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IMDb Charts
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USA Box Office
*  USA Top 10
*  USA Archive

UK Box Office
*  UK Top 15
*  UK Archive

All-Time Box Office
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Video Rental Information
*  USA Weekly Top 50
*  USA Archive
*  Top Rentals of the Year

IMDb Title Searches
*  Past 30 Days
*  Past 7 Days

IMDb Name Searches
*  Past 30 Days
*  Past 7 Days

IMDb Genre Searches
*  Overview
*  Action
*  Adventure
*  Animation
*  Comedy
*  Crime
*  Documentary
*  Drama
*  Family
*  Fantasy
*  Film-Noir
*  Horror
*  Independent
*  Musical
*  Mystery
*  Romance
*  Sci-Fi
*  Short
*  Thriller
*  War
*  Western

IMDb Votes Charts
*  Overview
*  Male
*  Female
*  Action
*  Adventure
*  Animation
*  Comedy
*  Crime
*  Documentary
*  Drama
*  Family
*  Fantasy
*  Film-Noir
*  Horror
*  Independent
*  Musical
*  Mystery
*  Romance
*  Sci-Fi
*  Thriller
*  War
*  Western
*  1930
*  1940
*  1950
*  1960
*  1970
*  1980
*  1990

Top Animation searches for past 30 days

Listed below are the most popular Animation titles, searched for in the last 30 days, at IMDb, along with their positions during the previous time period.

1 -    Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie (2002)
2 1    Monsters, Inc. (2001)
3 2    Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001)
4 14    Beauty and the Beast (1991)
5 3    Lilo & Stitch (2002)
6 5    "Simpsons, The" (1989)
7 6    Shrek (2001)
8 4    Ice Age (2002)
9 -    Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002)
10 -    Hotaru no haka (1988)
11 10    Toy Story 2 (1999)
12 7    Mononoke Hime (1997)
13 22    Nightmare Before Christmas, The (1993)
14 -    Kingdom Hearts (2002) (VG)
15 17    Lion King, The (1994)
16 13    Waking Life (2001)
17 11    Shrek 2 (2004)
18 20    Toy Story (1995)
19 12    Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001)
20 -    Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2002) (VG)
21 16    Return to Never Land (2002)
22 -    Treasure Planet (2002)
23 25    Bug's Life, A (1998)
24 -    Akira (1988)
25 -    Pokémon the 4th Movie (2002)

Table updated every Monday morning