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I'm getting married in the morrrrrrningggg [21 Sep 2002|10:41am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Smashing Pumpkins - Suicide Kiss ]

Guess who is ready will be ready very shortly and will be in town for twelve ;)


I am the President of the USA [19 Sep 2002|05:12pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | My Red Bullet - Mummy I Shot My Teddy ]

Miss Sarah inspires me to actually update because she does, so beep.
I've noticed that I actually can't type this into the silly white box anymore, I have to do it into notepad and then copy and paste it. I have the weirdest of obsessive compulsive thingies.. hehe.

Let's see, I'm as bored as hell and so wanting to do something, anything. Anxious, anxious is the one.. like something is going to happen. Anyways..

Friday night owned so much. It was quite mad. Leanne's --> Sammy's --> Brook House, this takes us up until about half nine. We were sitting in the Brook, being crusty students, with Tabz, Sarah H and Eve et al and Leanne goes, "Shall we go to The Basement?" and we just look at her.. some pure film moment, noone says anything and one by one after a few minutes we kind of end up agreeing. So out we go, taxi to the dock roads. Walk across Chavasse at night which was odded :/ Get the The Basement and all the bands had finished, which I found very amusing. The Prescot crew were still there though, so we rave :D Most fun I've had in ages, noone was in there apart from us and the bouncers so wanted to kick us for dancing around the place. Miss Sarah and I are queen ravers, and her, me and Leanne did a slag dance[s].. urm, so yeah funfunfunfunfun.

Gah, can't be arsed, I had a good weekend though. A very good weekend.. but I've got tonsillitus now. And it's been a bitch. And this house is mad. And my mother has manic depression for real.. except I get the evil side, go me! and urm, that's it.

Oh I know, I made my journal all pink again.. so I'm off to make more icons and then continue my new obsession - reading smashing pumpkins fanfics. They all scare the shit out of me.. but I can't stop it.. far..too..engrossing.
Some of the people are so fucking fucked up.. it's just intriguing. Groupiecentral and fanfics.. help..mee......


[11 Sep 2002|10:05pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | BROS - When Will I Be Famous? ]

So Sam wants a tattoo.
I have some ideas:

- SP heart
- Zero heart
- Pink and black stars in like a random fashion
- Starla in some kind of swishy thing I can do with pink and black stars dotted about
- pink pixie

And I need somewhere to get it, pink and black stars I was thinking of getting on my left wrist, and if I don't die, same on my right. Otherwise I need somewhere not too conspicuous, so my shoulder, of like themiddle of my back, between the shoulder blades.. hip.. rawr, ran out of ideas. And I know this is a silly question, but how much do tattoos actually hurt?

So far, I'm going for the SP heart, but my mind may be changed, who knows. Beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep.


ohhhhh [08 Sep 2002|10:39pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Apoptygma Berzerk - Moment of Tranquility ]

Winamp 3 is just amazing
And I have a The Used skin which is all cute and stuff, and with it came the video for "A Box of Sharp Objects" and some songs.. ohh.. I'm impressed. Shame about the complete lack of other decent skins.


Box of sharp objects, what a beautiful daaaayyyyyy [08 Sep 2002|08:01pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | My Red Bullet - Stone Crescendo [Acoustic] ]

I'm bored, so I'm going to do this cute little quiz thing. Ho hum, today I made a pretty picture for my userinfo, so yah.

[kindergarten teacher's name] Mrs Winterbottom (really)
[first grade teacher's name] Mrs Maguire
[second grade teacher's name] Mrs Ives
[third grade teacher's name] Mrs Walsh
[fourth grade teacher's name] Mr Morgan
[fifth grade's teacher's name] Ms Cousins
[sixth grade's teacher's name] Ms Phillips
[last word spoken] ummmm - to myself just then trying to remember
[last song sung] The Used- Box of Sharp Objects
[in CD player] Which one? In one I have Supertramp - Breakfast in America in the other The Smashing Pumpkins - Pisces Iscariot
[on feet] nothing (ick, feet)
[under bed] Books, nail polish and other crap
[what time you got up] 10:00 am

[you want to go to] America, Blackpool!
[ideal job] Fuck knows, groupie?
[probable job] French/German tramp
[you want to live (place)] Anywhere but here
[number of children you want] none, so piss off
[kind of car] a barbie one
[mood] random
[music] Skinny Puppy - Haunted
[taste] nothing
[hair] in a foldy pony thingie, with my fringe bits all over my face
[attire] shorts, t shirt, underwear [obviously]
[annoyance] this house! rawr!
[smell] rubber, and i don't understand where from :/
[longing] urm, beep
[desktop image]just blueness, I'm boring like that.
[fav. music artist] ssss.. hard question, Pumpkins, placebo, Puppy, Stabbing Westward
[toenail color] pink
[crush]i don't do crushes
[time-wasting wish] that i was blonde, ho hum
[hate]some people, bleep.

So yes, that was my quiz.
I asked Billy what to update with, so I have a list..

DecayNY - You Think We're On The Same Page But No We're Not says:
ummm, your taste for conceptual art and your funky ideas?

Yes, so I'm going to talk about how I have seemingly good ideas just I'm not talented enough to put them into play. I do this all the time, like my great ideas for pretty pictures, which I know would be great, just I can never ever persuade anyone wlse how nice they'd be. Why did this come up? Because we were discussing metaphorical ways of doing something, and I came up with random ideas. Which would be good, but they'll never happen. Like most things, they're great in theory, but not in practise. Well, I don't know whether they'd be great in practise because I never try! argh, I'm confuzzling me! This is why I never organise anything. Wait, that's a lie. I never organise anything because I don't like being organised, I'm far too spontaneous. But really, you plan things, they never ever work out how they you think they will. Being a libra, and really into star signs and stuff, to the point now where i won't do something if i think my horoscope advises against it. Well sometimes, that's crazy, not all the time, just with big things and such. Anyhoo, as a libra, I get told things will never work out as I plan them but they will work out positively in the end. Hmm.. I guess they do, just if it takes months and months and months.
Heh, my crap conceptual art to my psychosis on starsigns.. anyhoo, next.

DecayNY - You Think We're On The Same Page But No We're Not says:
getting Pisces Iscariot

Yay! Yesterday Mister Billy gave me Pisces Iscariot, and it's so so so so pretty, so yay. That made me happy yesterday. Yesterday was good though, in an odd way. Something wasn't there, but it wasn't bad, but different. Change isn't always bad. Did I already mention yesterday? Eep, don't remember. Anyhoo, this album is beautiful, Billy is my bitch really. Well, I guess I'd be his bitch since he strikes me as the dominant type, rawr. There's one song on it - Starla, and I'm so adding this to my name somewhere, or it can be my groupie name. Yes, I'm obsessed with groupies of late. I know far too much about rock stars, and it is freaking me out. I can't hear songs without thinking "haha, I know just what you get up to on tour". Either that or Viiolet, Vile Violet I could be :D

DecayNY - You Think We're On The Same Page But No We're Not says:
those boots

Once I'd made my pretty picture, I was bored. And when I'm bored I look at fetish clothing and boot websites, and I came acorss the sexiest pair of boots ever. I'd not be able to pull them off, but hey, I can dream can't I? Look at how farking sexy they are. I want them, but as I say, Sam couldn't pull them off. RAWR. Not fair.

DecayNY - You Think We're On The Same Page But No We're Not says:
the catsuit

Also on the fetish vein, i saw the fabbest of cat suits on some site as well, it was red and fab. Which made me think how I need to poke people into coming to that eighties/new wave/industrial night in Birkenhead with me. But we're all scared of Birkenhead, bastards. Maybe I could sleep in a field in Birkenhead.. yay.. and get killed, bigger yay. Gah, lack of good new music. I was moaning about this yesterday. There aren't that many new good bands which make me go OMOMGOMGOMGOMG. Most are average at best, which is annoying me greatly. They jsut don't make them as good as they used to /sniffs

Okay, I'm done being randoma nd boring. Blarp.


stupidstupidstupidstupid [04 Sep 2002|12:34am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Smashing Pumpkins - Glass' Theme ]

I watched the secret world of groupies, my life is now fulfilled.

Ssss... my parents act like teenagers. Wait, they have been recently, it's fucking annoying. I know that makes me sound like I'm begrudging them their fun and such, i'm not. I couldn't care less because the more they go out and stuff, the more they leave me be. Its just that every time they go out they end up arguing over something, now this is like two or three times a week. But they don't just argue and then make up, they fucking carry it on and on and it gets taken out on everyone else. It just pisses me off about how silly they are. If something is causing that much arguing, you stop it, don't you? Arghjaglhaoghfh.

Sending me stupid texts from the pub asking the answers to the silly questions but I can't decipher your retard texting. Gah. I don't fucking care. Leave me alone, I don't harass you with my silly teenage arguing, and I don't take it out on you.

It's weird too. The closer they get again, the more I feel like my father is like getting on over on me. The more control he has over me. I can't explain it. It's like when my mother fucking sticks up for him, she's crushing my ideas, and who I've grown up to be. And visa versa with him. They're moving closer together as a family unit again, the four of them are all sorted. I just don't get consulted at all. I watch them sitting at the dining table, all eating, looking happy and stuff, and I'm sitting in the living room watching the TV. This was the other day, it just summed up what's been going on around here these past few months.

Hah, the don't consult me, that makes it sound like I don't speak to them ever. I do, I'm not antisocial or anything, I'm laughing and joking and stuff with them usually. It's just they don't appreciate it anymore. Jesus, this is still all coming out wrong. Their attitude towards me has changed, and I don't know why but I know it's fucking annoying. And it's been getting to me.

So yeah, look at me rant. Which I usually hate doing because, well, I just do. And besides, I never usually let stuff get to me but this has been. Oh shut up, Sam.

Sssssss... I've grown apart from people, it's those darned pink walls again. Each little set back builds a new row, the more rows, the more set backs. The more wall, the more people I alienate. The more people I alienate, the more wall. I'm a walking paradox indeed.
My eyes sting.
It's late. Well early late. I'm going to stop typing now.


disconnect the phone [28 Aug 2002|10:32pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Children of Bodom - Every Time I Die ]

I started a memory box today, partly because I was bored, partly becase it'll serve as a reminder to myself when I get in stupid moods that I do have things worth remembering because I have friends, good friends. So far it has train tickets, concert tickets, a bracelet, postcard from Billy bodyguard, beer bottle caps, beads, film tickets, a plastic knife, pictures and a letter.

I need more, write me something, people and give it to me when you next see me/send me it, anything that'll remind me of you...

I'm babysitting again. Gah.
I also tidied my room today. And continued in my mix tape madness. Yah.


I'll bet you five that you don't know my name [26 Aug 2002|11:54pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Apoptygma Berzerk - Fade To Black ]

Lj is being all pissy so I decided to write this in Notepad and randomly add to it throughout the night so that's why it'll make no sense at all.

RAWR, I was supposed to go to Warrington today, but because Ronnie is the uber gay and has pissed off out of the country or something, i couldn't, I had to stay in and babysit. So I'm peeved. Well, not just because of that although I did really want to go since I haven't seen Lewk in months and such, but just in general.

It's dawned on me that I've wasted these past two months. I know I've had a few good days and a few good nights, very good nights but still nothing to show for them. My mother reminded me the other day that we didn't go camping. This annoyed me because I REALLY wanted to do this, but I just forgot, typical really.

I need to dye and cut my hair, I'm just far too lazy. I don't know how to cut my hair though. I've kind of grown used to it being this length which is really long for me, so I may just get the deadness cut off it. And dye it. Heh, i'll look odded with no roots. I've always got roots. They suit me I like them and I've been told they actually look good. It's kind of fitting really, I'm never as i should be and such. ho hum.

I'm sitting in my room listening to NiN. The light is off. I have my UFO lamp on in the middle of the floor. Noone else is in the house apart from Mikey and he is downstairs watching TV. All of the lights in the top of the house are off save the UFO lamp and the light from the computer. This amuses me. I think in the minute I will go sit on the floor in the middle and calm myself.

Just the same old fucking reminder of how I used to be.

I was saying yesterday that we've all changed, grown up and as we have done, we've started to realise that we're not as suited to each other as we first thought. I've finally got my head around that this Summer. It's been something that's been bugging me for a while. I can now leave certain people in my past, because I know that's where they belong. Not that I don't appreciate what I've learnt from them and how that's changed me, and what they've learnt from me and how it's changed them. I've just realised that it's not who I need to be, and where I need to go. I can not learn anything new from being around them and visa versa. I mean, I believe it's all about a journey, we're all just getting from A to B. A very long journey, granted. There are lots of ways we can get from A to B and everyone must find their own way. We end up teaming up with those who seem to be following a similar path to us for as long as we can, for as long as they're going our way or we're going their way. Relationships for example.. and friendships. Eventually we must part when we can learn nothing else from each other about where we are going and who we are. I feel so isolated even though I'm really not. I have tonnes of great people who are my friendesses.. just they're not all going exactly the same way that I am. Some are, others aren't. I've realised that now. Gah, I'm going to shut up now, as Luke would say *digdigdigdigdigdig*

I've gotten bored of being all articulate. So I'll talk about today. I went to town and wandered around the Matthew Street Festival with Leanne and Sammy, I saw a U2 cover band, they were quite good... the city centre was filled, was quite cool actually. Seemed like everyone was drunk, everyone was walking around with a can in their hand which amused me a bit considering on any other day they'd all be arrested and fined £1000 each.. ho hum.

It's all my fault
Been here before
Trying to escape
But I can't find the door

Wee.. look at me, typing to stuff I hear.. aren't I clever. I lied. I'm now listening to Your Eyes.
Ooh. I was talking to Mark before and he said i could go up to Trashed at some point, so i'll probably do that in October when I get back. It'll be fun, I'll get to meet him and Kev and the rest of the gang.

What would i like to be? Everything you hate ;)

Gah, i've had enough. I'm posting this now.


hehehe [25 Aug 2002|09:37pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Skinny Puppy - Dig It ]

I'm being David's dominatrix to wind some person up on MSN.
This is all far too easy for me, and far too enjoyable, ahem.

----> i am the suit queen, send me pictures now. says:
You will not complain, bitch.
----> i am the suit queen, send me pictures now. says:
----> i am the suit queen, send me pictures now. says:
You do not question my actions, ever.
----> i am the suit queen, send me pictures now. says:
for that you will receive more punishment.
----> i am the suit queen, send me pictures now. says:
Maybe then you will learn your lesson.
Those who know, do not speak, those who speak, do not know... says:
yes mistress Brickleshaw

there is a lot more but I'm not posting it all, far too bad/incriminating.


helpeth me? [25 Aug 2002|12:48pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Smashing Pumpkins - Wound ]

I need a Paint Shop Pro brush which will make like a grid thing, or criss-cross lines because I'm too lazy to draw them on myself. Has anyone got any ideas where I would find one?

Yup, I'm bored, so I'm making pretty stuff. And I changed the LJ slightly as you can tell, I just added black to make it actually look like some form of journal.


I'm such a pokémon.. oh yeah [23 Aug 2002|06:26pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | NiN - Head Like A Hole ]

Taken from disinfect

Trading Cards
Free Account Edition
User Number: 548180
Date Created:2002-05-03
Number of Posts: 67

Sambam is a little girl from the land of Liverpool who gets far too bored and thinks too much. Unfortunately for you, she writes it down.. and it's all complete crap. Has a bad suit fetish, so send her your suit pictures and she'll purr or something.
Strengths: Bubbly, Calm, Wise, Easy to please [with a suit], Funny.
Weaknesses: Shy, Sarcastic, Nasty, Impatient, Stubborn
Special Skills: Mistress to many people, like a classy whore, does that count?
Weapons: Sharp nails, sharp teeth, super evil glare, fuck off boots, spiky things
Random words...: SEX ----> cheese tastual amazing RAWR like a pink bra. Ahem

Make your own LiveJournal Trading Card!
Brought to you by crossfire_

suitsuitsuits [23 Aug 2002|12:58am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Stabbing Westward - Drowning ]

I'm bored and in a rawr mood so I'm going to type all I think about into this stupid little white box. Like I always do.

Let me think, yesterday was good. I met Billy Bodyguard, Hayleyness, Tasha and Christopher in town to go to the cinema. It was hot, to I wore a strappy top, go me, the end of the summer and Sam chooses to actually bare some flesh. I got uber winked at by people on my way home though, so it scared me ever so slightly. Anyhoo, the film was fucking scary at first, I dislike spiders. [Eight Legged Freaks of course]. So I screamed a bit, in the end it was just so bad it was funny. Like all good B movies.. me = b movie queen. Hah, in true Sam fashion we nearly got kicked out half way through fo rtalking, which was gay. Urm, yeah, that was it.

Gah I hate this talk about the day shit, so I'm going to stop now.

I'm going to randomnly type.
People amaze me, they really do. Some more so than others but it's just so interesting to get to know someone.
I'm in a piss poor mood and I don't actually know why. So RAWR.
I'm also proud of people.

I also said to Vicky that I'd post about suits and the wonderfulness of them. And i shall.
We were talking about how how Jack White looks in the new White Stripes video.
He's fitness anyway, but in this he's wearing a suit. I don't know wha tit is with suits and me, just they make me go weak. Even a bloke in a shirt and tie is amazing.. I think that they = power to me. Wait, that makes it sound like I'm little miss come dominate me, ha. I'm not. Just.. mmmmmmmm SUITS! They're like protection or something. I definitely have a suit fetish. More men need to wear them, oh yesh they do.

I hate men
Well I don't, I actually know top blokes. I just hate what they do to my mates. Ohh.. look at me applying a point to more than one thing, I'm so proud ;) gah, gah gahgahgahgah


can no longer be arsed, off to find suit pictures. Rather, people who will send me pictures of them in a suit.


black hoooooollleeesssss [20 Aug 2002|06:37pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Stabbing Westward - Red on White ]

I have a new phone, yes one that actually works and stuff! It's all bluuuuueeeeee, with blue lights and stuff. And it has this dancing littlw creature when I press stuffs, I love it to bits. I just had to treat myself :) /dances
Other than that i got dragged to town to get shoes, I eventually got some although I want some other sexy ones that I've seen on t'internet too. They had no farking hair dye, well the one I want/need. So argh, hair dyingness shall have to wait till they aquire some. Urm, never got any beads because I couldn't be arsed. Just random crap I bought really, as usual. I hate shopping anyway, does my tree. With Ronnie and Mikey it's even worse. Mikey game shopping is a fucking bitch, he wouldn't get any of the good looking games and in the end gotin a strop because he couldn't see what he wanted. I ran into confuddledness and chris with her of course, and stalker_girl and some other people.. but i had to go home, so rawr.
Can't be arsed going to this gig tonight either, noone to go with so argh * a million.
Tea time.


[18 Aug 2002|07:41pm]
Scrap that, I'm going to the pub laters :>

oohhh.. violeeeeettt [18 Aug 2002|07:28pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | The Smashing Pumpkins - Glass Theme ]

I got bored and made it all purple, yes sir.
I'm still bored even though I've made it all purple.
I was talking to Luke before he disappeared on me..
I am part of the rhyming team:

i have a cat called moo says:
tis true
Madame Bam says:
aaawww poor moo
Madame Bam says:
we rhyme!
Madame Bam says:
we are the rhyming team, luke!

Madame Bam of course being me, because I always have the best ideas EVER. Madame Bam being another nickname I've aquired, I really like it though :) Suits me or sommat.
The parents have gone out to the pub, i couldn't go because I had to babysit the brother because sister isn't in, gah.. not fair. So I've sat and been bored and downloaded songs. Lots of songs. And before the circuit died, and pops or whatever it does and I don't have a clue how to fix it till I phone mother and she tells me to pop them back up, which was scary because at first one of them wouldn't go, and I know that = oh noes, you're going to get electrocuted.. but I did the other one first and it worked, so ho hum. Screwy circuits..
This week has been uneventful really.. this following week should prove to be rather uneventful. Because I don't think that there is much going on so argh. I need to get nice shoes, and new beads for my ear because the colour came out of those ones.
I'm in a weird mood.. have been for these past few days. At first i thought it was not being well but I'm fine now and yet the mood has stayed, which is very annoying.
Heh, my ear feels really...light without the beads on it..
vampitup vampitup vampitup i think I should ;)



rawr and whatnot [15 Aug 2002|12:44pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Pink - Just Like A Pill ]

I need an LJ code, does any lovely person have an LJ code pour moi?


I'm bored... quizes ahoy. [13 Aug 2002|03:13pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | NiN - Sin ]

tests, because I'm bored )


be at home here now [11 Aug 2002|03:50pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Carissa's Weird - You Should Be At Home Here ]


Venus is now in your zodiac sign. Hallelujah. So that's it. That's all you need to know. We can discuss the weather now. Or the political situation in Patagonia. You have had your forecast. There is nothing to add. Well, perhaps there is just a little more. Venus is the planet of love and wealth, creativity, abundance, splendour, luxury, sensual pleasure and joyous comfort. It is also the planet of vanity, greed, and over-indulgence. There is therefore, a slight danger that you might go too far. But let's worry about that when we have gone far enough. When will that be? When you have gone significantly further than this!

Yes. Ahem. /laughs


What difference does it make? [10 Aug 2002|11:15pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | The Smiths - Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others ]

So apart from a few things, I am in an insanely happy mood and I don't actually know why.
Last night was good. Very very good in fact. It's the kind of night that epitomises your youth. Empty house. Alcohol. Cd player and general sillyness. I don't think I've actually ever laughed so much. Everyone was either drunk, or just insanely hyper, like me. Funny really, when I arrived at Sammy's on Friday afternoon it was just her and Leanne and they looked dead and we had resigned ourselves to an evening of watching the TV with them. We all went mad though, last night in that house and such. Lewkles rang, which was nice, we had a nice little chat about random stuffs then he sorted the band thing out with various members of Akira, which was odd. I was saying to him, it's been ages since we spoke on the phone, I forgot how cool his accent actually is. Had a nice little laugh because of him, so yes. Watched The Cell and The Lawnmower Man, except we took the piss out of this referring to it as the Lawn Mower Monkey with pantaloons. Ahem, a pantaloon fetish. Yesh. Woodsy was manic, never ever seen him so mad before, it was hysterical, i just could not stop laughing. I got them into Stabbing Westward too :D And we listened to The Pumpkins and The Smiths, even though they took the piss out of my poor Smiths, they all liked at least one song, so yay.
We all decided we were going to sleep in the same room so went up to the loft, which was just full of mattresses.. it was great. Room matches my nails, too :p Or what was left of the nail polish by this point. Gah, we talked some nonsense then.. from why girls go for bad boys to me bringing up the men and lesbian thing. The room is full of posters of half naked women on account of it being Sammy' brother's room, so we spent a bit of time deciding which was the nicest one on the wall. I voted Shakira, so yes. Gah, it was just so, so good. Went to sleep about 7am I think, not too sure.. woke up at about half eleven but noone got out of bed till like 2pm.. hah. We blew a socket too.. which was funny. Went to town, died of exhaustion. On my way home some group of blokes stopped me asking me if I'd get the boat to the Isle of Man with them, one man even offered to pay. Ahem, the weirdos I attract sometimes amuse me.
I am uber tired.. and I ache all over.. gah.
I should actually go to sleep now, but I won't.


Rednailsrednailsrednails [09 Aug 2002|11:26am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb ]

I have pretty blood red nails, they're amazing. I now have a nail thing, where this came from I do not know. We always knew I liked clawing people but now I just love having pretty nails, pretty long nails. Yes. Got to be careful not to break them any more like I did at the weekend.. hah.
I'm going out tonnnnnigghttttttt, down to Sammy's again so i shall be dead in town tomorrow. I am uber anaemic now and so i have no energy at all.. never mind when I don't sleep for days on end. I haven't had a proper nights sleep in months now. And it's starting to show. Usually when I don't sleep I go all hyper and such but this past week I've been too tired for that. I've just woken up and i'm knackered already, to the point of I could happily go back to sleep. Well, in theory. The more tired I am the less I sleep.. like I can't sleep at all. Vicious circle and all that.
I watched some film last night, on the Sci-Fi channel called Lords of Illusion. It was quite good. They kept repeating this phrase though, "flesh is a trap" so I've officially adopted it.. because it's oh so true isn't it? Things are fine as long as you don't complicate things with teh flesh. Yes. Random point from me.

Ohhhh... AKIRA & MY RED BULLET @ THE BASEMENT - Thursday 15th more than likely. Because I am the good organise things girlie. So luke and the boys should be here, which will be fun fun fun fun fun :D I'm all excited again. Rawr.
It's raining.. and I have to go out soon so my hair will get all wet. I swear, everytime I was my hair it dries more curly.. so yeah, uber wavy hair todays.


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