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My Red Bullet - Stone Crescendo [Acoustic] |
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I'm bored, so I'm going to do this cute little quiz thing. Ho hum, today I made a pretty picture for my userinfo, so yah.
PAST [kindergarten teacher's name] Mrs Winterbottom (really) [first grade teacher's name] Mrs Maguire [second grade teacher's name] Mrs Ives [third grade teacher's name] Mrs Walsh [fourth grade teacher's name] Mr Morgan [fifth grade's teacher's name] Ms Cousins [sixth grade's teacher's name] Ms Phillips [last word spoken] ummmm - to myself just then trying to remember [last song sung] The Used- Box of Sharp Objects PRESENT [in CD player] Which one? In one I have Supertramp - Breakfast in America in the other The Smashing Pumpkins - Pisces Iscariot [on feet] nothing (ick, feet) [under bed] Books, nail polish and other crap [what time you got up] 10:00 am
FUTURE [you want to go to] America, Blackpool! [ideal job] Fuck knows, groupie? [probable job] French/German tramp [you want to live (place)] Anywhere but here [number of children you want] none, so piss off [kind of car] a barbie one CURRENT [mood] random [music] Skinny Puppy - Haunted [taste] nothing [hair] in a foldy pony thingie, with my fringe bits all over my face [attire] shorts, t shirt, underwear [obviously] [annoyance] this house! rawr! [smell] rubber, and i don't understand where from :/ [longing] urm, beep [desktop image]just blueness, I'm boring like that. [fav. music artist] ssss.. hard question, Pumpkins, placebo, Puppy, Stabbing Westward [toenail color] pink [crush]i don't do crushes [time-wasting wish] that i was blonde, ho hum [hate]some people, bleep.
So yes, that was my quiz. I asked Billy what to update with, so I have a list..
DecayNY - You Think We're On The Same Page But No We're Not says: ummm, your taste for conceptual art and your funky ideas?
Yes, so I'm going to talk about how I have seemingly good ideas just I'm not talented enough to put them into play. I do this all the time, like my great ideas for pretty pictures, which I know would be great, just I can never ever persuade anyone wlse how nice they'd be. Why did this come up? Because we were discussing metaphorical ways of doing something, and I came up with random ideas. Which would be good, but they'll never happen. Like most things, they're great in theory, but not in practise. Well, I don't know whether they'd be great in practise because I never try! argh, I'm confuzzling me! This is why I never organise anything. Wait, that's a lie. I never organise anything because I don't like being organised, I'm far too spontaneous. But really, you plan things, they never ever work out how they you think they will. Being a libra, and really into star signs and stuff, to the point now where i won't do something if i think my horoscope advises against it. Well sometimes, that's crazy, not all the time, just with big things and such. Anyhoo, as a libra, I get told things will never work out as I plan them but they will work out positively in the end. Hmm.. I guess they do, just if it takes months and months and months. Heh, my crap conceptual art to my psychosis on starsigns.. anyhoo, next.
DecayNY - You Think We're On The Same Page But No We're Not says: getting Pisces Iscariot
Yay! Yesterday Mister Billy gave me Pisces Iscariot, and it's so so so so pretty, so yay. That made me happy yesterday. Yesterday was good though, in an odd way. Something wasn't there, but it wasn't bad, but different. Change isn't always bad. Did I already mention yesterday? Eep, don't remember. Anyhoo, this album is beautiful, Billy is my bitch really. Well, I guess I'd be his bitch since he strikes me as the dominant type, rawr. There's one song on it - Starla, and I'm so adding this to my name somewhere, or it can be my groupie name. Yes, I'm obsessed with groupies of late. I know far too much about rock stars, and it is freaking me out. I can't hear songs without thinking "haha, I know just what you get up to on tour". Either that or Viiolet, Vile Violet I could be :D
DecayNY - You Think We're On The Same Page But No We're Not says: those boots
Once I'd made my pretty picture, I was bored. And when I'm bored I look at fetish clothing and boot websites, and I came acorss the sexiest pair of boots ever. I'd not be able to pull them off, but hey, I can dream can't I? Look at how farking sexy they are. I want them, but as I say, Sam couldn't pull them off. RAWR. Not fair.
DecayNY - You Think We're On The Same Page But No We're Not says: the catsuit
Also on the fetish vein, i saw the fabbest of cat suits on some site as well, it was red and fab. Which made me think how I need to poke people into coming to that eighties/new wave/industrial night in Birkenhead with me. But we're all scared of Birkenhead, bastards. Maybe I could sleep in a field in Birkenhead.. yay.. and get killed, bigger yay. Gah, lack of good new music. I was moaning about this yesterday. There aren't that many new good bands which make me go OMOMGOMGOMGOMG. Most are average at best, which is annoying me greatly. They jsut don't make them as good as they used to /sniffs
Okay, I'm done being randoma nd boring. Blarp.