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Wednesday, February 12th, 2003
8:36 pm - I should be in a hardcore band! ha!
Will You Save Me

sweat dripping down the neck of the fallen angel,
of God, or Hell.
Only death will find the answer
that lays in the depth of my soul.
Seeking the end,
only to find missery

Will you save me
when you are dead
will you hear me,
when you said,
that truth remains sealed

you shower upon me like a broken record.
Same ol tears falling down your face,
only to end at the tip of your gun,
pointed at your soul.

stop breathing, stop loving
cause life is wrong
things are gone

current music: -Estelle - Track01

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8:24 pm - Carl
yea Carl you need to not do that!

current music: -Estelle - Track05

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8:19 pm
yea okay you all know my uncle Ed, well yea he does mission trips to Hatii. He's there now. Okay well we got a call the other day, and he said he just got outta jail for pumping gas without his shirt on. Ha, he needs to remember he's not in West Virginia anymore. He's in a much higher esteem place....Hatii.... huh?

current music: -Estelle - Track03

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Monday, February 10th, 2003
6:30 pm - Cadillac concept cars, oh man!

Holy cow, those are some nice cars. Check em out at

current music: Supertones - Little Man

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2:41 pm - ska vs. XXXhardcorexxxstraightedgeXXX
Who's with me on the cool sounds of ska? Or has hardcore won the battle?

Me I love ska, more than hardcore. I really only like Evergreen Terrace, and when I say like I mean love them. Umm I also like Cordelle, and of course all you hardcore guys know who they are. But like at murray hill all the shows have been hardcore, I mean their are barely any punk bands, let alone ska bands. Yea Honeylocust, best ska band in the whole area.

current music: Aquabats - My Skateboard

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Sunday, February 9th, 2003
5:52 pm
can I get a what what?

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Saturday, February 8th, 2003
11:34 am - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Did you guys see the Tennage Mutant Nija Turtles new cartoon, holy cow does it suck! The turtles don't have eyes, their just glowing white, and it's kinda scary. And I dont like the animation.

Okay and on another note, Chux is doing great. Were soundeding a little better. Okay that's about it....

current music: AFI - Fall Children

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11:30 am - My mommy
It's my moms birthday tomorrow

current music: MxPx - My Mom Still Cleans My Room

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Tuesday, February 4th, 2003
6:06 pm
So yea I hope sonia, mike, and janel are okay. And I hope Ricky feels better, I love you man.

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6:02 pm;=1

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Thursday, January 30th, 2003
3:35 pm - Oh Snap!
OH man, when I got home laying there beneth the sunlight, as beautiful as can be. Was a new box containing only he most gracious gift God has ever low top chuckas! And as I stood there holding this magnificent item, I realized how small and meaningful my life really is.

current music: Five Iron Frenzy - live - 07 - All that is Good

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3:30 pm - Okay this is mainly for Carl
Okay so in the computer lab they use the Citrix server crap. Well I went to their website, and it looks like you can download it all. So could I download that software, and learn how to use it? Maybe you should check out what you can download. Then I'll probably have to log in on my computer, and use my last 4 SS# for a password....j/k. Anyway yea just check it out. And Neil was being a big dick, so I didn't like it. He was making me mad. Anyway, yea this sucks....

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Tuesday, January 28th, 2003
1:59 pm
So yea i stayed home today... I really didn't do anything. Ummm I got up at like 11:30, and Dana and I have been talking the hole time.... so it's been fun.

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1:59 pm
Rising Trees - Logan 1-26-03

searching, waiting, till the day
the day that I will see your face
rise above the trees
above the leaves
and out of shadows
merge life, happines
love, and dreams
to be here
to see all that passes
eternity of life
passed on through misery

sitting as still as can be
watching life roam by
water dries people die
it's all a dream
just a game to you and me
but something more has
to come from this
I can't see what is the point
toil and lose, not worth it's time

peacefully sit, and steer
listening to the readings
of yesterdays dispear
hating the world and what's
become of it, to only
know what's to happen
saving the voice, saving
the boy, saving the dream
where we fly away

meeting your friends
till the end
playing that last note
on the guitar
see times
making rhyms
leave this place
the way it is
never to return
and ruin it's passion

listen closly
for it will end
sooner than you think
call upon yourself
to do the right thing
listen to God your only hope
you've turned your back on HIm
once, but can you let your
creator die, pick up your cross
and put down your pride
listen my child, because I love
you, and would love you
to have perfect happiness
don't let the world corrupt
you, fight the good fight
until your worn out

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1:46 am
yea that's right I'm still awake, and can't get to bed, oh how I would love to fall asleep.

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1:01 am - OH crap
Oh man it's like 1AM, and I can't get to sleep. All I do is roll over, this really sucks. I need to get to bed, but I can't stop shacking. AHHH. I need to stop. I also have a cold. So my nose is all stoped up, and it sucks! I just want some sleep, that's it. I almost fell asleep at 9, but then I started to sweat. So I took off my extra layers. So it's just my comforter and sheet. But that was still to hot. So I just layed out on my bed. And again too hot, so I turned on my fan, and it didn't help, so I went down staris to get some water. My life sucks.

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Monday, January 27th, 2003
5:50 pm - band stuff
Okay okay, so first off with CHUX; umm we have a new member. It's Chase, from Clean Getaway. He wants to play guitar for us. So we'll let him.

and also we've started a ska band called That's What She Said. It consits of Trey(guitar), Victor(drums), Me(Trumpet) (so CHUX), Chase(guitar), Jeff Balogh(bass), David Conrad (vocals), Ryan Sebert(tromboner). So that's it so far. We had out first practice Sat. It went really well. We have a song. And it sounds really cool. So it's a little side project. Were gonna bring back ska!

current music: Voodoo Glow Skulls - Bulletproof

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Thursday, January 23rd, 2003
7:04 am - Angels Fall
To feel the blade from the raptured soul. Death rises, as spirits fall. Waiting for sickness to devour the wretched boy. Lost, scared, holding tight to what is there. Nothing, void. Black smoke fills the heart. Feeling it coming, faster than angels fall. What is left? What is lost? Some lost soul, that never had a chance...


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Sunday, January 19th, 2003
2:53 pm - ha
Well yesterday was fun. I went to the competition. It was fun. A lot of people were there. Ridgeview did good, and made finals, thats where Dana is now. Clay didn' do good at all, oh well.

current music: Inspection 12 - Joe

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2:49 pm - aunt debbie
Ummm maybe some of you might not know it, probably none of you....but my aunt past away 2 years ago, today. She was a really sweet woman. If any of you remember her. But I'm kinda down... She died from diabetes...

theres a song by Dogwood that always makes me think of her, it's called Tribute. it's a good song.

current music: Dogwood Tribute

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