the title says at least they are done turned in, on time and all that jazz. Tomorrow between getting resumes out the door and so forth. I am going to be working on my character that I did in my last modeling class and redo some of these animations. In case anyone would like to see the ok aniamitions. they are here...

Walk Side View
Throwing a Stone

Mood: artistic
Music: In a New York Minutes - Eagles - Hell Freezes Over

  2002.02.11  17.16

it's going not to bad still working on this one movement, trying my best to get it right will post its URL after class... my website redirection is not owrking correctly, seems like its time to fire off a letter to Netowrk solutions or go find someplace to host my web site and email.. Though for the most part I have not had any trouble in the last 2 years.. =/

Anywho, it was a quite weekend for the most part still looking for a job, sent out a couple resumes. Still have to draft some letters and send out faxes tomorrow. In the meantime going to work on animation and keep the grades up.. Next 5 week Advanced Modeling.

Mood: accomplished

  2002.02.08  12.33
A little Humor in the day..

While looking for a job, I sometimes take a break. Just one of the things I ran across in searching out there.

visit nodwick at

Mood: amused
Music: CNN Headline News

  2002.02.05  23.50
All quiet on the Western Front

Well, things are looking up by and by. I do on the up side get a severence. While sending out resumes and stopping by the local Temp Agencies. Looks promising. Things are not going to badly with school, though time is flying by daster than the instructor would like. We are supposed to be getting to Quadrapeds this next week though its almost time to the final which will take at least a week if not more, for this I am kinda glad that I am not working so that I can devote more time to my final.

The final for the Advanced Character Animation is to take some live reference footage and translate it my hand to a digital character. Not a simple walk either, has to have something with some animation and umph to it. So I am resloved to start working on a peice and use part of it for the final. Going to take a peice of the Music Box Scene from "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang"

My instructor agreed with me that Dick Van Dyke is one of the best character actors out there. Some of his motion is just awesome. Charlie Chaplin is also one of the all time greats. One of the Stories from teh Disney backlots, goes along the lines to talk about how Dick Van Dyke was just practicing walking off the curb like an old man. The producers of Mary Poppins loved it so much they got him the additional role of the head banker. Just kinda wish there were more moives like that around nowadays.

Mood: amused
Music: Blind Melon - No Rain

  2002.02.04  13.13

Just got laid off from my company. Which was supposed to be doing ground work to keep this from happening.. =/ this is really distressing since I just had my car fixed... but at least whenI get a job then I can get from point A to point B without worry. have to look on this postively. Though if anyone knows of a company that needs a Computer Repair person, Graphic Designer, or Animator (flash, tradional or digital) by all means let me know... in the mean time I am off to temp agencies to find some work. =/

Mood: blah
Music: silence

  2002.02.01  17.01
Le sigh

Well my luck holds. Though at first it may not seem like it.. My car however while being in the shop is not that bad off.. It is in for some fairly standard 125,000 mile repairs.. not too bad and could have been a lot worse.. The brakes are also going out though they have lasted well over 40,000 miles since I had them last done. So all in all its not to bad. Mechanic said I did a good thing in getting it towed there instead of trying to drive it to the shop since the timing belt was almost gone, along with most of the hoses almost worn out..

So it comes down to unless I am getting a ride, it doesn't look like I am going much of anywhere for this weekend. Le sigh. Better time to work on my Animation stuff then I thinks.

Mood: bouncy

  2002.01.30  23.23
So I have been a little lax...

in taking some new photos to show the hair, though if you look through the user icons you'll see some quick shots I did for a friend. I will be getting some more this weekend I think one way or another. Since if all holds well I should be out and about all weekend long. Though one may never know what the future holds. Though it seems to continue that the general populance likes what glaistig did for my hair... She is a great person and friend, one that I hope to have around for many many years to come... I above all wish her well in those things that she is doing currently.

Now to go get some sleep so that I can get up and go to work in the morning... though I am thinking I am more apt to head to the store for some soda first... So tell me what you think of the hair more photos can be found here
Hair 1 Hair 2 Hair 3 Hair 4 Hair 5 Hair 6

Mood: bouncy
Music: Hello Little Girl - Into the Woods - Original London Cast

  2002.01.30  08.08
Wanted to see if this works or not...

Singing Pumpkins


  2002.01.30  06.56
So anyways...

After much thought and such, I let dye my hair... So now I have redish brown, more red though than anything else, hair and eyebrows. It was not as bad as I though reaction seems to be going pretty well. Life in other words is moving forward, work has not been to abunant, but then I have classes to help pick up the slack.. Then the faire starts this weekend. I am always meaning to go, since I used to work the faire up north in Ca. and will be looking to do so again when I move back up there. Which for the most part is just a matter of time. anywho will see if I can get photos at some point of the hair and such. But for now its off to work.

Mood: awake
Music: Computers humming in sync with each other

  2002.01.29  01.06
For laughs


  2002.01.24  22.19
Looking around....

Things come and go, yet we as people move ever forward. The world around us changes a lot of times it is not to our liking at all. Things however are to my liking at this moment in time. Work is a little sparse but there. School moves forward with an end in sight. Car is still intact and not melted to a pile of slag or anything of the like. Though it is needing new brakes, but that is to be expected to say the least.

When I drive around town from place to place, I reflect back on some images that I picked up in my youth. I grew up with a lot of Americana Images. One of the images that comes to mind a lot is that of seeing the side of a house set on a slight hill and uneven ground. Starting out with brick on the bottom part of the house rising to three feet where the house levels out then wood panelling painted in a worn out yellow color, stairs leading up to the door. The sun beats down thrugh the rough cloud cover. You can smell the freshly cut grass blowing in from the right hand side. The glass window next to the door has the drapes pulled back so that you can see someone wokring in the kitchen making something to eat.

Mood: nostalgic
Music: Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen

  2002.01.23  21.07

SO for the past few days I have not been feeling well. One of the reasons Ihave not been out of the house or have really been tlaking to anyone lately also the reason I have not been posting in just about a week. Also one of the reasons I have not talked to or called anyone. I Have not felt up to it for the most part. So I think it is a good thing that things did not pan out this time around on dying my hair though I am set to do it this enxt monday and I will be taking some photos of it before and after so that I can have a record of the first time I have dyed my hair.

On other fronts I am currently finishing up a render for class. Had my class time moved on my from really late night to semi late night 6p- 9p now instead of the 8p-11p that I was doing. I think this will help out some in the sleep and health department. One of the reasons I think my body had, had enough of my Superman impressions.

Saw Smallville last night, Albeit its a little out of wack for the time line but not to bad. Will have to watch some more of it sometime.

I did however manage to get some of my room more organized though. Its a long way off but it's getting there.

Over this last weekend I went to go see Brotherhood of the Wolf. Not a bad flick though at its core its a French Martial Arts Film. So keep that in mind when going to go see it. Though it is fairly well paced at 2 hours 22 minutes. I see a definte trend towards longer and longer movies, that of course is not a bad thing at all, though I also like some of the orginal cuts of David Lynch's Dune, which my copy runs at 3 hours 30 minutes, while I still like the yet longer cuts of this movie that are roaming around. Still want to get a hold of the 8 hour cut of Dune.

Mood: blah

  2002.01.14  19.44

Issue - Main Entry: is·sue )

Mood: annoyed

  2002.01.13  23.22
Whistle while you work...

So I have everything cought up, still waiting for some tax forms to come in before I can sit down and do taxes. Other than that life is going pretty much on course so far. School is not to bad though some people are starting to see the hectic schedule I pace myself through day in and day out. I still however am working on cleaning up the room, though first I am off to do some dishes so I have clean things to eat off of. Other than that not too much is going on in my life at all. Looks like I will be going for Sushi beore Requiem on Friday whenJered and his Girl are in town.

Caame to the realization that you know I don't really have time for much in my life other than work and school and the occasional club outing. Thus being very unfair to ask anyone to try and keep up with that kind of lifestyle. So having a relationship is right out till after I get out of School, its the only real sensible thing that I can think to do. Though part of me is thinking that I am always goign to be trying to find something to occupy my time so that I will always be in such a busy rush that I won't have the time to set aside for someone else. Oh well I will just have to cross that bridge when I come to it.

Mood: amused
Music: Big Band (Cox Music Channel 926)

  2002.01.10  23.44
Putting it in to Prespective.

I can sometimes be accused of being a tight ass and anal retnetive. And then again I can be too bouncy and joyful for others. Though to our families a lot of the time we are just right becuase they have seen us grow up, shared some experiences with us.

I got the call this evening. It was not that bad of a call though. One of my Aunt's passed on today. I didn't know her problably as well as I would have liked to have. But my cousin, I knew fairly well. Well enough to know that he is taking this pretty hard. I am going to be giving him a call tomorrow, thats going to be the hard part. Since I know that he was really close to his mother.

When I told my mother about it, she was in a little shock. My Dad who had called me, had a few thoughts on his mind, one of which was "she was my age." I guess it never really hits you, till someone you know in your age group. Then it kinda hits you all at once that we really are mortal and things do end, and there is no coming back form that.

I hope that when I pass on that people will remeber me well and that I will be remembered as not hiding from life, but able to enjoy it. I also hope that it doesn't end for a long time, I mean heck I still have two more LOTR and Star Wars films to see not to mention 6 more Harry Potter Films. =)

Mood: sympathetic
Music: Silence of the Moment

  2002.01.08  23.55
So if you haven't noticed

I got everything up and running on my server.. cat deposit is paid. I have work, and school is going well. So what else is new is life. Not a whole lot. My car is no longer heating, turns out that the tempature gauge has more than likely too close to one of the sides of the lining. so when I pulled it out this morning to check it and then put it back I have had no problems since. Funny how that works eh?

Still have to go in and setup the user id's for Zentropa, Athfrith, and one or two other people.

Its all good in the end. =)

on to looking towards the future which does not seem to look too bad. At the very least I am headed to Requiem on Friday night, and then who knows what after that. Need to update the web site at some point as well, but on the up side at least it is up and running.

Mood: accomplished
Music: CNN - Headline News

  2002.01.08  07.20
It's Alive

well got my web site back up and running on the plus side, on the minus side however the FTP and telnet services are not running. They will live as well in due time. Still waiting to take the Network Plus test. Sigh.. the work phone is not working to well at all. But alas thats life. I am to be running all over the valley today.

Mood: geeky

  2002.01.03  22.48
And they're off...

So the year is off and running though it doesn't really feel so new. Though adjusting to a new date at the end of all the writing, and people talking of doing things, and the looming of Taxes. Not too much has really changed in the least.

Over the past year I have seen people come and go. Seen things happen. Helped others on their ways, been helped on a little here and there. Seen my sister finalyl get out of the Hospital. Went through 3 relationships though one was fairly short lived. Tried some new things. Reminded myself why I liked other things. Went back to work. Was reminded by others that I am a talented person at times. Was told by a few that I am an Intresting person, that should be gotten to know. Was reminded at how small the world can be at times. Met new friends, was reminded of some old ones. Watched as my cats have grown another year older in my care.

This new year will hopefully bring about some of these same things. If not some new ones. I like everone else has hopes wishes desires and dreams and one of those is coming close to being fullfilled. Once that is done then what? who knows where the next path will take me or what I want to do with that dream now that I have brought it about.

Mood: optimistic
Music: Masocism Tango

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