Lisa's LiveJournal [entries|older entries|calendar|to-do list|friends|userinfo]

[31 Dec 2002 12:00am]
A note about this journal:

It is a friends-only journal, except for artwork (and the occasional quiz).

I don't mind anyone adding me to their friends list, but I might not add you back, to spare subjecting you to my rants and whining (aka personal thoughts and the like). ^_~


[28 Aug 2002 03:02pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Cyndi Lauper ]

Done on Genn's Oekaki board.

I now have a directory of oekaki pics I've done:
I have more to add but they're on my home computer. I'll eventually link to this directory from the doodle pages on my site.

Today I found this banner:
Wow... SO oldschool. That banner is from 4 or 5 years ago, when my site was on Crosswinds and called "Taeha's Fanart Gallery". Wow.

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[24 Aug 2002 10:44am]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | Tatu - Ya Soshla s Uma ]

I jumped on the bandwagon... this was a lot of fun to make!

I wanted to use this icon originally, but it went kind of grainy as a 256 colour gif:

And if you have no idea what the heck this LJ card thing is, check out the entry by blackcustard
here or pop by the LJ Cards community. You can make your own, if you're so inclined, wiithout any graphics software here or here.

Also, this song I am listening to is Russian technoish music, and rocks out. Go download it with your file-sharing software of choice. Although there are about 10 different versions of it, some better than others.


Happy birthday, dreamling!!

Have an awesome birthday. :)
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[19 Aug 2002 04:22pm]
[ mood | bored ]

I keep starting drawings and not finishing them. Here's what I've been working on lately:

Fan art for Neopets, of the earth fairy Illusen:

And this? Um, she's upset by something she sees outside of the picture. :)

I usually completely finish my inking before I start colouring, but such as with the Illusen drawing, sometimes I want to see what parts of it will look like with colour... her hair was bothering me, the colour helped.

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[14 Aug 2002 02:36pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

Happy Birthday, artgolem!

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[12 Aug 2002 10:34am]
[ mood | artistic ]

I updated my cafepress shops over the weekend:


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[09 Aug 2002 10:02am]
[ mood | chipper ]

Happy birthday, aimeekitty!!


[08 Aug 2002 10:58am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Limp Bizkit - Mission Impossible Theme ]

Happy birthday, phoenix42!

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[07 Aug 2002 03:03pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Enya - May It Be ]

A weird oekaki doodle I did this afternoon:

And I put together a custom mood icon set:
from Kao-Ani, Chrono Trigger, Pokemon, and some other small animated gifs I found online. Of course, I do not own the copyright to any of these, nor did I draw any of them. But I couldn't find any info on who did make the various Kao-Ani gifs. :\

I get to go home in 40 minutes!

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[05 Aug 2002 09:36pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Finished commission:

This one is gonna stay ink only and not be coloured. You can't really tell at this size, but I put tons of detail in the flowers in the hair, and the lace on the neck. I did a fair bit of research into Victorian dresses, too, which was really interesting!

The sketch prior to inking:
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[22 Jul 2002 08:09pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Old Dirty Bastard - Got Your Money ]

I've been wanting to do a drawing of a character that was super-stylized and almost logo-like in appearance. Unfortunately, none of my own characters have that going on without a LOT of work. So I drew some giftart of Jess Hickman's doll character, "Sweetie" in Illustrator:

I was aiming for a look a little like the Sanrio Characters, or the Powerpuff Girls. The beauty of those characters is that they're their own logos, because of their concise shapes and simplification. I'd love to learn to simplify that much.

I think I drank about 2 litres of water in the last couple of hours. My tummy goes sploosh-sploosh when I move around. Ew. But it was hot and I am still thirsty. Mmm, summer.
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[15 Jul 2002 02:17pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Garbage - Sleep ]

This is a bit of a stupid link, but the song 'n dance routine fascinates me more than a little.

Spiderman will make you gay.

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