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Return of Return of the Living Dead [27 Aug 2002|04:28pm]
[ mood | sensitive to needs of others ]
[ music | "night of the living deadgirl" ~ aaron ]

okay, so today Return of the Living Dead is re-released onto dvd.

MGM has granted Dan O'Bannon permission to assemble elements for a possible director's cut, if this dvd sells well.

i point out this not for my own benefit, but because aaron has been harrassing me about this for the last week. he demands that i, and everyone i know, buy one or several copies so that he can aquire the prospective director's cut. so here, i've now done what i can.

pick up a copy of your own, post haste. thank you.
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School's fo' Fools [23 Aug 2002|03:10pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | The Bangs ]


Here I am, back in my classroom. I picked up my keys today (4 of 'em, plus a security card-thingy. hi-tech) and now I'm sitting in my classroom, thinking about how I want to set up things. I have 2 bulletin boards I left decorated over the summer, but i have 2 more to do. I have pictures of students and band stickers and other fun stuff all over my cabinet... I think I need some more fabric for another table in here. I've decided to bag the whole podium thing--I'm just going to sit indian-style on the table in front of the room. So now I need another table to put near my desk (for paper stacking. very important), and some remnant fabric and plastic covering for aesthetic and easy-cleaning purposes.

I also have a couple boxes of papers to go through--I need to organize my lessons back into chronological order, to minimize ahead-thinking during the school year. Having everything at least partially ready to go ahead of time is key.

I'm starting to get excited though, it'll be a good year. I'm looking at I-zone pictures of the "bad" guys from my fist period class last year. Little darlings. At least the pain-in-the-ass kids like me, which minimizes class trouble.

Well, I've been here. I've hooked up my computer, had a gander at the contents of the closet, taken stock of what I need, and figured out a general plan. Time to go.

Tonight: healthy-mexi-cali food and the best margaritas in town. Then a slumber party at Aaron's w/our favorite movie, Fall. I think we may be the only two people in the world who love this movie, but oh well. That's why we're besties.

Time to go home. I think I'll take a shower, just to be crazy

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blahblahblah... goodbye [22 Aug 2002|12:51pm]
[ mood | complacent ]
[ music | "halfway home" ~ jason mraz ]


in a couple hours i'll be on my way back to california. and y'all know what happens then, right? school. i know, all you work-all-summer types are hardly shedding a tear for me, but right now i'm dreading those sullen, challenging, sarcastic little faces that will fill my classroom and my life in just a few short days. i know it will be fine. it will even be fun, but it's hard to look forward to. bleh.

anyway lovies, with school comes supa-fast internet access. which means more livejournal posts and whatnot. it'll be like old times. i had a lovely summer--met a number of you, made good friends, experienced real humidity for the first time, and the hottest weather in america. excellent.

i'd best be hopping in the shower now--don't want to offend my seatmates on the flight. take care, and stay out of trouble!

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flashback: 1996 [22 Aug 2002|12:55am]
[ mood | drunk ]

right now i am drinking liquid college. freshman year, to be precise. yep, it's st. ides special brew, mixed fruit. of course when i was 18 they were in shorter, fatter bottles w/re-affixable screw tops. and it was just called fruit punch back in the day. it's the only beverage i ever regurgitated--but it was in cahoots with about 1/2 a quart of peppermint schnaaps. dee-lish.

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I've Seen Your Bathtub [21 Aug 2002|10:35am]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | dead bodies everywhere ~ koRn ]

So tomorrow I head home.

My only regret is that I couldn't spend more time with all the people I love out here. I can't see myself making it back again this year. Maybe February or April, when I have vacations from work. Oh well.

Eric's a good host. Makes sure I don't starve, lets me use his computer, burns cool cd's for me. Very nice. I appreciate it. His friends are nice too.

Chris and Jenna are great hosts too. And I love their house. Wanna know one thing I really love about their place? Their shower curtain in the front bathroom. I know, sounds silly, but it's true. It's not just the lovely blue and green polka-dot motif that gets me, though it is an attractive pattern and color scheme. No, what I really appreciate is that fact that it's transparent. I can see right through it into their superbitchin' lavendar and black tiled shower. Hurrah!

Perhaps this sounds like some strange shower fetish. Not exactly. See, while I am fairly well-adjusted as a person in most aspects of my personality--I'm also a bit more neurotic than your average human in a few select categories. One of these involves showers. Or more specificly, shower curtains and what they may be hiding.

I'm not sure when this began--perhaps in 6th grade when I used to imagine my best friend's older brother (who was freaky) hiding in the shower to scare me or make fun of me. Or maybe I saw too many movies where killers hid out in showers.

Eventually my suspicion that "something" might be hiding itself in the shower, just waiting to be discovered by poor me, narrowed itself to the suspicion that there may be a dead body in the shower. Yep, you read it correctly, a dead body.
I could go through a list of possible reasons for this idea--movies, friends no longer with me--but it's still an irrational fear.

My point is, for the last 10-12 years, every time I have used a bathroom with an opaque shower curtain, I have peeked behind it just to make sure it's clear. Every single time. Not once every visit to a new place, every visit to the bathroom. So if you're one of those people who has a nasty tub, but you tell yourself, "I'll just close the shower curtain, then no one will see it," I have to confess--I've seen it. But unless it was growing terrifying black mildew formations all over, I probably didn't notice if it was clean or not. I just quickly check--"No dead bodies? Sweet. Moving on."

One halloween I went to a party where part of a leg was visible sticking out from behind the 3/4 closed shower curtain. It didn't fool me (okay, I checked just in case, but if you really want to fool me, it's not going to be on halloween), I'm on the look out for real tub corpses. Besides, it was wearing ugly 90's style white nikes--in about a size 8.

But at Chris and Jenna's I can walk right in and see immediately that the shower is clear of corpses. I appreciate that. Because no matter what, I can't not look. If it's not when I first walk in, it's right before I walk out. So thanks you two. Much appreciated.

And if I visit any of you, make sure you clean your tub/shower (if you care about such things), and hide your dead bodies elsewhere. Cuz I'm onto you.

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...couldn't... resist... [21 Aug 2002|02:13am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | "lover, you should have come over" ~ jeff buckley ]

You are "Everybody Here Wants You"...I'll be waiting right here just to show you how our love will blow it all away...
To see what Jeff Buckley song you are click here.

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...the sickly sweet colours of the snakes i've seen... [20 Aug 2002|11:56pm]
[ mood | embarrassed ]
[ music | just like heaven ~ the cure ]

*ring**ring*...(click) hullo, this is Robert Smith. I can't come to the phone right now. I'm either crying in my tea, or out shopping for lipstick. Please leave a message and I'll try to ring back... *beep* *beep* *beep* *beeeeeeeep*

Um, hello? Robert? Hi, this is Christy--remember me? Look, I know we've never really been close, but I've always considered you, well, a friendly aquaintance. Anyway, I watched the Cure's Greatest Hits dvd a couple weeks ago, and well, what the hell happened?
Not that it matters, I mean, I love you no matter what, but in the accoustic sets? Well, you look like the abandoned love child of fat Elvis and early '90's Bob Dylan. And of course how you look doesn't matter--your music is brill, but, um... maybe you should think twice before licking the microphone. It's unsettling. And then your tongue waggling out against your cheek like that? It looked more like you were searching for a spot of shepherd's pie leftover from dinner, than anything sexy--or even whetting your lips. I must admit that Aaron and I actually shrieked like little girls when we saw it--and not in a throw-yer-bra-at-a-rockstar kind of way.
And again, it doesn't impact your music, so you probably shouldn't even listen to my opinion, but maybe you could call, i don't know, Betty Ford or Jenny Craig? Or maybe Miss Manners has a seminar on aging gracefully?
I shouldn't have called, I'm sorry. You're beautiful the way you are. And your music is amazing. I won't be sending my therapy bills this time around. But keep in mind that I am sort of fragile when it comes to imagery. Anyway, keep it up. Looking forward to your next venture.

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update [20 Aug 2002|11:00am]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | stars ~ cardia ]

final tally: 7 mosquito bites. this is a triumphant victory compared to the last trip i took down florida way, which resulted in over 20 insect bites. bleh! of course that time i wasn't in danger of contracting the west nile virus... but blahblahblah. whatever.

pirated little song survey thing. )

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donnie darko rocks my world [20 Aug 2002|01:25am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Mad World ~ Gary Jules ]

ah... just finished donnie darko. fantastic. i'd never seen it. eric and i sat down with some micky d's cheeseburgers and fries (only a buck!) and a bottle of boone's farm (okay, i drank the boone's) to unwind/recover from our fantastic weekend in jacksonville. one more congrats to my favorite newlyweds. *sigh* precious...

anyway, stinky ares (eric's dog) is alternately trying to help type, and lick my cheek--so i'm giving up on this here post. ttfn, everybody. g'night.

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jacksonville and weddings and surveys and yeah. [19 Aug 2002|12:40pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | "halfway home" ~ jason mraz (in my head) ]

howdy! this weekend was the celebration of the nuptials of chris & jenna (almost typed "christ & jenna"). so fun. and beautiful. quite warm, but worth it. jenna was beautiful like a princess. congratulations again you two!

as it would be somewhat inappropriate to crash at the short residence on their wedding night, our dear friend anti-bill graciously opened his home to us. thank you again, bill. you rock. and you rock. poor eric had a headache, so he went to bed "early," while anti-bill, his charming roommate ben, and i stayed late into the night and on into the early morning at the home of chris and garnet. brian was there and it was some fantastic conversation, let me tell you. thank you garnet and chris! bill and i saw the sunrise, because we're rock 'n' roll types who scoff at sleep.

yesterday i finally saw kristi's house (oh, and robbie too). so cute! we sat on the couch watching waiting for guffman, spinal tap outtakes, and old driver education films. i feel like an a+, #1 driver now! but i don't like bikes!

we ended the day back with our favorite newly weds. anti-bill joined us for pizza and the lord of the rings. superfun. thank you once again, jacksonville. it was good to see ya.

sorry i didn't call you yesterday, brie. but i did steal your survey! )

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[17 Aug 2002|01:54am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | "if it be your will" ~ leonard cohen ]

here i am in jacksonville. fantastic. my little chris and jenna wed tomorrow. even better.

i was reading grapes of wrath in the car on the way down here. man, i read kerouac this summer and now steinbeck. makes me love california.

my family fled to california from the oklahoma dustbowl. yep, real true okies are in my blood. reading about their spirit, their connection to the land, reminds me of my own connection.

actually, both sets of russian great-grandparents came through oklahoma as well--though i don't know that the dustbowl pushed them through. they may have arrived a little earlier. but oklahoma held their farms for a while. my grandfather's sister ana, age six, ran into their burning farmhouse to try to save the two year-old twins. shoved them in the oven. her corpse was burned beyond recognition, and the twins died anyway. my grandfather was named for one of them later. damn, the lives people lived then. there. the family eventually moved on to vista, california. beautiful land. rich farming.

but my g.g., norma, she was a real-live dust-bowl survivor. in her childhood her father left to start a new family. her mother had to put her in an orphanage for a year to keep from starving. norma almost died of typhoid anyway. but she lived. lived to be married and to be chased from her land.

i'm not sure when she married chet, i don't know the precise chronology--the crash, the great depression, the dustbowl--but they fled, then moved slowly up california. her brothers cheated them. they started over. finally they settled in the santa cruz mountains of northern california. he failed at farming, but succeeded in his rural supply store. they had land. not too far from my other great-grandparents. their children married and started business of their own.

at some point my mother, from her farm people-turned suburbanites in souther california, and my father, from his farm people-turned suburbanites, met and married.

and the thing that links them together, binds us all--besides sex between their children--is land.

none of the land operates in a farming or fruit-producing capacity any more. my baba (great-grandmother) lives in a small trailer near the house in which she raised her children. g.g. is dead, but her daughter lives on land near the place where she grew up. it's all overgrown orchards now.

i've never even been to vista.

but when i read steinbeck, i don't know. he had the ability to capture the essence of humanity without overly glorifying it or undercrediting it. i feel that connection to the land inside me. in my blood. my mind no longer understands it--i grew up in the suburbs--but my blood still feels it. i still know it's there. land. 45 minutes away, and my family name on the property. but baba will die. and grandpa is getting old. and what then?

i fear--because i know--that i am the last generation to understand this connection--to the land--even a little bit. san jose is too expensive. they've killed what i love. i cannot afford to live so far up the mountain--don't have the skill to maintain the water and the property. my children will see pictures, but will they ever run through acres of orchards and know that it's good because it feeds them? or fed them. it's silly and overly romantic or dramatic, but that's what runs through me when i read about the history of california.

my history. my family faught and bled and wept and sweated to provide the future that i am living. but i fear the consequences of total disconnection from a relationship with earth as good as in california.

damn, i'm such a nerd.

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tiny pictures of my sleep-deprived self [11 Aug 2002|08:54pm]
[ mood | photogenic ]
[ music | "vampires in love" ~ marvelous 3 ]

blah blah blah... so here i am back on livejournal. it's been so long, i'm finding it difficult to get back into the swing of things. part of the problem may be the total lack of activity that accompanies the summer season. boy do i love summer. laying around my house, sleeping till noon, staying out till 3 am. doing whatever i want all the time.

now i'm back in south carolina. i must say, i'm not really up to it yet. i'm tired. my body is on san jose summer time, meaning i don't get tired until around 6 am eastern time. friday night i actually got up at 3am to sit on the front porch and drink beer by myself until 5:30 am. i wrote letters to my best friend and to my baby brother (who's at bootcamp now) on skull&crossbones; paper, and took i-zone pictures of myself toasting the camera. miller highlife, pirate stationary, and an i-zone camera, baby! what more could a girl ask for? i mean aside from a decent night's sleep. not much.

another perk of the south carolina--internet connection. hurrah! i've been playing at swimmingly for 2 hours now. so fun. but i think eric's feeling neglected. perhaps it's beginning to dawn on him that i wasn't exaggerating when i said that i'm not fun. i'm not. all i do in san jose is hang out at my pub or in my best friend's living room. he and i made a pact to actually venture out in public when i get back home, but it's pretty out of character for us.

i think we're just going to go to scoreboard (some sportsbar) in a little while to drink beer and watch dead zone and adult swim. perfect. exactly my speed. it'll get me nicely warmed up for a night of poetry and self-portraits on the front porch.

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she lives [09 Aug 2002|05:58pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | night of the living dead girl ]

contrary to recent rumor, i am in fact among the living. arrived in charleston this morning around 9:30, after a night of flying across the country. was shaky and starving and sleepy and cranky. eric was late picking me up, but only a little. crashed out as soon as we got to his place. still sleepy, but feeling better. just need food and all will be well!

highlight of trip:
small man across the aisle from me had the best comb-over i've seen in ages. one of those wavy ones that seems to stick in wave form across the top of his head. it was just a center comb-over--like he could handle a receding hairline and even a bald spot on the back of his head, but total top-of-the-head baldness was just too much to accept. and he snored so loud i could hear him over the music pumping directly into my ears, via headphones. fantastic!

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rock and roll [05 Jul 2002|12:11am]
[ mood | thoroughly rocked ]
[ music | "shook me all night long" ]

in jax. saw chief joseph tonight, and brie came too! so fun! they rocked so hard there were cracks in the walls and the roof was crumbling when they left the stage and we scrambled out of the building.

outside a jewelry salesman kissed my hand. hmm... bleh. brie is the coolest, and craig and anti-bill rock the casbah. fantastic!

now eric is outside w/everyone lighting fireworks. must join! happy fourth!

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you know i'm a super girl... [04 Jul 2002|10:48am]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | "super girl" ~ shonen knife ]

Episode II? missed it.
Spider-Man? can't say i caught that one.

The Powerpuff Girls Movie? damn right i saw that one! and on opening day too. rock! and our little powerpuff girls didn't disappoint. plenty of monkeys and short people for everyone!

okay, it started out a little slow, i was beginning to waver slightly in my confidence that the powerpuff girls are the best ever. poor eric fell asleep right before it picked up, and hence missed the cool stuff. but he didn't snore, so i let him doze.

my favorite line (or a line that i can remember):
the hobo fo'merly known as jo-jo is no mo',
from this day fo'wo'd i shall be mojo-jojo!

kinda makes me want to start using my blinking buttercup icon again.

okay, yes it was cheesey. but that doesn't mean it wasn't a rockin' good time, cuz it was. i *heart* the powerpuff girls. the end.

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[02 Jul 2002|10:43pm]
so guess what? eric and i are rolling back into jax on the 4th. just fyi. be excited.
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the celestial recycling program... [02 Jul 2002|01:21am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | "fire and rain" ~ james taylor ]

everything reminds me of jeremy. 2 fucking years later dawson's dad dies in a car accident on a crappy t.v. show and i'm a mess. junkies sing "jeremiah was a bullfrog" and i can't crumple far enough into myself.

won't you look down upon me jesus
you gotta help me make a stand
you just got to see me through another day.
my mind is aching and my time is at hand
and i won't make it any other way.

it amazes me--the redundancy of life. my grandmothers return to earth through the distant gaze in my senior portrait, through the way i accept gifts, through my name.
how will jeremy return? through his sister's child? my own son named for him? through some way not yet imagined?
but he'll return, i'm pretty sure. god recycles.

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trip synopsis [26 Jun 2002|07:02pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | the mountaingoats are running through my head... ]

so i'm back here in sc now, playing on the computer while eric putters around the house. okay, he's now sitting right next to me, eating string cheese, which is delicious.

after the glorious fun that was jacksonville (let me tell you, you can't piss on hospitality), eric and i headed southwest(?) to st. petersburg, where we spent the night at the luxurious BAY BREEZE inn. ha. what is up with mapquest? we ask for directions to a town and it deposits us smack in the middle of the ghetto! eric says they must be affiliated with the department of urban renewal or something like that. so we chose what appeared to be the safest ghetto motel we could find (one that didn't look like it had a disproportionate number of permanent residents). it was pretty weak, but not scary.

tuesday, after a delicious and nutricious mcdonald's breakfast, we hit the salvador dali museum. SO FUN! i actually went all touristy for minute, so i now own a lovely black dali museum t-shirt. anyway, i'm a huge dali fan, and i was ecstatic to see my favorite piece (the hallucinogenic toreador) up close and in person. sweet!

we took our sweet time having lunch on the pier and whatnot, then hit the road. due to weather and traffic and lame drivers, it took forever to get out of florida. we stayed in georgia somewhere in a super8 (hoity-toity compared to the bay breeze).

today we had lunch in savannah. fun. then cruised on home. all the recent excitement caught up with me, and i think i took two naps in the car, and another long one when we got back to eric's house. he did my laundry while i slept, so i'm pretty sure it's love.

i don't have anything entertaining or clever to say today, so i'll do that survey. lalala!

yummy, surveys are so good )

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blah blah jax... [22 Jun 2002|04:52pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | something cool i don't know but like ]

so here i am in jax. fantastic.

i flew into charleston on wednesday, and have been staying with eric, which is so great. i adore him. i have all kinds of stuff to write about my trip, but i will post that later.

right now i just want to say hello, and that i fucking adore everybody here in j-ville. chris and jenna are amazing hosts, and chris cooks some mean apple cinnamin pancakes.

i don't want to be antisocial, here on the computer and whatnot, so i'll end here. but everyone i met last night is supernice and very cool. late!

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[16 Jun 2002|03:13am]
[ mood | drunk ]
[ music | "cooking wine" ~ alkaline trio ]

hello all!

school's out, which is fantastic. unfortunately, my bitchin' internet-style connection is on vacation as well--it's taken an hour to post one comment and this here journal entry. but i'll try to keep up with all y'all as much as possible.

life is okay. won't feel like vacation until monday, but meanwhile i'm drinking like a fish--the kind of fish that chases guinness with fairly cheap pinot noir--but i'm finally starting to relax.

will be running around crazy beatnick-style most of the summer. watch out--i may be heading to a town near you!

will now head outside to finish wine and book and to smoke cigarettes like a bohemian. and

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