i need a flea and tick collar's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in i need a flea and tick collar's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, January 31st, 2003
    6:22 pm
    are you ever really hungry, but you just dont feel like making food, or you just dont feel like getting up off your butt, and you just dont even feel like eating, or you can't make up your mind on what to eat, so you just don't eat????

    i am having one of those kinds of days.
    6:03 pm
    Goddess on a mountain top
    funny thing of the day: a guy in my swimming class's swimming trunks slipped off while getting out of the pool!! hahaha he had a hairy butt EW. how embarassing for him!

    annoying thing of the day: triggered by my saying "i got it" (speaking of the phone) my dad busts out with "She's got it...yeah baby she's got it... i'm your venus, i'm your fire, your desire" for the last HOUR and those are the only words he knows!!!!! now it is seriously in my head.

    i haven't left for cheryl's yet. i am perpetually late!

    Current Mood: hungry
    Current Music: and venus was her name...
    2:06 am
    Take me by the hand take me somewhere new..
    Do you wanna hear something weird. I have a sneaking suspicion that my music professor used to be my piano teacher when i was like 12 years old.
    They have the same name... Chris
    They have the same goatee.... Ugly
    They have the same blonde scraggly hair....
    They have the same bad breath..... Repulsive
    They have the same hands...
    They have the same voice... (i think its been a few years)
    They are both musicians.. duh

    It might just be a coincidence or could it be that my long lost piano teacher Chris is now my college music teacher? I have to ask him next class.

    The class is really hard because there is a lot of reading and information to be known. And another thing is he makes u listen to all these different instruments, and you have to freakin guess what instrument it is. what am i a classical musician?? Like... the difference between an Oboe a Bassoon, a French Horn a Trumpet, and a Trombone, a Violin, Cello, and a Viola, the difference between......a Clarinet and a Bassoon and a Piccolo and a and a Bass Clarinet and a Flute and a Piccolo??!! how can i keep all these instruments straight???? I dont listen to classical music 24 hours a day!

    Current Mood: bitchy
    Current Music: I have an Avril Lavigne song stuck in my head.. Gag me!!
    2:02 am
    Swimming 9-11
    Laundry 11-1
    Cheryl 2-8
    Philly 9- Sunday

    I <3 schedules
    1:53 am
    Thanks Cat for this highly entertaining survey
    The Basics
    1) Your real name ->> Karen
    2) Your livejournal name ->> honey asS asS in
    3) Date of livejournal creation ->> April 5 2001
    4) Paid member or basic member ->> free
    5) Number of comments posted ->> 1,225
    6) Number of comments received ->> 1,909

    The Friends
    7) Number of friends ->> 46
    8) Number of "friend of"s ->>53
    9) Number of friends met in person ->> 15
    10) Number of above friends met exclusively BECAUSE of livejournal (excluding friends you knew before, or met through other means) ->> 3
    11) Number of friends you've kissed ->> 6 =O
    12) Number of friends you've dated ->> 3 haha
    13) Number of friends you've slept with ->> 3
    14) Number of friends who live outside your state ->> 35
    15) Number of friends who live outside your country ->> 2
    16) Number of friends who you hate but keep on your friends list anyway ->> haha only 2.. and i dont hate them just dont like their journals
    17) Number of real-life friends who don't have livejournal accounts who you know read your journal anyway ->> my girlfriend reads it sometime
    18) Number of real-life friends you've given livejournal codes to ->> 2.. but they never write.. assholes!!!
    19) Number of friends who are coworkers ->> psh i dont have a job
    20) Number of friends who are family ->> 0 thank mary

    The Interests
    21) Number of listed interests ->> 130
    22) Number of interests shared by others (those in blue) ->> all of them i think
    23) Interest that surprises you that you're the only one ->> ?
    24) Interest that surprises you that you AREN'T the only one ->>
    25) Have you ever clicked on an interest to see who shares it ->> der
    26) Have you become friends with someone met this way ->> no only read their journals
    27) Have you become enemies with someone met this way ->> yes with 1 person that i dont talk to anymore but i still hate her

    The Future
    28) Do you think you'll be still using livejournal next month ->> umm yes
    29) ... next year ->> MAYBE
    30) ... in five years ->> no probably not in 5 years
    31) Do you think you'll be lifelong friends with anyone met through livejournal ->> its likely?
    32) Do you think you'll possibly marry someone met through livejournal ->> hahahano.
    33) Have you been happy with your livejournal experience ->> yes i love LJ!
    34) Have you been happy with the people you've met through your livejournal experience ->> umm yes. they are all really cool and have interesting lives. i love YOU GUYS!
    35) Do you think any of your livejournal friends will really read this whole quiz and respond to it or fill it out themselves ->> THEY BETTER. haha :) <3 karen

    Current Mood: cold
    Current Music: missy elliot
    Thursday, January 30th, 2003
    2:52 pm
    i can already tell im gonna hate my music professor and the class. the syllabus (that we had to print out) was 18 pages of shit!!!! what the hell!!!
    1:58 am
    Does anyone know if corn starch has wheat in it??? I was thinking no cause it's CORN starch.. uh.. this is a weird question i know. but does anyone know????
    1:22 am
    Salma Hayek.. followed by Donald Rumsefeld.. WHAT!
    why is it that i can kick other people outta my bed at 10 am and be like GET UP AND GO TO CLASS!! but i cant do that for myself?? thats what happened this morning. cheryl slept over last night and this mornin she had to leave to go to class and she wanted to skip but i made her go. i am such a good influence!! if only i could do that for myself...

    my music class is seriously evil and hard. i thought music was supposed to be relaxing and fun but noo its like 3 chapters a week and all this information to know BLAH..... would you believe i played the piano for 5 years and dont remember jack shit about playin the piano or classical music. its sad. but true. i always hated it. my dad would make me practice and i would sit at the piano and cry.

    my dad took me to jersey gardens mall today and i got a pea coat. it was only 15 dollars it is super ghetto but i think its cute. it must be made out of laundry lint or something cause how can a coat be only 15 dollars.

    i had to buy Vanity Fair magazine because Salma Hayek is on the cover and her boobs look SO DELICIOUSLY GOOD. omg. she's got the most beautiful tits ever. and..she is just downright gorgeous. and what?? me? pay full price for vanity fair magazine?? its almost preposterous! i get all those girly mags from my sisters for free :) but yes i had to buy it and drool, and cheryl was giving me looks because i was staring too hard.

    my schedule for tomorrow is: go to gym, call for interviews for community service learning thang, do math homework and music homework, do laundry, go to class. my life is so exciting. not!

    Current Mood: bored
    Sunday, January 26th, 2003
    2:28 am
    My dip came out really really good if i say so myself.. ok, ok.. it was bangin'!! lol. everyone at jenna's party loved it heh heh. i wish there was more cause im hungry. i also had some zitti that was really good and birthday cake. jennas was fun, i forgot how funny and adorable she was especially now with her new hair cut is soo cute. we watched High Fidelity and then we went to a karaoke bar (they didnt card woo-hoo!) and jenna and i sang Melissa Etheridge 'I'm the only one' it was so lesbionic haha. and i played pool with my new friend Ben. he was buying me beers awww such a gentleman! i like it when people pay for my drinks lol. whatelsewhatelse.. tomorrow i am going over cheryls i am meeting her little sister i am a little nervous! all meeting the fam and stuff.. i guess its ok since she met my entire family.. and they are crazy so that says a lot.


    haha i was like i knew i wanted to write about something......


    it was like, the coolest experience. it was awesome. strap on sex is amazing. okay, can you tell i liked it a lot. i think i have always slight penis envy because just the whole idea of being inside a woman always excited me. and all the the thrusting and someone riding MY COCK (lol) turns me on. our dildo is big and black so cheryl decided to be kinky and call me tyrone lol. our harness is sooo pretty. its red and sparkly and so sexy. thats pretty much all i have to say about that haha.

    now im going to raid the fridge. i want some more of my dip. but alas there is no more. and i cant make anymore cause i dont have any more spinach. booooo.

    Current Mood: hungry
    Saturday, January 25th, 2003
    4:11 pm
    i am making this tonight for jenna's party:

    Warm Spinach and Artichoke Parmesan dip
    1/4 stick butter
    2 T olive oil
    1 3/4 cup chopped onion
    6 garlic cloves, minced
    2 T all purpose flour
    1/2 c chicken stock
    1/2 c whipping cream
    1 10 oz package fresh spinach leaves, chopped
    6 oz canned artichokes
    1 C grated parmesan cheese
    1/4 C sour cream
    1/2 t cayenne pepper
    1/2 C mozerella cheese

    Melt butter & olive oil over medium heat
    add onion and garlic, sautee until onion is tender
    add flour, stir 2 minutes
    gradually whisk in stock and cream, bring to boil, whisking constantly
    Cook till mixture thickens (about 6 minutes) stirring frequently
    Remove from heat.
    Stir in spinach, cheeese, sourcream and cayenne pepper
    season with salt and pepper
    transfer to serving bowl
    serve with warm toasted baguette slices

    Can we say yum??? ok it is a little bit rich but you have to splurge sometime!!! ole!!

    Current Mood: hungry
    Thursday, January 23rd, 2003
    3:14 pm
    j.lo has her own personal nipple tweakers.. what a job
    my belly has been hurting all day. do not chug 2 alcoholic drinks before entering a sweaty gay boy club and shake ya booty and smoke cigarettes then afterwards eat crown fried chicken wings and a jamaican beef patty.. i need to start taking care of my bod better!! today its like "i hate you!!!" i think i can actually hear it saying that agh.

    ohh but i had so much fun last night.. i dont know why it was just good chemistry and a lot of us went and there was dancing and drunkenness and lots of cute dykes to not cruise and cute boys to check out just cause i can. the only bad part was at the end of the night there was slight drama caused by said drunkenness and a misunderstanding but uh.. i forgot about that.

    i need to go to class and i don't feel like it i'm so tired and feel yucky!!!

    OH MOMO........
    guess what! i left my freakin doors unlocked last night.. in your hood.. and my car was still there in the morning. it didnt even get stolen isnt that amazing?? you can still leave yer doors unlocked in olney.. good to know isn't it?
    joe was saying though that mary was sleeping in my car haha i said she should have cause its cold outside. it was so refreshing though.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: lucy kaplansky- promise me
    Wednesday, January 22nd, 2003
    12:50 am
    Oui Oui... Oh Mon Dieu!!!
    i was talking with a french girl Claire that i was introduced to at the melissa ferrick show about how americans say "yes..yes.. oh my god!" during sex...and then so french naturally say that in french i asked her how to say it.. i think its much sexier to scream out in french during sex then in english!! im going to next time. Cheryl is gonna think im wacko haha. I am definetly craving crepes now with nutella!!

    Cheryl did the sweetest thing for me tonight. She came over after my math class and had cooked and brought me dinner!! She made me salmon and brocoli with toasted pine nuts it was delicious..i thought it was super sweet cause she is a vegetarian but still made me salmon cause i told her i liked it... AWWW... im going to sleep now good night!
    Tuesday, January 21st, 2003
    2:20 am
    the seX museum and other assorted sexy things
    my sister abby came this weekend with her friend michelle from massachusetts. we went into new york to go to the sex museum!! so naturally i invited my grrlfriend. it was a really cool museum cause it was different and sexy and definetly not boring. they had all this historical sex stuff like.. whores beginning in the late 1800's..belly dancers.. burlesque shows.. historical facts about bathhouses and sodomy..bettie page stuff..bondage stuff.. gay/lesbian/trans stuff..annie sprinkle stuff.. Ok it was a little (a LOT) strange watching a porno movie with my SISTER...they just had them playing all throughout the museum. like the deep throat one.. and a lesbian one that was really hot. but i couldnt act all horny with Cheryl cause i was in a museum. and with my sister and her friend. and i felt like i had to act intellectually stimulated. even though i know nobody was cause im sure everyone had a boner including myself. no dildos though i was dissapointed.

    speaking of sex cheryl just ordered a RED harness for me from good vibrations.. i saw it and i was like if im going to get a harness, cheryl, i am getting THAT one!! it is red and vinyl and sparkly and it is coming in 5 days. excitement!! we bought a thigh harness last night but it was cheap and kept slipping down my thigh. it was still fun though.

    Current Music: melissa ferrick- love song
    Friday, January 17th, 2003
    2:12 pm
    jena this one is for my files
    goatbutt7: i'm slightly turned on by really tall drag queens
    goatbutt7: woah like there was this one drag queen last week
    goatbutt7: 6 foot 4 looked like jody watley and she did cartwheels
    goatbutt7: yes it was so scandalous
    honeyassassin: was she wearing a skirt??
    goatbutt7: i put my hand over my mouth

    Current Mood: high
    12:11 am
    1 i got my period thats not really sad. but it will be tomorrow morning when i have cramps and i have to have a swimming class at 9 am.
    2 i am going to shave tonight for the first time in a year, maybe longer i cant even remember. cause im pathetic and i feel uncomfortable being hairy in a class full of shaved women.
    3 my leg hair has actually kept me warm all winter and its snowing and im gonna be bald legged tomorrow and THATS SUPER DUPER SAD
    4 my sister abby was supposed to come tonight from philly and she hasn't showed up and it's snowing and i'm worried about her and thinking the worst. when she probably just slept over her bfs house and didnt have the decency to call.
    5 thats all im sad about but i think those are all pretty sad.
    Thursday, January 16th, 2003
    2:12 pm
    right here in between your hips
    guess who saw melissa ferrick last night? MMHMM yes that would be me.. we were front and center... i even stole one of melissa ferricks water bottles cause i was thirsty haha. i got a lil drunk before the show and i was all excited to see her. melissa ferrick actually looked at me while she was playing drive while making fingering gestures and if she had played that song for like another 5 minutes i would have had my first telekinetic orgasm or some shit. UHH!! it was sooo hot. annd... oh i met jamie (bothsidesnow) wthere which was really cool too and she is lots of fun and WE SHOULD HANG OUT SOMETIME!! and.. it was one of the best shows ive ever been to. she played 'everything i need' and 'burn this guitar' and 'north carolina' not to mention DRIVE AND she did a cover of untouchable face which was soo cool. plus afterwards cheryl and i went back to her place and we had fucking great sex cause we were so horny from the show haha. me and cheryl are doing soo good now and i'm really happy its crazy.

    oh speaking of lesbian relationships cheryl and i both got our hair cuts last night before the show and then we got matching hats (mine is charcoal and hers is orange though) and why does that happen in lesbian relationships that you like start to dress the same it makes me wonder.. i usually hate it when other lesbian couples do that but it really isnt intentional it just happens and why is that?

    school is going pretty good even though i still get lost on campus and feel like an asshole.. and i dont even feel like i go there yet i feel like an outsider cause i dont talk to anyone or do anything outside of going to class. i really like my schedule cause i get wednesdays off. my algebra class is really hard though and its a lot of work..whaaa! homework... is a foreign concept to me but i actually did all of my homework for tonite class. i just gotta keep up with it.

    i thought my algebra professor was a big bulldyke and was givin her the eye so she would give me preferential treatment but shes actually married with kids.. what is it with 50ish women getting their hair cuts short and wearing lesbionic attire and fucking up my gaydar..

    yet another super long entry from yours truly.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: cat stevens- peace train
    Saturday, January 11th, 2003
    6:16 pm
    in yahoo pool today
    brit: you're quite good at this arent you
    karen: depends who i'm playing
    brit: are you saying that im shit
    karen: no just saying that i'm better than you
    brit: you cheeky mare!
    karen: do you british always talk crazy like that
    brit: do you americans always say things like god damn sone of a bitch
    karen: mostly
    Tuesday, January 7th, 2003
    12:09 am
    sticky fingers
    ....from my ORANGE you sickos. hi i am writing this from cheryl's. i would just like to say that i got the best head of my lesbionic existance. that is all. love karen

    Current Mood: relaxed
    Saturday, January 4th, 2003
    11:27 pm
    Lesbian Land...continued
    info stolen from planetout.com (who would have thought they were good for more than cruisin dykes & homos?? education, people!!)

    "The roots of lesbian land communities were in the countercultural "back to the land movement" of the 1960s. Some pioneers of the lesbian land movement had originally belonged to mixed-gender communes and had been partnered with men. When they came out as lesbians, their interests turned to establishing safe, collectively owned communities for women and children to live free of male domination and violence. These separatist communities were designed to provide an affirming, alternative living arrangement in which women could strengthen themselves physically and emotionally and get in touch with their creativity and spirituality.

    Some of the earliest lesbian land communities were in southern Oregon, where land was forest-covered, abundant, and cheap. At WomanShare, founded in 1974 near Grants Pass, three women formed "a home and family of lesbians," purchasing 23 acres on which the only useful structures were a broken-down cabin and a chicken coop. A neighbor taught them carpentry, and the following year the collective members constructed their first cabin, made of recycled wood and costing only $350. Over the next few years, they opened their land to lesbian campers and took in apprentices who learned to build more cabins.

    Throughout the 1970s, separatist communities began springing up across the country. Outdoor women's events like the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival began in mid-decade and fueled many lesbians' desire to live in women-only communities. As one festival-goer and future commune member saw it, the music festivals were "the first time many of us saw how powerful and rich an all-women environment could be."

    Current Mood: impressed
    11:05 pm
    Lesbian Land!!!
    well i have to leave philly tomorrow because i have an orientation at kean university on monday AM. that sucks. but i think i might come back depending on how im feeling. today i got to see miss annasor the dinosaur.. we went to play pool and eat burritos and read books at giovanni's room. i was reading this book called Lesbian Land... why am i so in love with books from the 70's about lesbians... it was stories about lesbians living on communal lands together...lesbians...LESBIAN LAND!! it was wonderful. i decided i need to go to the michigan womyn's festival this year. HOW WILL I GET THERE? okay.. nj to michigan.. that is super duper far!! but my ovaries are calling out to me.. they are singing.. LESBIAN LAND!! ok how many more times can i say lesbian land in this post. i think thats enough.

    (lesbian land)
    hee hee

    Current Mood: crazy
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