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..::Mio + Scarletto::..

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akjdfpnaidfn!!!! [17 Oct 2002|11:15am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Polysics - Monsoon ];=&sort;=1&thecat;=500

Mmmm, he's even got the zanbatou. :3;=&sort;=1&thecat;=500

And the Tifa is even cute! Omg! *shock*

2 will protect me from what I want

[17 Oct 2002|10:30am]
[ mood | impressed ]
[ music | Polysics - SunnyMaster ]

Started out looking at this cosplayer and am working my way through this person's photos. Got the link from clouded_dream's journal. ^_^ Nummy.

Other costumes of interest:
So... beautiful.
I don't care that some people will poke fun that it's star wars, that's a damn good costume!
That little Sanosuke is soo cute!
Ummm... Geez.
Woooow, the dresss....
Awww, so cute and original and well done with the shadow and all... <3
Damn good Aeris
0____0 oooo...
*is running out of comments* Ummm, lots a gear ^^
Open to the air. Gosh.
*gasp* So beautiful and unfair
More cool hotness
Awesome vampires
Meow! This girl likes cats.
That's just totally awesome

Wow, that sample wasn't even close to half way through and not even all the cool looking stuff. Gah, I can look at this stuff forever. Now I just wish I was a part of that. Maybe...

I think it might be fun to dress as the Polysics for something 'cause it's not hard and people would get confused. Haha. :P

1 will protect me from what I want

Porishikkusu [16 Oct 2002|09:16pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Puffy AmiYumi is singing through my head... ]

I got my Polysics cd and poster from Amrou today. <3 Like I guessed yesterday, I have songs (or rather a whole cd) to obsess over now. Good stuff if you like a guy who screams, a cute female voice, and miscellaneous beeps and shrill electronic noises. Heh heh heh...

Oh, and I loooove Bruce Lee. Just saw some clips from a movie where he speaks some English and he sounds so cute. ^_^;;;;;

And I'm crossing my fingers for a Sanosuke messenger bag for Christmas...

Amrou&Ghi;: I shall not wear my "Gackt" suit to school tomorrow. Rather, I shall wear my black and white checkered skirt, which will still shock everyone and they will fall down and go into convulsions and dieeee!!!! ......... *cough*

3 will protect me from what I want

*sneakstealrun* [15 Oct 2002|08:15pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Glay - A Boy (zutto wasurenai) ]

why does <lj user= )

1 will protect me from what I want

little post [15 Oct 2002|10:43am]
[ mood | accomplished ]

I just deleted 238 messages out of my inbox. XD; I never clean that thing out... And it still has more than enough in there that I need to go through. .___.;;;;

1 will protect me from what I want

Boy pants are soooo soft [15 Oct 2002|10:23am]
[ mood | mischievous ]

Piggy is so right. Boy pants are so comfy that it's really not fair. I finally bought some last night. They are soft right off the shelf and are made really well, compared to the girls pants that are scratchy or tight and uncomfortable. >:E Anywho, the story is that my mom wanted out of the house, so I jokingly suggested that we go buy me some pants. I was happy when she agreed to the plan. :3

Since we were already downtown for something we went to the Gap in Pioneer Place and I found pants. And guess who was working there: Eric Garcia, the guy who graduated last year and who everyone knew as "the gay guy". I kinda hate that, when you only know someone by a label like that. Especially since he's so nice. <3 Anyways, I got dark gray dress pants 'cause they look snazzy, and some dark brown ones 'cause I've never had those before. Plus I found an XL sweater that's really comfy and cute looking and a red sweater that almost looks retro with a twenty three on the front. I call it my 2D/Tank Girl sweater because Jamie Hewlett always drew them with clothes that had 23's on them. ^^

And that's my story. *feels comfy and cute at the same time* Who knew that was possible?

3 will protect me from what I want

It's only third period... [14 Oct 2002|10:49am]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | I shall borrow Amrou's Puffy AmiYumi... ]

:o Went out and took some senior pics yesterday. Not too shabby if I may say so myself. But that means I didn't get to see Spirited Away with Zach. Geh... But my mom was super nice and took some for Shui Yen 'cause she asked months ago. But my mom is going to retake hers for sure because she's not used to photographing her and has to improve on her use of angles and light for certain types of people and face shapes and such. But then we all went to Ginya, the new-ish Japanese Grill House. Pretty good food. :9

And my mom not only thinks it's okay if I get a tasteful tattoo, but she might get one herself. 0_0!!! But yeah, Amrou, I talked to her a bit about it and might have decided what I shall get. Anyone remember my Gama-go t-shirt? (Go here and look under t-shirts-->shadow stack). I might get one of those little guys 'cause they're so cool. Plus I *need* more of those shirts. *drool* Oh, and Shui Yen started joking about how I should get wings, but I'm seriously considering it. Not huge things. Just something cute on my shoulders/back. Maybe those cute CCS ones. with the swirl and the simple design of three feathers. <3 Amrou, you got to me. Thoough your mogs are going to be super cute and better than my tattoos no matter what I do. *pouts*

Oh, and got really long gloves for Ghi and my costumes. Yay! I want to wear them to school, but that might be a bit too weird. 0_o Hehe.

2 will protect me from what I want

Piiiee! [13 Oct 2002|12:10am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | PPG - Songs of Soundsville - Him ]

Mmm, just had pie and coffee with my sisters. :3 It's so cool to have a big sister now. PIggy ish the bestest, too. Nyehehe... And Ghi and Koko and Amrou were all there. Good times. We've been planning to go for pie for quite sometime. And we definitely left our mark with the noise and all the empty sugar creamer packets we left on the table. Oh! And Koko has the coolest and prettiest senior pictures ever. We were all picking out so many pictures, it was a hard decision. Why does Koko have to look like a model? Hmmm? <3

Oh, and on a side note, and I hate emotions and hormones. *gently moves aside laptop and proceeds to bang her head against the desk* @_@;;; And wasting three hours of my life taking a pointless test.

3 will protect me from what I want

õ_o [11 Oct 2002|08:19pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | The Faint - Call Call [club mix] ]

Haven't been online because we had no phoneline and my sister got a gamecube for her birthday. :O And I don't feel much like being on at the moment. So here are some interesting quiz results. Oh, and I take the SAT tomorrow without studying. Go me!

Which Kogepan Are You?


I'll be damned. You ARE bisexual AFTER all!

You sees "31 Flavors" as the ideal place to work.

You can get unequivocally turned on by eating Cheese 'n Crackers -

taking the little sticks from the wrapper and sliding them into the cheese.

You are definitely a sexual glutton, taking as much as you can ;)

Are *You* Bisexual? Click Here to Find Out!

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva


You Are a Schoolgirl!

You're not quite as wild as a "kogyaru", but with your short plaid skirt

and silly white socks, you're still a sexual fetish object.

You can usually be seen hanging out in the girly section of the video game places,

collecting photobooth stickers of you and your friends.
You may not be as innocent as you look.

Did those vending machine panties once belong to you?

What's *Your* Japanese Subculture?

Oh, and Piggy was just here. She says that tomorrow I get to meet James and we might go for pie! PIE, goddamnit! And all I did today was play Super Mario Sunshine and clean my room. :B
3 will protect me from what I want

Before I forget... [06 Oct 2002|05:58pm]
[ mood | devious ]
[ music | Something that's electronic... ]

Here's that Eva01 picture I mentioned I was working on a bit ago. All tonesy and... dark. 0_o Ah well, I still like it, though it doesn't seem finished to me. I'm just not sure what else to add. So that means I will never actually finish it! n_n Okay, now hopefully I'll go work on my homework and not distract myself...

cut for size )

2 will protect me from what I want

[06 Oct 2002|05:28pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Gackt - Dooms Day ]

Which one of my favorite Final Fantasy characters are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Hmmm, I feel kinda silly but I have no idea who this is. x_X Umm, which final fantasy is she from? o_o;;;;

I'm wearing a big, scratchy, warm, red sweater and dirty pants. *ish comfy*

2 will protect me from what I want

[06 Oct 2002|05:22pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | DDR - - Boys ]

Geh, lotsa stuff going on right now. Not really sure what to think. Maybe I should just focus on doing my homework... 0_o Yeah. I dun think so. Probably later. ^_^;

Oh, and hallo to new friend dn_angel! *waves* It's a wonder we weren't friends sooner. ^^ And I've decided to start saying hello when I add people 'cause it has always made me feel special when they do that. :B

1 will protect me from what I want

[04 Oct 2002|10:29pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Cibo Matto - Butter ]

Who are you?

I'm proud, aren't you? :B

What kind of fabulously delicious snack food are you?!

brought to you by Quizilla

Okay, so now I'm a bit confused...

So today I stayed home yet again. Got pretty sick, actually. But that makes sense since my mom is horribly sick. These guys came in today and ripped out the old, useless chimney. Now there's a hole in the living room, and in a closet, and a section of the kitchen wall taken out. 0_o Those weren't expected... But it's all good. Got to play Project Justice, Bomberman Online, and some Tactics Ogre today. So a very good gaming day for me. And I started drawing EVA 01 in photoshop using my new tones. That will be fun to complete, but Evas are hard to draw. Puu~

(Sorry I haven't been replying to comments lately, hopefully I'll get around to it. But I just haven't felt like it. x_X Thanks for the compliments on the last drawing, though! ;x)

1 will protect me from what I want

=_= [03 Oct 2002|10:59pm]
[ mood | lethargic ]
[ music | bling of AIM ]

Now, I know I've already missed two days of school. And we have those sucky block periods almost every day now. But I'mma stay home tomorrow. For a couple of reasons. 1) I really really really hate going to a class after not doing the past five assignments and missing a test. So that means lotsa Chemistry work this weekend. 2) I'm tired. I don't care if that sounds lazy. 3) My mom really needs my help and the painter and the guys who are taking out the old chimney and others are coming to start doing stuff to the house, etc. 4) My uterus is going to explode. Yes, that's what it feels like. Either that, or it has a major hangover. No, it's not trying to come out my belly button like usual, but this still really sucks. Hey Tilly, anyone actually buy yours off of ebay yet?

I'm home from the Mac expo. Wasn't the greatest event in the world. Not one of those huge expos that everyone is maiming themselves for in anticipation, but entertaining none the less (most of the time). I've learned that I really want the Adobe package with Photoshop 7, the newest Illlustrator, and Golive 6. Gawds, that all looked so cool. And then the Maya presentation was awesome, even though it was really long and I didn't understand everything. They showed this movie thing with clips from all sorts of stuff that used Maya. Like Star Wars, FFX, and other things. And this new commercial for some compilation cd by Sony that I might get called "epop". Oh, and I walked in on the end of this one presentation and nearly fainted or something. Just imagine walking into a dark conference room, the only noise is a dramatic soundtrack, and the only source of light a projection screen playing a new trailer from Halo 2. Stuff like that gives me a giddy feeling. Hehe. Oh, and of course everyone doing a presentation was running Jaguar, so now I really want that new ibook my mom's promising me. X3!!! Yeah, so, that's my update...

Hey Am-chan, think we might get together and work on Calc together? I missed the beginning of the new chapter today. u.u;

2 will protect me from what I want

Pfft... [02 Oct 2002|10:55am]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Mortal Kombat Theme ]

Well, I WAS going to come to school. But when I woke up this morning my mom kindly let me know that the train leaves at 4 this afternoon. Meaning we have to be there by 3, and I still have to pack a bag and help her get everything ready. (We need to find a place for Max and to pack for my sister and that kind of stuff) 9_9; So, don't get to see you guys today. Hopefully I can get an internet connection at the hotel or something.

Oh, and thanks Amrou for letting me borrow Tactics Ogre for the GBA, now I'll have something to do on the train. Great timing, ne? :D

4 will protect me from what I want

For Am-chan [01 Oct 2002|09:30pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | some Ramstein song ]

Well, just getting on for a second to post this. I've been watching the new DBZ on tv (yes, I am reduced to CN dubs because of my having no money >_>;;; Plus I'm lazy) and I decided to do a little sketch of Trunks. Putting my DBZ drawing skillz to the test 'cause I haven't used them in almost a year, and that used to be all I drew for a bit there. ^^; I also wanted an excuse to use my new tone patterns in photoshop. So I decided it would be for amrou. :D

Oh, and I forgot to mention I'll be going to Seattle for a day for the Mac expo. Hehe, I'm a Mac geek! I'll fill you all in later if I feel like it. Oyasumi! (And by that I mean it's time for all my AP Chem homework!)

5 will protect me from what I want

[01 Oct 2002|07:26pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Aphex Twin - Jynweythekylow (or something like that...) ]

My hair got cut! But I'm thinking about letting bangs grow out a bit. Talked it over with Tilly, sounds good to her. But so everyone's not scared I'll say that they won't be like Marianne's. ^^ Her idea would have been a good one if she executed the style differently. I'm not pasting slabs of hair to the sides of my head, just will have some whisps hanging down. Maybe I'll draw it for you guys some time so that you can understand what I'm talking about. :D

Oyasumi nasai!

1 will protect me from what I want

[29 Sep 2002|06:10pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Oh, and I got these tones patterns for Photoshop, so now I can use tones in there. Yay, like in oekakis. Though it might just be in black and white. *shrugs*

I also got my big, brown shoes from the repair shop. I'll probably be wearing them more than I need to, so you guys (irl) will see them in the coming weeks. I had loved these shoes dearly, but the strap broke on one and I had to get them repaired and always forgot to take them. But finally they're back. *clutches shoes* How I love thee...


Itte kimasu!

1 will protect me from what I want

•_• [29 Sep 2002|05:39pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Chobits - Opening Theme - Let Me Be With You ]

Pretty busy weekend. Both the Great and the Horrible. :/

Thursday I had a BIG fight with my mom, but I don't feel like going into it. Partly I feel justified, but mostly I just feel like I shouldn't have said certain things. Yup, screwed up.

But then on Friday I stayed after school at Ghi's so I could watch her play Animal Crossing. (Yeah, I'm one of those people who can just watch someone else play for quite a while) But little did I know that I could become a member of her town! ^^ So. Much. Fun.

Then Piggy came home and took Ghi to work. I tagged along with Piggy and went shopping with her. Stupid me agreed to go even though I had told my mom I would be home at 5 and couldn't get ahold of her to say I wanted to stay out longer. So my mom calls when it's about 6, we're almost done shopping, and gets super pissed. But she trusts Piggy, and let me stay out until 12. ^_^

All I'm going to say about the shopping is: Piggy is the shit for buying boys pants! I sooo am going to buy my own now. They're super comfortable and I think they look really cute 'cause the place to wear them is way down on your hips. So next time I buy pants, which is soon hopefully, I will buy boys pants! *looks sneaky* Hehehehe...

Then we did some stuff like visit Ghi at work, go to Software Etc, and pick up Ghi to head over to Zach's place to watch Chobits. Only one more ep to go. @_@ *needs to seeeee*

Then Piggy takes me home and comes in to talk to my mom, hopefully keep her from just blowing up at me. My mom didn't seem like she was too upset, so all seemed good. But as soon as Piggy and Ghi left, my mom started in on me. x_C She wasn't yelling or anything, so it wasn't too bad. But she said she was especially pissed that I left the room and Piggy said it was her fault I stayed out. She thinks I put you up to it Piggy! >_< I had no idea you would apologize, nee-chan (big sister), but I would have told you I should take responsibility because ultimately it was my decision. Plus I knew she'd get mad. ^^; But not to fear.

*listens to the rain outside* Gawd, I love the rain. Especially when it's raining really hard and I don't have to worry about whether wet or I'm inside just relaxing. Good times.

Anywho, on with the story. So now it's Saturday. I get up at 8 am so I can go to my sister's soccer game. I don't really know who won, and neither does my sister. Hehe. Watching little kids play is fun and frustrating at the same time. Makes you want to just go up and show them how it's done. But maybe that's just me. n_n;;;

Then Zach called around 12 and we met at the arcade. I finally got to play DDRmax 2nd mix (DDR 7th mix). Some people don't like the holding down your foot thing but I've found it doesn't bother me too much. Plus I was super happy that I didn't lose as much of my dancing skillz as I had feared I would. I just felt badly because I had no idea this would be Zach's first time actually playing with his feet instead of with a controller. ^^; Gomen! But we had lots of fun, taking turns picking the games to play. We got to the third boss in House of the Dead, my first time getting that far! Yay! And we would have gone farther except that Zach had to go and get more nickels and I wasn't so go at fending for myself, especially against a giant spider. Kowai! *shudders* I hate spiders...

To sum it up, I had way too much fun at the arcade and being with Zach. And he bought me a fizzy peach drink. And we saw this guy who was insanely good at DDR and scares me 'cause I don't think it's necessary to be quite that good. Gah.

And then there's today. We got up around 11 and worked on clearing out backyard stuff so that the painters can come in and begin preparing tomorrow. Finally, our house will be fully painted. It's been half painted for... geez, I don't even remember how long. Probably at least 6 months. 0_o

Yeah, and now I should do a spot o' homework and have dinner. Plus this entry is waaaay too long. If you've gotten this far, I'm honored by your interest in my life. *bows*

8 will protect me from what I want

Donde estas los peces? [27 Sep 2002|11:19am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Mr. Farris being kinda dumb ]

Do you give a fuck?

This quiz style was designed by alanna, adapted by Batfish Designs, and created by Missanthropy

I am amused by this quiz, just like
sibuxiang. Haha. Though I don't give quite as much of a fuck. ^-^

Mr. Farris has no idea what he's doing. It's kinda funny. Ghi, Erin, and I figured it out, but we're not going to say anything. Then we'd have to move on in the lesson. Hee hee. We're putting hats on Ghosts.

Ha, so, yeah, sitting in class, putting hats on ghosts, and talking to Zach on AIM as he gets ready for work. And next is lunch. I wish all my classes were like this. But sadly I had to take AP Chem and AP Calculus and such. >_<; At least I'm slacking off in some classes, and not all of the ones with actual work are hard. Like in 3rd yr. Spanish yesterday, we watched sesame street and had to write about what happened to Bert and Ernie. That was kinda fun.
5 will protect me from what I want

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