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dead bodies everywhere ~ koRn |
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So tomorrow I head home.
My only regret is that I couldn't spend more time with all the people I love out here. I can't see myself making it back again this year. Maybe February or April, when I have vacations from work. Oh well.
Eric's a good host. Makes sure I don't starve, lets me use his computer, burns cool cd's for me. Very nice. I appreciate it. His friends are nice too.
Chris and Jenna are great hosts too. And I love their house. Wanna know one thing I really love about their place? Their shower curtain in the front bathroom. I know, sounds silly, but it's true. It's not just the lovely blue and green polka-dot motif that gets me, though it is an attractive pattern and color scheme. No, what I really appreciate is that fact that it's transparent. I can see right through it into their superbitchin' lavendar and black tiled shower. Hurrah!
Perhaps this sounds like some strange shower fetish. Not exactly. See, while I am fairly well-adjusted as a person in most aspects of my personality--I'm also a bit more neurotic than your average human in a few select categories. One of these involves showers. Or more specificly, shower curtains and what they may be hiding.
I'm not sure when this began--perhaps in 6th grade when I used to imagine my best friend's older brother (who was freaky) hiding in the shower to scare me or make fun of me. Or maybe I saw too many movies where killers hid out in showers.
Eventually my suspicion that "something" might be hiding itself in the shower, just waiting to be discovered by poor me, narrowed itself to the suspicion that there may be a dead body in the shower. Yep, you read it correctly, a dead body. I could go through a list of possible reasons for this idea--movies, friends no longer with me--but it's still an irrational fear.
My point is, for the last 10-12 years, every time I have used a bathroom with an opaque shower curtain, I have peeked behind it just to make sure it's clear. Every single time. Not once every visit to a new place, every visit to the bathroom. So if you're one of those people who has a nasty tub, but you tell yourself, "I'll just close the shower curtain, then no one will see it," I have to confess--I've seen it. But unless it was growing terrifying black mildew formations all over, I probably didn't notice if it was clean or not. I just quickly check--"No dead bodies? Sweet. Moving on."
One halloween I went to a party where part of a leg was visible sticking out from behind the 3/4 closed shower curtain. It didn't fool me (okay, I checked just in case, but if you really want to fool me, it's not going to be on halloween), I'm on the look out for real tub corpses. Besides, it was wearing ugly 90's style white nikes--in about a size 8.
But at Chris and Jenna's I can walk right in and see immediately that the shower is clear of corpses. I appreciate that. Because no matter what, I can't not look. If it's not when I first walk in, it's right before I walk out. So thanks you two. Much appreciated.
And if I visit any of you, make sure you clean your tub/shower (if you care about such things), and hide your dead bodies elsewhere. Cuz I'm onto you.