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Below is information about the "John Lydon Community" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:john_lydon (660563) john_lydon
Name:John Lydon Community
Website:Offical Site
About:This community is for the Johnny Rotten/John Lydon fan. Whether you are interested in the band, the man, the songs, the members - this is the community for you.

So join now!

This Community is Maintained By: [info]punkgirlbri & [info]manda_mayhem

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"I don't need a Rolls Royce, I don't need a house in the country, I don't want to have to live in France. I don't have any rock and roll heroes; they're all useless. The Stones and The Who don't mean anything anymore; they're established. The Stones are more of a business than a band."
- Johnny Rotten - December, 1976
Interests:46: 1977, 70's punk movement, alcohol, anarchy, anarchy in the u.k., anti mtv, anti pop, bass, british punk rock, chrissie hynde, drums, england, glen matlock, god save the queen, guitar, home-made clothes, infamous language, john lydon, johnny rotten, julien temple, nancy spungen, old school punk, paul cook, pil, politics, public image limited, public image ltd, punk, punk rock, rebellion, safety pins, sid & nancy, sid vicious, singing, siouxsie & the banshees, siouxsie sioux, song writing, spots tour, steve jones, the 100 club, the pretenders, the queen, the sex pistols, the slits, vinyls, vocals. [Modify yours]
Members:99: 1217, 1milefromsophie, 3_tone_shoes, __skimpie, __tearjerker, _addicted_, _rebelsheep, _skunk_rock, _unbroken, absainthe, allgeekslut, anarcheese, anarchicrotten, anti_fangirl, anti_spuffy, anti_them, authoritys_dead, badeggs, bassboyhunter, berlyn, bi_sex_ualcat, blase_surreal, blazingdragons, concietta, cumfrtblynumb, deniro_humper, died4lov3, django24, dstar, ellen_melon, failed_romantic, feanari, film586, finalxregrets, fiyre, frankenchris, fraulein_doktor, fuc_k_you, girl_fix_er, girl_rotten, glortw, goodangelus, gurgg, her_electro_art, iheartstan, irishgreen, j_underground, kamon, knifin_around, kristieb, ladyfinger, likeits1999, lipsticktraces_, lucystag, lydons_punker, maledictis, markxist, marquise22, mattramone, missannthrope_, mmmhotdogs, moe_gonzo, mxpxchick13x, nevercadabera, nezumi_jthm, overratedvanity, patbateman, patmagic, pretty_vacunt, prittyingrunge, psycho_poodle, punkgirlbri, punkrockaddict, pureice, r7, ronin_away, scar_me, sex_pistol7, shakerbreaks, shinythingys, sighbunny, spikedaft, spiraling_shape, stefanatic, stompnymph, subhumansidney, suckonit, suicidehead, teenage_murder, thebiggestgoose, theirafterme, thejokesonu, themerovingian, this_rocks, wastedyouthx, wolfie75, xmyimmortalx, xpretynplaidx13, zonsters
Watched by:59: 1milefromsophie, 3_tone_shoes, _addicted_, _skunk_rock, absainthe, anarchicrotten, anti_spuffy, authoritys_dead, bassboyhunter, bi_sex_ualcat, blase_surreal, concietta, deniro_humper, died4lov3, django24, finalxregrets, fiyre, frankenchris, fraulein_doktor, fuc_k_you, girl_rotten, goodangelus, gurgg, iheartstan, irishgreen, isolation, kamon, knifin_around, ladyfinger, lipsticktraces_, lydons_punker, markxist, mxpxchick13x, patmagic, pretty_vacunt, prittyingrunge, punkgirlbri, pureice, r7, ramziabed, scar_me, sex_pistol7, shinythingys, sighbunny, six_ugly, spikedaft, spiraling_shape, stefanatic, stompnymph, strangenoise, suckonit, suicidehead, teenage_murder, theirafterme, theshadowplay, wastedyouthx, wolfie75, zneila, zonsters
Account type:Free Account

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