Monday, February 24th, 2003
I really can't wait to transfer to a different school or just move out on my own altogether. This shit of driving up there every single day and driving back and driving up and rah has got to stop.
More on this later.
6:43a "The travel company will give me a discount coming back from the Arctic Bahamas if I use the key to
So I managed to get about 30 minutes of sleep. I guess I'll just sleep in my study halls today like usual, and then take a nap after Skippy drops me off back here at home after 7th period.
You know what's really weird? The frame of mind you're in after you wake up. I don't know where my key to the front door is. I forget where I threw it after I came in Saturday night. So while I was in the shower, I told my mom to put out the key to the back door for me. Of course, this gave her the chance to call me a queer, and she took it like the bitch she is. But I was still pretty hazy, so it didn't set in at the time.
However, the one thing that was going through my mind, was trying to justify a reason to use the backdoor to get in today. And in my post sleep haze, this is what I came up with:
"The travel company will give me a discount coming back from the Arctic Bahamas if I use the key to the back door to get in."
So I ask you, what the hell?
current mood: tired current music: Poison The Well - Artists Rendering Of Me
3:58a still using the on-screen keyboard
Yep, haven't updated lately seeing as how little to nothing has happened lately. Last week pretty much consisted of sitting at home sulking and watching movies. Being sick didn't help any of that time pass either. I watched Salem's Lot for the 2nd time since I bought it early last year. I wish I hadn't bought movies that I was only gonna watch once or twice, I'd be a much richer man if I realized that at the time.
Went to Kenn's to watch the wrestling PPV tonight, but his mom didn't pay the cable bill (as he went on to tell everyone, lol), so we headed over to these peoples' house he and his mom knew, and watched it there. It was dissapointing to say the least. Stone Cold is in horrible shape, and Vince pulled another screw job, this time on Hogan. It's pretty ironic too, seeing as how it was in Montreal, in the same arena where he screwed Bret Hart over. That's right, I'm a wrestling nerd as well.
Last night, me and Kenn cruised around. Went out to Circuit City and Media Play... can't remember if we were looking for something or not, but if we were, we didn't find it. Then we just cruised and joked around for a while. Around 9:30, we took the hike back from Hershey to Middletown, though with the Bear's game just letting out, took us forever to get back from the traffic and all. Once back to Middletown, it was time to roll to out to Sheetz in Marietta for some of that rockin capuchino (I'm not sure if I'll ever spell that right, heh).
On the way back, me and Kenn were joking around and playing that car game, "sex me", where if you see a car with one headlight, you say "sex me", and the other people have to take off an article of clothing. Well, I called it, so at the next stop, he took his shirt off. Across the street in a truck, this dude is staring right at Kenn with these wide eyes as he's taking his shirt off. As soon as Kenn's shirt is off, the guy books it, lol. Me and Kenn died laughing. The look on the dude's face was so frickin funny, lol.
And this brings me back to now. I tried falling asleep earlier, but my thoughts ended up keeping me up. So I caved, turned on the tv, put together a new playlist of mp3s, and decided to update this thing. School in 3 hours, blah. I'm not sure if it's worth it trying to get some sleep, but maybe I'll give it a shot.
current mood: lonely current music: Alkaline Trio - Southern Rock
Sunday, February 23rd, 2003
Friends only, from now on. Anyone of you who reads this is a friend, anyway, so don't worry about it. This doesn't have anything to do with you.
7:02p What would you do if I sang out of tune?
Kt will be here in about ten minutes. I am feeling helpful and want to get her caught up in english. It would really suck to miss as many days as she has, and I feel bad. Hopefully we can go to open mic tomorrow. Although, I wonder why I even go because I don't think I'll ever play and I don't know anyone. Eh. I haven't hung out with Kt in about two years, if you subtract our last JAG + Wonderboys fun. Plus, if Aaron's there it will be worth it, if only to talk to him for a minute or two. That boy seriously makes my life. I can't wait for hardkore with a k CAMELOT practice. Plenty of time to randomly discuss philosophy, religion, politics, and giant, crazy, face-eating octopi.
My family ate at Ruby Tuesday's. My dad broke two traffic laws in thirty seconds. My parents are getting their divorce papers notarized tomorrow. Sugar Dumpling and I made paper stars while we were waiting for our food. I forgot how to make them, so he demonstrated. I love him. He had to do a speech report, and he did it on me. The first sentence is, "I have a wonderful sister named Jessie."
A week or so ago, I said, "Bobby, when I get my driver's license, you and I are going to go to A+M and get a stromboli." "Oookay..." he said. "I mean it, boy. You and I need to hang out more often. And get strombolies."
current mood: full
5:42p wow....
I just got back from seeing Les Mis in Susquehanna. Oh my, I was so good. I'm still speechless over it. It was amazing, there was so much talent and the sets were absolutly amazing. I can't believe how amazing it was. It sure is putting Grease to shame.
It is freeeeeezing here, we're supposed to get about 4 or 5 more inches tonight. I hope we do, I love the snow.
Geez I'm bored.
Just in case anyone cares I have yet another email, I don't really know why, but I'm sure it will serve its purpose..... NerveRomance Creative? Hell no.
din din
current mood: bored current music: just the wind
2:15p i remember when the days were long
i kinda feel shitty...last night was fun. i hung out with mike and his buds which is what we always do but i like it. we drank some boones farm and some 40's and had a good ol' time. turtle was hammered by the time i went home and i now hear he is still puking. hahaha...poor kid. i wish i would have drank more. it seems the only time i have alot of fun anymore is when i drink. i dunno...
back to school this week. YIP! yeah right. i hate that place. everyone now thinks i am a dyke seeing as though i kissed katy like a few times. big fucking deal? i think not. but yes well...i dont care. i am discontent at the moment. i feel like i am not doing enough with my life however. it always seems that no matter how much fun i am having, there is something that i am missing out on. and i am so confused as to what i am doing with my life. i dont want to be my mother and live in centeral pa for the rest of my life shoveling horse shit. like, worst nightmare ever. i want to go to school so bad but i know that right now that is out of the question. i havent the money, and i havnt the intelligence for a scholarship. all i have is my artwork which these days sure as hell doesnt mean much. mike reasurred me that things will be ok which made me feel somewhat better...but i still have concerns.
there's a reason for you and i...
this windy day brings back memories. i miss some people so much sometimes. i guess this is part of growing up. realizing that nobody is ever going to stay in your life forever no matter how much you want them to. it sucks, but its how it works. i dont want to get old and be alone...
i never meant to hurt you...and im sorry that you tried so harf.
im done...
current mood: discontent current music: A Static Lullaby - Lipgloss and Letdown
Saturday, February 22nd, 2003
My brother and my dad went to Florida for a week..
It's incredibly awesome without them around. I'm enjoying myself throughly.
I went snowboarding last night, i didn't really like the conditions, but it was okay. This Katie girl i was snowboarding with flew off a cliff on one of the beginner slopes. hahaha.
Hmm, i think i may want to go see that Old School movie that came out on friday sometime tomorrow. It looks funny as hell, and that Will Ferrel guy is a riot. <3snl
i'm going to get some sleep now.
current mood: calm current music: a crash complex, heh, billy music!!
Phew.. lat night was nuts.
In Business Communications, we got samples of Dates. A fruit that leaves a weird taste in your mouth. I haven't had a date in forever.
Then Accounting.. what the hell. I'm lost.
Then home.. then on a date.
We went to CI and the movie theater right beside it. We saw Chicago, that was a neat movie. I normally don't dig musicals, but that one wasn't all that bad. Pretty cool. Even cooler that the seats had arms that folded up so I could hold skippy :) :) :)
Not cool was the fact that no matter where I went, the arm of my chair was digging into my side. hehe, oh well.
ON the way down it was so cool just talking with skippy. Back when we had that whole weirdness going on there'd be no talking.. Everything felt right last night.
Then we went to Ci and I got so much cool stuff. I got...
Hope Conspiracy "file 03" 7" with a cool engraving on the back of the Vinyl.. Huntingtons "Songs In The Key Of You" for $1.98!!! Himsa "Death is Infinite" cd.. josh let me borrow the 7" and it owned. and Terror's "Lowest of the Low" CD!
Man, Terror is so good.
After this we went to the Ming Buffet down there. It was open till 11. rock. They had all this new stuff that we never had, haha. It was great. We had Sushi, that was an expirience. It wasn't all bad either, just weird and flavor-lacking. Maan.. we also tried seaweed.. that didnt sit well in this belly. and then a flower thinger.. with a Date inside!
when we left I said I'd cover the check but I was like 90 cents short on my card.. that was so friggin embarrassing.
Then mom drama happened, but when doesn't it. I don't like it when skippy gets all worked up after a good night. ::shakes fist::
current mood: amused current music: NIV - Strength (!!)
11:53a CAKE.
All I really have to say is that Lauren made my day yesterday because SHE MADE ME A CAKE. I really don't understand, but it was yummy and it looked like a massive donut (doughnut), so I'm happy.
I guess Bobby and I are staying at Mom's tonight. I don't really want to spend 24 hours in a little apartment. Maybe she'll at least take me to Borders or something. As if I need more books to read. Well... *grumble*
Whatever, I want to stay here and play with my computer programs.
current mood: grumpy current music: I'm not really grumpy. I just want to see what the fox does
1:27a tired!
tonight was nice im too tired to explain ill make an entry later
current mood: exhausted
Friday, February 21st, 2003
Softball practice kicked my ass today, but not as bad as it did yesterday. Its all good though, I feel atheletic.
I just got back from some shopping action. I went to the Hershey Outlets. I bought some new 'snazzy sneaks' (just what I need more of) and some things for my cell phone and some other things I don't really need.
Damn, people are outbidding me on everything I want from my skylab shopping spree. Not cool. Must fight back!
current mood: energetic current music: Piebald
9:23a JON!!! (i bet it's the first time anyone has ever screamed that name)
this sucks the prize fight is playing tonight and so is ruin blah i told Amanda i would take her to see ruin so i guess that's where i'm going which i don't mind at all i haven't seen grano play in forever.... i could work this out though if prize fight is playing close by at a different time... but im not sure where North End Fire House is
$5, 6-12
Inside Joke, The Ghouls, Square One, Just in Case, Evenfield, Elroy, A Modest Promise, Holly Drive, Eventyde, Killshot Ballistic
hmmm 6 to 12?
i bet prize fight is playing last i think i can make it there if they r playing at 11 this could be awesome
this might just work out jon call me when u read this
current mood: contemplative current music: The Prize Fight - More or Less (featuring kenny of the starting line)
Thursday, February 20th, 2003
11:05p Super perfundo on the early eve of your day, everyone! This is a happy entry.
I tried to post last night, but in the true spirt of an online journal site, LJ was like, "fuck you." So no such luck. I only had two things:
The best thing in the world is rediscovering a cd you haven't listened to in a while and falling in love with it all over again.
The other best thing in the world is having Lauren(!) scream "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU," and give you a giant hug. Go being a semi finalist for gov school. Kick ass. We're going to have a Team Jessie huddle about upcoming interview. Who should my favorite writer be?
In today's news:
Kendra's cd player is like, "i'mstucki'mstuckhelphelphelphelpi'meatingthiscdforever."
And in spain today I was like, "Debo escriber una composicion pero no voy a escriber una composicion porque tengo que comer el queso." And then like the spaz I am, I started giggling so hard I almost died.
And the essay for AP was like, "dykedykedykedykedyke" And my brain was like, "tone? when did we learn that? i'm sorry.. when we started learning new things, i had to throw some of the other things out. i was hoping you wouldn't notice." And I was like, "What?! You threw out TONE?!?" And my brain was like, "I had no choice." And I was like, "I guess it's okay. I understand. Just make sure to keep 'how to make tacos.'"
And I don't know about you, but it's 11:00 so that makes perfect sense to me. Fruity Loops time.
Hahaha, makes me think of, "I will give you tacos, Gir! Oh, such tacos will I give!"
current mood: giggly current music: FRUITYLOOPS (part of this sounds suspiciously like the jurassic park theme)
7:27p WOO
Went back to classes today. There was no way I was gonna drive in all this friggin blizzard ass snow yesterday.
So today I went to Psych, took a test and shot the mofo in the face with a shotgun. I killed it dead. Then I waltzed over to my music class early, and it's good that I did. It was canceled.
::white man dance::
So I came home and found that Skippy had called me while I was in class. I loove it when she leaves me messages that start out with "hey babe.." thats so cute.
So I came home and went with her to get a shot in the butt. Then we went to take our car to my mom.
And here I am. haha.
I decided im gonna move out of my bedroom into the drum room, and vice versa. that room is bigger, I think. and the closet rocks much more than my dinky hole in the wall. (literally).
Last night Josh and I started up NECW again.
And the previous night.. Skippy came over ;-)
::more white man dancing::
I can't wait till the movielife show. Not because I especially love them or anything, but because I can't wait to go to a show.
and then From Autumn to Ashes is coming! AHH!
Now i'm off to clean out the drum room some more and listen to Sing The Sorrow. This album is just about as pissed off as "Shut Your Mouth.." I.E. my fav. AFI cd to date.
I'm not doing the band any wrong by downloading this early. It's so damn good i'm gonna buy 2 copies, haha. I'm def. gonna get the vinyl version.
AFI has been buggin me lately. I'm always listening to them and stuff. haha.
Maan.. I knew there was something I wanted to cover in this post.. Ah well. To the Lovenasium!
current mood: anxious current music: AFI - A Single Second