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WOW [12 May 2002|10:35pm] has been so long since I updated this journal. i ran into finals about two weeks ago and never took my eyes off them. Anyhow, I think I did alright so much has happened since I last wrote.Well, obviously, school is over thank god and my life has come to a screaching halt in more ways than one. My girlfriend broke with me a week before finals.I must say, it was impeccable timing on her part;however, I can understand, I wouldn't want to wait for anything to transpire either. If I were feeling incredibly unhappy I think I would need to tell that person also. Recently, I purchased a digital camera with my college loan money(hehe.). I couldn't resist. Anyhow..i wanted one for my trip to New York; I leave Tuesday.WEWt! I am very excited about hanging out with my sister and going to museums, etc. I just wish i had a little more money; I am so broke right now, but that's alright because i have a really nice camera :)I really miss Ginger. She was such a beautiful person and i really thought we were into each other. Ah well, i don't want to dwell on it anymore than i already have. My brother gave me the new eminem album and it fuckin ownz. I have never considered myself an eminem fan, but the album is incredibly dark and broody; I like it that way. I need to wash clothes. Anyone want to go see Metropolis with me?
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put your spinless back into it. [20 Apr 2002|01:11am]
hello mr.journal. Today, I watched reqiuem for a dream again. Man, the part of the movie where Harry calls Marion and she's just about done sprucing up.."Harry, can you come today?"Her eyes swell and that tear falls...AAHH...that part gives me chills everytime i watch it. Literally, my chest opens up and my heart plops on the floor.The movies just great and i DO think it has a positive ending. I'm exhausted. I wish i still had the soundtrack; someone decided to borrow it and never gave it back. I hate that shit.Tomorrow,yes,tomorrow i will go running..i must...i feel so sedate and lethargic and i'm tired of feeling this way.ok gonna go play around with dreamweaver. lates

p.s. i want a webcam damnit.
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approaches. [16 Apr 2002|03:43pm]
good class today-emphasized knowledge as not necessary truths; I can know something and that doesn't mean that it must be true.!!!!!For example, i know that i will eat i know that i will eat...well some people would say that you don't know anything until after it occurs(like Aristotle),only then can you have justified true belief;that is mind boggling to me and will probably take sometime to fully digest;I'll elaborate later. I'm hungry right now and i don't know what to cook later. I'll go to foodtv and look at some recipes. ok..ride is on the way.. lates
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i've got to admit...its looking better. [14 Apr 2002|12:44pm]
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wow [14 Apr 2002|10:47am]
its working...but my page sucks..i don't like the colors :)
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are you there? [14 Apr 2002|10:27am]
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