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Bob Boberson

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[05 May 2003|08:04pm]
[ music | American Pie - Don Maclean ]

Ok, had a math test today, very no like. I mean it's not like I couldn't understand the stuff, it's just that it was never actually taught to us, we had to review it on our own time. I don't think I failed, but didn't pass with a high mark.

Weird thing is that about half-way into the test I get called to the office. When I get there they give me my schoolbag, which had been missing since thursday (or something), and I have the PERFECT opportunity to cheat since my math book is in there and I could just say i'm checking to see if it's all there, but, my honor comes into play and I just put it in my locker and go back to the test...stupid conscience

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Made to do the impossible... [30 Apr 2003|08:11pm]
[ music | Fuckin' in the bushes - Oasis ]

Yes, that's right, i'm back, for another stab at this whole "Live-journal" thing. Ok, that a lie Glenn actually said that he wouldn't make me his friend with "MisterJenk" unless I posted more often...and better.

So, now i have to try and catch up with events,and looking at it I October...well, first comes my birthday, it was good, etc., etc., got presents, had some laughs, and so on.

Christmas was good, got what I wanted (mostly, didn't get the pony though), had a party that was good. The came New years, nothing special just brought in ANOTHER year.

Got back to school, nothing major, had mid-terms, passed. Skip ahead a bit. School performed Footloose (I did the sets :>), great job.

Now the present, typing this message, hopefully I can keep this damn account going *cross' fingers*. Well, that's all folks!


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[25 Oct 2002|11:23pm]
[ mood | awake ]

My dear god i'm bored, and what's worse i'm resorting to livejournal to get rid of that boredom. Anyway, yes I am bored, nothing on t.v. don't feel like listening to music and had far, far, FAR too much suger and suger by-products (i.e. powdered suger, suger cubes, suger in solid form, ya know the usually) so I won't be getting asleep anytime soon.

I geuss i'll write about....*sigh*,since i haven't mentioned a word on LJ. It's ok, but also school, so it evens out at neutral. I am involed in no extra-curricular activites (why did I mention that?). My teachers are divided into 3 main categories: Sarcastic, "Stoned", or...Unique. And i'll stop there.

For those of you who don't know, i'm trying to make this longer then usual because glenn asked "where's the beef", SO THAT'S WHAT YOUR GETTING, MINDLESS, POINTLESS, MEANINGLESS BANTER! YA HAPPY!?!

There's that suger kickin' in...I feel dizzy. Well, i think that's enough, plus I feel kinda tired so i'll leave.

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Generic post, pay no mind [22 Oct 2002|09:11pm]
I SAID PAY NO MIND DAMNNIT!! Oh well, this is just here so i can verify my e-mail. So...BYE!
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I'M BAAAACK!! [20 Oct 2002|11:14pm]
[ mood | creative ]

Well, time to get back to my horibble neglected livejournal. How long has it been since my last update? 2 months ago...that's bad. But, i'm bored it's late but i'm not tired so i'll write on LJ!!

But what to write about....maybe how ducks don't have thumbs!!! No, that line is way overused.

Maybe i'll just leave it here and pick it another 2 months

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GRRRR.... [15 Aug 2002|09:40pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

I just got back from seeing "Triple X".

I hated it.

Not only because i hate Vin Diesel (is that his name?), but since I hate him and I was made to go see it my hate just kept growing and growing.

So generally I really would say to not go see this movie, I mean the guy can't act, he sounds like a retard with his brains beat out (no offense to the "Neurologically impaired").

But, if you are made to go see like I was then I suggest to gouge your eyes out before hand. Just a tip:).

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The good and bad....uhhh....stuff [13 Aug 2002|05:55pm]
[ mood | nauseated ]

Ugh...I had to go to the dump to get rid of some junk around the house. It was THE most sickest experience of my life. I will wash but i will never, ever, ever be clean.

Now, on a lighter note we've picked up the lumber for the new deck it will be built by the end of summer, so i can have another party soon (SCORE!!!).

I think that's all.

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Gone karting [10 Aug 2002|09:17pm]
[ mood | happy ]

Well, I just spent the day on a go kart course that I never knew even existed, I didn't even know there was go karts where I live.

It was a treat by my friend who has been living up in the frozen north for three years...damn that must suck no good food, no movies, not much to look at either from what he tells me.

Anyway, I just needed to fill more space in my journal.

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HERE'S BOBBY!!!! [09 Aug 2002|04:23pm]
So finally i have decided to update my Live Journal since i got it...a week i don't really prioritize so what it's not like i'll ever need to.

Anyway, i just wrote this for some reason i can't remember but i'm pretty sure it was important, and i'll get it eventually.

Well, that's it.
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