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Scarf and Barf

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[05 Jul 2002|03:08am]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | Birth Day on TV ]

I had a very hard experience on Wednesday when I went in and got my blood treatment. When I go I get put in this room with about 8 chairs in it and there are people getting different drugs for different things in there and there was this older lady in a chair and it was her first day getting chemo so they premedicate her with something and then started to give her the chemo and before he gave it to her he explained to her and her family that there can be side effects but if there are any that they will see them within the first 5 mins, so he starts it and sits next to her for a few minutes and then gets up and then I look over at her and she looks like she is having a seizure so I yell "Um, Robert, I think that this woman needs help" and so he runs over and turns off the med and the other lady was on the phone and he yells "Leslie, OFF" so she gets off the phone and runs over and they check for a pulse and the lady doesn't have one so they went and got the doctor, then they started CPR, gave her some Eppy, then they got out the paddles to shock her heart and then they got a pulse and the lady came to a few minutes later and didn't realize anything had happened. Meanwhile I am crying, seeing this lady dying before my eyes, wondering what the hell would have happened if I didn't say anything. I was so scared. The lady had her eyes open but its like the lights were on but no one was home the whole time. It was very freaky.

On a lighter note, I got my futon all set up in my room and it looks very nice. I love it. I love the look that I have now, I am going to have to take some pictures, because its very nice. I went shopping yesterday and the day before and got a bunch of cute stuff. I just need more shelves and stuff so I can put all my stuff up for show.

I have an appointment up in Olympia tomorrow with my Oncologist to see if I am going to stay with twice a week with the Hematin or go to once a week or three times a week. I hope to stay with what I am doing. I am going to try and get a PRN script for demerol for when I need it when I go for a treatment. I am going to do some shoppping either before I go or after. They have all the good shopping places up there, we don't have anything here. I want to go to the Gap and maybe Victoria Secret and Old Navy. I love those stores. YAY. The last Gap that I went to had undies, so I hope HOPE that our Gap does. So, if they do then I am going to get some panties. I wish that they had bras for people like me that have big boobies. Okay, I am going to finish my ironing and maybe get some sleep on my new bed.


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Girl, Intrupted [29 Jun 2002|03:23am]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | Girl, Intrupted ]

I am so bored...RARR. It would be nice to sleep, but I haven't been doing much of that as of late. I am going to try and sleep tonight, or rather, this morning. My mom is taking my grandmother to the beach this weekend, they leave in the morning and then are comming home on Sunday afternoon. I don't know what I am going to do yet. After all that has been going on I really don't want to be staying alone. My friend Jessica's parents left town also so I might stay there, if I can. I am not sure if she has plans or not yet. GUess I will figure it out today. I think that if I stayed with her I would be able to get some sleep, because I would feel safe there. Anyways, I am watching Girl, Intrupted to try and ease the anxiety that I am experiencing. I have been having the worse craving for chocolate...I am not sure why, maybe because of the hormones in the 'morning after pill' that they gave me. I'm not sure. Below is a story that was e-mailed to me. I kinda got a little laugh at it.

A father watched his daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and innocent his little girl was. Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her and noticed she was looking at two spiders mating. "Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked. "They're mating," her father replied. "What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?" she asked. "That's a daddy longlegs," her father answered.
"So, the other one is a mommy longlegs?" the little girl asked. "No," her father replied. "Both of them are daddy longlegs." The little girl thought for a moment, then took her foot and stamped them flat. "Well, we're not having THAT sort of shit in our garden."

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[27 Jun 2002|12:51pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

Hey guys, I'm off to have my psych eval done. Yippie, I get to count back from 100 by 7, I have never understood why they ask that question. Blah. Anyways, then I have to drive and go get a perscription that they don't have anywhere around here so I have to drive like a half hour just to pick up four pills. RARR. Okay, well, I am already a little late so I better leave.


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HEEELLLPPPP [26 Jun 2002|11:41am]
okay, I have been trying to get that god damn google thing to work for about 15 mins now and I can't figure it out. can someone help me?

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[25 Jun 2002|03:45pm]
If you continue maintaining healthy habits, you'll want to plan for a maximum life expectancy of 98 (shoot me now please, I will NOT be dumping in a diaper before I die)years or more.

Your "ideal" weight for maximum longevity is: 130 lbs. WTF, at 5'3''???

The three biggest positive factors that you have going for you are:
1. Age
2. Gender
3. Diet

The two biggest negative factors that you have going for you are:
1. Family health-blame it on the family
2. Weight
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People piss me off [25 Jun 2002|02:23pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | the tv ]


I went and saw my doc last night and he was such an ass to me. He hooked me up to my usual IV bag with extra gloucose and told me that he was going to put all my pain medicine in the IV bag and give it to me through that really slowly, I said ok and so I was there for 4 hours because he wanted my IV to go in slowly, the ONLY reason for this is because he talked to another doctor at the clinic that use to treat me and told him that the way that he was doing it was more addicting. Um, I am getting the SAME amount of medicine, but it works better when my doc use to just push it in and I didn't have to wait the couple of hours for the IV to flow in. I got pissed off when I first got there and he came to see me, didn't even come into the room and he stood at the door for a second and asked me if I was having pain again (der, why was I there?) and that was the only interaction we had and then he didn't have any keys to the narcotics so I had to wait for someone to come to give him keys. Then he asked if I was still having pain after the IV had gone in and I said yes so he pushed some IV meds and it didn't do shit, so I told him and he said that he wasn't going to give me anymore and I was like, that would be okay except for the fact that I didn't have anything to take at home and he was just a dick to me, I saw him roll his eyes as he left, I mean, come on, I have gotten so much better then what I was doing. And, he told me that I could come in for some demerol over the weekend if I needed to and I needed to but I didn't and I thought that would have scored me some points, but it didn't seem to. He was perfectly nice to me until he talked to my old doc.

THEN, today I go to the pharmacy to get my perscription filled. They told me that they were out and said that they might get it tomorrow. I like needed the medicine right THEN. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. So, I had to break my contract that I have with my doc that I will only go to one pharmacy. This really frustrates me because they use to always have it in stock for me and I never had a problem until the last couple of months, I go in and they never have it, or like last week, they only had part of it and since its a controled substance, they can't just give me part of it and give me the rest when they get them in. So I had to just take what they had, so I had to tell him I need a perscription for my dilaudid and had to explain it all to him and so he writes one but its only for 60, thats like a 3 day supply. I can take up to 24 a day, one an hour, I never have taken that many, but I COULD. So, I am going to have to call up and ask for another script before the weekend because I won't have enough to last me the entire weekend. Thats going to piss him off probably, he won't remember that he only wrote it for 60 and not the 120 he usually gives me.

I go and see Kay tomorrow. I was suppose to see her Monday but she went out of state for the weekend and got stuck whereever she went. This is good, since I have been doing so shitty with my ed. I am really depressed, my ex has been in town and being an ass so that always puts me in a shitty mood. His ass needs to be in jail but the police never seem to be able to find him, I really don't think that they are looking too hard. I mean, he seems to come over to my house often, yet the cops can't find him? Arg. Life really blows right now.

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[16 Jun 2002|01:05am]
[ mood | frustrated ]

I got back from Las Vegas on Monday but then I stayed at my aunt and uncles house in Vancover until Wednesday night so that I could go to my cousins graduation. So, I came home and went and got a blood treatment on Thursday and then another one on Friday and also saw my oncologist. I found out that I can't go a week without getting a treatment, it totally knocked me on my ass. I have been feeling so shitty. Thursday the doc gave me some morphine and demerol and suggested admitting me to the hospital for pain control but me being the pain in the ass that I am decided that I could do this on my own. Well, I should have gone. I have just gone down hill. The doc said that it will take some time for my body to get back to where it was, that not getting a treatment totally threw my body off so I have to get back to where it was. If I am not feeling any better tomorrow I will talk to my doc about being admited.

Since I was at the oncologist for 5 hours on Thursday I missed my appointment with Kay, so I called her at home that night to explain and we talked, she is so nice. She really knows what she is talking about and how to relate. She had made up some assignments for me to do in the workbook "why weight" by geneen roth, and I have been doing them. They are hard to do. Its a book made for mainly overeaters, but most of the assignments you can relate to if you have had any disorderd eating, some you have to change a little but it works. I highly suggest this book to anyone with an ed. So, Kay called me back on Friday and we talked for a while, she told me that I didn't sound well and asked if I had eaten anything yet it was about 1:00pm and I told her the truth that no I hadn't and so she sat there with me while I decided what I would eat and how I would try and keep myself from purging afterwards. This really helped me a lot. I have lost about 8 pounds in the last week and a half. Most of it I am sure is water weight, but that doesn't matter to me. I just like the number going down on the scale. That is one thing that Kay has told me to do that I haven't been able to do-get rid of the scale. Well, in order to help myself feel better, I should go to bed and get some sleep.


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YAY [03 Jun 2002|11:18pm]
34 hours and I will be in Las Vegas with my sister! I am so excited....anyone want a postcard?
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[22 May 2002|09:10pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Perfect breasts


Fake silicone breasts

( + )( + )

Perky breasts


Big nipple breasts


A cups


D cups

{ O }{ O }

Wonder bra breasts


Cold breasts

( ^ )( ^ )

Lopsided breasts


Pierced Breasts


Hanging Tassels Breasts


Grandma's Breasts

\ o /\ o /

Against The Shower Door Breasts

( )( )

Android Breasts

| o | | o |

Martha Stewart's Breasts

($) ($)

And God created woman and she had 3 breasts. He then
asked the woman, "Is there anything you'd like to have changed?" She replied, "Yes, could you get rid of this middle breast?"

And so it was done, and it was good.

Then the woman exclaimed as she was holding the third
breast in her hand, "What can be done with this
useless boob?"

And God created man.

OK Ladies---now that you have had your laugh, remember breast cancer awareness --so have those boobs checked out and stay healthy!

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The weekend [13 May 2002|10:25pm]
[ mood | blank ]

This weekend I guess. I owe a big hug to:
and pretty much everyone else that has helped me out
but I have had a hard time with all of this stuff but people talking to me and keeping me busy and distracted help me a lot, even if we aren't talking about ed's. I slept all day on Sunday, I was feeling pretty terrible and had had a busy week and then trying to do these assignments is taking a lot to do. I constantly feel like crying. I was talking to my mom about things and she told me just to pretend that everything is okay and soon I will believe it. But the problem with that is I feel that I am not being true to my feelings and emotions. I think that if I were to do taht then I would never get better-these emotions are exactly what I need to deal with. I don't know, I jsut don't think that I can pretend that everything is a-okay. Whatever I guess.

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HAHAHHAHA....My aunt sent this to me [13 May 2002|10:13pm]
[ mood | amused ]

I had to take my son's hamster to the vet. Here's
what happened: Just after dinner one night, my son came up to tell me there
"something wrong" with one of the two hamsters he holds prisoner in his
"He's just lying there looking sick," he told me. "I'm serious, Dad.
Can you help?" I put my best hamster-healer statement on my face and
followed him
into his bedroom. One of the little rodents was indeed lying on his back
looking stressed. I immediately knew what to do.

"Honey," I called, "come look at the hamster!" "Oh, my gosh," my wife
diagnosed after a minute. "She's having babies." "What?" my son
demanded. "But their names are Bert and Ernie, Mom!" I was equally
"Hey, how can that be? I thought we said we didn't want them to
reproduce," I accused my wife.
"Well, what do you want me to do, post a sign in their cage,?" she
inquired. (I actually think she said this sarcastically!)
"No, but you were supposed to get two boys!" I reminded her, (in my
most loving, calm, sweet voice, while gritting my teeth together).
"Yeah, Bert and Ernie!" my son agreed.
"Well, it's just a little hard to tell on some guys, ya know," she
informed me. (Again with the sarcasm, ya think?)
By now the rest of the family had gathered to see what was going on. I
shrugged, deciding to make the best of it. "Kids, this is going to be
a wondrous experience," I announced. "We're about to witness the miracle
of birth." "OH, Gross!", they shrieked.
"Well, isn't THAT just Great!; what are we going to do with a litter
of tiny little hamster babies?" my wife wanted to know. (I really do
think she was being snotty here, too. Don't you?)

We peered at the patient. After much struggling, what looked like a
tiny foot would appear briefly, vanishing a scant second later. "We don't
appear to be making much progress," I noted.
"It's breech," my wife whispered, horrified. "Do something, Dad!" my son
"Okay, okay." Squeamishly, I reached in and grabbed the foot when it
next appeared, giving it a gingerly tug. It disappeared. I tried several
more times with the same results.
"Should I call 911?" my eldest daughter wanted to know. "Maybe they
could talk us through the trauma." (You see a pattern here with the females
in my house?) "Let's get Ernie to the vet," I said grimly. We drove to the
vet with
my son holding the cage in his lap. "Breathe, Ernie, breathe," he urged.
"I don't think hamsters do Lamaze," his mother noted to him. (Women
can be so cruel to their own young. I mean what she does to me is one thing,
but this boy is of her womb, for God's sake.)
The vet took Ernie back to the examining room and peered at the little
animal through a magnifying glass.
"What do you think, Doc, a c-section?" I suggested scientifically.
"Oh, very interesting," he murmured. "Mr.. and Mrs.. Cameron, may I
speak to you privately for a moment?" I gulped, nodding for my son to step
outside."Is Ernie going to be okay?" my wife asked.
"Oh, perfectly," the vet assured us. "This hamster is not in labor. In
fact, that isn't EVER going to happen... Ernie is a boy."

"You see, Ernie is a young male. And occasionally, as they come into
maturity, like most male species, they um.... er.... masturbate. Just
the way he did, lying on his back." He blushed, glancing at my wife.
"Well,you know what I'm saying, Mr.. Cameron."
We were silent, absorbing this.
"So Ernie's just...just...excited?" my wife offered.
"Exactly," the vet replied, relieved that we understood.
More silence.
Then my viscous, cruel wife started to giggle. And giggle. And then
even laugh loudly.
"What's so funny?" I demanded, knowing, but not believing that the
woman I married would commit the upcoming affront to my flawless manliness.
Tears were now running down her face. "It's just...that...I'm
picturing you pulling on its...its...teeny little..." she gasped for more
air to
bellow in laughter once more.
"That's enough," I warned.
We thanked the Veterinarian and hurriedly bundled the hamsters and our
son back into the car. He was glad everything was going to be okay.
"I know Ernie's really thankful for what you've done, Dad," he told
"Oh, you have NO idea," my wife agreed, collapsing into laughter.

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[04 May 2002|12:47pm]
[ mood | bitchy, sore, sick, BARFING ]

Yesterday I went up to Olympia to see my Oncologist. When I go up there I usually just get my treatment and don't see the doc, but yesterday I saw him. It went well, he thinks that I am having enough imporvent with the hematin to keep using it. So, they made it so that I can keep getting it twice a week but I will get it down here so I don't have to drive everytime. I go back to see him in 2.5 weeks to see how things are doing and to see if I am doing ok with the new pain medicine that he is going to try with me. Its morphine but its a liquid and you only need a tiny bit of it, so even if I am unable to keep the medicine down my body will still get some of the medication into my blood stream. Its just a trial of this medicine just to see if it works. So, thats that. I am in a lot of pain today, so I am going to go take a nap, I didn't sleep well at all because I kept waking up to pain. BLAH.

((((Jenn)))) I thought of you yesterday while getting my treatment (as I do every Friday when I am there) I hope that your day went well and that your treatment went okay, let me know.

Everyone take care.


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Anyone? [01 May 2002|04:22am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | The Today Show ]

Hey, does anyone watch The Real World? I was just wondering because I missed last nights episode and really want to know what was shown.


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.......... [28 Apr 2002|10:15pm]
[ mood | scared ]

My grandmother, who I live with is really sick. She has been in the hospital for a couple of days now. I have been strong through out this time telling eveyone that it will be just like last year when she went in was there for a week and then came home...I have been lying to myself and I know it. I just broke down. I was listening to my mom talk about going in and seeing my grandmother and how they have put in her in the PCU now and "its not looking good" and she told me about how my uncle wasn't even able to go in the room and see her. I just saw her a couple of days ago and she was her usualy bitchy self, bitchin about having to be in "this damn place" and now, now, they can barely wake her up. Now, I am getting scared. I knew that she wouldn't live forever, but I am NOT ready to lose her now. I need more time with her. I really don't know what this will do to me if she doesn't get better. I lost one grandmother already this month, I can't handle losing another. I CAN'T. I want to go and see her but I am afraid that I won't be able to keep it together. I mean, my grandmother is more like my mother then grandmother. My youngest memories are with her. I use to always stay the night with her when I was younger and remember sleeping next to her and I would aways wear one of her sweatshirts to sleep in it was a 3-blind mice shirt. I just don't understand it, she was doing okay just a couple of days ago, then she goes into the hospital and now she is worse then she has ever been. Shes totally out of it. Who even knows if she knows we are there or if she knows who we are. I am really hopeing that they can get her blood oxyen level up, then she will be able to know who we are and stuff. They might have to put her on a ventalator, which would be horrible for her but then she would be getting enough oxygen to her brain. I am just so scared. I am scared and yet I have to hide it because we don't show emotions in my family. I have been putting all my energy and time into helping my grandpa and keeping the house together and the dog so it seems that I am doing something. This really sucks. I really hope I go to sleep and not wake up.

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Dog Pet Peeves [28 Apr 2002|10:18am]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | Don't let me get me-Pink ]

Dog Pet Peeves about Humans:

01. When you run away in the middle of a perfectly good leg humping.

02. Blaming your farts on me...not funny.

03. Yelling at me for barking... I'M A FRIGGIN' DOG YOU IDIOT!!

04. How you naively believe that the stupid cat isn't all over everything while you're gone. (Have you noticed that your toothbrush tastes a little like cat butt?)

05. Taking me for a walk, then not letting me check stuff out. Exactly who's walk is this anyway?

06. Any trick that involves balancing food on my nose...stop it.

07. Yelling at me for rubbing my ass on your carpet.
Why'd you buy carpet?

08. Getting upset when I sniff the crotches of your guests. Sorry but I haven't quite mastered that handshake thing yet... idiot.

09. How you act disgusted when I lick myself. Look, we
both know the truth, you're just jealous.

10. Dog sweaters. Have you noticed the fur?

11. Any haircut that involves bows or ribbons. Now you know why we chew your stuff up when you're not home.

12. Taking me to the vet for "the big snip", then acting surprised when I freak out every time we go back.

13. The slight-of-hand, fake fetch throw. You fooled a dog! What a proud moment for the top of the food chain, you turd.

14. Invisible fences. Why do you insist on screwing with us?

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Stole from Vero, who stole from Kimay [28 Apr 2002|06:55am]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | The News ]

1.) What is your full name? Jaime Lynne Craig
2.) Pepsi or Coke? diet coke
3.) What color pants do you have on right now? I am wearing gray shorts
5.) What song are you listening to?? I am listening to the New on tv
6.) What was the last thing you said? "when are you going up to the hospital" I said it to my grandpa
7.) What is right next to you? my lotion
8.) What is your computer desk made of? metal
9.) What are the last four digits of your phone number? derr
10.) What was the last thing you ate? M&Ms;
11.) If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Yellow
12.) Where do u want to go on your honeymoon? In a hotel room, doesn't matter where, just somewhere were we can fuck like rabbits.
13.) Doyou have a lava lamp? not anymore, my ex was "lava-sitting" and I haven't gotten it back, I plan on buying a new one but I can't find the perfect one yet
14.) Do you like snow, sun or rain? Rain. I love storms with thunder and lightning
15.) How is the weather right now? muggy
16.) Have you ever smoked pot? der
17.) What did you do last night? Went and saw my grandma in the hospital and then I went over to my moms for about an hour and then I came home and passed out on the couch
18.) Last person you talked to on the phone? Kimberly (Kimberlove)
19.) What's the nicest thing that you find in the opposite sex? personality
20.) How are you today? upset/depressed
21.) How do you eat an Oreo? I don't
22.) What makes you happy? flowers
23.) Hair Color? brown
24.) Birth Date? 12.01.1979
25.) Eye Color? hazel/brown
26.) Height? 5'3
27.) Do you wear contacts? no
28.) Do you have any siblings? here we go....I have 4 step brothers, 3 step sisters, a half brother and a half sister and another half sibling on the way, we don't know the sex yet.
29.) What school do you attend? Not attending any right now, hopefully I will get in soon. I need to get my ass feeling better first.
31.) Who would you like to be better friends with? Everyone
32.) What's the best advice given to you? I am not sure...I am not at a point right now that I can think of positive advice.
33.) What do you want to be when you grow up? I dont wanna grow up <~me neither
36.) Who is the funniest person you know? Erin always makes me laugh :)
37.) If you were an animal, what would you be? I would want to be my grandmas dog because she is so fucking spoiled...the damn dog has more toys then I ever did as a child.
38.) Fav day of the year? Fall
39.) Favorite Month: Autumn
40.) Fav girl's perfume? Dream from the Gap
41) Fav men's cologne? tommy
42) Do you like to dance? I can't dance whatsoever
44) Fav Name Brand? Gap, Old Navy, Doc Martens, Tommy, Ralph Lauren
45.) If you could change your name what would it be? I like my name
46.) Worst sickness you ever had? Probably the blood disoder that I am currently dealing with
48.) What is the stupidest thing you ever did? Oh god, where to start...I would be on this question forever so I am going to skip it.
49.) What is your first son's name going to be? Owen or Kyler
50.) What is your first daughter's name going to be? Chloe, Natilie or Halie
51.) Do you like scary or happy movies better? comedy
52.) On the phone or in person? depends
53.) Day or Night? night.
54.) Summer or Winter? Spring
55.) Lust or Love? love
56.) Hugs or Kisses? hugs
59.) What did you think of this survey? I was bored damnit<~ditto
60.) Do you want your friends to write back? sure
61.) Who is least likely to respond? everyone
62.) Who is most likely to respond? everyone
63.) Your Location? hell
64.) Shoe Size? about 7.5 or 8
65.) Do you care about the way you look? no, I have an ed because I want to look gross
66.) Do you get a tan only in summer? I don't even tan in the summer. My body is ass white, gotta put on your sunglasses if I'm wearing shorts.
67.) Do you have big ears? no
68.) Do you like to give advice? depends
69.) Class Clown: No
70.) Goodie 2 Shoes: Some thought so
71.) Lover or Fighter: A little of both
72.) Daydreamer: sure
73.) Angel: at times.
74.) Cried? yes
75.) Worn a skirt? no
76.) Worn a tie? no
78.) Been sarcastic? me?
79.) Gone for a walk? Yes
80.) Gone out for dinner? yes
81.) Met someone new? yes
82.) Taken a test? no
83.) Talked to an ex? yes
84.) Missed an ex? all the time :(
85.) Missed someone? all the time :*(
86.) Hugged someone? yes
87.) Danced with someone? no
88.) Had a nightmare? yes
89.) Kissed someone? yes
90.) Worst feeling in the world? Feeling someone that you love slipping away from you
91.) Best feeling in the world: Love
92.) Memory [thing] you miss most? I miss a lot of people, there have been quite a few deaths lately and my grandma whom I have been extremely close to forever is in the hospital really sick and also I miss friends that I am not close to anymore, I really misee them, especially now that I am dealing with my grandmother and dealing with the blood disorder, it sucks going up to Olympia twice a week alone to the oncologist's office to get my treatments. It would be nice to have some of my old friends be there for me.
93.) Memory you would like to forget? The whole year and a half that I spent wasting my life away with Nathan...shit he did....abusing drugs.
94.) Occupation: lab rat
95.) Marriage: BAHHAHAHAHHA....riiiggghhhttt
96.) Kids: haha see above
97.) Honeymoon: wasn't this already asked? Look at number 12
98.) Favorite car: Honda Accord. Mostly anything that isn't made by
99.) what do you look for in a guy/girl?: sense of humor, personality
100.) if you had to go out with someone right now, who would it be and why?? no one its 6am if I asked someone out right now on a date they would think I was fucking mental and tell me "Bitch go back to bed you damn psycho."<~~ditto, although its now 7:30

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yadda yadda yadda....and a question at the bottom..... [26 Apr 2002|04:38am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | The Real World that I have taped. ]

Blah. Yesterday was tough. My grandmother has been sick for a couple of weeks now, she has congestive heart failure and has been doing fairly well for a long time, she got to the point where she only needed her oxygen when she took her naps and at bedtime, but then she got sick and had to have it on 24/7. So, she went into the doctor and he told her that she really should go into the hospital and she is as stubborn as I am and said that she thought that she could get better at home and so he said that he would give her 2 weeks and then they would re-evaluate her and see if she did need to go in the hospital for a couple of days, well, yesterday was her 2 week follow up appointment and he took on look at her and said that she was going in. We pretty much expected that so it was ok. She hates being in the hospital but he said that she would get better a lot faster there. She is really swollen and so they are going to give her lasix and he said that it works better when given by IV and also in the hospital they can give her a foley cath so she doesn't have to get up and pee constantly from the lasix. So, here I am taking care of my grandpa and the dog which is a full time job in itself...I have to constantly let the dog in and out and my grandpa...ugh...I have to set my alarm for in the morning to make sure that he has turned off the burners from when he cooks. And with his breakfast....he makes bacon...and he fries the shit in LARD. Actual LARD. Its so fucking sick, I have to make sure my door is closed because it smells so bad because he adds jallaphinos to it. FUCKMYSPELLING...SORRY. Anyways, I usually go up and get a treatment on Fridays but my oncologist's office is closed today and so I decided to just have one treatment this week. Next week I will go back to having two again, one on wednesday and then again on Friday. Then on Friday I think that I see my oncologist, i am going to tell him that I think that the hematin is working and ask him what he usually does for his patients like me as far as pain control. It would be really nice if when I was having really bad pain to go in and get the hematin and something along with it to help it. Anyways, I think that there is nothing else new. My dog was so cute last night. I went in to go to bed and there she was on my bed laying there and so I get into bed squeezing around her so that she didn't have to move, I feel asleep in the most akward position, that I was uncomfortable today. Usually she is on her own bed when I go to bed and jumps up on my bed and I pet her for 10 mins or so and then she will jump down and go back to her own bed, but last night she didn't want to get down I guess. So, here I am with my 70 pound dog on a single size bed. Not an easy fit. Okay, can someone answer something for a single and a twin size bed the same size? Is a double and Full size the same? Kimberley and I were talking about it and I just was wondering which way it is? Okay, so I am going to end this.....Thanks.


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[26 Apr 2002|04:34am]
[ mood | sick ]

Do you swear a lot?
quiz by maikamariel
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[26 Apr 2002|04:33am]
[ mood | tired ]


Ordinary, standard, could do with spicing up a bit, why not try experimenting?!


Test created by Nicole Ranner (nicolelynch) and Ian Veitch (vj)

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HaHa [22 Apr 2002|10:02am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Days of Our Lives on TV ]

Prior to her trip to Texas, Buffy (a New Yorker) confided to her sorority sisters she had three goals for her trip to the Lone Star State. She wanted
to taste some real Texas Bar-B-Que, take in a bona fide rodeo, and have sex with a real cowboy.
Upon her return, her sorority sisters were curious as to how she fared. Let me tell you, they have a tree down there called a Mesquite and when they
slow cook that brisket over that Mesquite, it's oh so good. The taste is unbelievable!" And, I went to a real rodeo...Talk about athletes! Those guys wrestle full grown bulls! They ride horses at a full gallup then jump off the horses and grab the bulls by the horns and throw them to the
ground! It is just incredible!"

They then asked, "Well tell us, did you have sex with a real cowboy?" Are you kidding? Once I saw the outline of the condom they carry in the
back pocket of their jeans, I changed my mind!"

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