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Marcia, Marcia, Marrrciiaa

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[29 Oct 2002|09:48pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | that shit drew gave me, fucking drama boy. haha ]

fuckin' flake selfish motherfucker. i am angry.




my foot is cold. thermal socks don't help.

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[27 Oct 2002|05:00pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | something drew gave me... he didn't write the list of tracks ]

listening to soft, heartfelt music, looking out of the window at the grey sky really makes a girl melancholy.

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the price is wrong, pasche. running just isn't the correct prize today, i say. [23 Oct 2002|09:38pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | something indie-electronica sounding. ]

SxAnrchy (9:35 PM): anyways
SxAnrchy (9:35 PM): i heard someone thought u were kelly osbourn
XbloodXflowerX (9:35 PM): hahaha
XbloodXflowerX (9:35 PM): oh yeah
XbloodXflowerX (9:35 PM): it was hilarious
XbloodXflowerX (9:35 PM): she came up to me and asked
SxAnrchy (9:35 PM): did u give her your autograph
XbloodXflowerX (9:35 PM): and we told her i was on a film shoot
XbloodXflowerX (9:36 PM): and that jack was right up the corner
SxAnrchy (9:36 PM): haha
XbloodXflowerX (9:36 PM): she then proceeded to leave, go up the street that we pointed at, come back witha pen and paper
SxAnrchy (9:36 PM): did she beleive u
XbloodXflowerX (9:36 PM): and almost cried when i signed it "kelly osbourne"
SxAnrchy (9:36 PM): haha
SxAnrchy (9:37 PM): how old was she
XbloodXflowerX (9:37 PM): it's true!
XbloodXflowerX (9:37 PM): uhm, probably about 40
SxAnrchy (9:38 PM): really
SxAnrchy (9:38 PM): jesus
XbloodXflowerX (9:38 PM): yeah, haha. people these days, eh?
XbloodXflowerX (9:38 PM): the funny part is that i've got .. you know.. half my head shaved
XbloodXflowerX (9:39 PM): and... i don't really think i look like kelly osbourne at all.

calvin and i then went to his house, panda where he got a new deck, a cake shop and his mom bought us cake, my sister's and we sat on the porch waiting for her... cooked... hung out... ate.. took a lovely walk.. three times. sat on the little ledge for a half hour listening to some sort of indie winter-y music in the dark. hahah. i almost fell asleep. yawn. it was good seein' mah little bro again. awe, i've missed him. he's still stuck on getting me to go to lincoln.

XbloodXflowerX (9:43 PM): adieu, then!
Terkanas (9:43 PM): that seems like something you'd say! adieu!

how does adieu sound like something i'd say? DREW IS INSANE.

friday should prove to be good fun. i hope. mom is outta town again [thank god] she leaves tomorra'.

XbloodXflowerX (9:42 PM): ayei!
xPxIxNxHxExAxDx (9:43 PM): we were talking about you todya adn your internet chatter
XbloodXflowerX (9:43 PM): oh yes? who's "we?"
xPxIxNxHxExAxDx (9:43 PM): cole, me, and gordon
XbloodXflowerX (9:44 PM): .... what about it?
xPxIxNxHxExAxDx (9:45 PM): ayii, moop, meep, blargh, -_-....all those
XbloodXflowerX (9:46 PM): yess'm. it's true.
XbloodXflowerX (9:46 PM): in a positive or negative way?
xPxIxNxHxExAxDx (9:46 PM): just
xPxIxNxHxExAxDx (9:46 PM): in a way
XbloodXflowerX (9:46 PM): haha
XbloodXflowerX (9:46 PM): i see
xPxIxNxHxExAxDx (9:46 PM): jsut laughing about it
XbloodXflowerX (9:46 PM): yes. i understand
xPxIxNxHxExAxDx (9:47 PM): good
XbloodXflowerX (9:48 PM): moop
XbloodXflowerX (9:48 PM): eep!
XbloodXflowerX (9:48 PM): i mean
XbloodXflowerX (9:48 PM): ergh
XbloodXflowerX (9:48 PM): ... -cough.-

moop. anyway, i'm done with this. i'm happy i'm hanging out with ashley more now, though. you's likes mah olda sista, yizo! and good shit for hanging out with mady, man.

i love when the scent of someone slightly remains with you after wearing their clothing. i sound like a creep, but it's true.



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long? i think so. [22 Oct 2002|10:04pm]
[ mood | numb ]
[ music | saturday's heroes - the business ]


so, i'm here. as ashley had asked me to be.

on friday i went to KMK, which was horrid. worst experience of my life. stupid juggahoes stole my CD case... an ugly 20 something carressed my ass [followed by a swift kick in the shin, punch in the arm and a death threat thati said would be carried out by either me or someone who could carry it out if he ever did that again]. gah. i hate kottonmouth kings, i hate the roseland, i hate fucking lameasses. i hated that night.

but i did get to go to dot's before hand afterschool with rose and have some hot and spicy friens and a cherry coke [surprise surprise] and then i saw savanna on the 4, went to ems with her, she bought me a drink, hopped on the 7- to burnside, to find that draeger and ryan were going to hawthorne, talked to them a bit... so, i did do more enjoyable things than just run into creepy juggaloes and stupid juggahoes.

uhm. saturday i woke up, went home to get yelled at by mom, take a shower, eat some cereal and was off again to meet rose at the 75 stop to go to hawthorne for the diskords and yadda yadda. saw many a people there. eleanor, her friends, lupe, zach, i dunno. too many people to name. anya and vince showed up and they decided to go to the house show @ robert's with me, so we left and bussed uip fremont, even though it was supposed to be PRESCOTT. we had a lot of walking to do. aygh. when it's cold, dark, and you're just really wanting to sit and listen to good music, the walk from freemont to the nonexistant wygnat [yes, it turned out to be wygant] st... it's no fun at all.

anyway, i got there and the set backs were really fucking good, even though i only got to hear a little of their set since i came late. then everyone had the vodka and all was well. lots of I'M LOVIN ITs from cole and puking into bowls of chips and meeting gordon and.... well- yep. blurs, but i still feel bad because i remember robert and tarra's mom freaking out in the middle of it and getting really angry. i felt really bad after that. we all stayed up in fear that she'd come downstairs and get all angry-like again. she never did, but we all ended up sleepless anyway.

bussed home with ashley danny and dylan.. we got kicked off the 33, which was some BULLSHIT. went home to find erin and jason there, fell asleep. woke up to mom saying we were going to erin's for dinner.. .it was 6 o'clock. aye! went over there, had yummy food. watched alias [yay for t.v.] then went home around 10.

monday... uhm... what was monday? uh- oh! after school ila and i went to see abandon. what shit. the 7- -passed us even after we ran for it... bitches. the movie was fucked and stupid and teeny bopper ish, with a twist of macabre. i talked to calvin and he apologized for going to homecoming with stupid emo creepy eyed girl. -cough- yargh.

today... school... boring.... very boring. hung out with rose until 345 when dad picked me up.. linday suggested new school. and lots of drama with mom. egh. there're some weird dynamics with my family that even i can't understand right now... my dad. my mom. my sister. linda.. eghh... anyway, went to erin's, we went to san felipe... talked. oh, i got some rose's froma dentist's office. haha. and i had my hopes up, too. but then again, who the fuck would send me roses? so, it was good 'cos it'd be creepy from anyone.

uhm, got home from erin's. yep.

tomorrow- to lincoln to see ashley, pick calvin up, go to panda skate and then to erin's to make dinner so we can all eat foood together [esp. since calvin can cook like a mothafucka.]

thursday- spend time with dad. block schedule. eghhh

friday- hang out with ashley and mady [ayii!]

saturday- msi show and afterparty, hopefully. if gus van sant decides stella rocks, which she does. yay for us getting a motel for 50 bucks by saturday!

sunday- go driving!

do you ever feel like your brain's rotting inside your skull?

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down day. [12 Oct 2002|02:12pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | pullin on the boots ]

"you're so white i can't look at you without being blinded"

fuck you, mr. nick yoshihara.
interesting times were mine last night. i would have maybe rathered to be doing other things, but either i didn't get a call back or my phone decided that i just wouldn't be receiving calls half of the time. either way, pbr and a midnight excursion to KBOO for a party was the agenda.

the night before [thursday, it was] i went shopping with erin, after deciding that couser's global studies really wasn't going to do it for me and that a drink at dot's with ellie and a look around green noise would be more... [insert adjective that best fits your assumption here], and got a lovely fitted shirt that has eye and hooks up the center. it's mighty pretty. then i had a few vegetable potstickers and i was off to madeline's.

let us see... who all was there? ah, yes... stella, chris, faith, martin, madeline... and i think that was all. maybe there were more, but i seem to not be able to remember. eh. people came and went, i suppose. martin and i have been on unusually good terms lately, and all seemed to be well. stella and i layered ourselves up and took a nice, brisk walk to the movie rental place, and after a long tantrum thrown by yours truly, including all that fun kicking and screaming that i paid for later on, what with the bruises and rugburn and such, i got to rent DA HIP HOP WITCH. martin and i seemed to be the only ones truly enjoying the disgusting blair witch satire. -cough-

oh, yes, we've decided that, since izabelle's seemed to have gone off into another land of non-mom-ness, stella has taken over that rule in the group, along with james as the abusive father of martin, martin and i the constantly bickering siblings, ila and madeline the creepy twins that are always together and they're actualy 10 hours apart... chris is the protective uncle, and faith is the beautiful changeling goddess that no one can really explain.

anyway, then martin, chris and i fell asleep on the couch. fin.. for that night.

we all woke up gradually, hung around, ordered some food from the creepy mamamia place that takes 45 minutes to cook 2 cheeseburgers... and went down to the square to pick madison and ila up... madeline and i had a lovely talk on the bus... chris went to work... andy came over. martin finally woke up. madeline's mom, katey, came home and we were the only two not on coricidin. it's always fun to be around your friends saying "i can feel the red!" and "my hand is like.. HUGE" anyway, some how we managed to piss away 8 hours... and then madeline went with ila to babysit and martin and andy and i stayed at madeline's and hung out with katey. somehow max was brought up... and... the coricidin started kicking in for martin.... and as he was saying "he is the only person i care about more than james" a solitary tear trickled down his left cheek. i kind of looked at him and someting just... made me understand him a little bit more. i know it sounds pretty fru-fru, but i guess i just saw a side of him that i'd never seen before. i wiped away his tears and hugged him, and it was weird. we just kind of stood there for a long while. and he sort of cried. and i sort of wanted to. jesus, coricidin really fucks people up. then martin andy and i bussed sleepily to madeline's dad's where faith and chris and stella were.

new paragraph for the hell of it. blah blah. walked up and down burnside with faith and chris and martin. saw izabo. they told us of the KBOO party- a small independent radio station ila's family friend works at- and so we went back to madeline's watched romper stomper- stuff and things happened. chris went into uncle mode. madeline and ila came back and we all walked to KBOO. saw evey and abra and izaboe and met maya and some v. was there and so that was fun and then izabelle and bo and some other guy and i went to a little coffee place or something and talked for a while and then when i came back we all left to go to madeline's around 2 or something.. maybe it was earlier. -shrug- pretty soon after, everyone kind of went to bed one by one.

i woke up blanketless, and attempted to pull them away from martin, but that failed, so i stumbled around madeline's GREAT old used to be in a punk band dad's house [oh, i love it. and i love that i got to sleep in the pink room- yipyip i love the fact that he has romper stomper and every movie imaginable... and every album... and... ayghh. and that he doesn't mind anyone over any time. and that... alright, i'll stop], to find no covers... so i was awake and so i sat around and listened to some good music and then everyone started waking up and left and i hung around and then i sat around with martin til my dad picked me up [i was bus fare-less. yeehaw.]

and so here i am. bruised back. tangled gluey bihawks. temporarily half opened eyes.

and i'm so confused, and i really don't know what to make of a lot of things. i guess i'm more confused as to why things aren't bothering me or making me weirded out or anything. why must i be so indifferent all of the time to things that really matter.. and yet care about the smallest, stupidest things? alright. so, i guess that's my final thought.

oy- my tail bone- how it aches.

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[09 Oct 2002|12:08pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | click click goes the computer lab -_- ]

in computer lab. block days are so long, yet so short. must memorize 124 latin to english, english to latin words by 130 PM. and finish two geometer's sketch pad assignments. and i'm updating my very idle livejournal.

three day weekend coming up. that should prove to be okay, i suppose.

i think i'm going to grow my hawks out. i mean, the hair inbetween the hawks, and then cut the hawks off [when the middle hair is long enough to not be shaved-looking] anyone think i should? anyone care? hah. i don't really, in the first place. i'm just becoming bored.

going downtown afterschool with drew, rose, draeger and ellie and maybe ryan. blargh. we've got a disgusting amount of research ahead of us. for the pothead whose ceiling you can see in the reflection of his shiny bald head. yay.

happy birthday tomorrow, travis.

alright, well, i'll update some.. other.. time. now i think i should go and face my horrible amount of work looking me in the eye. i spit on it! -pew-

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[05 Oct 2002|03:37pm]
[ mood | dirty ]
[ music | where is my mind? -the pixies- ]

egh. martin's party last night. i can't even begin to describe it... all i can say is it was really bizarre and FUCKED UP. i'm so sleepy 'cos i didn't get to sleep til around 6 when him and i passed out on the couch in the basement, which i didn't want to happen since ... it's sleeping next to him. and it's martin. and... i'm done with that. so, it was forced, though, if i wanted to be warm, due to the stupid goddamn lack of clean sheets at the end of the night. argh. stupid vomit.

lindsay came by and there was drama with that. ethan's a fuckin' weirdo hippie who we made leave 'cos he steals. laurel came, which was cool. martin liked his 12 lemons, i think. especially since they were wrapped in duct tape. and his cinnamon rolls and cookies and brownies. uhm... some friends of james came over a little while into the party and they seemed okay. they left early in the morning, though. er.

i don't really feel like updating and i don't really know why i started in the first place. but now i have to go see if i can find the key to the apt. and have people a-come over tonight there and it'll be good like that.

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[29 Sep 2002|03:42pm]
[ mood | shocked ]
[ music | perfect day- lou reed ]

City Council Trades Public Good For Christmas Lights
by Phil Busse

With hardly a nod to the city's squalid budget, City Council voted unanimously to ratchet up business property taxes to pay for Christmas lights and to plop an ice-skating rink in the middle of Pioneer Square. It's estimated that the increase will earn $4.5 million over nine years--$3.5 million will be spent on stringing and lighting additional white lights around downtown from November to March; $1 million will be contributed to an ice-skating rink.

Such projects that coordinate perceived public interest with private enterprises have been the darling for Vera Katz' administration. The city contracts with non-profit organizations or management corporations to fund causes like youth services or the management of Pioneer Square. But, as one employee at the Bureau of Licensing--the bureau charged with handling and directing many of the funds collected by the city and distributed to the private entities--points out, such arrangements actually carry hidden burdens for the city's budget.

"It uses the power of the city government to levy money which is then turned over to a private entity to manage Pioneer Square," he said. Although the idea to increase business property taxes by two cents per square foot was proposed by the Portland Business Alliance, an organization representing some of the city's largest retail stores, all businesses within 45 blocks will need to comply. With a 4-0 vote by City Council on Wednesday, the idea is now a city ordinance, no longer a whim of private business.

For every dollar that the property tax increase collects, explained the city employee, it costs the city two cents to handle and manage these funds, an estimated $90,000. "The city is taking a loss managing the program," he explains. "We're subsidizing the Chamber of Commerce."

At a time when public library hours have been trimmed and public school funding is sparse, it may be difficult to find a wide-base of public support for funding frivolities like an ice skating rink and expansion of the downtown area where Christmas lights will be hung. But approving a tax suggested by a business organization effectively allows City Council to wipe their hands of responsibility for the program. Moreover, because these programs will be managed by private entities, they will operate outside the normal scrutiny of the public. Unlike a governmental entity, there can be no freedom of information requests to look at budgets. "It's about getting around democracy," concluded the city employee.

fuck that so much.

on a side note, i've finally bought two new albums. i can't remember the last time i'd acquired new music. burned CD's, sure... but i think the last piece of music i paid for was The Unseen "Lower Class Crucifixion" [and what a buy it was] in... APRIL. so, some consumer-like action was much needed. I bought The Business' "Saturday's Heroes" and Lou Reed's "Different Times" I found the soundtrack to Romper Stomper, which i'm going to save up for RIGHT NOW because i must have it. christ.

um. i'm going to montage tonight even though i really don't want to. oh well. mac and cheese sounds really good right about now, anyway.

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[28 Sep 2002|04:09pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | the escaped- antisocial ]

school- boring. but i'm staying strong in the 4.0, atleast i think. i just finished a book mr. gordin suggested me to read yesterday- it was a quick read. i swear to fucking christ that teacher is psychic or some shit. it was spooky how the book mirrored my past summer in ways unimaginable. it will definetly be easy to do extra credit on that mothafucka... ahem.

went to ila's dad's from school on 75. there was a creepy asian couple that kept shoving their asses into ila. i was amused.
irie and faith were already there, and they were waiting for izabelle and bo and chris. they decided not to go to the show, so ila and i went up to lincoln to meet ashley cole theo robert and mady. critical mass was going strong [thank fuckin' god] and i don't believe anyone was getting run over, like they were expecting may happen, but, unfortunately, our MAX was right after they decided to cross the tracks- making us relatively late. blagh. bittersweet, i suppose.

show was alright. saw lots of er... nifty... people i hadn't seen in a while... haley, beth [who was frisbeed the FUCK out] jason, who i asked where chunk was and he said was a "prep" now or some shit -shrug-, ashleigh- egh. everyone was there, i don't feel like naming people. and i think i finally got a lot of peoples' numbers i'd wanted, but when i woke up this morning, half of them had rubbed off, and half of them had seemed to appear while i was sleeping or something, 'cos i don't know who the fuck jack or tif or ana is. oh dear.

i was sort of disappointed, however, because i didn't really get to hang out with ashley as much as i had hoped- ashley- sorry about that.

the escaped and one day war were really good, as usual, but i didn't really like defiance [or what i saw of 'em for the second time] nor all out. eck. creepy pedophile with an eye abnormality...

ila and i walked abra to the 12 stop on burnside, talked with her as she waited for her bus, then we walked to madeline's, where we decided we would crash since her fucking dad didn't want me staying over 'cos he thinks ila stole his stupid 50 cents. that's right, 2 fucking quarters go missing and i had no where to sleep. christ.

so, we get there, and i guess we JUST missed martin and james [damn, and i REALLY wanted to see him, right?] and so we scrounged up some extra change and went to the plaid and got some food, and chris gave us some money for doughnots, and i had some of his avacodo chips. mm. then ila and irie and madeline fell asleep on the matress in madeline's room, stella went to bed in her room, faith and chris took the living room- and i definetly don't want to see a reinactment of what had happened in my living room when they were together- so i decided that i'd sleep in the pink room- on the couch that reiked of cat piss, right nex to the open window so my allergies could act up, blanket and pillowless for a good while. the whole time i was coming down with something. yeehaw. i enjoyed it. i got up and went home.

now i'm sick and sore, though. so i'm gonna go sleep. i don't even remember why i updated this in the first fuckin' place. gah.

oh, and fuck the germs and fuck darby crash. i don't care what you say. so fucking cal my goddamn ass. bark. i hate 'em and their inability to play their instruments or write decent songs. if you don' like me because of that, i don't want you to, because that's conditional and fucked. thank you, and goodnight.s

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hell [30 Aug 2002|03:54pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | love will tear us apart- joy division ]

the roof of my mouth is cut up and raw... and i can't quite figure out just why... all i know is it's causing me great pain. i wish it were the reason for all of the pain i'm in right now, though. i wish i weren't the cause of it.

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[24 Aug 2002|01:11am]
[ mood | relieved ]
[ music | riot squad- cock sparrer ]

uhm. so, dad understands. sort of. as much as he can. and...

i'm going to salem tomorrow with martin and lindsay and james, i think. and then going back to martin's and i get to see max! and then hawthorne for some show or some shit.

i think i'm going back to martin's then and just crashing there. his mom's so great- she doesn't give a fuck about anything- he can have whoever the hell he wants over, whenever. he's such a spoiled little fuck... awe. no. she even asked if i'd gone to the doctor yet. heh. egh. so, i'll stay there, unless my mom goes bitch, which she shouldn't since she's trying to make up for her reading my goddamn journal at the worst possible time. cunt- i don't care what she says. i'm staying the night there any fuckin' way.


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i really have to shower [18 Aug 2002|10:01am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | perfect day- lou reed ]

i bussed home from sleeping over at martin's this morning, freezing in the early AM, just in time to sneak in while my dad was at an AA meeting, and... the most beautiful thing happened: i turned on the heat. it was necessary, which only made it all the more beautiful. euphoria- it's getting cooler. and the seasons- they ARE a changin'.

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oh jeez [15 Aug 2002|01:50am]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | "oh baby you, you gots what i neeeeed" ]

ashley- i miss you! have fun!

saw her off yesterday. went out to lunch. went to martin's. sat around. ethan came over went to britney's. did things and stuff. went to lindsay's at around 11 pm and watched her paint and sat in small basement with martin while james slept. almost fell asleep, but didn't. walked to grant. went to rain's. turns out him and his friend were these boys at the mall, when i saw signs, that had the squee shirt on. jesus, but, their basement room is exactly like the SLC punk house. spray painted "DK" the black flag symbol; even "i voted bush" [as opposed to i voted reagan, like in the movie.] i giggle.

walked around NE a lot. boy oh boy. went back to martin's and did things and then fell asleep. woke up, hung out, got food stamps for james, came home. ila's coming over in a few minutes to paint. i think i was supposed to go to draeger's, though, or some shit with jake and alex, but i got confused and i couldn't have, anyway. beth called and i think we're hanging out soon. i'm writing this so i don't forget to call her back. uhm... i have to call mom tonight.. and i think that's it.

two shows this weekend. who knows if they're even happening or not. i just wanna see oxymoron.

woah, and i saw this girl, alicia, whom i hadn't seen for about 2 months. she's fully pregnant now, and she was getting food stamps, too. i guess she got stuck in chicago for a little while. moof. she's really nice; i hope things work out for her, especially since gecko's a fiend and he just left her. bastard.

'and i think to myself, what a wonderful world...'
hah, that played WAYYY to much last night/this morning. but, it's okay, 'cos it's a great song.

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[12 Aug 2002|02:19am]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | TV in the background ]

my hair is falling out in chunks. i just hope there's enough when it stops breaking off to still put my hawks up. and my hair is no longer silky soft.

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taco bell is good. [11 Aug 2002|05:35pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | some e-z jazz elevator shit. ]

why is it that the one time i'd like to just sit and sleep 10 different people call me and i go to a show? i'm a smart kid. but i'm proud because although i did have many a chance to drink, i did not. so, i just slept [or attempted to] on the couch at the show. the virus were really good, though- although i can't even begin to understand why the RIFFS were more of a headlining band than them. nor that aussie band... vicious, i think it was.

i'm sick and i'm dying erin's hair and mine tonight. she rented donnie darko last ngiht and i watched the last half when i came home from the show. i really do like that movie. i got to see the joy division music playing scene, which made me wanna do a jig, but i was too tired and sick.

i am now off to.. bleach my hair. oh jeez, this'll be a challenge. going from a deep purple, that a black is covering up to a WHITE. i went to sally's supply and got all this shit [7 products, including vol. 40 bleach] for under 10 bucks, and then i have ANOTHER vol. 30 bleach kit with less stuff in it for 9.99. rip off. anger. meh.

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[10 Aug 2002|12:50am]
[ mood | guilty ]
[ music | no lights.. no music.. just anger! [oh, that brings me back] ]

fuckin'... me.

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I LOVE LIVIN' IN THE CITY! [09 Aug 2002|11:46pm]
[ mood | devious ]
[ music | i love livin' in the city- fear [in me head.] ]

so, things are odd. tensions are building [even if most of them are not with me and someone, they are still there] the virus is tomorrow. i'm tired. i don't even know what i'm tired of. hah. katrina- call me tonight or tomorrow at 781-3405 and we'll converse about things. moof.

the brownies i made taste weird 'cos i used safflower oil instead of vegetable oil. hah. i lose in life.

but, then i win 'cos ashley pierced my ears with a safety pin [no big surprise there- this was the first time with pain killers, though.] a few nights ago and jason raised the gauge up so it's no longer the safety pin sized hole, but .14 gauge- not big, but not microscopic, either. and he's gonna steal whatever shit i want from the tat shop he works at for me. moof.

i also win 'cos i IMed todd, the meow meow manager and said "hey, todd, am i on the virus guest list?" and he said "yep, you're on" haha. meowf.

three brownies ago, i was just fine. now i want to keel over and vomit. i think i'll go... do .. that now.


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I LOVE YOU, MELINDA! [09 Aug 2002|09:26pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | i think we're alone now- tiffany.. in mah head ]

making brownies from the four pack of ghiradelli double chocolate brownie mix that melinda bought me because she remembered me saying how much i loved them. oh jeez; this is great.

on another twenty thousand notes [well, that's how many things i'd have to talk about in order to catch up with all the shit that's been happening, so i'm too lazy, and i won't finish this sentence correctly; i'm just going to say my timer just bing-ed]

adios, muchachos!

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[02 Aug 2002|11:57pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

I HATE MYSElF. i just updated and it was about three pages- no lie. this seems to happen too much. damn the machines of today!

oh well, all i really want to say is:


oh jeez. -shoots self with bannanas and appleshaush.-

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meow meow meow meowmeowmeow meow... meeeooww.... meooow [01 Aug 2002|03:16am]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | peaches in my head. oh boy, good times. ]

sitting around at 243 in the morning on alex/ashley's bed singing "kitty on my foot" from his headphones to scare away the creepy picture left in our minds of the crazy animal walker with nubs, coming from beneath the bed and hobbling over to us, all bloody and raw-like is good times.

i wanna watch from hell but ashlex's parents have the VCR and we cannot wake them up. oy. ah... -shrug- whatcha gonna do?

i have this little cut from the show on my inner cheek and, just as fight club says, you can't stop tonguing it. beh.

i think alex is getting ancy and he wants to get online now. awww,the two of them look so peaceful and content and little-kid-like watching conan.

i hope a creepy old bum doesn't knock on our window asking for booze! weehaw.

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