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HAHAHAH [17 Nov 2003|04:21pm]

[ mood | entertained ]

HAHAHAH. Kai is great. )

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FYI [16 Nov 2003|07:06pm]

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BTW, Work sucked today.
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asdf [16 Nov 2003|07:08am]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | The Nightmare Scenario - I Loved Her More When She Was Dead ]

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Time for work.

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Mhm [14 Nov 2003|11:42pm]

[ mood | unsure ]
[ music | The Uriah Omen - 2003 Demo - 01 - Robotica ]

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FUCK [14 Nov 2003|11:29pm]

[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | WestMemphisThree - This Is The Last Time... - 06 - Counter R ]

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Keep the noise low she doesn't want to blow it... [12 Nov 2003|11:29pm]

[ music | Brand New, Hot Rod Circuit ]

...shaking head to toe while your left hand does the "show me around," quickens your heartbeat it beats me straight into the ground. You don't recover from a night like this. A victim lying in bed completely motionless. A hand moves in the dark to a zipper. Hear a boy bracing tight against the sheets barely whisper "this is so messed up."
I don't even know the last time it rained here, but it was a gray mist all day, sometimes it would rain, other times the collected rain would just fall from rooftops and gutters. It should be a day that I am used to back home, since living here I have gotten used to it being sunny all the time. Was in the studio for class today. We recorded an orchestra as part of the post production thing. It was a 6 piece orchestra and we ended up overdubbing so it was 22 tracks. Didn't have much time after class, I have a lot to do, like clean and I have a quiz on surround sound tomorrow. I picked up Ben, Liz, Kara, Alexis, and Tammy this evening at ASU and went to the Marquee. I was flipping out because people can't drive in the rain around here. Oh yeah, I tried driving off before everyone was in my car also. Hardly anyone was there when we got there and doors opened almost immeadiately. I swiped a Brand New poster. We got a place near the stage and waited and talked. Eisley was first, they were alright, they were really mellow, and on a few songs Casey from Hot Rod played lap steel, I love those things. Hot Rod Circuit was next, I thought they played a nice set, and like usual Casey was a spazz. They played like 4 brand new songs, speaking of Brand New Jesse came out and sang on "knees." During both of these bands hardly anyone in the crowd seemed to be getting into them. I guess that happens when a band blows up that fast, some people, like myself, would go to see more than just the headliner, but most or a good majority of the audience would go just to see the band that is on the radio. Brand New headlined, they came out to a cool intro, but maybe because of the Marquees sound or where I was in the crowd, I could hardly make out what it was saying. The backdrop they had was so cool, it was like a guy drowning and his fingertips were breaking the surface, fallen leaves floating on the surface. This was by far the most interesting set I have ever seen the band play, taking pauses between nearly every song. After about 6 songs they actually all walked off stage. They switched it up between electric and acoustic. Brandon from the Movielife actually played guitar a few times so they had 3 guitars going. When they played "the boy who blocked his own shot" Casey again took the stage and played lap steel. I have determined that I need to purchase one and learn to play it. They closed with "70 times 7" but then took the stage for one of those planned encores. They played "soco" and "sic transit gloria." They played well, but here comes my complaints about the show again. It's mostly about the crowd, because I have determined that consistently I dislike the sound at the venue. I was able to hold my own in the crowd, but some people attack me like I hit them, when half the time I can't even move, I get elbowed in the gut by someone thinking I was pushing them out of their spot. I had a lot of kids around me that were way off key or were just screaming the words and it sounded awful. Other kids between songs would scream song titles at them, duh they are going to play "70 times 7." Reitteration on the point that arizonans cannot drive in the rain. Oh yeah, the show was over just after 10.
hold you so tight it would break my arms...
so just drop it and lets make out.
Digital class, blah, quiz on surround sound, blah. Maybe we will actually do something that brings some life to the room tomorrow. Going to the movies was discussed, we will see.
I think the shirt I was wearing tonight summed up my feelings towards a good majority of the room tonight.

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Wow [10 Nov 2003|11:01pm]

[ music | Metallica - Ride The Lightning - 08 - The Call of Ktulu ]

If anything else happens, my head will explode.

1. I got my GED. Results came in today. 90% in Social Studies, 96% in Science, 90% in LA Writing, 96% in Math, 99% in LA Reading.

2. I passed my Driver's Ed final, 96.

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HAHAHAHAH [09 Nov 2003|12:22pm]

[ music | Metallica - Master of Puppets - 04 - Welcome Home (Sanitarium) ]

(12:18:39) SF:
(12:19:38) Me: ...I had no ida.
(12:19:39) Me: idea
(12:19:40) Me: lol
(12:19:41) Me: Dude
(12:19:43) Me: Let's see
(12:19:43) SF: lol i didn't either
(12:19:45) SF: how funny is that
(12:19:46) Me: I've got uh
(12:19:55) Me: three fucks, a lap dance, and some oral
(12:19:57) Me: on my left arm.


Sweet dude.

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Fwee [05 Nov 2003|11:18am]

It's time for life with Nion.

Work is boring. I go in, and for 98% of my shift, do no actual work. When I DO work, it's just developing photos, which in actuality, isn't really much work at all. There's the rare occasion I'll have to stock shelves. That's not really much work either.

I had to push carts yesterday (the second time I've had to do this). The guy Tim who was supposed to do it, "had a problem with his knee". Riiiight.


Some idiot decided to instant message me last night. It was funny.


I'm still using Linux. I pwn.


I'm in Driver's Ed still. It's boring, except for the last two days because we've had a substitute. She's a complete bitch and stuff, but in the good way. She's like 28. She's told us all these drinking stories, too (We were in the drugs/drinking unit).

Oh the joy. Three classes left, including tonight.


That is all. Oh, by the way, you've gotta love the user icon. It's the one from when I first got the journal, in 2001. ph34r.
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