Jamie's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Jamie's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, September 3rd, 2002
    4:53 pm
    I am in lab now. Currently we are being lectured on what staple is appropriate for our papers, and which are not. I was not aware that there was more than one kind. In case you were wondering paper clips are not an acceptable way to bind your paper together, neither is tape, or any staple that exceeds the length of 1/2 inch. Come on now I think they might be getting a little to PICKY! It could be a long semester.

    Anyway I have not updated in a few days, due to my ever so lazy nature. Anyway I had a wonderful weekend. I was going for a fun weekend and that is what I had...maby to fun at times. The party went well, perhaps our largest yet...and the house did not get all that trashed. I think that we will start having more partys, more frequently, because I love our backyard. It made me laugh that there were at least 9 people sleeping at my house when I woke up on Saturday. It makes me feel like I have a really big family. We should start having yummy Saturday breakfast. That is a plan I will have to put into motion. Saturday during the day was lazy, but I did finally recover and went out to celebrate Nikki's 21st birthday. I think she had a pretty good time! We came back to my house to hang out but drama ensued...and I got angry...I think there needs to be a house meeting or something soon before everyone explodes! Sunday JORDAN (see that I am mentioning you) and his girlfriend came down from Oklahoma to visit. We all went to Bangkok City (forgive me for my spelling skills) where I ate some very yummy food. Then we hit Margarita Ranch, and then went to Alisons birthday party. Gee there were a lot of birthdays this weekend Seth, Nikki, and Alison. I also discovered that I am the pillow fight/ tickling champ! Victory was mine. Monday I procrastinated all day and did not get any of the thing I needed to done. I did however learn the difference in the terms, "trekkies" and "trekkers." If you dont know I suggest you find out, apparently it is very controversial.......... I am now on the up and up of star trek terms. I think that's about all, I will entertain myself playing solitaire for the rest of the lab because right now we are learning the "proper" way to make a headers.........
    3:01 pm
    I am in lab now. Currently we are being lectured on what staple is appropriate for our papers, and which are not. I was not aware that there was more than one kind. In case you were wondering paper clips are not an acceptable way to bind your paper together, neither is tape, or any staple that exceeds the length of 1/2 inch. Come on now I think they might be getting a little to PICKY! It could be a long semester.

    Anyway I have not updated in a few days, due to my ever so lazy nature. Anyway I had a wonderful weekend. I was going for a fun weekend and that is what I had...maby to fun at times. The party went well, perhaps our largest yet...and the house did not get all that trashed. I think that we will start having more partys, more frequently, because I love our backyard. It made me laugh that there were at least 9 people sleeping at my house when I woke up on Saturday. It makes me feel like I have a really big family. We should start having yummy Saturday breakfast. That is a plan i will have to put into motion. Saturday during the day was lazy, but I did finally recover and went out to celebrate Nikki's 21st birthday. I think she had a pretty good time! We came back to my house to hang out but drama ensued...and I got angry...I think there needs to be a house meeting or something soon before everyone explodes! Sunday JORDAN (see that I am mentioning you) and his girlfriend came down from Oklahoma to visit. We all went to Bangkok City (foregive me for my spelling skills) where I ate some very yummy food. Then we hit Margarita Ranch, and then went to Alisons birthday party. Gee there were a lot of birthdays this weekend Seth, Nikki, and Alison. I also discoverd that I am the pillow fight/ tickling champ! Victory was mine. Monday I procrastinated all day and did not get any of the thing I needed to done. I did however learn the difference in the terms, "trekkies" and "trekkers." If you dont know I suggest you find out, apparently it is very controvercial.......... I am now on the up and up of star trek terms. I think thats about all, I will entertain myself playing solitare for the rest of the lab becuase right now we are learning the "proper" way to make a headers........
    Friday, August 30th, 2002
    6:39 pm
    Im ready to Party like its 1999!
    The school week is over! Wahoo!!!!!!!!! Right now I am gold I went to all of my classes, but its already turned out to be a struggle. Im not enjoying this semesters classes to much...I should of tried to balance my schedule a bit better, I NEED classes that I am interested in. Oh well lets not think about school on this wonderful 3 day weekend. In fact I dont think I will answer/ ask any questions pertaining to school all weekend. I am ready for some fun! I wish we had a tarp to make a slip-n-slide in the back yard for tonight....that would be spectacular. Maby I will try and find one. I guess I should get moving but I so tired today, I could not even rise from my nap to go swimming, and I think I could sleep a few hours more. Grrrrrrrrr I hate being tired. Ok guys heres to a fun weekend!
    Thursday, August 29th, 2002
    12:28 am
    Say what?
    I would like to go on record saying that not being able to drive sucks. It really truely does. My independence feels stifiled and squashed. I have become very dependent on my wonderful sweet friends to cart my ass around town. (Thanks Guys I love ya) . It feels very strange to be asking for help... I am one of those people who likes to do things on their own...errrrrrrrr anyways, I appriciate it oh so very much and once I have my liscence back I will drive you all anywhere your hearts desire. Its a promise maby even an extra fun road trip for those of you who have gone out of your way to get me! We shall see.

    I home and Im bored and sligtly buzzed. No one is here and I dont want to walk to Bryans even though its close every time I walk at night something weird happens. Its just not worth the risk of running into some weirdos.

    Today was an alrighty day. I feel asleep during a video in French class and fellout of my chair.... I bowled my highest score to date- a 132 ( I think, possibly a 134) , I died my hair "Blooming Berry" ( a redish color), I went swimming, ate a yummy dinner (thank you), popped the zit that has been driving me crazy for a week( I know I am gross), played some darts, and organized all my school shit. I feel like I should wipe the sweat from my forehead, it was a pretty busy day. Anyway I had a good day, I was in a very silly mood....I hope everyone else had a good day too! It would be an even better day if I could go to sleep!!!!!

    Current Mood: silly
    Current Music: The Rentals-These Days
    Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
    9:18 am
    I woke up early this morning. I watched the storm from my front porch while I smoked and drank tea. I love when the weather matches my mood, with every clap of thunder my feelings were reconfirmed. It just sorta drove some stuff home. I dont want to be in school right now, not here or anywhere. I am already trying to plan a trip for next weekend so I can leave reality for a few days. Thank God for 3 day weekends!

    I slept so strangely last night, I took my sleeping medicine for the first time last night. They were not kidding when they said make sure you are in your bed when you take it, I was sitting at my computer and it hit me and I almost did not make it to my bed. The only thing is it did not keep me from dreaming, I had one of the most intense dreams I have ever had. The whole point of me wanting to take the shit is so I can get a RESTFULL nights sleep. I wish my mind could turn off for at least a few hours...I don't think that is to much to ask.

    I have class all day...first I will return to French and get angry because my teacher only speaks in French (Half of the syllabus is in French, I had to translate it so I could figure out what homework I had...grrrrr) then its off to some business class, then French lab. Then I am lucky enough to come home for 2 1/2 hours and they go back for my night class. I think I am going to loathe Tuesdays. 8 hours of school is to much for yours truly.

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: Preston School Of Industry - Encyclopedic Knowledge Of
    Monday, August 26th, 2002
    9:09 am
    I dont want school to start. I still have 45 mins of freedom........

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: Cadallaca - Two Beers Later
    Sunday, August 25th, 2002
    7:29 pm
    For the record "Doing the Right thing" is not always easy, or fun, or anything I want to do. Grrrrr......
    6:37 pm
    Summer went out with a bang
    School Starts tomorrow....I am not ready at all. I did however make sure my last few days of freedom were off the charts! Austin was just what the doctor ordered, and to think I almost backed out of the trip! I would be kicking myself for that now. I was walking down UGadalupe when I heard "Huckaby, Huckaby" , who could be yelling my name in Austin, none other than a car load of my old crew from high school!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not see in to the car but it turns out there was one boy in there fresh in from England!!!!! Wahoo!!!!!!!! It was the great Daniel Addy! I got so excited that I jumped on him, and started making all sorts of ruckus. What a small world we live in! I am starting to believe I have some sort of super powers because I had just been thinking about how badly I wanted to see that boy. Maby I should become a super hero or something! Anyway I had mini reunion of sorts with my old friends, they met my new friends...I love when that happens and everything goes well. I also love when I have not seen someone in awhile and I can pick up right where I left off.....ahhh I miss things more than I know. I wish I could have all my friends from all the places I have lived in one place......I would be the happiest girl in the world....but then again its nice to have places to go visit...hmmmm I still think I want all my friends with me. Anyways......

    Highlights from Austin
    -My incredible, amazing, super stupendous growing zebra from toy joy. I think I will try and get a whole family of these things, they grow 600%!
    -Pillow fights!
    -Drinking Saki and eating yummy food at PF Changs
    -FLAMING Dr Peppers ( I can not emphasize the flaming part enough)
    -Hanging out with"Banjamin" Snow...future Daddy of my babies...he said I was a genetic match!
    -Being asked by the security guard why it was taking so long to get out of the pool...
    -Having my credit card declined TWICE(Im a little worried)
    -Oh so much much more

    Now I must cleanse myself so I can go watch my regularly scheduled Sunday night tv....and find my schedule....I dont even know what time I go to school.

    Current Mood: dirty
    Current Music: The Beatles - In My Life
    Thursday, August 22nd, 2002
    6:24 pm
    My body is my battlefield......
    I think I can go on less sleep than anyone I know. I think I spend my days in a perpetual hangover. I think my body is getting mad. Its starting to fight back. I think I should take it easy, but for some reason taking it easy is hard. I think my life can be a little to ironic. I think going to the Doctor sucks. I think taking medicine sucks even more. I think I need a vacation....

    Current Mood: cranky
    Current Music: Elliot Smith[roman candle] - 03. No Name
    6:49 am
    When they wake up they will be oh so confused.......but we like it....redecorating at 5:00 am, who knew?
    Tuesday, August 20th, 2002
    3:07 am
    I feel really good now. I feel confident that I am moving in the right direction, that what happened added character, that I, despite what I thought, am strong. That while I cant control it all, I still have a say.

    Current Mood: thoughtful
    Current Music: Knife In The Water - Slavery
    Monday, August 19th, 2002
    5:02 am
    Hmmm...Im so not sleepy , yet Im so not awake. Im sorta in limbo. What does one do when they feel this way? I could watch tv but Infomerciarals are dangerous,I could read but I might not remember, and I so do not want to lay in bed and think. The phone is out of the question, drunk phone calls= bad news. Anyway I talked to THE HOT TUB GUY tonight. I liked him better before I talked to him. I liked to kinda make up little stories about what he was like, now he has a real name and stuff that is so not as fun.
    Sunday, August 18th, 2002
    6:43 pm
    Oh Sweet Summer, Why Must You End?
    summer is almost over grrrrrrr. I am no longer ready for it to end. I know I said I wanted it to but I have had a change of heart. I am finally having the summer that I wanted to and now there is only ONE week left. BOO!!!!! Lets take a look at how my summer went. As you can see in my nifty chart, summer did not start out well. With in the first two days of summer I made 2 $1000 mistakes. Boo. But then things got good in June, I moved to my new casa, I was making money to pay off my previous blunders, I was hanging out with a sweet boy ect ect...Things were going good. Yay! Then there was a crash, amount fun had fell drastically. Boo! Then Aug came and I turned 21! Yay and amount of fun had has been increasing ever since. There has been all sorts of fun lately softball, bowling, bars.... I figure that by the time school starts the level of fun could be off the charts!!!!! Trip to Austin...Yay! Party on Thursday? Perhaps.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: Ramones - 9- Can't Seem to Make U Mine
    Saturday, August 17th, 2002
    10:24 am
    Good Morning Saturday! Its been awhile since I have been up before noon. I am going to have a semi-productive day, I can feel it. I woke up this morning and my tummy was sore, this made me happy though because it is sore from laughing. Yesterday was a giggly day...all I did all day was lay around and laugh. Its been awhile since I felt like laughing all day long, I finally feel like I am back. Oh and its good to be back!!!

    Current Mood: energetic
    Friday, August 16th, 2002
    5:55 pm
    Oh I have been a busy girl I have not posted in a few days. I went to Houston to visit the family because they insisted I come before school starts. This is all well and good, but when Im there they just sorta watch tv and don't really talk or anything. I can only handle so much of the golf channel. When I attempted to return to little D I had to drive through a massive tropical storm it was bad news. My whole day was rather weird. I got home just in time to take a shower and have a little conversation with Eric our friendly repair man. He let me in on some startling news...he made a deal with the landlord to live in our backyard house thing. I was like your joking but no no Eric was serious, he said he proably wont do it cuz he does not have time to fix it up. Does this sound shady to anyone else? I was furious. Jordan came to see me yesterday!!!!! Hooray!!!!! We had get back in the car and drive to Bedford for the softball game. Icky lots and lots of driving. We lost again, but I still have so much fun playing. We even got a new player, Ms. Jennyjetpack! Then it was off to Don Pablos for Margaritas for the whole team! Wahoo! Then we went to Lyndsey's Birthday Bash. Happy Happy BIrthday to Lyndsey! Im glad she move to Denton she is a really sweet girl! Call me sentimental but I missed my friends while I was gone. I was very happy to see everyone last night! Everyone was in a good mood, and I love when everyone is in a good mood! It means lots of silly fun. Things got a little to crazy towards the end of the night, there was a minor incident with a chair...and I did fall twice in front of the neighbors....and oh yes I do have a bruise and its only Friday...could be a loooooog weekend. Now I must decide if I want to go to Dallas tonight or just stay local, I hate making decisions like this I know if I dont go I will wish I had, but I gotta be up early so Im not to sure. Huh. We shall see.
    Wednesday, August 14th, 2002
    3:23 am
    An Inquiring Mind Would Like to Know
    I was just wandering why flipping someone off is also called flippping them the bird........Anyone know?
    Monday, August 12th, 2002
    3:14 am
    Another pet!!!!!! Oh Goody!!
    Oh I foregot this is exciting (at least to me) I am getting a sea horse! That is so cool to me. I am unsure what I am going to name it yet but I am thinking of Belle ( I might want to save this one for a kid), Fiona, or Rucca. I just hope that sebastion and milo dont try and eat her!!

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inven - Sparkly
    2:53 am
    I must break it before its a habit.........
    oh dear me, I went to the bars again........damn and today was supposed to be my night off. I am going to end up a broke raging alcoholic. I almost took the night off, until about 12 and Kit called to see what was going on......I have this feeling that this will be a common occurrence in my life from now on. I drank just enough to start thinking about shit but not enough to go straight to sleep. I have decided that if I am gonna be a cry baby I must buy waterproof massacre. I hate how I am feeling right now. Its weird and usually when I am unhappy I know what could be done to fix it, this time I am unsure what I would change, or if I would change it at all......Its just frustrating to have something lurking at the back of your mind. I know things will get better with time, because they already have, but time is just one of those things you have to wait for and I have no patience. I actually consider myself a victim of bad timing, it seems that the good, the bad and yes the ugly things in my life come at the wrong time. When I want time to move quickly it stands still, and when I want to stay in the moment it passes me bye. But what is time anyway? Apparently I have all the time in the world.... I think I will make use of it.

    Current Mood: discontent
    Current Music: Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions - Feeling of Gaze
    Sunday, August 11th, 2002
    3:41 am
    Left overs are so yummy. I am so sleepy. My cat is so crazy. Arlington is so far away.

    Current Mood: so sleepy
    Current Music: Sarge- Half as Far
    Saturday, August 10th, 2002
    7:27 pm
    Rain Rain go away..... the rain is making me lazy, or maby I would be lazy anyway but I think I will blame it on the rain. I just took a big fatty nap, and I am quite unmotivated to get in the shower. My belly is still full from my monster lunch that I ate with a quickness so we could make it to airport on time. I sorta like cutting it close when I go to the airport, there is a thrill to not knowing if you are gonna make your flight. I have never missed one yet so its all good.

    I had a really good night. I think I love the bars! This could be a bad thing! I was at Cool Beans and there was a cop who thought I looked young so he asked to see my id. I pulled that baby out and did a little dance while he carefully looked it over. I even sang a little song that went something like "ha ha ha ha I am legal, ha ha ha..." lets just say he was a little annoyed but this time there was not a damn thing he could do!!! It was a small victory, but it was mine! Sometimes I am so easily amused. Anyway we did not make it home until like five, wtf, where did the night go? This morning I was able to convince Stephen that he drove us home last night since he had no memory of the end of the night. Silly boy. I am a little weirded out though by the convulsating, that is defiantly not a good thing. Not good at all. I must get ready to go out to Arlington, and I dont even really want to go, I just drove to the airport and now I am going to have to drive past it. To much driving. I hate when I agree to things when I am intoxicated and then they dont seem like such a good idea when I am not.

    I had a good dream while I was napping. I think it was related to a previous dream I had. I was hanging out with Bob Marley, Bob Dylan and James Dean, and James asked to bum a cigarette. This gave me chills we all were just sitting around talking and Bob Dylan pulled a fortune cookie out of his pocket and offered it to me. My fortune said "Be generous, not with your money, but with your time." This spurred us to start talking about destiny and fate and stuff. It was all very strange. Both the Bobs had a lot to say but James remained almost silent the entire time. For some reason this bothered me and we got into a disagreement. I don't really remember the rest but I thought it was a pretty bad ass dream. I did not think you could read in your dreams, but I distinctly remember reading the fortune. Huh. Weird stuff.

    Current Mood: blah
    Current Music: Radiohead & Sparklehorse - Wish You Were Here
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