Thursday, October 31st, 2002
10:38 am - happy halloween all you ass suckers who have a costume
I AM ONE APPLIANCE CLOSER TO MY DREAM OF HAVING A STAINLESS STEEL KITCHEN. it is my stainless steel microwave. next will come the stainless steel toaster oven and then....
then.... then!!!!!....
the mother of all kitchen appliances...the stainless steel refridgerator. it will be da bomb baby. i'll load it up with that fancy champagne that i cant pronounce and show it off to all my G's. so without any further she is !!!
we named her metallica. time for my bitching... i dont have a costume for tonight ...kmart was all sold out of the jengo fett costumes...even the extra big ones for all the fatty kids out there.. i was so upest. i went to wallmart. but no luck.. so i am costumeless this year.
however..i will get to hand out candy for like the first time ever !!! yaay
we went and saw the ring the other night. it came very recommended.. it was good. very good effects and creation and all that other stuff..
however... the plot had WAYYYY too many holes in it.. like straight up open holes poke my head right through and say where did that come from?
if you see the movie answer me this one question.
Q: if there were 4 kids up in the cabin..and the picture is taken of 4 kids...then who took the damn picture??? THERE WERE ONLY 4 AND TNEY WERE ALREADY INT HE PICTURE.. and dont you say remote timer..cause it was outdoors.
that..and there just wasnt a good enough reason for the little girls "evil" ways. i mean.. they should have gone into her past...where did she come from? is she the son of satan? and coven of witches? is she sent to reek havoc on the white man? i need to know these things to further enjoy my movie experience.
in total. i just think the movie had too much unexplainable and supernatural stuff going on with not enough depth to it.
but it was still a cool ass movie GO SEE IT !!
current mood: bouncy current music: meowing rosemarys baby theme to the kitty
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Sunday, October 27th, 2002
11:17 am - happy halloween dreams by marianne
I had this really strange dream last night. it was rather long and some might find it boring. but it was by far the most GOREY bloody and realistic dream i've had so far. feel free too read on if you are into that sort of stuff.
the dream started with me in a history class. i was watching this film pondering my present situation in life. the situation was that i was dating this guy whom i really didnt like that much but we got to spend alot of time together. and at the same time i went on a date with this guy that i REALLY liked but that i would never get to see. so I sat in class torn thinking i didnt want to be with a guy i would never get to see and have to give up a guy that i got to see alot.
(this really isnt how my personality works, im not like this at all, it was just the chick in my dreams thoughts)
so im watching the film and the dream all of a sudden shift into the middle ages. and it focuses on this sick twisted ruler who is also a polygimist. he has all these girls he thinks are his property or think are his girlfriends or soemthing. and the dream follows each girls story as the girl find another guy.
each girl after finding a guy she really loves is thrown into this massive stone pit filled with about 4 feet of water. and the ruler is so upset that the girl is inlove with someone else..that he slowly cuts up each girl.
so im dreaming about all these girls that are missing legs and arms and some of them only have like half a head and are missing like faces or part of thier skulls. ITS VERY GRAPHIC. and then after the ruler kills each girls new boyfriend he mixes thier blood in this massive pool over water and thows it down in the pit where the girls then come and bless the bloody remains of thier lovers. (iew)
then i realize in the midst of the dream that my girl in the dream is his next victim. she is with him and has fallen in love with this guy. so she gets thrown in the pit without the lower half of her body and then he chops off the back of her head.
she then sees the blood of her guy streaming down into the pit and sees the back of her head float up and decides to drowned herself in the water.
the i wake up
how fucking wierd of a dream is that. i know i should probobly keep that toomyself cuase i might be thought of as the next ted bundy or something. but this dream lasted like all night and chronicled each girl. it was the most disturbing thing i have ever experience. damn me and all my dreams
current mood: complacent current music: the creepy sound of water trickling in the bathroom
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Thursday, October 24th, 2002
i finally got a call back from a job.
they called yesterday while i was out looking for jobs AGAIN like i do every day. but it was really late at night when i got the number off the caller ID so i figured i would call first thing in the morning.
so that is what i just did... 10 am...called...and got SUSAN.
SUSAN (or susan the cunt as i like to call her) tells me that she had already hired people in that few short hours that i waited to call her.
i respond with a disbelieving UMMM????
she responds with a very snooty tone: "we'll be hiring again sometime...hopefully YOU'LL BE HOME NEXT TIME I CALL."
ps..i appologize to any other susans in my audience...its not the name..its the person i swear.
current mood: enraged current music: DOG FASHION DISCO -G EYE JOE
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Monday, October 21st, 2002
12:46 pm - blobble blobble *drools* blobble blobble
i'm starting to think that i'm part of one of those movies where the main character doesnt really exist.
its the only explaination why i havent gotten a single call back for a job yet.
in my mind im sending out dozens of resumes and applications..but in reality..its only in my mind. i am living an alternative life in my head where i rack my brains every day searching endlessly and tiredly for anyone hiring.
but in realiy...i am just sitting here doing nothing and enjoying it !!
..i'm glad i've finally figured this out cause for a minute there i was thinking that it's fucking impossible to send out dozens of applications and resumes and not get a single call back.
back to life...back to reality
boo yaa
current music: bsf -live for today
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Thursday, October 17th, 2002
10:52 am - meloncholy and the infinite jobless
so..i havent gotten a job yet...not even one fucking interview..nope...ive never tried so hard in my life..i even called all these fucking places back. i figured i would have at least one by the end of the week. this is getting seriously depressing. im starting to develop this narcaleptic type fatigue..i suddenly just fall asleep at random tiems of the day...its like a super knock me out type of nap. i will just be up and about..and omg..i need to lay down. i hate it.
but that is my current sucks...really really bad....i happy....but my life is not functionable..i cannot live like this.
since i watched sid and nancy last night i guess it is appropriate that i take this quiz...and i also watched the new angelina movie.. (notice i call it the new angelina and not life or something like it) im so gay... but anyways..she's wearing a social d shirt in the movie...coincidence..i think not...what could it all mean?
Which punk rock god are you? brought to you by Quizilla
current mood: annoyed current music: i dont like johnny cash
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Sunday, October 13th, 2002
9:50 pm - now i know why people put razor blades in childrens halloween candy
Friday, October 11th, 2002
10:45 am - the political science of holidays
halloween is by far my favorite holiday. theres no pressure like those other holidays. take new years or the forth of july... YOU MUST GO OUT ..or you are a loser..i mean really..who sits home on new years.
but halloween doesnt do that to you...halloween you can sit home and watch the whole series of nightmare on elm street if you want and no one will judge you..
you can walk around dressed however you want acting however you want doing whatever you want and no judgement is passed.
halloween is the only really free spirited day of the year. is my favorite holiday. we carved pumpkins last night. i made a big scary dragon. (yes i cheated and used those carving sets..) buts its halloween and i can do shit like that...SO BACK OFF. anyhoo.. i really want to hand out candy this year but its like on a thursday and lets just say im no wheres near a neighborhood in order to do that. kinda sucks. and i saw this really cool childrens jengo fett costume at k-fart. its like kids..but its for the really fat kids so i could definently fit into it. damnit..that is what i want to go as.
maybe ill buy it anyways and use it for kinky halloween roleplaying.
" has come the time to battle me with your light saber"
"It shall be a hard battle jengo...but i think i will triumph"
after the battle...
"luke..your light saber seems to be out of batteries...looks like i go get me some cookie dough ice cream you bitch."
ya..time to shower..i know
current mood: weird current music: shortie - sour times
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Sunday, October 6th, 2002
i woke up this morning with a massive craving for some soft batch cookies. they are my ultimate fav ! i needed an excuse to get my ass out of this place and get another sunday paper.
last night we rented death to smoochy. i really wanted to see this even though i guess it bombed.
why i dont know... cause it was the funnies friggin movie ive seen in like 5 years... like really. it was so awsome. brilliant even. so everyone rent it and watch it and LAUGH TILL YOURE WET !!!
that is to the store for my chocolate fix
current mood: awake current music: dallas vs. giants
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Friday, October 4th, 2002
What kind of porno would you star in? brought to you by Quizilla
i had some yummy chinese last boy did it disagree with me. i know i said no more poop talk, but damnit...i just woke up and pooping (many times) is the only event of the day so far.
that and im horribly horny with nothing i can do about it. (damn the crimson bandit all to hell) its so lonely here in the morning. i applied at a few more places, gonna go turn in the applications today. i guess i should get ready.
current mood: horny current music: boy sets fire - cavity
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Monday, September 30th, 2002
11:43 am - left rights move over...theres a new poo sheriff in town
i pooped again today. thats 2 poops in 8 days. which is 1 more poop than usual for all you math whizs out there.
fiber choice chewable tablets should be calling me any minute now to welcome me on the road to regularity.
and suprisingly these things taste really good. they taste like chewable tang. cant beat that.
i spent about 10 minutes looking through the want ad's looking for a job. no luck. i dont know what the hell im gonna do. but for now i'm gonna torture the kitty. he keeps climbing in the fridge.
one of these times im gonna shut the door on him and have chinesse for dinner.
yum yum
current mood: accomplished current music: portishead
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Thursday, September 26th, 2002
2:15 pm - more bathroom drama
today on "AS THE TOILET OVERFLOWS" we see marianne trying to take a shower. and not realizing the shower curtain is out of the tub the water pours all over the floor for the entire time of mariannes sweet warm LONG shower.
so.. ive spent the past like hour cleaning the soaking floor.. i have towels laying soaking wet in the tub for there is no wheres else to put them. and i also have all the rugs hanging over the shower bar. and ARGGHHHH... im never using the bathroom again !
current mood: pissed off current music: poo out my ass - left rights
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Wednesday, September 25th, 2002
9:25 am - 10 days sans poop. (record books maybe?)
after 4 days of taking ultra super fiber tablets. i finally was able to shit
and because of this...i plugged the toilet
because of this... i had to plunge the toilet
because of this... i had to use kitchen pans to scoop out the over flowing water
and now i must go clean the bathroom floor..and tub..and me
but at least i finally pooped.
current mood: relieved current music: the left rights (how appropriate)
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Friday, September 13th, 2002
the heading was "you gave me the wrong number"
and being that i have outlook express it automatically opened and this is what it said
Vege Fucking Whores!
There's no stopping these Psycho Sluts as they punish their Pussy with all sorts of weird shaped veges!
...i just thought that was so cute =)
current mood: amused
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Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
10:37 am - exit anal explosions...enter digestive pyrotechnics
i hate wedding... i hate the cheesy music they play and all the lame cookie cutter traditions. of my cousins got married this weekend..her wedding was out in connecticut, and my family was invited the last minute and i wasnt invited.
and i found out after the wedding that i was invited after was just a mix up with communication..
and i missed what im guessing was THE COOLEST wedding.
it was an all depeche mode wedding. she walked down the isle to depeche insturmental and thier wedding song was something depeche mode too!!! they gave out cd's for wedding favors (which i think is a totally great idea) and on it was 3 depeche mode songs and a remix of madonna by MASSIVE ATTACK!!! and.. like old school stuff and "try a little tenderness" (i wuv that song)
and the one wedding that i might have actually enjoyed i missed because of stupid mis communication between my moms retarded family.
on a good note though..its like over 90 degrees here all weekend and my nausea is back and i feel like im gonna barf.. but today is my last day at work... WOOO HAAAA... goodbye syracuse colour graphic ...FOREVER... and all you whiney misserable old woman who have no life and gossip like queens to anyone who will listen about anything under the fucking sun.... you can kiss my 22 year old beautiful tight tiny firm ass.
boo ya
current mood: determined current music: les claypool's frog brigade
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Monday, September 9th, 2002
2:30 am
current mood: crappy current music: between pooping im organizing my 2000 mp3's
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Thursday, September 5th, 2002
11:13 pm - where was my extra right leg when i needed it
i had the wierdest thing happen to me at work today.
this morning i was taking for an arobicized jump with campbell soup cans on my trampoline and i must have pinched a nerve. cause when i got to work.. my right leg was COMPLETELY unfunctional. like.. i had to drag it behind me and any time i tried to move it i got a horrid shooting pain that struck me in the groin and followed down my leg.
then at 8 oclock. it just magically went away and everything was aok.
WIERD. im all better now so that is good.
pj made me a punk cd. cause he is a little punk rocker and he sits in his bathroom for hours every morning mastering the art of the mohawk with hopes to someday have the biggest badest punkest spikes the world has ever seen. i heard anyways. but that is what im listening to now. i love other peoples mixed cd's they are always better than anything i could ever make.
yaah for mixed cd's
and yaay for the cup of ameretto flavored coffee i had at work that will most likely keep me up all god damn night long.
lets hope this is a long cd
current mood: amused current music: pj's punk picks track 20
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Sunday, September 1st, 2002
4:07 pm - amelda marcos move over
its addicted to shoes
i went into burlingtons with the specific purpose of trying on shoes with no intention to buy.
i just slipped them on..walked around in off on it.. slipped them off...and went to the next pair.
and i did this for an hour. i even went as far as walking around the store with the box that had these really great cute super tiny (size 7!!!) blue swede sneakers. and i wanted to buy them so bad. it was terrible and painful and it took everything i had to put them back.. but eventually i did.. and i left the store
but at least i got my shoe fix for the day..
please someone help me.
current mood: crazy current music: k's choice - not an addict
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Wednesday, August 28th, 2002
10:56 pm - the pretty ones always lie to you
this miss teen usa pagent shit is full or horse poop.
the final question for the 5 finalists was
..what do they all say...." with friends.."
bull fucking shit...
honest teenager rolemodels my ass
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Sunday, August 25th, 2002
5:56 pm - what i would give for a game of monopoly
more and more i find myself sitting home alone wondering what happened to all that shit that i was supposed to do this weekend. all the fun times that were promised to me the week or the day before. all the smiles that were supposed to be had before we all go our seperate ways.
and i start to think...
i wish i had schizophrenia... that way...the friends i had would be in my head...and they would be trapped there...and would always be there for me. sure they would be figments of my imagination... but it sure beats the alternative.
real people.
i honestly cannot remember the last time i hung out with anyone when it did not involve alcohol. does anyone else find a problem with this..
without starting a war... i would just like to say that this summer has been the saddest summer ive ever had. my worth is equivalent to a 5% label on glass bottle or can...and so is the rest of yours apparently.
and unless someone can give me a few times where there didnt have to be booze to put a smile on someones face... then i know im right..and you know im right too. and thats really fucking pathetic and sad. but as long as theres beer who cares right? ...hey, what are friends for. *high five*
current mood: exhausted current music: piebald - grace kelly with wings
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Thursday, August 8th, 2002