Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
5:58 pm
I walk into my apartment, and everyone is napping. Now, I'm a big fan of napping, but when I walk in, I always have stuff to do, and I feel like I have to be so quiet. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't happen everyday, but it does. It's just one of those annoying things I'll deal with for the rest of my life, because I just don't have it in me to not be loud, and just wake everyone up.
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| Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
5:07 pm
This is the longest Wed. of my life. Worked from 8 until 2. Had classes from 2 to 5. And now I have a Graphics Lab from 6 to 9. Man....this schedule all semester? That just doesn't seem right. Oh, and no sandals allowed in lab....right, like it wasn't bad enough already. Gosh college is great, but can be so crappy.
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| Monday, August 19th, 2002
6:25 pm
Well....an interesting first day. Worked at the Visitor's Center for about 6 hours, in which I gave 2 tours of the school, because no one else wanted to. But I got some extra hours in, which is nice when it's pay day. Then I helped Holly remove her closet doors so she and Fran could put up a curtain instead. But, it looks nice, so I guess it was worth the work. I told Patrick I'd go with him to Wal-Mart, and then didn't, and apologized and said he could grab one of my Cheerwine's out of the fridge. I don't know if a Cheerwine makes up for me screwing him over, but it's the best I could do. Anyway....should be a busy year.
current music: Counting Crows - Love and Addiction
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| Sunday, August 18th, 2002
4:01 pm
Back at school. Good to be here. Should be a good year. Had a great game of frisbee golf last night. Got up for church this morning. Things are lookin up, and I'm glad. Gosh I love Clemson!
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| Sunday, August 4th, 2002
11:52 pm
I've been helping out around the house. Just preparing for the funeral. It was wierd going to a wedding yesterday, which is the beginning of something new, and to now go to a funeral, which is a ceremony for an ending. Just made stop and think. That now matter how great my life is, now matter how many friends I have, no matter how great my wedding is, no matter what car I drive...I am going to die. As a college student, I feel invincible, but I'm not. And, believe it or not, that's a revelation that hasn't really hit me before.
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| Friday, August 2nd, 2002
2:10 am - So glad to be back
It's good to be home from my trip. Great times were had, and I fell in love with many, many places, but I'm glad that I live in the States. I didn't realized how much I loved it until I was gone. Don't get me wrong, Italy is incredible, Germany is alright, Spain is fun, France isn't too bad, Switzerland is beautiful...but America is where I belong. Gosh I missed free refills, ordering food in English, American humor, the same bed for more than just 2 nights, good American non-pop music, movies in English and much, much more. I've already bought the new Counting Crows and DMB albulms and seen a few summer blockbustes. (A little eager I know, but I was starved for all things American). One thing that was interesting though, was of all the people I met while travelling, Americans were by far the most obnoxious and annoying. I've decided Canaians and Austrailians are the most friendly people ever. But it's just so good to be in my own bed again....
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| Saturday, July 27th, 2002
6:13 pm - Coming Home Soon
I haven't written in awhile, because I've been in Europe (most excellent) and posting under the name Euroboys....which I set up for my brother and I. Anyway...sometime soon I should be coming back and journaling as macdstud again. I know, you just can't wait right? Riiiigggghhhhtttt.....but it has been quite a trip. More than that...it has been a REAL trip in every sense of the word. 10 weeks in Europe will do a lot to a person, and make them see things they never wanted to see about themself. It also helps you lose weight! (There are a ton of stairs on this continent!) Alright, I'm out. Madrid awaits. Maybe a cervesa on Plaza Mayor tonight?
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| Tuesday, May 14th, 2002
10:21 pm - Euroboys!
OK...I know I haven't been journaling for quite awhile, but its because I've been planning my trip to europe. I set up a journal for me to use over there...so check it out: euroboys anyway, just thought i'd let everyone know. take care.
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| Saturday, April 13th, 2002
1:10 am
I should be in bed. I have to give a 9:45 am tour tomorrow morning. I need some sleep. But I'm just not tired. I hate these late nights, where I want to stay up, but nothing good's on tv and my computer is boring and I have to be quiet because the roomates are trying to sleep. But I know once I get in bed, I'm just going to lay there thinking. This goes beyond boredom....there's honestly nothing to do. It's raining outside and I have to get up early. Blech. Now I'm just frumpy. Guess I'll just get under the covers and think....eh, maybe not.
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| Monday, April 8th, 2002
11:56 am
I really love it when I'm taking a test that I am extremely confident about (such as economics), and then I see 3 questions with material I've never seen before in my life. Yeah, that's always a wonderful feeling to have. Plus, I'm hungry...
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| Sunday, April 7th, 2002
1:49 am
I was thinking the other day. I have no idea how "whitey" is the one in charge of the country. I realized that I just cannot compete with black guys. By definition:
-Black guys can hang out with any race (Only a few white people can pull this off)
-Black guys can dance better than any white guy
-Black guys look way cooler with bald heads
-Black guys are way better at sports
-Black guys are way better with the ladies
-Black guys look way better in colorful suits
-Black guys can rap better
-Black are born more muscular
-The percentage of black guy nerds in the country is far lower than the percentage of white guy nerds
I just don't get it....how did the white male ever rise to be where he is today? They just can't compete. We're just so lame. For Christmas, I'm asking to become black....
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| Saturday, April 6th, 2002
12:03 pm
I'm giving a tour of the university in about an hour. Do you think it's bad that I didn't shower this morning?? It's supposed to be an incredibly huge group that's I'm supposed to take around. It's like a "Welcome Juniors in High School Weekend". I think the tour will all juniors...which could be good or bad. I enjoy the big groups, so I have high hopes...
current music: Desree - You Gotta Be
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3:36 am
I didn't post anything today. Here's what you missed:
I surprised Holly by cooking dinner for her. The thing is, I have no idea how to cook, that's why it was such a surprise. So what did I make?? A shrimp and chicken in fresh herb sauce type deal. I went out and bought everything myself. Chopped up the onions, minced the garlic, made the salad...I did it all. This was the first time I've ever done any real cooking, and it turned out great. I just hope she doesn't want me to cook every night now....
That was my day. Now it's 3:30 am, I have tour guide stuff in the morning, so I'm off to bed...after I browse around some other people's journals for awhile...
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| Thursday, April 4th, 2002
2:28 pm
I have to register for classes for next semester. Too bad I'm halfway through my junior year and I'm just now getting into the actually marketing classes. They tell me I'm supposed to declare some are of emphasis within the realm of marketing. I don't even really know why I'm in marketing, now I have to start studying a specific aspect of marketing? Boo....that's no good. Anyway, I think I'm going to pick Communications...it seems like the most interesting...and I think I'll do well in the world of being a "people person". So, communications it is. Well, now that my life's planned out....I want a sandwich...
current mood: hungry
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1:36 am
Too often do I tell myself that I'm going to go to bed at a reasonable hour, and then I find something fun to mess around with on my computer and I end up going to bed way later than intended.
That isn't going to happen again...
Wait, I think I've said that every night this week...any ideas?
current mood: tired
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| Wednesday, April 3rd, 2002
11:11 pm
I searched the user database to find users interested in blubster and got 0 entries! Out of all these computer-savvy hip kids using livejournal, NONE are interested in blubster. That just breaks my heart. This leaves me with one question....what the heck do you people use to find and download quality mp3's??? Don't say morpheus, please please don't say that. Or kaazaa...if you say that I will explode.
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5:19 pm
Man, this has been one quality day. For starters...it's a perfect 78 degrees outside, with clear skies. I woke up for class on time...economics lecture wasn't bad at all...then Patrick, Holly and I went to Mac's Diner for lunch...one of the country's best smalltown drive-in's. I've decided if I ever own a resturant it'll be that one...won't even have to change the name! Then I had a management test at 4:40. So now you're wondering why a test could be a good thing...and it's because I DOMINATED that thing! I hadn't been to lecture in quite awhile, but I studied the notes off the net and I BLEW THAT TEST AWAY! WOO HOO!. So, I have no complaints so far...except that I have Acocunting in 20 minutes, which is by far THE WORST CLASS EVER INVENTED. I'm taking it for the second time, and doing better, but it's only made me hate it even more. You know how some people just are no good at math, or english or whatever? Well, I'm just no good at accounting...well, I'm ok, I just really despise that class, which causes me to slack...but I'll at least pass with an above average grade this time. So yeah...life is good...dinner is soon...I'll get to play some wolfenstien tonight. (My buddies are on a wolfenstien team, and have a game tonight, but are a man short, so they've asked your's truly to fill in for the night. I'm like the one guy who plays, but I'm not affiliated with any team, so I'm used every now and again to fill in...because they know I have mad skills. By the way..wolfenstien is a video game....so now you realize how big of a nerd I really and truly am....). All in all, I have no complaints....life can be soooo good.
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10:05 am
Here's what I've decided. Friday night I'm taking Holly out. I asked her out on a formal date...and we're going to have dinner. I've always thought that since we've been dating the "chase" is over. However, Kyle pointed out to me the other day how important it is to continue to pursue your girlfriend or wife or whoever no matter how long you've been together, and I think he's right. Even when I'm married I still want to ask my wife out on dates. It's almost like the "chase" gets even more exciting once you've been together awhile. Sure I surprise Holly every now and again with a little something...but I realized I don't act like I used to before we were dating, and not that it always has to be something magical, but I think I should continue to show my unending interest for her...she deserves it. So yeah...it's my goal to continue to pursue my Holly just as I did before we began dating a year and a half ago. Yeah....Friday is going to be great....
current music: Call and Response - California Floating in Space
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| Tuesday, April 2nd, 2002
12:51 pm
Okay....so I've been gone for awhile. I know, I know, I'm a jerk and should be kicked offline. But I really did miss journaling and reading everyone's increasingly interesting journals as well. So, after about half a year I have re-taken up the addiction that is LiveJournal. Not too much has changed. I'm still a happy-go-lucky guy, just with a few new dreams. I'm still the incredibly humorous college boy we've all grown to know and love, just with a few new bits of humor up my sleeve. I'm still the good looking young male we've all come to drool over, just with some new facial hair ideas. But seriously...it's good to be back, and while deleted-land was fun, I think I enjoy the world of posting much better. So, welcome back to my life!
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10:35 am
This is a test. Kyle is here. About to go to coffee house downtown....write more later. Repeat, this is just a test....
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