Relevant Communities The following communities are also interested in "grindcore". 39 matches: Interested users The following users are also interested in grindcore. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page. 583 matches:
- 1001nuits - 1001nuits
- 3shadesofgrey - i am the killer
- aboutblank - Mike Lomonosov
- acsralphie - Jamie
- adamcooley - Vaginal Vampire
- adamtaylor - Totally Taylor
- adam_internal - adam
- ae5 - ae5
- agentorrange - Shawn "Agent" Orrange
- aggiestupid - AggieStupid
- aineylay44 - Lainey
- aka_ - aka
- akhkharu - Akhkharu
- allengoodman - Allen Goodman
- alliedcries - Mark Ratay
- allmylamerglory - A Chapter of Accidents
- amorousdelusion - untitled and uncensored
- analbugs - Brandon
- anarchycheese - I am Jack's favortie Queers song
- andthenyoudie - Bryan the Barnacle
- angelsnevercame - Paul
- angerfuel - David
- angrymelody - Trevor
- anhedoniac - The Czar Of Not Giving A Fuck
- anne1140 - anne
- anotherdaypasse - read my stuff
- apathyinc - <3 ian <3
- argentinekoala - Johnny
- armyboots - kitten
- arucard - RX
- asinglestar - star*
- assfinger - Assfinger
- audreyhorne - audreyhorne
- avengerofawry - x nick x
- awkward_pause - john
- babie_grrls - Sarina
- backstabber - Derek J Neuland
- beardo - nick is the reason
- bellamy - Xroot.beer.baronX
- bettyztrash - The Ghost of Suburban Bypass
- bi2d - Brian
- bigblackdildo - spartacus
- bikethrash - bikeTHRASHOR!
- bittercurry - Gonzo
- bitterlysoft - Ashleigh feels bitter
- blackbelt - Amie Of The Dead
- blasphem0usg1rl - Dawn
- bleeding_ulcer - distance makes the heart grow fonder
- bleedsympathy - so it seems
- blehpunk - panda panda
- bless_my_aids - Humble Servant of the Great Odin
- blood13bath - Stephanie
- bloodandfire13 - Nicole
- bloodyclownsuit - do the dramatic
- bloodyreich - BloodyReich
- blood_inthe_ink - J - Platinum
- blood_kisses - Kali
- blut_krieg - The Oath of Black Blood
- bobbark927 - Brian
- boduke - Chris Houlihan (its from zelda you jerk)
- bound311gagged - monti-anni
- brokenhead - Brokenhead
- brokenxwings - while the sky is burning
- bryanyoureyeout - Bryan Your F'N Eye Out
- candycunt - nexus polaris.
- cannibal_x - Dan Carkner
- capella003 - Mistress of the Night Sky
- capitalicide - Johan
- caripooh - Carissa
- cestoda - Your Baby's Truncated Rectum
- chainsaw_puppet - Chainsaw Puppet n' Friends
- charlesxbronson - charlesxbronson
- charness - Alan
- cheopsprincess - Stefany
- chlorophobia - kat anhedoniac
- chodabagoda - Shaun
- chrisday_isevil - chris
- christkiller666 - Mr. Mister
- chuckles333 - \m/ {333} Chuckles {333} \m/
- classklown - Nemesis
- colorofdeath - Sex
- colostomybag - AXX SCRAG
- commitsuicide - Dav
- corpsevomit - Sober Mike
- coweatman - emu violence
- crazyjesus - Crazy Jesus
- crushingtrust - trustcrusher
- crustandchronz - PunkMetalBastard
- crustie_punk - crusty punk chick
- crux - crux
- cruxshadows - vomit my heart
- cuntasaurus - princess
- cystchowder - Dan
- d34df411 - AIDS=PLUR
- danarrgh - danarrgh
- danny_exclm_pnt - Danny!
- danzigism - Mark Shaw
- daphaknee - PARANOISE
- darkchild37 - -
- darkthrone - Paul
- davievil - davi
- dayglowmiffy - mr gosh's mind
- dayoldbread - Kristenickles
- deadamerica - dead america
- deadboy77 - Jim
- deadmonkey - Erin's Monkey
- deadwhore - Praise The Whore
- deadxrose - smerk
- deadxxstars - deadxxstars
- deathbyhrtbreak - Andres The Fonkay Fresh Gangsta!
- deathchurch - Kathy of Orris
- deathofordinary - Between The Buried and Me
- deathtoyou - Chelsea LaVone
- deepdarkmonkey - the.frayed.mortal.coil.
- defeat - designated asshole
- defunct - defunct
- deicidel_voices - whack me off
- demiseofreason - Jonathan
- demon_angel - ╚↨zz T\-|ë Z×mb↨ë Ovër ╚×rd
- desconcerter - sMARTAss
- desecreteddeath - decaying beauty
- devastation - LuCiFeRs MiNiOn
- diamondhead - Matthew Dreher
- dickwarlock - Ulger Magnus Tyson
- dietz - Rats Eat Babies
- digitalxdeath - digitalxdeath
- dirtandfilth - angry bitch is annoyed
- dirtpunx - .:ainsley:.
- discordanceaxis - John
- dispossession - dont tell a soul
- disturbedj - Rachel and John
- djskeptik - element.8
- djswifty - swifty
- djundead - DJ Undead
- dookiegrld - Too hot for the hot tub and too young to realize
- doreean - The Vegan You Love To Hate
- dramen - Methos
- drewble - drew
- droogsdontrun - FUCK DRINK SLEEP DESTROY
- drunkgnome - Joey Platinum
- dstructivdreams - destructive dreams
- dubyk - Dubyk
- duckskill - Diamond Mutation
- duker - Arno Tsay Jr.
- dysjunct - Kevin
- dystruktor - The Dystruktor
- dzamion - Dzamion is Dead
- eatthis - hope against hope
- element8 - bullet named love
- ellietheelf - EllietheElf
- eman - Eric's Journal thingy
- embraced - Michael Pettis
- emoloserbrian - Bri
- emotrouble - little edward furlong
- emperornile - emperornile
- endymion_dreams - AndAsIfInAMomentOfPassion...MyEyesBecomeYourEyes
- enochardon - Enoch Ardon
- ericthered215 - Love In Vain
- ertrinkenpuppe - Ertrinkenpuppe
- escapist6 - Paulette
- eurolymius - Drana
- ev9d9 - EV-9D9
- evilshell - I'm your mystery, your nightmare, your heaven
- eyeamflesch - Henry Kissinger
- eyesofdespise - BLÆD, Eternal Sufferer
- eye_sore - razor blade kisses
- failuresummary - failuresummary
- fatbaldnhairy - fatbaldnhairy
- fear_of_napalm - colinline
- fecalgoreattack - Mike Oxard
- feminaziwoman - *QUEEN BEE*
- fetalation - Christina
- firebat - justin
- firesnake - firesnake
- fix - Daniel
- flashgordon - Mystical Fetish Queen
- flipkorn - FLiP
- floodspectre - Flood Spectre
- foetuscide - angela
- foolnamedkate - just kate
- forcefedglass - Force Fed Glass
- forsakenlove - ... Dear, Your Name Here ...
- fruitcake - FruitCake
- fuckinguseless - Mister Pathetic
- fucko - the fantabulous phenomenalist
- geeshi - Kung Fu Alan
- ghey - broondoon
- gimplosion - Never Again
- glassjawfiend - glassjawfiend
- goatsodomizer - Dustin Jeffries
- goddamndisgrace - XgoDdamnDiSgRaceX
- gorewhore - ~ *Gorotica* ~
- gorgasm - Bri
- gorgonian - Gooshie
- gougeoutmyeyes - Moribund : EndBringer
- gramail - Robert
- grindatrocity - Tom
- grindbastard - Matte Black
- grindcorean - And What Would You Do, My Gentlest Ones?
- grindgirl - tracy hannan
- grrlsetsfire - h.
- gtpisser - Great Teacher Pisser
- gutrage - (A) Bombs From The Sky (E)
- gutterbunny - Gutter Bunny
- hankshaw - Hankshaw
- hardcoremike311 - Hardcore Mike
- hardcoremodeath - Planes*Mistaken*For*Stars
- hatemyface - David the Jew
- hatenumber6 - number six
- heartcore - Lexi
- heartpulse - Chel-C
- hellwung - Josh
- hildebrand - Hildebrand (Sword Of War)
- hollowedground - No Alternative Dream
- holly_dont_go - you_ hit_ me_ you_ hit_ floor
- hopelsseyz - \m/
- hormones - leaves turn inside you (Jon)
- hugh_g_rection - My Dixie Wrecked
- huskerdont - the exploding plastic inevitable
- iambeyondu - Justin
- iambreaking - Don't Be A Bigot
- ihateclownporn - im such a jock.
- ihavenolife - meehan?
- ilovetittybars - penny jane
- imbrianbilicki - Brian
- imikey - 01101101 ie M
- ingrindwecrust - shake the baby
- inloveishatter - Lindsay Rae
- insidejoke - Frank
- interzoneaddy - This Side Up
- in_the_wrong - Fear and loathing in Modesto
- iranach - iranach
- iwishyouddie - I wish you'd die.
- i_wanna_puke - localhost pixiedoll
- jackblank - Dominic
- jakerabid - LL COOL JAKE (Ladies Love COOL Jake)
- jame0 - with a suckerpunch!
- jamie_miller - the beast of many crowns
- jaydecay - Jay Decay
- jaymez - Unclean Jesus
- jazzsun - Fxor
- jcrx9 - Jayson
- jeremysavage - Jeremy Savage
- jesustapdancing - Jesus tap-dancing Christ
- jimfear - panic.boy
- jmurder - Jesus Caligula Hitler
- joesteindaho - everyones bitch
- joolee - Miss Ann Thrope
- kaboom_cult - Kaboom!!
- kainedjames - The Amazing Adventures Of Kained James
- katrinaseven - Katrina
- katt665 - Katie
- kavorkianrx - Alchemist of Blasphemy
- keepsake - alana
- kennedy1021 - brad
- kickdrumjunkie - The Kick Drum Junkie
- kid_icarus75 - alexander james
- kijima - +killtheman,becomethemonster+
- killemall - Tear uh
- killingkatie - shattered heart & destructive dreams
- killkansas - only_shallow
- klar - klar
- komatose_666 - The Mad Hatter
- korupt - nerdy
- krisperry - Kris
- kristinchaos - hypothermia
- kuntacore - BEhtzie BRITE
- kuul - luuk skywalker
- kymthedestroyer - Kym the Destroyer
- kynik - Kynik
- laceofblood - TearsOfPain
- lachrymatory - Gore Bastard
- lamb_chop - aShLeY*
- lavacakez - Trivial Pursuits
- leahnotlele - Leahnixnixnix
- levthiun - Lev
- liecycle - God in the Schizoid Mind
- lifeontrial - LIFE ON TRIAL
- lilbittervegan - \\m// too much metal for one hand \\m//
- lilim - The 18th Angel
- lilpoot - timmy stardust
- liquidpig - liquidpig
- loathetheundead - xMxWx
- lobsterdoll - Lobster Doll
- locuststar - "Ward Board"
- loveandhomicide - brian
- love_as_arson - Love_As_Arson
- lo_grade_fever - exile on mainline
- lucifera - Lucifera
- lukesellen - Luke
- machineboi - machineboi
- machizmo - Enmity
- mactheknife - XmacX
- marsupialcore - Orbital Piss Laser
- martymcfly - Marty McFly
- masoyer - comander comrad
- matttt - Matthew
- megaschwartz - Super Mega Schwartz
- megaweapon - joe stein the filthy whore
- melintur - Craig
- metal4melbourne - metal4melbourne
- metalheadchris - chris (core)
- metalheadsam - Sam
- metalhed666 - Frank
- metalwrath - wrath, hate, pain, and death...the code we live by
- metal_gothica - Metal Gothica
- mgz - steve
- midgard - Midgard
- mikalbee - El' Barag
- mikeypikey - mikeyblahpikey
- misfitofsociety - Misfit
- mizzdevotchka - ...born to lose...
- monkeytrouble - ian
- monologueeulogy - Hollywood In A Soft Syringe.
- monticello - Kung-Fu Cripple
- mrcoffeebean - PoetryJunky aka PunkBoy
- mreatrabbits - suckin on chili dogs
- mspukeypie - Sandi Kay Skelter
- murderizer - C. Joseph Hrabak
- museion - Musag?tes
- myearsbleed - matthew
- n0th1ng2ge1n - CuTeCoRe SeaNCoRe LoVeCoRe Oi!
- nakila - nakila
- nanoschwartz - Schwartz
- necroblasphemy - Ryan
- newmessiah - NerdXcore to the max
- ngizchzz - Today's Tom Sawyer
- nicknausea - nick
- niggawhat - Cassie To The Izzo
- nightgaunt22 - Get Off The Cross The Wood Is Needed
- nikkibitch - Nikki
- nitsuj_decro - nitsuj_decro
- nocontent - nik
- noisecore - Noisecore
- norah - I'll kiss you two times, call you tomorrow.
- nostudamus - Stu
- nothingshocking - !!!
- obliter8screamo - Tyler (Taylor Market)
- obseletescars - my marks go only so far
- obsoletechrist - I'll Shit On Yer FAce
- offencetaken - fresh scent jailbait
- ohjn - ohjn
- onebigapology - aaron
- onesicksonofa - Jaysonihilist
- onitheviking - Oni the viking
- oosicchickoo - .:.[rebecca].:.
- orcim - orcim
- orgy_fatgod - Orgy
- outofstep - spilling the color of a million
- outofthestorm - Now Leaving Fear And Loathing
- overrated_lies - Panda
- pagansplendor - Verbi Macabrae
- painkiller - Bootsy Collins
- panteraslayer88 - Pan-Fucking-Tera
- patemans - Pat
- pawnix - pawnix
- peace_maker - Devin
- pedigreebutchey - Kill me for god
- peeloutyourface - Andrea
- perfectlywrong - .thaynecore.
- peteydistortion - Sick Boy
- pezboy - brad
- phantominabox - [/dem×n angel's lab×rat×ry]
- phukk - BLood LusT
- pigdog - Hell Fuck
- pilar666 - Pilar
- pissed - Abe The Cop
- pitchrisfromthe - pitchrisfromthe
- pivotal - phil
- pooberrymuffin - Fillip McCrackin
- postnuclear - Hari Nana's
- prettythursday - ::: welcome to my world :::
- psychosisx - Jason
- pullmyhair - affinity
- puncturedheart - x pissed off vegan x
- punkachu - Punkachu
- punkdevotchka77 - Take the KKK out of AmeriKKKa
- punkknot - bryan
- pzzicat0 - mia
- queen_of_spades - VaNeSSa
- rabble_rouser - Hazmat
- rabidbeast - prophecy
- raenermarie - Your mom
- raesucks - Rae
- rageproof - daisy b.
- raiacore - raia lee gill
- rainbowdark - Rainbowdark
- raven677 - b r en d en
- readytoeat - you break my heart into a thousand pieces
- redterror - Elliott der Rote Terror des Entkernersbastard!
- refusal - refusal
- reject - time for change
- repelpeetje - Repelpeetje
- resistandexist - Jon Leach
- revelance - Jonathan
- reversalofdave - david
- rexirae - rexirae
- rhino71711 - Rhino71711
- riotscum77 - Squidy
- riseup - karkar
- robdeicide - Rob
- robinbanks - Robin Banks
- rottinxcorpse - Sean
- ryansucks - Ryan Sucks
- sacrifist - sacrifist
- sarah504 - Sarah
- satanlives - NATURE PUNX
- satanluvsall - Your Mom
- scape_goat - Withered
- schizoperson - 's
- scumfuck - Ryan Scumfuck
- seekresistance - Jayke
- severedface - fingers down the throat of love
- shaggy_psycho - Daniel
- sharpsies - bombbad
- she_lays_gutted - Jessica
- shiftbreak - Josh Swentzel
- sicksycksix - six six six pack
- sinsense - Jess
- sisli - sisli
- sk8erfreak03 - Keny Lyell
- skatanic_dork13 - benjamin
- skatepunkchef - Andr'ee
- slaytanist - Mumm-Ra the Ever Living
- slogvomit - donkeypunching the pope
- slowgrind - don't ask*
- sluglord - SLUG
- slunt - infanticide
- slurhatesyou - Slur
- sluttering - hardcore bi0tch
- smashinglygood - [nate]
- smileypothead - Steve
- smited5thrib - Genius
- smokecrack - smoke crack? that shits whack.
- smoothcookie - Tyler
- snaguaro - Snaguaro
- sneezer - journal of doom
- soilworker - Dan
- sonofearth - Leon del Muerte
- soulslaughterer - Would You Like Fries With That
- soul_spider - Jeff
- soyjunkie - *gnarf* now i have to be called niki.
- spikeedragon - The Spikee Dragon
- spliffrd - splifford
- spookyskarekrow - Spooky Skarekrow
- sporkboy - Richie Dagger
- spunktart - hannu(h)
- starsxfalling - ♥ * fuck your hearts * ♥
- stclavicus - Saint Clavicus
- strangekindaboy - strangekindaboy
- stuckinthebox - Core, that would be greek
- stupidmoron - yes, i am a loser
- subtract - fibonacci had it down. [lay low in negative space]
- succubus29 - Dawn
- suppuration - Mutilating Baby Jesus
- sworntotheblack - Mitchel
- tat2rob - Robert Evil
- tattoodan - Handful of ashes of the dead.
- teardropangel - .Something Unimportant.
- technine - Ikari Shinji
- techstep - Rob
- tetrode - triode
- thamuz - Thamuz
- theblackdahlia - theblackdahlia
- thebrokenheartd - Lindsay Rae
- thecrushlineup - LRB
- themeconspiracy - Lauren
- themoofiles - Moo Cow
- theringworm - Justin Denial
- theromansgohome - 2104 AD: Rise Of the Pale Android
- theslave - a case study in pathetics
- thesuparowl - Josh
- thewinslow - winslow
- thexnothing - 90019001942
- the_outsider - Brian
- thrashbott - Smash those atoms
- tinge - analog shar0n
- tiniestviolin - Kathy Coupeland
- titsy - Psychopharmacology's Angel
- toasta - ToAstA
- todfilth - The Filth Grinder
- tonytripoli - tony tripoli
- total_fat_0g - [.bj.xo.]
- tribeofapophis - Duggan
- turilli - roger
- turnleft - scott baio
- turn_to_ashes - brad
- ultragoregrind - i will live forever
- unblind - Unblind
- underadyingsun - .: :: :DAVE: :: :.
- unheardcries - u take my hand, i take yer life
- unseen_tears - i <3 appleCORE
- urfullofshit - dallas
- usagiindiegrrl - Vanity Insanity
- vaginatarian - Ali
- valence - jizzon
- vampyressorgy - Kuntastrophe
- vannawhite - Vanna White
- vargatron - Drakkon
- vegandreamboat - nelson
- vegansscareme - deterioration
- veganxjanie - kendra
- veganyo - joel
- venomous_noize - Pristine Fire
- violentasme - james' house of chicken wings
- visualxshock - Suspended Grey
- vomica - vomica
- vomit_pinkstars - starlit_x_eyes
- wastedagain - chris
- waterbeast - Leverett Byron Hughes III
- weallbleed - zack
- werty78 - WERTY!
- wevelostcontrol - spencer
- withoutwater - Dave Nothing
- wordsofegil - Egil
- wormswood - A is for Alec
- xaeschylusx - pete
- xbaxterx - XDESTROYERX
- xbluesparklex - Chad Boyd
- xbradthefatkidx - <3 Bradley <3
- xbuhddax - XchrisX
- xburlypowerx - Burly Billy
- xcorpsevomitx - confession of an altar boy......
- xdavex - xstarsalwaysfallx
- xdisgracex - XdisgraceX
- xdonknottsx - tonnyy
- xdontgiveafuckx - Shawn WK
- xdorkx - I Am The Black Wizards
- xdunnyx - XdunnyX
- xdyingeverydayx - the most exciting girl in the world
- xeuronymousx - Chris
- xfilthystitches - xkendra
- xhamburglarx - marschall fisher
- xhardcoreangelx - xHardxCorexAngelx
- xhchxmbcx - Vlad the Impaler
- xheadfirstx - Russell Edge
- xhypex - steve
- xiamforgottenx - John Luger
- xicantbreathex - xDead Eyes In Autumnx
- xihatemyselfx - Xbrendan bajaX
- xjimiscool - esCOURT
- xjoeoatesx - Joe
- xjustinx - Justin
- xkeepitoutx - BJ
- xkingstonx - x kingston x
- xllbx - Love Lies Bleeding
- xmakemeprettyx - XmarcieXfuckingXedgeX
- xmalex - jason
- xmikecorex - Mortal Cockbat
- xmortiisx - XmortiisX
- xmydeardiary - newspaper tragedy
- xneveragainx - xneveragainx
- xpashax - John
- xpogox - XFXUXIXEX
- xscrawnyveganx - Xscrawny veganX
- xsepx - sep
- xskandalx - Joey Skandal
- xstr8xedgex - silently awaiting death
- xtomychagrinx - Ryan
- xtothedeathx - harbinger of the revolution
- xtrashx - ash
- xtrendyx - kurdt
- xunhealx - garfield
- xvampiricx - Rebel Angel
- xverminx - Toby
- xwhorerevengex - I am Every Fucking Thing and Just A Little More.
- xxbloodybitchxx - noelism.
- xxmaddchickxx - Racquel
- xxmeowxx - Hot In The House Of God
- xxspyboyxx - :: d y sph o ri_a ::
- x_fiend_x - x_fiend_x
- yesterdays_hero - your blood will spill
- yourbritishhell - I'm not alright
- youredeadtomexx - [[.one.two.fuckyou.]]
- yourethereason - talkin' shit about a pretty sunset
- youreyeslie - LAuren.
- yourxarsonist - our closeness will be legendary
- _dis_ - ~Dis~
- _gore_death_ - Gore Death
- _mauler_ - Mauler
- _seska_ - Seska
- _voice_ - she's dead, i killed her