Thanks Cat for this highly entertaining survey The Basics
1) Your real name ->> Karen
2) Your livejournal name ->> honey asS asS in
3) Date of livejournal creation ->> April 5 2001
4) Paid member or basic member ->> free
5) Number of comments posted ->> 1,225
6) Number of comments received ->> 1,909
The Friends
7) Number of friends ->> 46
8) Number of "friend of"s ->>53
9) Number of friends met in person ->> 15
10) Number of above friends met exclusively BECAUSE of livejournal (excluding friends you knew before, or met through other means) ->> 3
11) Number of friends you've kissed ->> 6 =O
12) Number of friends you've dated ->> 3 haha
13) Number of friends you've slept with ->> 3
14) Number of friends who live outside your state ->> 35
15) Number of friends who live outside your country ->> 2
16) Number of friends who you hate but keep on your friends list anyway ->> haha only 2.. and i dont hate them just dont like their journals
17) Number of real-life friends who don't have livejournal accounts who you know read your journal anyway ->> my girlfriend reads it sometime
18) Number of real-life friends you've given livejournal codes to ->> 2.. but they never write.. assholes!!!
19) Number of friends who are coworkers ->> psh i dont have a job
20) Number of friends who are family ->> 0 thank mary
The Interests
21) Number of listed interests ->> 130
22) Number of interests shared by others (those in blue) ->> all of them i think
23) Interest that surprises you that you're the only one ->> ?
24) Interest that surprises you that you AREN'T the only one ->>
25) Have you ever clicked on an interest to see who shares it ->> der
26) Have you become friends with someone met this way ->> no only read their journals
27) Have you become enemies with someone met this way ->> yes with 1 person that i dont talk to anymore but i still hate her
The Future
28) Do you think you'll be still using livejournal next month ->> umm yes
29) ... next year ->> MAYBE
30) ... in five years ->> no probably not in 5 years
31) Do you think you'll be lifelong friends with anyone met through livejournal ->> its likely?
32) Do you think you'll possibly marry someone met through livejournal ->> hahahano.
33) Have you been happy with your livejournal experience ->> yes i love LJ!
34) Have you been happy with the people you've met through your livejournal experience ->> umm yes. they are all really cool and have interesting lives. i love YOU GUYS!
35) Do you think any of your livejournal friends will really read this whole quiz and respond to it or fill it out themselves ->> THEY BETTER. haha :) <3 karen
Current Mood:
coldCurrent Music: missy elliot