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OH BOY WE ARE SAFE! [12 Mar 2002|07:20am]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | Ludacris : Roll Out ]

The Homeland Security Chief unveiled a new system that is supposed to warn us of the threat of a terrorist attack. So, what is so different about this plan than the plan we had before?


Just like the forest-fire warning system they started a few years back in Yellowstone, only this system can not be based on the humidity or the predicted road traffic. No, this system is based on how Tom Ridge feels about the enemy that day.

Also notice how this system has 5 levels of warning that all have risk associated with them. There is not a "No Risk At All" warning level. You know why? Because every day there is a fifty percent chance that a terrorist will strike somewhere. They either do or they don't, and there is no predicting it, and no preventing it unless you are either lucky or involved.

Terrorists are fucking psychotic and one of the things that goes along with being psychotic is being TOTALLY UNPREDICTABLE. Oh yes, and there is also the fact that they can watch the warning system just as well as we can. They may be unscroupulous, but they are not incoherent.

Tom Ridge really knows how to make dumb Americans feel safe while increasing his departmental budget.

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[11 Mar 2002|10:21am]
[ mood | geeky ]

Bob bought a new car.

Bob bought a new stereo for his new car.

The new stereo is supposedly better because it is much louder, and will fit in any car. The new stereo doesn't sound as good as the one that was designed for that particular car, but it is definitely louder. The new stereo uses more current than the old one. Bob never uses the new stereo to its full potential. In fact, you could get just as loud with the old stereo. Bob installed the new stereo right on top of the existing stereo. He also leaves the old stereo turned on while he listens to the new stereo.


Just another cryptic tehcnical corporate rant... Java thing... Don't mind me...

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[04 Mar 2002|05:31pm]
[ music | Beck- New Pollution (although it's a bit old now, isn't it?) ]

I had heard about the legendary Beaverton Mall before, but had never been there before today. I had thought it was just a myth. This place is almost as cool as Mall 205! The first thing that greeted me when I got there was this crazy guy walking around pointing at random things (like walls) and yelling, "OH YEAH!" It was great. He was so happy. What a happy place. I will definitely go back there soon!

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[28 Feb 2002|08:09pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | nokia ring tones stuck in my head HELP ME ]

After a week of no internet and a few days of wrestling with Windows XP compatibility issues... I'm back!

*crowd cheers*

Thanks, but I really owe it all to bleach. Without bleach, my paper and wheat flour wouldn't be white, and without white paper and flour, where would we be? NOWHERE I tell you! Nowhere.

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Holy shit... [20 Feb 2002|08:50pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | some r&b; shit on 95, the only station I can get up here ]

I just tested my cable modem speed using THIS PAGE and after refreshing a few times, my max speed is up to 5.8 Mbps !!!!!!! THIS FUCKING ROCKS...... =D

I am all moved into my new apartment - Sunset Summit on Barnes at Miller - the top of the Sunset Hills near Beaverton, overlooking HWY 26 and pretty much ALL of Beaverton, Tigard, and Tualatin. =] This view rocks... this apartment rocks... vaulted ceilings, fireplace, wooden deck, racquetball, jacuzzi and pool, basketball... I am in YUPPIE HEAVEN DAMMIT... and it is still much cheaper than my last apartment downtown... and I don't have to shell out a benji every month just for friggin parking. =]

...on the down side, the only station my radio will pick up out here is 95.5... that's what I get for living right by all the radio towers... =\ oh well, it's better than country...

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[20 Feb 2002|05:45pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Korn - Ass Itch ]


I've been a workaholic lately... not to mention caffeine-a-holic... Working two web development jobs... about 10-12 hours a day lately... gonna pay a lot of credit card bills though... hopefully this will only be for the next 10 weeks or so...

If you haven't heard from me in a while and are wondering why... that's why... drop me a line any time.


Okay, back to work...

*pant pant pant*

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[07 Feb 2002|10:47am]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | corporate silence ]

I just noticed this article today.

Okay, I give up. The Resident is using his power and influence to spread the Good Word.

This black and white thing is getting old.
Where do the greys of the world hang out?
Where can I get away from this madness?

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They just don't get it... [05 Feb 2002|07:24pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Amon Tobin - Deo (must rElaX) 0_0 ]

I've been really patient, and was at first completely ambivalent...
They have called me countless times...
They have canvassed my doorstep countless times...
Now someone just came to my door trying to sell them...
I live in a gated community where solicitation is prohibited...
They'll try anything, any number of times no matter how uninterested I am...

...*think calm blue ocean, think calm blue ocean*...

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[03 Feb 2002|03:08am]
[ mood | drunk ]
[ music | Blowfly!!! ]


howzit goin...

wassup yo...



yay for hornitos and md...

god damn we are insane...

okay bye...

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[01 Feb 2002|09:35pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Method Man ]

A lot has happened since my last post...

1. I got a new job making a lot more than before. It's a 3 month contract with the big power company Pacificorp. That could either turn into a longer-term thing, or I may reconsider Opus when my contract is up. Also picked up another side-contract for a local illustration studio that will occupy my after-work time for a few weeks.

2. Still got a cute girlfriend. We just have a lot of sex. I think I might be okay with that.

3. I went and took the plunge and got myself a new turntable setup. This one is way better than the last one. This time I'm actually going to try and get my shit together and play out. I'm gonna create a set that I can mix in with my own live stuff.

4. Got Beatwarp.com back up live and running. http://www.beatwarp.com

5. Drew is back home in Portland! No more San Diego bull crap. Now we can get back to makin movies and shit and causing drunken ruckuss all over Portland.

6. I turned 25.

7. Found a new apartment. I'm moving in with Ruben, an old coworker. This pad is so nice. In the Sunset Hills, cheaper than this place and so much better. It has vaulted ceilings, big windows, a kick-ass view, fireplace, and even plenty of places to park (hehe). It kicks much ass. Hopefully on the 22nd or 23rd we'll have a small move-in party.

I'm seeing a lot less of the internet lately, but I'll try and keep posting every once in a while.


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Import drivers, check out these wheels! [27 Jan 2002|12:04am]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Roni Size - Watching Windows ]

I REALLY REALLY hate to part with these fucking gorgeous wheels, but times are rough for us programmers, and I gotta do what I gotta do! I would like to get mostly cash and someone's factory wheels preferably.

For Sale: Tenzo-R 18's with Toyo rubber

For all the details, go here: http://www.beatwarp.com/wheels/

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[16 Jan 2002|02:09pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | GNfnR - Mr. Brownstone ]

Well, there is no work in Portland for me, so I may have to move to Seattle.

It has been almost 2 months and I have had no offers and very few interviews. I'm startin to get stressed out about it. My unemployment checks are not enough to cover my bills, so I'm gonna have to start using credit cards if things get nasty.

Is anyone up there in Seattle looking for a possible roommate? I don't miss the toilet when I pee.

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~ TOYS FOR SALE ~ [10 Jan 2002|10:05pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | bleeps and bloops ]

-=#]------------- EVERYTHING MUST GO !!! ------------[#=-

Playstation PS-One and All the Fixins
- 2 controllers
- 2 memory cards
- 6 games:
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy IX
- Madden 2001
- LEGO Racers
- Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style
- Mega Man Legends 2
$150 for the lot or make an offer for individual items

Pine D'Music Portable MP3 CD Player
- Listen to MP3's from a CD anywhere, hundreds of songs per CD
- Comes with power cord, car tape-deck adapter, and 2 rechargeable AA batteries (specially made to recharge using the unit itself)
- Excellent condition, barely used

Technics Automatic Turntable SL-BD22
- Equipped with premium Stanton diamond-tip cartridge
- Belt driven turntable for home stereo applications
- Good condition, nothing missing

Olympus D-600L Digital Camera
- 1.2 Megapixel, exposure control, no red-eye, built-in flash
- Comes with 4MB memory card, holds anywhere from 4 to 75 photos
- Also comes with serial cable, software, lens cap, strap, manual
- Uses 4 AA batteries (I recommend Energizer Lithium)
- Good condition, nothing missing

Optimus Micro-33 Micro-Cassette Recorder
- Voice activated
- Excellent condition, nothing missing
- Comes with lapel mic and 2 AAA batteries

Phoenix Gold XS4600 Amplifier
- Premium sound for car-audiophiles, this is what the pro's use!
- 4 channels, 150W per channel, excellent response
- Built-in x-over and port for low-pass level controller
- Tested at 680 W RMS into 4 ohms per channel
- List price is over $500.00
- Excellent condition, barely used

Phoenix Gold XS104 10" Subwoofer (2)
- 8 ohms, 150W handling
- No box, just speakers
- Great condition, barely used
$50 per speaker, $75 for the pair

Genz-Benz Rack Case
- Carpeted exterior with handles and metal corners
- 8 spaces, 16" deep
- Excellent condition

Rackmount Drawer
- Two rack spaces high / 20 inches deep
- For professional music or networking applications
- Excellent condition

2-Tier Keyboard Stand
- Double-braced X-style for great stability
- Suitable for professional live performance
- Fully adjustable upper "boom" tier
- Good condition

Altec Lansing ACS-48 Computer Speakers
- Subwoofer and 2 satellite monitors, excellent sound quality
- Excellent working condition, some cosmetic damage

Panasonic PD-70FA Flat-Panel Computer Monitor
- 15" (16" viewable area)
- 1024x768 TFT flatscreen technology
- Excellent condition, barely used

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[09 Jan 2002|03:33am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | R Joslin - Wee Wee ]

Down on NW Burnside there is a bus stop shelter with an ad for MRI. The first thing that came to mind was that someone actually proposed the idea to a clinic and they actually convinced the clinic that this was a great way to spend their money.

Maybe it's just me, but it just seems to me that an MRI is something not considered while driving or waiting for the bus, but rather while lying in a hospital bed or something to that effect.

I wonder if that sign actually convinced someone that they should think about having an MRI.

I wonder if the clinic has a drive-thru.

I wonder why I haven't seen similar ads for x-rays or chemotherapy.

"Hey, Jim, I heard you are looking into MRI. Well, I saw this ad on a bus stop shelter the other day and wrote the number down on a napkin. You should definitely check out this clinic."

I can't really think of anything in life that a bus stop shelter advertisement would persuade me into trying at all. Let alone pricey medical procedures. In fact, when I see something advertised in a bus stop, I think much less of it. Not because I have anything against public transit or the people that use it. I just can't help but think of all the better ways that money could have been spent.

That probably explains why I see so many bus stop shelter ads advertising bus stop shelter ads.

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[07 Jan 2002|04:00pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

[ I type as Bryce humps my chair ]

Today I uninstalled EverQuest and Half Life from my computer.


Now I can get back to more important things like watching television and surfing the web.

But seriously, hopefully now I can get back to producing more music and film. Expect to see or hear something new from me soon. If not, then I deserve to have my eyes popped out.

NOTE: Top ramen tastes exactly the same when it comes back up.

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Dreams last night... [05 Jan 2002|10:10pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | some cartoon soundtrack in the living room ]

I spent last night down in Shedd at Suzey's place. I had some really fucked up dreams, I must say. The one that stuck out the most is the Lego dream. It goes like this:

I was in Toys 'R' Us looking around in the Lego aisle as I often do. Of course, as with any dream, this Toys 'R' Us was not arranged like any store I had ever been in. It was a crazy labyrinth and the shelves were like 30 feet high.

Anyway, I was ogling at a new Lego train model that was coming out soon, and it was priced at a measly $17,000. I would wait until I got paid the next day and purchase this incredible Lego set. After my paycheck, I would have just enough to buy the Lego set and pay my bills.

The next day came and I grabbed Suzey and we went to the store to pick up my new fabulous Lego train model and when we got there, the Lego displays were all empty and they had no more Legos in stock. This was a frigging catastrophe.

There just happened to be an internet terminal in the aisle, so I decided to investigate and see what happened to all the Legos. I went to www.lego.com and the website came up as the ZOOB website! AAARRGGHH! It turned out that the Zoob company had bought out the Lego company! Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Ass!

I decided I needed to buy up as many Lego sets as possible because with Lego completely out of business, Legos would presumably all go up in value fairly quickly. I went to the nearest Target store to search for Legos.

We got to Target and found that they still had plenty of Lego sets left over. None of the sets in this dream were real Lego sets, nor were they like any I have ever seen in real life. I started filling my cart up.

I noticed a couple of people in the corner with very serious expressions and a lot of Lego sets on the table between them. I went to go talk with these people, and it turned out that they were making a black market Lego purchase.

I wanted to get in on the action and the man that was currently trying to deal with the Lego dealer was taking forever to make up his mind, and I really wanted to make a deal and be on my way, so I exclaimed, "Hurry the fuck up, I have a lot of other purchases I have to make today!"

The black market gangster-type fellow looked at me and asked me how much money I had to spend. I actually had $18,000 on me because I was wanting to purchase the $17,000 Lego train model. I told the man, "$10,000." I was ready to negotiate, and I was not going to get ripped off.


That was the last thing I remembered from that dream. Most of the other dreams I had last night were much more surreal and fucked up, as my dreams usually are. I rarely have dreams that make sense at all, and most of them are so fucked up that they can't even be called surreal. This one definitely has to go down in the history books as one of Rich's most fucked up yet very surreal dreams.

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What I got. [26 Dec 2001|10:12pm]
[ mood | full ]
[ music | Dave Brubek Quartet - Take 5 ]

Christmas-slash-birthday presents:

...a star wars poster with Chewy on it
...a blue rubber duckie devil
...a leather cell phone cover
...a bottle of cider
...a fifth of Absolut
...a somewhat expensive looking ceramic dragon incense burner
...some shrooms *lol*
...the friars club encyclopedia of jokes

...and best of all, Suzey (thank you Santa!)

Can't wait for New Years Eve...
gonna party like it's 1999 n shit...

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[24 Dec 2001|11:36am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Amon Tobin - Four Ton Mantis ]

Happy berfday to me.
Happy berfday to me.
Happy berfday to da Wookiee.
Happy berfday to me.


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*glow* [23 Dec 2001|05:59pm]
[ mood | rejuvenated ]
[ music | Mr. Scruff - Get a Move On ]

I found me a rad girl this weekend. I love when pleasant surprises hit you when you least expect them. I've been having a hell of a time finding someone up here that fits my personality and what I'm looking for in a girl, so I had stopped looking. Then she accosted me at the Temple and she was interesting right from the start.

Okay Bob, Let's go to the chart and see how she measures up to what I look for in a girl:

:: Sense of Humor *check*
:: Understands My Sense of Humor *check*
:: Street Smarts *check*
:: Thinks Independently *check*
:: Good Looks *check*
:: Hobbies, Interests, and Talents *check*
:: Likes to Party *check*
:: Outgoing, Self-Confident *check*
:: Knows how to use the Internet *check*
:: Likes Me *check*

:: Pleasantly Evil *check*

Well, there you have it, folks. I haven't met anyone in Portland that fits that profile (no offense, I'm sure they are here somewhere, heh). Coincidently, she doesn't live in Portland. She traveled out here from a small town called Shedd about an hour and a half south of here. A not-so-scenic drive down I5, in my opinion, is a small price to pay for being able to hang out with someone that might just be a great match.

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WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!1 *pfft* [22 Dec 2001|04:46pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Evil Dildo / ShoutCast ]

Last Night...
Was the FOOKIN SHEEZY. Hung out with a looser and more free-roaming Bryce. Met a couple very cool chicks that I'll be hangin out with today. I've never gotten candy from anyone, but this n00b raver chick just happened to have made a bracelet that said WOOKIE. It was fate I tell ya.

For some reason whenever I get drunk I am always very motivated the next day to do chores and such. I'm doin chores and downloading a ton of music. I am realizing a new found love and respect for quite a few artists lately (thans to ShoutCast): Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins, Placebo, Basement Jaxx, Amon Tobin, Daft Punk, Nightmares on Wax, At the Drive-In, and various other underground dance producers you probably have never heard of, such as: Mr Scruff, Jorg Mager, Deadbeats, Aromadozeski, Jammin, Zero 7, and Gotan Project.

I'm gonna chill with the peeps in the hood. Yo.
Suzey and Shayla are gonna hang out, dunno what we will do, but I have a feeling they will be tweaking. *lol* Dennis and Lawrence and Michelle are planning on goin to Ohm tonight and it is possible that they may encounter some illicit substances tonight. We shall see! Bryce has to leave for Oklahoma tomorrow, so it might take some convincing to get him to do anything crazy. *EG*

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