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Saturday, December 15th, 2001
3:26 pm - Just for laughs
Ah the many disguises of ME. Yes I am an egocentrist:

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Thursday, December 6th, 2001
10:25 am - It's COLD!

Its COOOLD. the funace pilot light went out this morning and the repair man is taking too long to get here.....

*wine wine wine*

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Wednesday, December 5th, 2001
10:43 pm - pain killers and techno
Man, i am on pain killers tonight cuz my back is hurting and I am fighting to stay awake. It is weird how drugs affect you. I don't take drugs much. Never even smoked a cigarette. I don't like being out of control of my functions. I like being the master of my brain. Anyway. So when I do take meds/drugs for stuff, it always freaks me out how they warp your reality. I am trying to write some new techno/trance/house what ever you wanna call it. Maybe I should just let the dream die and move on to other music for good.. I don't really like anything that I come up with.

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1:52 am - late, again
its late. I am a night crawler, what can i say. Um. Oh, that rocket-baby painting is being changed due to the buyer. i am now doing a nutcracker themed painting for that little girl and changing the rocket one to a boy... Ah, I sort of like it better, and sort of not... will post when i have them ready to show.

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Friday, November 30th, 2001
12:32 am - mephis bell
Whitney made pumpkin pie tonight, it was tasty enough that I had to get seconds. And I don't like pumpkin pie. It was as tasty as the cherry coke I am drinking now. We rented Mephis Bell, Trekkies, and Finding Forester. Its that Blockbuster special deal thing for 9.99. Why don't businesses come out and just say 10.00 bucks? I hate it. Especially at the gas pumps. 1.29 and 9/10ths. Who are the foolin? not me. i know it's 1.30. Anyway. yeah.

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12:23 am - Its 1:23am
and I think I got my computer running okay with the DSL. Its smooth to be able to waste time on the web at home. Here are two new paintings that i did for people.

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Thursday, November 29th, 2001
12:04 pm - new music
Very much reflecting my mood in the past weeks, my new music can be found at http://www.aaronjasinski.com/moya.shtml i think it is some of the best stuff i have done, but also some of the darkest music....let me know what you think.

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9:40 am - It rains, inside too
It is sooo rainy out. I don't feel like stepping out the door. Not that I mind the rain, but its nice to look at the grey green world through my window instead of stepping out the door. There were so many things I was planning on doing or getting done, and since I only got 4 hours of sleep I don't feel focussed enough to do anything. Whitney is off to her new job and I must say I feel like a slacker as I sit at home. But hey. One of these days I am going to write a comic.

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