[12 May 2002|10:35pm] | has been so long since I updated this journal. i ran into finals about two weeks ago and never took my eyes off them. Anyhow, I think I did alright so much has happened since I last wrote.Well, obviously, school is over thank god and my life has come to a screaching halt in more ways than one. My girlfriend broke with me a week before finals.I must say, it was impeccable timing on her part;however, I can understand, I wouldn't want to wait for anything to transpire either. If I were feeling incredibly unhappy I think I would need to tell that person also. Recently, I purchased a digital camera with my college loan money(hehe.). I couldn't resist. Anyhow..i wanted one for my trip to New York; I leave Tuesday.WEWt! I am very excited about hanging out with my sister and going to museums, etc. I just wish i had a little more money; I am so broke right now, but that's alright because i have a really nice camera :)I really miss Ginger. She was such a beautiful person and i really thought we were into each other. Ah well, i don't want to dwell on it anymore than i already have. My brother gave me the new eminem album and it fuckin ownz. I have never considered myself an eminem fan, but the album is incredibly dark and broody; I like it that way. I need to wash clothes. Anyone want to go see Metropolis with me?