Broken Glass Theater

Recent Entries

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4th October 2002

9:10pm: Ok time to update..
no I haven't forgotten about you kiddies!
I have been looking for a place to live and I found one! whoo hoo I finally have an address again!
Yes me happy:)
As soon as i get moved in I can start snail mailing people like i love to do.. I miss that very much.
(Ill be sending your package Laura, I didn't forget about you!!!)

So as for the job...they let me go after two days of working there when I told them that I was going to have to go back to NY for 10 working days..
well their loss.
I have been looking for another job but im really swamped with stuff anyway..with moving, finishing up my RPI work, and lounging on the beach.
heh heh
Right now im sitting at B's work as all the guys play videogames....what bullcrap it is that it's "research" hehe...
Prolly going to go out later and do something...even tho im tired as hell.

ok later.

22nd September 2002

3:17pm: jobby job
Well I got the job!!

I'll be working as a inside sales rep for a body jewelry compant called Metropolis.
I delt with Metropolis alot while working at Dejavu...
It seems like an awesome job but im not so sure about time off..I'll be coming back to NY on the 16th to get the rest of my belongings and to go to a wedding in montreal..
soo Ill be gone the last part of the first real month working there..Im not so sure they will be too keen on that.
but..Im not sure maybe if they see how good I am in the first two weeks they will be ok with it.

Anyway im getting ahead of myself...
back to other things..

20th September 2002

2:13pm: I had an interview with a great company today that Im not going to name right now...
But OMG If I get this job I'd be soo happy.
wish me luck
hope all is well with everyone

Have to jet

*hugs to all my friends*

16th September 2002

1:49pm: have no time to write or catch up.
all i can say is I really don't know why i thought i wouldnt like LA i love it:)
Ok I hope everyone is well..

Im not at all happy with the pics. I really hate to say it.
I'll be sending them but...well I'll send you a letter too.
I will say here that it was NOT at all you in any way... you were great, and beautiful:)
Oh and I need those saftey pins back! they are for a skirt of mine...
maybe I'll call you

12th September 2002

11:52am: LA_LA_LA
So I'm in LA now
Marina Del Ray to be exact.
it's absolutely amazingly beautiful here.
every plant is so BIG....and spikey.

God i need to travel more..

Well I really have no time to write...MUCHO MUCHO pics to come..
Hope all is well.

6th September 2002

10:38am: Sooo this might be my last post for a while.
Im not sure how the internet stuff is going to work out there.
We are going to be in corparate housing for the first month til we find a place, and then after that it takes a lil while to get stuff turned on and such.
That month is going to fly by tho...I hope we find a place:)I mean we HAVE to.
I have to finish my work for RPI during that time, and go to Otis and check things out with that.
The school looks marvelous. The website is so detailed, right down to telling you what you'll need for classes,and telling you how to prepare for being a student there. I can tell If I get in that it's going to be very,very hard. the liberal arts stuff looks challanging-did i spell that wrong?- hell whatever, but im excited about the prospect of going to school again. I think I'm going to end up majoring in photography. We'll see.

Speaking of, I had my photoshoot with Laura yesturday. It was alot of fun, she's -so- cute, and was a good at letting me just play with her makeup and stuff.
the ONLY downside was that i wasn't in -barb mode- When I can just feel the energy and go with it. I was jerky and uncreative for the most part.( a bad impression on a first time model im sure)
But i think it was the time restraint, honestly. I couldn't focus under that kind of pressure.
I thought i could get around it but I really do end up needing at least 4 to 5 hours to shoot. It sucks that it didn't work out as planned, but i am still excited about the outcome.

I'll have to wait to find a photolab in LA. I have a few rolls of me and sam, and some other stuff that I don't know what it is to develop too. I might get them developed at a cheap-o place first, just to see what the hells on the rolls, then take them to a photolab after. *lightbulb in brain turns on*Maybe I'll try to find a job at a photolab... Hmmmmm YEssss that would be cool. I was thinking i might waitress tho, tips and all.
But I'm thinking you might have to be textbook pretty to really get tips and im...well...not.
I need a job that i can keep when i start at school.

The trip down is going to be fun...the longest car trip i have ever been on.
I can't wait to see my aunt again, i havent seen her in ten years.=o)
Then In October the "real" move...from NY to LA..argh....
that'll be a trip and a half, yes we are driving.

As long as I have my darling...things will be good.

Ok well I have to PACK...oh lovely packing....*sigh*
At least all my stuff in NY is already packed:)

goodbye, til next
Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Tones On Tail

5th September 2002


Barb's State of Being:

3rd September 2002

12:47am: opted for the china girl dress
last night was fun.
Im glad the last Sunday here in BC the purple onion was open til 2
tons o fun
well except getting smashed in the face by some bloke dancing to ministry
i should have punched him.
too bad its not my style.

took a romantic walk to the beach and watched the sunset tonight...
i know...
gag...but it was really sweet.

trying to figure out driving plans...ok...byeeee

29th August 2002

4:04pm: Necklace 4 photoshoot

I'm making this necklace for a photoshoot with ninannie And it's coming along well.. I love metal:)
tell me what you think so far

28th August 2002


11:22am: mmm yummy toast and cream cheese..
good mornin':)

27th August 2002

3:08pm: dream quote of last night:

"Sure they are stalking me, but as long as i have this red pillowcase they cant steal my birds"
Well LA isn't where i'd prefer to be, but it seems like it's going to be an adventure. At least I'll have My luv by my side. Nothing can go wrong then right?:)
Im already looking into a school there, it's 5 miles away from B's work.
I have to get a scholorship book If im going to make this really happen. But the school looks pretty damn cool. I need to be in that atmosphere again.

I have tought myself so much, but i need disapline and structure.

Were driving our things that we have here down and we'll be in LA on the 9th of September:)
Believe it or not I can't wait to be back in America again.

ok later:)

26th August 2002

11:16pm: HI HI

I Added a new icon on my portfolio page:)


25th August 2002

4:10pm: *yawn*
Yesturday was an ok day..
I feel like im not really accomplishing anything tho.
I dunno I finally got into drawing on friday and then I had to stop so i could help with dinner and all that.
It really sucks..Now im looking at the drawing wondering if ill ever finish it.
I have to.
Anyway, we went to the steamworks pub for dinner, i got this really expensive dinner that was kinda crappy. When B and I went and got a bacon cheeseburger it was THE BEST CHEESEBURGER I HAVE EVER HAD. and i have had alot of cheeseburgers.
They let me down with the lamb tenderloin. i should have got steak.
Then we ended up at Rez. in Surrey.
Laura was there and she showed us around, that was cool of her.
she's so bouncy and happy and stuff, it's good energy to be around.
I think we were the only people who accually paid to get in.
so we went in the back and i didn't really like the music too much, so we waited, and the music was just bad the whole time.
I mean really bad. Heavy, but not heavy in an industrial way heavy in a metal-can't-dance-to-this, way.
there was something elsekind of 'off' about the night and we weren't sure what it was until we were in the car. It felt like a spooky 'school dance', and not because of all of the underage people but because of the atmosphere.
I have been to a few underground 'juice bar' clubs in NYC and they all had the advantage of at least having a "bar"
Shirley temples and all that non alchohol stuff.. One party had a cerial bar..that was neat, but i think you really HAD TO BE THERE.
But hell what's life without taking a chance right? I wanted to check it out before I left Vancouver. And i wanted a chance to chill with Laura.
But we needed to leave:)
There was one huge thing that bothered me tho, who's bright idea was it to bring a kid in there.. there was a little boy about 4 or 5 i would guess...With the loud music I'm not sure that was a good idea.
After that we went to BIN something...i dont remember.
I really needed a drink, but they didn't serve anything i drink at all..they have wine/beer/scotch.
So yeh that sucked.. but that atmosphere was really cool. everything was metal and artsy, in a good way, not in a starbucks way.
Nancy got a bit tipsy and she was funny:)

Then we walked home and i was wide as hell awake, I washed my face and stuff and read for a while... then around 2am I did some handwash and then sewed this skirt I have been meaning to sew. I was still wide awake at 3:30am.. So i tried to pass out. I tossed and turned all night and at one point I had to get out of bed and do some deep knee streches because my 'restless leg' was acting up.

I had a terrible nightmare that my sisters soon to be ex was trying to kill me and I got out of bed at 9am to write it down.
Im going to make dinner for everyone tonight and were going to play games.

Getting excited about L.A.
Not too excited about moving.
I have to talk to my sister, who knows maybe next year she and the kids can come to LA go to Disney Land or something..

Ok off to do other things:)
Current Mood: calm
Current Music: SNL-Celebrity Jepoardy

21st August 2002

1:12pm: I was sick of the damn pop up windows that my email have...
i accidentally clicked on one...and apparently gillette thinks im a muse.
i took the stupid quiz.


Known for your creative powers, you Muses are the poets and musicians of life, the patrons of the fine arts. It's funny, though — even with your inspirational prowess, you're probably not the type to boast about your guitar-strumming skills, or your latest published book of verse.

While it's great when people flock to you for ideas, there probably is a part of you that prefers to blend in sometimes — whether dressing in muted shades or staking out a one-on-one conversation at parties and social events. But try as you might not to hog the spotlight, others can't help but notice you. Must be hard to be such a goddess!

Despite any lingering modesty, you might be surprised at how much your mere presence can help improve the lives of those around you by infusing them with ideas and good thoughts. With that kind of healing energy, your inspirational ways have the potential to change the world, Muse. Whether you're scribbling sonnets, boogying with your friends, or drawing your own constellations — you're tapped in. So keep your eyes wide open to the possibilities and let that inspiration flow!
12:16pm: Dreamtime
Dream quote of the night
"nancy,light yourself on fire"

I'm not sure what to think of dreams where im on "substances" other than cafeene or sugar.
But it was hella good, and i got to listen to the whole Radiohead Kid A cd too:)
(note to self-must get playdough)

20th August 2002

5:42pm: WIG LESSON
Ok so This is for Erin:)
My Boi was making me laugh the whole time.

3:37pm: sometimes i feel as tho i might just catch the stars
they are over head
like my dreaming as a little girl
i never thought i would get this far
always searching for something better
always wanting to fly
I suppose my arms are to weak to make it any further
but my love does not fade

eyes sharp with pale splinters
Im wandering with no direction
questions at my toes
i want to jump over
but this
this time is diferent
I have to answer the questions
i have to make my dreame reality
I am on my way
that little girl
she wanted to be me
she wanted im sure to be here
with this daydream
whispers of love in her ears
wrapped in arms
delicate fragile little girl

she looks thru my eyes still
locked away with imagination and memory

18th August 2002

2:53pm: where should i move to?

17th August 2002

10:34pm: B and I were just playin Typing Of Th Dead.. soooooo fun.. hehe
Josh and Nancy are coming over to play a game prolly Phase 10 or Settlers I'd rather play phase 10 right now tho.
Ahh ok back to reading out on the deck before they get here.. I have to grab a sweater tho it's getting kinda chilly..
7:28pm: i think i get a bit...TOO sad when i check my email , and i receive none.
back to reading ...
god this book rocks my ass..
rocks my ass?
hmmm...maybe that was a bad choice of words..
Chapter 7
Helm's Deep

16th August 2002

5:20pm: *Icecreaming*

Blue Blue
cars pass by in whispered colours
chocolate ice cream on my tounge
An old woman in a flower dress
She does not see me look on
people in a hurry
man at the back of the bus
looks so tired, so tired.
4 busses pass in a matter of 2 minutes
Where are these people going messy words upon this paper.
Some try so hard to make a difference
in the landscape
they just blend in

Blend In

Im not sure why
too many sheep in this herd
too many short pants and whispy ponytails
this whole time i never noticed the bookstore
it's been there hiding in the middle
the malboro man has no shirt on
there is that woman with the flower dress again
I wonder what she thinks as she walks..
how long have i been here
waiting for the paint to dry.
waiting for the shadows to creep up
I'll wander back towards my house

the things that wander thru my head sometimes seem strange even to me.
hmph.. well back to doing things other than this...
Current Mood: contemplative
Current Music: Martin L. Gore-Compulsion

15th August 2002

12:55pm: one last ramble before i go out...
if i dont get this outta my head ill go nuts..

the silver booom of raging starlet skies
my eyes are awakened
and the smell of the sea creeps up
sand benieth me
my mind wandering in wonders
you by my side
curled up onto me.
best time to cruise around corners of creativity
i see so many things
flower pot,martini glass,flux copasitor....
you see things too...and we are stuck in our gaze
waiting for that shooting star
to streak across the sky
a few fall
and we catch them
with our eyes and hearts
I pull you closer yet to me
you make that little noise i love so much
I can see no better way
to enjoy this night
two trapped in the rapture of distant places
I can feel your heart beating
and everything else slips away

14th August 2002

3:35pm: damnit, my binder i use for my portfolio broke while being shipped here. I knew this would happen. I pack really really well, and then the airport checked my bags and the guy totally unpacked it and i couldnt pack it back myself. He did a shitty ass job of packing MY belongings and I couldn't do anything about it..(I had a box in one of my suitcases that was taped up, and he had tape but he wouldn't tape it back up)Now a few of my things are broken.. what funcking bullshit.
I understand that it's for 'My Saftey'and all, but why not send it thru an x ray thing like my carryon? Grr..they should be held liable for anthing that breaks if they re-pack your bag.
Current Mood: irritated
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