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Thursday, August 29th, 2002
2:29 pm

Which tarot card are you?

(2 Voices in my head | Add to the Madness)

2:14 pm - Decaf Iced Double Tall Mocha Soy Extra hot no foam latte please.
Gah. Shoot me now. I'm working this weeked Starbucks and Security for Creed.

For those that read the Sun I may be mentioned, just look for the article about the Sports Celeb that beat his wife, can't remember his name, but I think hew was a baseball personality. Didn't see anything but the firetruck that came.

So I do not know if I am out this weekend or not....

take care all

current music: Final Fantasy X

(1 Voice in my head | Add to the Madness)

Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
11:19 pm - Sigh
Great Weekend, saw A LOT of ppl I have not seen in a while. I just have not been out at the clubs enough
Paul (DJ Trauma) is now at Savage, so I will prob. be out on that night more, if I can.

So I'm sitting here, in one of those camping folding chairs(The ones with the Cup holder), which fits perfectly around my keyboard and mouse, I have "IvoryMaiden"'s web cam and chat box in another window, ICQ is up, Kenya coffee a brewing, Soundjam playing,and MS Word up as I continue to write.......
This is what I want for a job.....but how to get it.


Oh this Mood is for Matt and Markus......

current mood: chipper
current music: Happiness In Slavery : NIN

(Add to the Madness)

12:33 am -
saw them at kathedral. Battery Cage Sucked ass. Started at "The den of Doom" Aric, Matt and Markus' new place, right above Liliths on Queen. That place is Soooooo Close to everything, we ended up going back there between shows to have a few more drinks.

Story has been on and off, have been going back and editing the storyline, and making some changes. Steve sugessted I write every day to keep the momentum going, even if it is not the story at had. Good advice, and I have got a few short tales, I am finding modern fiction easier for me then my fantasy epic. I think the main reason is I DO NOT want to be tolken, well I do in the sense of creating my own world, but I do not what to create a rehash of his world, which most fantasy does.

SORRY MATT for not saying good bye tonight, Aric Markus and I where to sneak back before you and Lana got back so we could tackle the Vodka, but Aric was crashing and I had to be up early so we just went our ways .

current mood: working
current music: Medieval Total War sndtrk

(Add to the Madness)

Wednesday, August 14th, 2002
5:25 pm - Hero Maker.
found from Vex's lj post...sooo much fun...

(3 Voices in my head | Add to the Madness)

3:58 pm - It's Official
mark00z has 'Broken my Wookie'.
on a long ICQ stream of messages, I have not laughed so hard in a while. Roommate is awake, tears down this sides of my face.
Unfortunately I can not post the messages, for it is about someone, and if you do not know him you just would not get it......

current mood: exhausted

(Add to the Madness)

Tuesday, August 13th, 2002
5:40 pm - A Collage of Razorotika
Here is a small version of the master, created with permission, for razorotika

the master can be found here.

current mood: artistic

(2 Voices in my head | Add to the Madness)

3:16 pm - BOOM!
Well i made everyone's day at work (Starbucks) I was asked to dump and clean a whip cream dispencer, for it was to runny (you can see where this is going), so I remove the CO2 canister, and unsrewed the lid...BOOM! I was hit by a whip cream bomb. The back counter, sink, face, arms, apron, my back was to the customers, I just let out a sigh, and continued to rinse out the dispencer as if nothing happened.

"...oh yeah STu, you should drain it first...."
"Thanks Ray..."

current mood: amused

(9 Voices in my head | Add to the Madness)

Monday, August 12th, 2002
9:54 pm - Busy week.
Training, Security, and Closing the joint bank loan with J. whew.
Missed beer fest, and have had a Call back to work for Georgeson Shareholders (it was $12 day shift, I turned it down, for I did not wish to drop the 2 current jobs for one that may lay me off again.)
Also Seduction called back asking if I still was looking for work, but the benifits are better at Starbucks and I only have to work a min. of 20 hrs a week to qualify for them. (I'm going full time so that will be easy.)
I have found out the answers to my mineral questions I had for my book and now need to arrange time with a horse expert to take more notes.

need to escape again....but am working Friday (Training and Security), Saturday, and in Hamilton for Sunday for parents Pearl Anniversary.

I just need to with the lottery then I can get some time off ;)

take care all.

current mood: tired

(1 Voice in my head | Add to the Madness)

Tuesday, August 6th, 2002
8:38 pm - Hmmmm
131 IQ
Word Warrior
Hmmmm ?

It's at emode, I will not post a link, that will be a test aswell.

current mood: thoughtful

(Add to the Madness)

7:38 pm - coffeecoffeecoffeecoffee and ART
Was Tasting different coffees today....boy am I wired!

My Illustrator friend (Steve Howe) has been updating his LJ (mrh7448) with new images, feel free to check them out, I really like his new style. Feel free to post your comments he's looking for feed back on his new style, and there is only so much I can say...

current mood: chipper

(Add to the Madness)

Monday, August 5th, 2002
11:54 am - Movie Trivia Question
WHo is the friend that is in every Schwarzenegger film, what is his relation to him?
examples of him:
Was the Maul wielding Opponent in Conan.
The Security Guard in the Running Man.
And in his latest film Collateral Damage, he was on the patio smoking a cigar, just before the bomb blows up at the beginning. (We had rewinded the tape to look for something, if you have seen the movie you know what.)

He is in every film, whether as a Terrorist, Soldier, or as another extra. He has only had a few speaking parts.

Who is he?

current mood: curious

(1 Voice in my head | Add to the Madness)

Friday, August 2nd, 2002
So I'm heading out to "The house at Queen"

cybergirl R U out 2nite?

I AM working night shift on Saturday Night.

Off to Starbucks for paperwork and Free Coffee for me!

current mood: rushed
current music: Nemesis ... Shriekback

(Add to the Madness)

Wednesday, July 31st, 2002
11:01 am - Starbucks called Back
I start Tuesday, have to fill in some paperwork Friday @ 6.

Still haven't slept.

PS2 Damn You!!!!

current mood: anxious
current music: coffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffee

(10 Voices in my head | Add to the Madness)

9:38 am - HaVe noT slePt yeT
WHat have I learned today...
Russian has 33 letters, 2 of which have no sound but alter other letters if applied to them. Each letter has a "Sound" to it like slava or the like. (where we are just A, E etc.) They spell phonetically. The have a material that is semi transparent in the right light (Personal observation)

I am no longer working the Hip, I'm at the better living centre babysitting France UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE? 2000-0800 Thursday, Friday, Saturday? I hope not for the later.

Hmmmm pop tarts, sleep dep, and Telitubbies...who needs drugs.

current mood: weird
current music: Bubye...bubye!

(3 Voices in my head | Add to the Madness)

Tuesday, July 30th, 2002
5:20 pm - InVaDeR ZiM QuoTes:
'Cause we need something ta do.

"What's your Favorite Zim Quote?"


current mood: crazy
current music: Off to work I go?

(8 Voices in my head | Add to the Madness)

Monday, July 29th, 2002
7:15 pm - Update realization...
It sounds a lot but It's only 36 hrs. The last pay was just over 52 hrs for 2 weeks, and at $8 ......

That and I no longer know what the mid day is anymore, and I'm starting to suffer night shift disorientation (What day is it ?) I passed out for 12 hrs on the weekend after friday.

Still the "Free time to myself" is great, I have reading and writing more than I have in a long time.
Concerts are some what of a bonus, as I get to pick which ones I can work at (Still have regular assignments to work on, but if I see one I like I can sign up for that day)

I'm just not able to get 40hrs or more a week, and no real stability to base my time around. As for tonight I have to stay up all night to get back to the night shift mode (I just set my body clock back to normal on the weekend.)

Also I'm thinking of going back to CPUsed (Original Good job, was laid off from) to talk to Jim (Owner) touch base and see if he may take me back (Even if at a lower wage), I really liked the job and we separated on good terms.

current mood: tired

(Add to the Madness)

6:50 pm - Update
No word from Starbucks....
Working 2000-0800 Tuesday and Wednesday (Baby sitting WYD ppl sleeping in the Armories)
The Thursday I get home sleep for 5 hrs then head of to Molson Amp. Theatre for "The Hip" at 1800, same on Friday.
Sorry cybergirl i will not be able to make your Bday party on Thurs.


(3 Voices in my head | Add to the Madness)

Saturday, July 27th, 2002
4:16 am - ...untitled...
He was truly alive; no one could steal this moment, this feeling. He felt the tears well up. It was a madding mix of everything. Sadness, love, passion, he could not grasp the root of it all. He knew to cherish the moment, remember the ingredients that created this. His mind running threw the memories that were his life. Lost in his own personal hell, a mesh of demons of failure, of not counting, of fading out, he had forgotten the happiness. The darkness was removed all but for one instance, a moment in time. If he could just wrestle the dragon, strive to hold this moment forever. Like staring into the sun then chasing the spot created, it began to fade. Spiderwebs blown free, as the tear drops and explodes on the desk taking with it the joy of the moment.
Silence in the darkness, the moment gone.

current mood: moody

(1 Voice in my head | Add to the Madness)

1:40 am - Beautiful
The interview went well.
I will know monday.

Just watched Vanilla Sky.....Sex for the mind
I loved it. I knew the punch line kinda (Someone had mentioned it), but it was not as I imagined.

I want to throw a mind fuck party....

Fight Club
Vanilla Sky
Donnie Darko

current mood: amused
current music: Beautiful Mind starting up......

(3 Voices in my head | Add to the Madness)

Thursday, July 25th, 2002
10:47 pm - It's Raining!
My 12 hr shift is OUTDOORS! (Bellwood Trinity Park)
This Soooo Sucks.

I'm the Guy with The Umbrella.

current mood: Soon To be Wet

(Add to the Madness)

11:05 am - WURK LIKE DAWG
16 hrs later.....Called Starbucks rearranged interview time. Called Work Confirmed work time....go to sleep....Wake a 10 pm, work at 1am-1pm, rush home freshen up, head of to starbucks for 3pm interview, come home pass out.......

I do not think I will be making it out anywhere Friday Night....

Off to sleep.

current mood: tired

(Add to the Madness)

Wednesday, July 24th, 2002
4:17 pm - All or nothing...
So as if to aid me in my time of "good luck" I suddenly find myself with a LOT of hours now. I'm working a site instead of the Bar at the Molson Amp. The Okayed the transfer, and I am now working a 7pm to about 11am (16HOURS) sleep for 5 then back to the Molson for 6:30pm-??? OR they will have me working the site again if it is still up. (That would mean more sleep!)

Here is the Kicker.....

Starbucks called they would like to interview me TOMORROW. I called but the person calling had gone home. It looks like tomorrow is the only time he's interviewing, I'll be calling him again when I get home, and hoping for another interview time... It's $0.50 more and hour, has great benifit package, and Regular hours.

Still shit wage, but better than nothing.

current mood: rushed

(Add to the Madness)

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2002
10:41 pm - ANger BUilDINg HULK no LIke!!
Okay it really was a religious event, 'cause IT FELT LIKE HELL!

Don't get me wrong, the ppl were great, no real problems, just having fun, singing, dancing etc.

The bar was empty, no one came.I left only after 5 of the 8 hrs I was supposed to work. Everything closed early, why...BAD planning on the part of Molson Amp Theatre. No one left the CNE grounds to come over, the bands were a waste.

Also I'm frightened to think of what tomorrow will be like, same shift. I have to where a white dress shirt or Golf shirt for Thursday and have a special security pass 'cause of Da Pope. I WHITE Shirt...well of to Zellers I suppose, then what I will have only ONE white piece of clothing, how the hell do I wash that? on it's own?

PS It was very village of the damned in a way with them All wearing the same backpack, same style of dress, flags and WYD Bandannas. That and it took me forever and thousands of ppl to get home (And some smart thinking of where to catch the streetcar before they did..)

current mood: annoyed
current music: Still have the Xian Radio Station in me Jebus

(1 Voice in my head | Add to the Madness)

2:08 pm - Here is a Thought...
Working a Bar that is off to the Side of the big WYD Catholic event.

Do You Think:

A) It will be dead tonight, for it is not there style?
B) They Drink Like Fish, 'cause a Teen/Young Adult is a Teen/Young Adult.
C) Or try to convert the Agnostic?

(Yeah yeah if I knew how the poll thingie worked I'd Do It....But I'm leaving soon)

current mood: bored

(3 Voices in my head | Add to the Madness)

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