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.::Missy Jenkins::.

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!! [14 Nov 2002|11:00pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

Woot! Another new 3eb pic. Stephan is AMAZING!!

Yep! The play is over. Thank you to everyone that came. I <3 you all. I know you were there to see me move the set. I kick ass. lol. But seriously, everyone did a good job!

Omg...Stephan Jenkins is my hero and I don't care what Ms. Touw-Cat bitch says. She can go fuck her cats. Oh wait. She does. Eat me bitch. I don't even want to get into it. oh i'll fight her.....I was gonna run over the podium and friggen beat her to a bloody pulp the dumb hoe.


wish upon a star

... [14 Nov 2002|12:14am]
"I'll remember you. You will be there in my heart. I'll remember you. That is all that I can do. But I'll remember."

Woot! Good song...from an episode of Buffy. I just spent like an hour looking for quotes. lol. I'm emailing them to myself. Ooh! And sara...can I borrow your tape of the past two weeks? please? :o) I <3 you!!

The play was today. I think it went rather well. :o)

I'm tired and need sleep or something...but I actually have a lot of energy. oh well....bye!!!! :o)

wish upon a star

Stolen from Spikey and other random people. [11 Nov 2002|10:06pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | buffy vids. ]

> -- Name : Missy
> -- Birthday : 2/1
> -- Eye Color : blue
> -- Hair Color : dirty blonde...soon to be with highslights
> -- Righty or Lefty : righty.
> -- Zodiac Sign : Aquarius
> -- Innie or Outtie : innie.
> [ series 2 - your favorite ]
> -- Music : 3eb of course
> -- Cartoon: umm...I dunno.
> -- Color: Blue
> -- Slushy Flavor : cherry.
> -- TV Show : BUFFY!
> -- Font : verdana and tahoma
> -- Song : The Background -3eb
> -- Book: ANIMAL jk
> -- Children's Book: Sweet Valley
> -- Language : english? lol
> -- Food & Beverage: Chicken Tenders and either h20 or frappachinoes
> -- Subject in School: I dunno...
> -- Weekend Activity : whatever floats ure boat
> -- Ice Cream Flavor : rocky road
> -- Roller Coaster : the talon.
> -- Fast Food Restaurant: mcd's for cheeseburgers
> -- Animal: dunno
> -- Store: Old Navy
> -- Shampoo: VO5 Strawberries and Cream (or Pina Colada) smells the best.
> -- Number: 6 and 27
> -- Movie: Cruel Intentions
>--Hobby: I dunno...
>--Breakfast Cereal: Nutragrain bars or the Milk and Cereal Bars.
> [ series 3 - what is ]
> -- Your most overused phrase on aol : lol and oh well
> -- The first thing you thought of when you woke up this
morning : fucking alarm clock. die.
> -- The last image/thought you go to sleep with : don't remember...
> -- The first feature you notice in the opposite : eyes
> -- The Best Name for a Butler : Jeeves
> -- The wussiest sport : golf
> -- Your best feature : you tell me
> -- Your bedtime : whenever i die.
> -- Your greatest fear : a few things.
> -- Your greatest accomplishment : i dunno...
> -- Your most missed memory : don't's gone.
> -- In your cd player now?: My buffy soundtrack, a a few cd's I burned
> -- Your favorite car?: dunno.
> -- The one thing you would change about yourself?: dunno
> [ series 4 - who is ]
> -- Your Best friend(s)?: oh they know! ;-)
> -- Your biggest crush?: oh, if only Stephan knew...
> -- The last person that called you?: umm...some random person on my cell phone...don't know who.
> -- On your buddy list?: i'm not signed on.
> [ series 5 - do you ]
> -- Take a shower everyday? : Yes.
> -- Have a(any) crush(es)? : not at the moment besides Stephan, lol.
> -- Do you think you've been in love? : nah...
> -- Want to go to college : yep.
> -- Want to get married : Yes.
> -- Type with your fingers on the right keys? : kinda sorta
> -- Believe in yourself? : yes ma'am
>-- Have any tattoos/where? : not as of yet.
> -- Have any piercings/where? : ears thus far.
> -- Get motion sickness? : nopers.
> -- Think you're a health freak? : ha.
> -- Get along with your parents? : kinda...for the most part.
> -- Like thunderstorms? : you bet ure ass i do.
> -- Drink?: not really.
> [ series 6 - the future ]
> -- Age you hope to be married : whenever it feels right.
> -- Number and Names of Children : dunno....2
> -- Where do you see yourself at age 20? : going through college, gettin' everything together.
> -- Describe your Dream Wedding : not sure yet.
> -- How do you want to die? : Something heroic - like jumping off a tall tower into a portal of a hell demension while my lil sisters tells me not to, but i do anyway and give an amazing speech that makes everyone cry. then my body is lying there and everyone gathers around and cries.
> -- What do you want to be when you grow up? : a teacher
> -- What country would you most like to visit?: england
> [ series 7 - opposite ]

> -- Best eye color? : blue.
> -- Best hair color? : brownish blonde.
> --Short or long hair? : short.
> -- Best height? : taller than myself.
> -- Best weight? : whatever
> -- Best articles of clothing? huh?
> -- Best first date location? : anywhere.
> -- Best first kiss location? : anywhere.
> { series 8 - other ]
> -- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? oh man....i don't remember.
>> -- How many rings until you answer the phone? : usually 2
> -- What's on your mouse pad? : DELL
> -- How many houses have you lived in? : 3
>-- How many schools have you gone to? : 8
> -- What color is your bedroom carpet? : greyish
> -- Would you shave your head for $5,000 dollars? : nope.
> -- If you were to own a bar or restaurant what would you
name it? : my ass.
> -- Have you ever run from the cops?: nah.
> -- If you were stranded on a desert island and you could
only take three things with you what would you take? : a cd player, my dog and a boat (good answer sara)

Yeah. I've been slightly busy lately with drama and all. The play is on Wednesday. I kinda can't wait for it to be over as is everyone else I'm sure. Then about 70 senior projects will be complete. lol. tomorrow...which sucks. I just wanna sleep. or sleep in for that matter.

I've been watching Buffy videos for like a while now. Some bring a tear to my eye. I guess thats about it.

Oh!! Guess what? I ran into a parked car. Well, not really the car as so much the bumper. Yeah...I literally ran right into it-full force. I was running to my car like an ass after chinese one night and yeah, right into some van's bumper. lol. it hurts ike a bitch and it feels like a black and blue mark. hurts when i stand or move my foot. i think i might of hurt it. I was told that i bruised the bone and thats why my skin isn't black and blue. Ha...oh well. I'll live.


2 wishes| wish upon a star

!!! [05 Nov 2002|10:40pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]


wish upon a star

.... [05 Nov 2002|10:17pm]
...I think I lost my class ring. I can't fine it anywhere and I don't remember taking it off...I need to find it.

I hate this stupid plastic peice of shit. I hope it melts in a microwave or gets electricuted by the rain. Stupid child. I went over my aunt's before and she gave me a jacket and hat for it. oooh, and a blanket. She's crazy..but I wish I had HER baby. It's soooo cute.

I got senior pics back today too! I called Jay before and I asked if they were in and he was like...well, everything is in except the 11x14 because it got destroyed in the mail 3 times. So...I have everything except the mother one...and to reconcile, he gave me like double the wallets I ordered. Woot!

I guess thats it.

2 wishes| wish upon a star

Updates! [03 Nov 2002|05:30pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]

Well, we lost yesterday. That sucks.

My step brother is gone away for 2 weeks! YES!!!!!!!! I am SO excited.

I just got home from the vball banquet. It was good time. I think Coach Coach Shuleski failed his quiz. lol. Oh man...we got long sleeved tye-dye shirts with our number embrodered on them (we're gonna wear them tomorrow) and I got a $50 gift certificate to the Malls. Woot! I am pumped. I need to save that moeny for Christmas tho. Anyway...I need to say something here to Spike:

THANK YOU for everything. Seriously...everything you said in that letter...right back to you. Thank you for listening to me rant and rave about *insert name here*. Thank you for sticking up for me...multiple times. THANK YOU for the night at Marvelous Mugs (which we need to do again some time) , The scary cat thing on 81 and everything. Thank you for all of the memorable experiences at volleyball. If it wasn't for volleyball...I wouldn't know you. I wouldn't have found the person that allowed me to come out of my Buffy-fandom closet. And I woulnd't have another person to have Sunnydale shirt made :o) You are an amazing person and I seriously admire you. You stand up for what you believe in no matter what and follow through with it. You and Billy WILL get married one day and I will be there passing out the bubbles to everyone as you walk out of the church. Don't ever matter what. I love you just the way you are :o) lol. Don't worry...I will def. miss you next year. You know it and I know it (stolen from ure speech!) Don't forget me and everytime you see a pic of B/A...think of me, because everytime I see a pic of Spike, I def. think of you. :o) Again...thank you for everything that you have done and allowed me to do. I <3 you!!!!

*tear tear* *sniff sniff*



4 wishes| wish upon a star

..... [01 Nov 2002|03:48pm]
I hope my dad gives me my allowance when he comes home. I have no gas and no money. God...I wish my dad would let me work. Anyway...rehearsal tonight. I really don't wanna go...well, it's not that I don't wanna go, but that I'd rather be home watching Buffy under my covers. It's one of those nights. Yeah....

OMG, the pep rally ROCKED today. It kicked ass. I was excused all day to help decorate the gym and, for once, all the clubs united. It was cool. I always used to look at the senior classes before me, how they were all united and stuff, and then thought of our class how we're all whores, Mollie's (LOL), or just...I dunno. I think we might be coming together more. I AM PUMPED FOR THE GAME. On my way home, there was a car full of PA girls and they were waving pom pom out the window and stuff. So, me - being the stupid person I am, lay on my horn, rip my parking pass off and like shove it in the face (if i could.) I think I may have flipped them off, but I know i yelled "fuck you pigs." I am EXCITED for the game.

I get my baby this coming week. I named Sarah Lynn. :o)It's obviously a girl And I took the good doll, the good carrier and the good clothes, lol. WOOP!

Yeah...i best be get going. ttyl pigs.

wish upon a star

la la la [30 Oct 2002|03:16pm]
My brother is messed up. He wants me to fly to NJ with him tomorrow, but I don't want to. I'm not goin' to school tomorrow...which reminds me, I gotta tell Kelley. I feel bad. :o( I gotta bring my dog in soon.

I'm goin' trick or treating tomorrow night!! everyone is welcome to join me :o)

1 wishes| wish upon a star

hm. [28 Oct 2002|03:53pm]
[ mood | blank ]

I don't know what to do with myself. This is the first night ALL month, all school year really that I don't have anything to do. Hm. Volleyball's over...I feel all desolate. lol.

I wanna buy a costume tonight, I hope pops gives me money. I'm not going at a pig in the blanket again, lol. La La La...what costume to get? Spartan cheerleader is gone!!! :o(

Oh well...ttyl.


2 wishes| wish upon a star

*sigh* [25 Oct 2002|03:42pm]
[ mood | Bittersweet ]
[ music | Bittersweet Symphony ]

Well, last night was senior night at volleyball. I didn't cry during the ceremony, but I did get a cute pig nose!! :-) Thanks guys! Yeah, so after the game we always sit in the corner of the gym and talk about it...yeah, thats when I started crying, then coach came over and looked at me and I started crying some more. Then everyone said goodbye and I cried even more. I got hugs-cried more. lol. Went to Sab's and YES, I almost cried during our sing alongs. lol. You guys will see next year or something....*sigh* I really had an amazing year and I now I wish it wasn't over. I'll never have another practice wearing the Buffy shirts, taking Merc home from practice calling BHT, Maggie and the hunchback, Marietta and the cover of the yearbook, Sanjo and alana, rae...just...everyone. This year was by far the best year...even though our record sucked big time. Last night was verry bittersweet...thats all I can say.

Michelle Branch - Goodbye to You
Of all the things I've believed in
I just want to get it over with
Tears form behind my eyes
But I do not cry
Counting the days that pass me by

I've been searching deep down in my soul
Words that I'm hearing are starting to get old
Feels like I'm starting all over again
The last three years were just pretend
And I said,

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

I still get lost in your eyes
And it seems that I can't live a day without you
Closing my eyes and you chase my thoughts away
To a place where I am blinded by the light
But it's not right

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

And it hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time
I want what's yours and I want what's mine
I want you
But I'm not giving in this time

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

The one thing that I tried to hold on to...

And when the stars fall
I will lie awake
You're my shooting star.

Full of Grace - Sarah McLaughlin
The winter here's cold, and bitter
it's chilled us to the bone
I haven't seen the sun for weeks
too long too far from home
I feel just like I'm sinking
and I claw for solid ground
I'm pulled down by the undertow
I never thought I could feel so low
It's all dark inside I feel like letting go

If all of the strength and all of the courage
come and lift me from this place
I know I could love you much better than this
full of grace
full of grace
my love

So it's better this way, I say
having seen this place before
where everything we say and do
hurts us all even more
its just that we stayed, too long
in the same old sickly skin
I'm pulled down by the undertow
I never thought I could feel so low
it's all dark inside I feel like letting go

If all of the strength
and all of the courage
come and lift me from this place
I know I could love you much better than this
full of grace

I know I could love you much better than this

It's better this way

I listened to these songs last night and cried the whole way home. yeah....

I <3 you guys!!!! I'm pumped for the banquet!


2 wishes| wish upon a star

LA. [22 Oct 2002|12:37pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Little Bunny Foo Foo, hopping through the forrest. Scoopin' up the field mice and boppin' 'em on the head.

HAHA! I'm in 6th pd...CIS. I just got back from Magic Years and some little kid spit on me. Bastard. lol. Thats ok tho.


Umm...I had something too say but oh well. I forget. We have a game today adn I gotta leave in a bit for my senior project. Woop!


wish upon a star

+ [20 Oct 2002|08:02pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Ohh! And by the way...Congratulations to the band on being in 3rd place in East Coast!!! You crazy mother fuckers kick ass! Woop!


wish upon a star

N/A [20 Oct 2002|07:49pm]
[ mood | pleased ]

I just typed something out, but my computer smokes too much crack so I got deleted. I don't even remember what I wrote, lol. Only one more week of volleyball...not even! *sniff sniff* I guess the plus is that I'll have more free time.

Today I had ccd, then church. My aunt came over before with the baby and it's so cute I wanted to hide it and keep it forever. She's being a Baby Bat for Halloween. I'm gonna take like 90000 pics. I already started shoppping for her for Christmas. Only an outfit so far...but I have to return it cuz it's gonna be too small by then. Thats ok tho. Oh! and for Halloween, i bought one of those plastic pumpkins and filled it with baby food and vanilla pudding, cuz thats her favorite. :o)

I went to Bloom yesterday. My future home for 4 years. I am soooo pumped. The dorms suck majorly tho...too small. This time we visited Northumberland Residence Hall. It was...ehh. The room we went into tho was too messy. I just hope I like my roomate. I got sweatpants, that I'm wearing tomorrow, a cling for my car window, and I got the baby a sippy cup that says Bloomsburg or something like that on it. Too cute too cute. I can't WAIT for college.

Do people think I REALLY give a fuck about what they say? Well, if they do...I got news. I don't.

I just had to say that. I'm done with crap. lol. THATS GARBAGE. lmao. ;-)

Katie visited Drexel today, I believe. And I also believe that Christina visited Temple? was it? Something like that. Did you like it?! :o) I hope so :o) YAY!

Only 2 more days left to my senior project. Woop! I just hope it was valid. And I finished my essay too: School is like a banana split. Don't ask. I should be doing physics now but too bad.

You know I just thought accounting...Missy's Pooch Palaca and Foo Foo's Shampoos. Hehe.


1 wishes| wish upon a star

BLAH! [16 Oct 2002|03:26pm]
[ mood | busy ]

Blah. I just ate the rest of what was my step-whore's rice pudding. It was gooood. Thats all she's good for tho.

Day Two of my senior project was today. It went rather well...Mrs. Kizis gave me her extra teachers edition on the Social Studies book to help me finish the UNIT plan...not the lesson plan. I'm pumped. I have everything done so far until next...Tuesday. I have to make a quiz for the kiddies and finish up and do ALL the fine details of the project this weekend...but I'm goin to BLOOM on Saturday so Sunday I'm gonna be a busy bee plus I have CCD and church. Gah.

I have so much stuff going on right now. I have too much too do in too little time. i need an analogy too. Damn. Volleyball tonight...I kinda hope we get kicked outta the gym cuz I just want ONE night off from it. Just one. And it's raining and all I wanna do is sleep and shit! I forgot my accounting crap, lol. Oh well...i'll do in in homerrom/1st period.



wish upon a star

GAH! [09 Oct 2002|09:30pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

Oh man...I have so much crap to do it isn't even funny. I should probably be doing those things, eh? Oh well...when I'm done here I'm gonna go do my Letter for Touw. I just finished the essay for tomorrow.

People really need to try to keep their mouth shut.

Vball game tomorrow way at Berwick. I wanna get out early. We're gonna be dyin' of hunger....especially Maggie, lol.

Man...I have my senior project in less than a week. I am so nervous its not even funny. Everything is basically done though....except my lesson plan. I need help on how to just start it. I think I'm gonna ask Mr. Lul in homeroom tomorrow really quick.

My poor puppy has ringworm. My poor Snickies :o( I love my dog.

I guess thats it.


wish upon a star

GRR [07 Oct 2002|03:11pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | 3eb - Forget Myself ]

GR. I had this whole thing typed and then LJ deleted it. LJ is a whore. Anyway...

I have my senior project in a week. I'm nervous. EEP! I kinda picked a bad the middle of volleyball plus reg. stuff. Only 8 games left...:-/ Oh least my project will be over with.

"Dream of lives we had before
Heaters broke down, open doorways
Friends of yours will cheat you more
It seems that way sometimes"

"Can we try to take the high road? Remember we were friends. I wanna be your crystal balller. I wanna be your eveerything" - CRYSTAL BALLER, 3eb...good shit.

I guess thats it.


wish upon a star

Quiz time! [02 Oct 2002|08:20pm]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | I'll Remember You - Sophie Zelmani ]

Which Buffy Episode Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

How Obsessive Are You Over Buffy?

brought to you by Quizilla

Ok, the first one I should be Once More With Feeling because the description better suits me. lol. As for the second one...if I'm obsessed...I can only imagine what Sara is. EEP!

Yeah, I got my hair cut today...I got some crazy ass side bang things. lol. Their too short. oh well...they'll grow. I getting my hair highlighted on Dec. 11, but my next appt. it on Nov. 7! I went to the doctors after that and I am pretty much better, but I still have to take some medication. Bah. Whatever

I really should start my essay for Touw Cat. Oh well...I dunno...i guess thats it. Word.
wish upon a star

:o) [01 Oct 2002|09:41pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

Eat that Touw cat! Meow Meow mother fucker. lol. I just re-did my letter of intent, and I even studied for Pysch. I should get a gold star. AND I watched Buffy. :o) WOO! Umm...yeah. I'm getting my hairS cut tomorrow then I have doc. appt. then off the practice hopefully. :o) Yeah....


wish upon a star

:o) [27 Sep 2002|07:29pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | GRADUATE - 3eb ]


Yeah, today is Stephan's bday. He is the most beautiful man ever created. lol. Yeah.

A lot of pondering questions have been popping into my mind over the past few days. Hm. But I'm not gonna go on and on about them.


2 wishes| wish upon a star

....... [25 Sep 2002|08:17pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

I went to the doctor's today and I have strep throat with a trace of mono. Everyone is sick, it's horrible. At least I'm not as sick as some people :o( I have to go to school tomorrow, even tho I feel like shit and have for the past week and a half, because we have a volleyball game :-/ I wish there wasn't a game tomorrow. Oh well...gtg read spark notes for Farenheit.


wish upon a star

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