adcott's journal
22nd November 2002
Yeah, I've been up all night.
I've done nothing productive in 8 hours, just been staring at the screen.

I got so bored I added limited <link> tag navigation to my journal style. Unfortunately this does absolutely nothing in that majority browsers so here's an Opera7 screenshot. )

I can't wait for S2 to be released now, I have so many plans for it. I've been brewing S2-only styles for a few months now. They will kick all kinds of ass, oh yes.

I'm going home now... mum's going to cut my hair, which is muchly needed (I have what could only be described as an afro at the moment)
mood: afrotastic
music: Spek - Smell the Coffee
with all this talk about buying things you'd think I actually had money to spare!
I got a £70 bonus at work for being the best at convincing people to sign up for spam email the email newsletter...

With this money I will be bowing to convention and putting it towards buying a mobile phone (yes, I am currently the only teenager in existance without one). The thing is though, I know nothing about them. at all. nothing.
I'm still in two minds about getting one, I really hate the noisy little bastards in principle, and I can't envision me even using it that much, but it seems like everywhere I go nowadays people are asking me for my mobile number... Plus my inner geek makes me think I want one of those nifty phones that can browse the internet, y'know like this? ) how much would one like that set me back? and how much would it cost to run?

I'm such a [phone]virgin :)

Should I just save my money and continue being a phoneless freak for evermore?

p.s. I did not get shoes the other day, it turns out there is nowhere in Manchester that actually sells black skater-style shoes at a reasonable price. :P
music: Underworld - Push Upstairs
18th November 2002
Cellar Door
I smell like the inside of an ass.

Anyway, today I go on my annual shoe purchasing excursion. The pair of Vans I currently have are now so worn that my feet actually touch the ground, which kinda negates the whole purpose of shoes, really.
music: Abba - Super Trooper
17th November 2002
You know what I love about my job?
the drama.

I just had to throw these 3 kids out of Harry Potter with just cause. They were loud, swearing loudly in a cinema packed with toddlers, aswell as throwing things etc. etc.

Anyway, these kids (who were no more than 12 years old) didn't like the fact they were being asked to leave and basically tried to start a fight with myself and the manager in the foyer. Needless to say they lost and ended up being *literally* thrown out.
At this point one of them (who was no more than four feet tall) put his foot through the glass door and legged it. A persuit ensued but unfortunately they got away.

The good thing is that the customers in the foyer probably got a better show than Harry Potter would ever be :)
mood: psyched
15th November 2002
I dreamt last night that I'd written the Lord of the Rings
...Turns out I was just Tolkien in my sleep.
mood: awful
13th November 2002
Opera 7 beta was released today

soooooooo good.
Seriously, this is something to tempt the most hardened IE user.
it even beats the pants off Mozilla.

*weeps* can emulate text only browsers.

I will be buying this, despite the fact that I'm horribly poor.
mood: so impressed it's not even funny
peice of crap can't cope with basic CSS.
If Internet Explorer was a person I'd beat the shit out of it.

that is all.
mood: pissed off
12th November 2002
Playing computer games will rot your mind.
david talking about Doom3:
"... yeah it's actually quite scary, there's this one part where this thing bursts through a wall and runs up to you, snarling and stuff. It's like a biomechanical dog, but of course when I say dog I mean giant slug..."
vastly amused me.

*in a fantastically good mood despite the fact I have no money/stereo/life*

mood: good
music: none, I had my stereo pinched remember?
10th November 2002
So yes, I've just had my stereo nicked.
Somebody has walked into the house whilst people were in it an walked out with my stereo. Nobody actually knew of this happening at the time.

Fucking bastards.

Here's the wierd thing, they left my computer which was next to it and worth 3 times more... oh and get this, they bothered TAKING OUT MY CD's from the player.

Fucking motherfucking bastards.
8th November 2002
I think I should write about yesterday, as I get the impression that some semi interesting things happened.
Unfortunately I was in such a daze from sleep deprivation I'm having a hard time remembering anything clearly.

I went to see Donnie Darko with Lauren, which was very good, albeit a bit weird :) the style reminds me of David Lynch.. but vastly different at the same time. Meh, just go see it if you haven't.
I certainly recommend it.

At about 4 I went back home to my parents house, but the only part after that point I remember clearly is the Met ride there. It stank of food and sweat and perfume and wet dog and eurgh. There was too many people on there, all iniltrating my personal space with their collective stench :P

Home about 11:30 bed within an hour and now I'm here after still only a short amount of sleep.

I am far from coherent.
I know I did more than that though.
mood: groggy
7th November 2002
I decided not to go to bed at all...

I just went to Tescos and stocked up on coke (-a-cola) and Red Bull, which will hopefully see me through the day.
I am a bit tired though :P

Out of boredom I did this, a slimmed down, standards complient version of LJ's main page. It shaves off at least 4k from the document filesize and actually works better in Opera than the main page does. Shame the w3 validator is such a peice of shite and refuses to admit the page validates its ass off!

... well that was a fun way to waste an hour or two!
I did a silly thing.

I wanted a drink, but there was none to hand.
So I consumed the nearest subsitute, Snickers sandwich spread.

I'm pumped full of sugar, it's 5:30am and I don't think I've blinked in nearly half an hour.

The sad thing is that I'm still thirsty... and now I've eaten all of my Snickers goo :(

*jumps around*
mood: sugar high
music: there's definately some sort of tune going on in my head, I just don't know what it is.
6th November 2002
Well I haven't posted anything on this subject for a long time now...
I've had a ton of my LiveJournal supporthelp privs removed :(

I guess that's what happens when you don't answer a thing in 9 months...

What's strange though is what I've been left with, full supporthelp in only Web-UI and Embedding. Embedding is definately an area where I feel comfortable answering technical questions, but I don't think I've ever actually answered more than a couple. But Web Client? (as it was called back in the day...) I'm pretty sure I never answered a single request there. strange.
What most surprised me though was my demoting for customization, twas my area of expertise if you will. Granted I did tell the admin only this week that I was not really in tune with the required answering techniques any more, but still I know enough to know what is an approvable answer and what isn't. :\

Meh, I had semi-planned on getting back into it a little, now I'm a bit discoraged.
*sigh* I was a veteran once...
music: David Draiman - Forsaken ( HARDROCK)
4th November 2002
i havea kewt layout ^_____^
Just changed the look of my journal for the first time in months.
You may have seen the style before, it was origionally designed by marukka [here] and is pretty popular among some paid members.

I just totally recoded it though, for some reason I wince at tables now. I know that's stupid because they are useful for some things, but I hate the things now :P
So yes, no tables, schnazzified menu, degrades very well (even NS4!), and if you are using Opera/Mozilla/[insert css complient browser here] you get a nice little treat when scrolling down. IE people will have to wait until their browser actually supports CSS-1 positioning :P

might go do the friends page.
mood: accomplished
I am officially looking for a new job.

Before you start to wonder, I didn't get fired or anything, I just don't make enough money to survive.
Today my hours were reduced by a stunning 20%, meaning I now make less than 5 grand a year and that is fucking ridiculous. Nobody can afford to live on that, especially when council tax in my area is £800+.

I want to work in an office, wear a suit and stuff like that. Not a cap and a badge saying Odeon: Staff on it.
I'll look into it.
mood: poor