freedomx's LiveJournal
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freedomx's LiveJournal:
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Wednesday, November 13th, 2002 | 5:27 pm [mediokurgenius]
We're Back Fuck Quizzes oh yeah... Fuck You Too Current Mood: pissed offCurrent Music: zero | Thursday, November 7th, 2002 | 11:23 pm [shutupjoey]
I am RAY OF LIGHT Madonna // find out what Madonna you are here.By Carly @ love madonna... | 11:18 pm [shutupjoey]
| Wednesday, October 2nd, 2002 | 4:59 pm [shutupjoey]
boobies Current Mood: drainedCurrent Music: Get Free - The Vines | Saturday, August 17th, 2002 | 11:26 pm [shutupjoey]
See which Greek Goddess you are.
yummy quiz. yummy. OMG LOOK! A QUIZ! *points to quiz* eeeeeeeeeviiiiiiiiiil! hey we should make a quiz! the antiquiz quiz! yay! Current Mood: MUAHAHAHAHA!Current Music: lalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | Friday, August 16th, 2002 | 12:54 pm [mediokurgenius]
Join Us Announcement:
Here at Jose Jones, Inc. we are proud to be an equal opportunity live journal community. Which is why we boast our freedom of "personal" self expression. We do not support the use of quizzes however, just because of this fact- the quizzes are not "personal". However, we do not censor the material that comes into our midst. We do however, laugh and jeer at those fuckers who insist on posting quizzes to our page. But, if thats the closest these people can come to expressing their personal selves, so be it. Its a sad sad sad world we live in when original thought is dead, and conformity is the norm. Maybe Mussolini was right and we should kill all of you. Or maybe marilyn manson and you should just kill yourselves, that would be easier for us. We are very tired right now, and slightly disoriented. You know where the stove is you fuckers, get to it.
Sincerely With lots of love Jose Jones, inc. | Saturday, August 10th, 2002 | 3:46 am [mediokurgenius]
because i cant sleep at 4 in the morning We here at Jose Jones, Inc. are fucking pissed as usual.
Not in the british drunkard way, we mean in the fight club im gonna kick your ass cause im tyler durden way
you ask such a question
First, i check my email today...three pieces of email out of 35 are not porn ads...fucking pornpushers...and the three are replies to my posts
I was excited to see the support for our movement...,
to my surprise
2 of them were quiz results
what the fuck and i was about to kill someone
then the third one was about posting quizzes being as bad as ranting about those who do
and i thought ill post this and show others what made me so mad
but then i thought
why waste my FUCKING time?
i hate the fucking person who did this to me
i dont know her personally but i dont like her
and i dont care anymore
why the fuck does this shit happen...what did she expect...for me to see the light and change my ways...and just get along
well fuck that
i dont want to get along...for all i care her people and my people are like india and pakistan...and i will fucking nuke her ass if she fucks with me again...i dont care if i get booted off of live journal...i will be the fucking martyr...and i will go down in history...theyll name fucking elementary schools after me for my courage...
fucking a that would totally kick ass
i would send my kids to school there
hell yea i would...its a little arrogant, but i think Jose Jones Elementary school would be fucking cool...and better than that no quizzes
i can see it all now
see what happens when you fuck with Jose Jones, Inc. you just make us stronger and more committed
signing out with a big "FUCK YOU" your loving friends at Jose Jones, Inc.
I tried to post this weeks ago but i put it on my personal page i didnt have anything better to do right now and im feeling particularly angry so i thought i would do it now the next person that replies angrily to one of these posts and it ends up in my personal gonna have to kick some serious ass | Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002 | 8:10 pm [mediokurgenius]
i am so fucking bored And more strategy to getting rid of quiz posting...go to random search once a day and see if they have posted quizzes...if so fucking rant on their ass...
If they kill themselves because of be it...thats one less quiz posted
thank you for your support
Jose Jones, (god rest his soul)inC | 8:00 pm [mediokurgenius]
i am so fucking bored We here at Jose Jones, iNc. are sad to say that our founder has died. We are even sadder to say that apparently he has died in vain. Many quizzes are created and taken each day. We are also shocked to find many of these quizzes being taken by our members. Our request is that this be stopped. We have made this request several times and i think we've been pretty fucking polite about the whole thing. Well thats the end of that. We are sure you are not aware of what awaits those who continue such senseless bullshit. This is a secret we have kept well and will continue to keep it at this time.
What, you thought we would tell you and spoil our plan. We here at Jose Jones, Inc. are very good at keeping secrets and not telling where our weapons are hidden. But we dont really need those with the...wait a second...what the fuck do you think youre doing... You'll get nothing out of me.
Anyways. You all suck for not helping us out and spreading the word.
This community is about more than no quizzes. We also support many important things. Like taking licenses to drive away from old people. And then moving them to madagascar. Also things like voting in people to presidency who dont even want to be.
Than the real plan can begin of creating a true socialist society. Where monetary units are not necessary. And possessions are not judging guides of class.
We'll get to more on that later. | Saturday, June 22nd, 2002 | 11:32 pm [silver_sunlight]
Just a random thought... I asked this in a reply to the previous entry. This is just a thought, I'm a curious person.
Has anyone made (or thought of) an Anti Quiz website? With an online petition, banners to put on your site to link back to it, links related to the cause, ect? If there isn't one yet, I'd be willing to donate my services. A cause such as this is worth the time and effort.
Current Mood: artistic | 10:55 pm [staticlie]
Scratch the old plan. I have come up with a NEW one!!!! Ok, in my quest for an idealistic society, one that all we all strive for at Jose Jones Inc. Anti Quiz delegation, we have discussed how to go about a revolution. It's not an easy process ... but alas, I have come up with something and it will take MASSIVE support. Get your pens ready and put your mail-bombs away ... we don't need them. We need eachother.
OK, I call this
First, in this quest for a revolution, I had to pinpoint an enemy. Who is the enemy? It's not the Riddler, or The Joker, or even The Penguin ... no, my superhero friends, out enemy is FAR MORE COMPLEX. Our enemy is in power in every government in the entire WORLD. It's OLD MEN. That's right. Old men are in power. They run things. They tell us what to eat for breakfast and drink at tea parties ... and all I can say is WHAT THE FUCK? Why are we listening to OLD PEOPLE? These same people use denture cream and fucking wear diapers and use Rogain and shit ... why are we allowing them to tell us what to do? We've just always accepted this. And why? We could beat their fragile bodies into a pulp on a whim. So, I devised a plan and worked out some details with some friends of the community and came up with a plan to destroy ... or at least occupy our advesaries.
Part 1: We ship ALL people over the ago of 50 to 3 islands: Madagascar, Australia and New Zealand. These countries are beautiful. They are known for their beautiful landscapes. We are doing them a favor. While at these islands, these old people can go to bed before 9 on EVERY night and not have to worry about some young 'squire' playing loud music at the INSANE hour of 11:30 p.m. They don't have to worry about the younger population polluting their society. Because WE WILL NOT be in their society any longer. I know some of you have old parents. But you can still write them, it's just like they went on a long trip and haven't come back yet. It's beautiful.
Part II: Ok, after part I has been finished, we can start our own government. This government is and will be run by US. The president must be between the ages of 20-30. It will be more of the dictatorship as we've abandoned the idea of checks and balances. This will be our government and IT WILL BE BETTER. Haven't you ever noticed that al good ideas come when people are young? Young people are hungry, they have fresh, new ideas. They know what's better for the country and I trust them more. I mean, do you really think Paul McCartney could write Let It Be now? Hell no, he's old. End of story.
Part III: The consequences of our actions: Well, some of you may realize that once you turn 50, you'll also be sent to one of the islands. But, that's just a fact ... if you try to fight it, you will die. We wil lfind you. You'll move the the islands and become one with your new people. I mean, let's face it, you're revolutionary days are behind you at 50. Just accept it. Also: We ran into a snag: What would we do with the people currently living in Madagascar, New Zealand and Australia ... well, after much deliberation, we have no choice to kill the current residents, with the exception of the band Silverchair. Everyone else will have to be nuked. They are acceptable losses for a better society. If you have family there, I give you my condolences.
So, I want to implement the ANTIHISTAMINE PLAN as soon as possible. Please, be prepared. | 5:41 pm [silver_sunlight]
To support the cause.... Current Mood: amused | Wednesday, June 19th, 2002 | 10:14 am [mediokurgenius]
The End is Near To all new members of Anti_Quiz and hopefully future members
We here at jose jones, inc. are quite pleased with the new influx of members. It does bring some hope to putting and end to all these fucking quizzes. Theres only one question remaining: what the fuck are we gonna do about it? Here are some proposed solutions. We really appreciate the help in any way that we can get it. Only you can prevent quiz posting
1. Hackers out there...we here are an amoral society and we are quite aware of the possibilities of prosecution and consequences of hacking things...i am not a hacker myself so please forgive me of my lack of eloquence on speaking on the subject...we beg of you...use any means necessary to rid this community of quizzes...make it impossible to post quizzes if its possible...or just destroy anyone who does so incessantly...this has to be stopped...or the world will end...we understand that you hackers can get punished severely...if this happens...we can't support or help you seeing that we have no money...but we will not hold it against you...we have no moral views here...except that quizzes are evil and hell will consume those who waste their time on those such things...
2. If you have friends that post a lot of have two options...a) kill them or 2) delete them from your friends list. or c tell them to stop doing kind and give them the option, fuck pick and surprise them
3. if you have posted quizzes in the past redeem yourself by going back and deleting them...or you cannot speak here...hypocrisy is not allowed...unless used in jest or to help the work proceed...such as the anti-quiz quiz
4. Mention the community and a link to it in every post...for example...
Today I woke up and walked my dog. I ate a tuna sandwich at lunch and headed off to work. I hate my job. So i quit today. I can see things getting much brighter. I think i will spend all my time at ANTI_QUIZ today. It brings me so much purpose in my life. Even if it is truly an insignificant purpose
These are only a few small steps we can all take to rid this place of the fucking quizzes.. we really need your help...and it doesnt cost anything so those cheapskates out there can help to
sincerely your friends at Jose Jones, Inc. | Tuesday, June 18th, 2002 | 2:45 pm [sammy_dj]
Nice! Heyas, I'm new here. I was so fucking happy when I saw this on somebody's user info. I really really hate quizes. A friend and I made an anti-quiz to spite all the quizzes out there (surprisingly, alot of the quiz people have taken it) Um, no offence, but the text is kind of hard to read. The two colours blend really well together, I had to select everything just to be able to read it. It could just be my resolution, but...whatever Current Mood: amused | Thursday, June 6th, 2002 | 9:34 pm [nirvana_freak]
Hello. I have realised the error of my ways. Quizzes SUCK. I only just realised this. My God, how much do quizzes suck!!!!!!! They're just an opportunity for people do be even more fucking pretentious and self-centered ... as if they aren't already. So I'm saying hello and announcing the redepmtion of all quizzes and surveys on my part. | Tuesday, April 16th, 2002 | 9:16 am [mediokurgenius]
to whom it may concern dear sirs and mams
We here at Jose Jones, iNc. no longer give a fuck what you do with your life. Even though this is just slightly more than we cared about you all before, we also add that we are no longer interested in your stories. Of who you are in love with...or what your big concern is. But most importantly we no longer care whether you post a quiz or not. Hell, if it gets you off post a million and take a million more. What fucking difference does it make anyway. I'll just scroll past you..
that is all for now
apathetically, Jose Jones, Inc. | Wednesday, March 27th, 2002 | 9:17 pm [bloodangel]
Hi, I'm Alex.
I don't give a fuck what feminine hygeine product you are, or what Sluts and the City character you are.
Yes, I'm bitter and resentful. | Saturday, March 23rd, 2002 | 1:22 am [mediokurgenius]
re: THE DAY OF DEATh To Associates:
the time has come all the years of preparation have finally come to this the revolution will begin at 8:30 Sat april 15 the place Tom's Garage Lufkin Idaho the address is 8256 Elm Street
Bring: Attack rifles (preferrably semi-automatic) goggles gas masks cookies GaloShes orange soda grenades something to conceal your identity proper attire you know what proper is weve been planning this for weeks we shouldnt even have to be posting this...this post alone could endanger our plans so lets get rolling...we are out of time...we must commence now
sincerely Leader
of Jose Jones Inc. | Wednesday, March 20th, 2002 | 7:05 pm [ohnonotagain] |
Yes! This community is an excellent idea. My livejournal friend pandoradea is gonna hate this, but damnit, quizzes blow. They take up space, don't make sense, waste time, and are another excuse to TALK ABOUT YOURSELF!!! Like people with livejournals aren't already obsessed with themselves as it is (and that includes myself). Ok, later tater. Current Mood: hopefulCurrent Music: Ted Leo | Tuesday, March 12th, 2002 | 9:00 am [mediokurgenius]
Once again, a word from our sponsor Ok. So you thought it was the end of our ranting. Well its not. So. Ha! Take that you silly fucker. Anyway now that we are back in the game we have a few words to say. First, there are still too many fucking quizzes out there. And we're not as popular as we'd like to be, so until we get more fucking recognition than those damn quizzes, we're gonna be louder than ever. You better take notice or we'll fuck you up. Verbally of course. Never physically. You lucky bastards, cause we dont know where you live. But if we have no fucking idea. Second, why won't anyone call us at our toll free number. We posted it months ago and still not one single call. So we took it off. You lost your chance. Fuckers. Unintelligence is the current plague of the world. Proof: Creed is selling records, Proof: Midland won't allow MTV2 because its "inappropriate", but theyll allow pay-per-view porn, not that we would know personally, but a friend told us; Proof: Crossroads is still in theaters. I think thats enough fucking proof, dont you. Damn, what is it gonna take to make you fuckers realize whats going on. Do we all have to die painful deaths and have our grandchildren burn in hell before we accept the fact that quizzes are evil and only lead to destruction and soddomy? Well we'll leave you with that final question. Ponder it.
Sincerely, all of us here at Jose Jones, Inc. |
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