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last night thunderstorm [18 Mar 2002|12:53am]
wow. i just finished my senior paper. am i really done with school already?

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3am friday [16 Mar 2002|02:18pm]

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[03 Mar 2002|12:21pm]
the superterrifichappy event of the day will be las vegas. i went once with my parents when i was younger. this time will involve all the other stuff i didnt get to do back then. im really excited, gambling in vegas is tons more fun than gambling on the gulf coast of mississippi. i need to get film and then we'll take tons of pictures ok. i also need a cheesy a magnet for my barren fridge. lat-r
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[01 Mar 2002|02:38pm]
spring break is about too start! im about to leave. totally pumped. its gonna rule. really really excited. i need to leave this cold weather and sample some fine california weather. lets run around barefoot with the disc. whoa i have a detour to minnesota first....hmm i hope im not going to ontario CAlifornai and not ontario, CAnanda. that would blow ass. guess ill find out in a bit! cant wait ta see ya!
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[01 Mar 2002|02:38pm]
spring break is about too start! im about to leave. totally pumped. its gonna rule. really really excited. i need to leave this cold weather and sample some fine california weather. lets run around barefoot with the disc. whoa i have a detour to minnesota first....hmm i hope im going to ontario CAlifornai and not ontario, CAnanda. that would blow ass. guess ill find out in a bit! cant wait ta see ya!
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[27 Feb 2002|10:36pm]
Today I had to deal with smelly-semi:mulleted-insurance-schmoooze-hounds. Or A single one of those. all for a stupid bump in my car from my neighbor who bumped it. I'm not mad about it. Just dont really have time to put the car in the shop for 5 days for a dent. My parents allude to me getting a new car for graduation. I cant help but feel weird about that. I dont feel like I deserve a neww car. not at all. I think I'd feel ashamed of it. On top of that I dont even know what kind of car I like or would even prefer. Ive only had my 92 volvo 240 that is as heavy as a fucking house, has horrible pickup (i.e. it does not 'zip' by any stretch of the imagination), starts :most: of the time in the summer, oh yeah and it has a formidable seatbelt at shotgun. I think it has good sound system though. those volvo speakers should be blown by now but for some reason they arent. tonight i get to sleep early.
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[26 Feb 2002|07:03pm]
[ music | hey mercedes, hot water music, owen, mix cd's ]

The wind is howling outside. Like a horror story. Like some 18th century writer writing some book in a log cabin under candlelight and stuff like that. it even snowed today. I really hate this kind of weather. I finally just got warm for the first time today after pouring hot soup and cocoa down my throat. alas, all will be solved come friday as I leave the barren, frozen plains of tennessee for the bountiful, sunny expanse that is california! I will meet my dear with open arms and extraordinary amounts of kissing and things. It is warm there. T-shirt weather. Stuff like that. It will be my spring break. which i guess means my last semester of college if half-over. mixed feelings about that. anyway i anticipate an incredible time! I cannot wait. the only thing I have to accomplish before I leave is a paper I have to do tonight. Basically I have to write a book report for a boring book. on top of that its hard to concentrate on the different representations of the Bushmen in light of me leaving very very soon to see my girl. yes. I think I'll have to brave the weather again. have to go to school and practice drums. my instructor this time wanted me to create my own stuff, which is basically what i do anyway, but still this time i get to show him. prettty tite if I say so myself.

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tough day at the office [25 Feb 2002|06:03pm]

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[24 Feb 2002|07:54pm]
watchin malcolm in the middle, only 20 hrs until my senior presentation. it makes me look like this:

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[23 Feb 2002|02:39pm]
i totally dig that new nike commercial with all the movement and the aphex-like music (see "on")they even included ultimate.
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movies!!! [21 Feb 2002|07:42pm]

see also
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[20 Feb 2002|08:02pm]
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[20 Feb 2002|03:48pm]
[ mood | weird ]

ok so today theres a career fair at school. so I'll just walk up to the FBI booth, tell them whats up and hand them my resume. If they dont want me, then thats fine.

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[13 Feb 2002|01:52pm]
haha, leslie missed her flight this morning! she said shed call on her way to the airport so I was wondering why she didnt this morning. heh, thats my bebe! now only 7 hrs until she gets here!

ok its paternity test day on Maury povich so along with lots of yelling and screaming it is also "re-roof" the apartment day for my building. goddamn, it sounds like there are 10 guys hammering and drilling inches above my head! something has got to give!
oh yeah, i could turn the tv off and leave. later.
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[10 Feb 2002|03:56pm]
-did homework due next friday
-played drums
-i have a good start on my senior seminar presentation. anyone have powerpoint out there?!? maybe then i could link to my presentation!!! j/k
-realy really looking forward to valentine's day! my girl is flying here in only three short days. minus meals and showers and its like 20 minutes. its going to be awesome, i predict the best valentines day ever.
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[08 Feb 2002|04:50pm]
well most of my school is traveling to n.o. right now. yep, one of my friends from there invited me to go with them to the mar-dee grass, but NO! I hve to stay here and work on my goddamn chemistry presentation. I've been before technically, like with my parents when I was little, but I dont really feel like ive ever "really been" in the sense of get completely trashed and blah go crazy and headbang to some death metal or something to that effect. yep.
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[08 Feb 2002|12:26am]
alright. well my beautiful girlfriend suggests that I start posting in my live journal. well the way i see it, shes the only one who reads it. and i talk to her like many many times a day so how bout i take what i would say here and say it on the phone. that is unless, there are other people who want me to write in this as well. if so, leave a comment.

right now im studying for my "advanced inorganic chemistry" test tomorrow. how many other people in the world can say that right now.
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[22 Jan 2002|01:33pm]
[ music | dianogah ]

oh yeah i guess i forgot i had a live journal.
im about to have coffee and then cous cous.

leslie left yesterday :( its a lot lot lot lonelier round these parts now.
my webcam kicks ass. I can record and take pics off of tv or my vcr. so ive been spending time converting my home video portfolio into avi's. but i need to find a way to convert them to mpegs in order to upload them onto any of my sites. and the rhodes server just started working again so now i can upload things. so once i can do that, its all over. ill host all episodes of the fifth wheel. which rules by the way.
i was supposed to read lots over the break, but didnt. i did see lots of movies though.
theres drama on the fifth wheel right now. i kinda have all day now to do stuff:
homework, take pics of the stupid tv, make webpages and movies.

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[14 Jan 2002|11:47pm]
today i got a cordless mouse for the compruter- and for christmas i got a webcam that has the awesome ability to record from vcr and videocameras. prepare for links to my video portfolio as soon as my schools server is up and running again. oh yeah, food is spewing up from the drain in my bathtub. the food from the garbage disposal that is. black beans and carrots!!
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its xmas time in hollis queens... [25 Dec 2001|05:41pm]
christmas, its pretty fun. got some tight stuff. my mom got a puppy, which is what she asked for, however now she is having second thoughts now that we actually have the pup. its a blonde lab. shes cute, her name is katie, I call her kate. today I got her to start fetching things like the tennis ball. shes a ball of energy and I think thats what freaks my mom out. I told my mom she should also adopt 2 10yr old children as well to help play with the pup. christmas dinner/lunch whatever was fun today. went to my friend panders' house for the grub. twas tight. I just went to leslie's hometown of E-prise and tomorrow I'll be heading back! I'm really excited, I met her parents who are totally awesome and nice and fun and made me feel nice and welcome. I even got to hang out with the whole family before leslie even arrived, so there! so I'm heading back tomorrow, her mother's bday is thursday. they got me a framed picture of leslie for christmas, and for her mom's bday I already got her a framed pic of leslie and I. lotta framin' goin on around here. speaking of, I must return to wrapping things. I have christmas presents for her family too. is that bad to give things 15 hrs after xmas?!?!? I hope not.
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