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Fuckin' in the bushes - Oasis |
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Yes, that's right, i'm back, for another stab at this whole "Live-journal" thing. Ok, that a lie Glenn actually said that he wouldn't make me his friend with "MisterJenk" unless I posted more often...and better.
So, now i have to try and catch up with events,and looking at it I stopped...in October...well, first comes my birthday, it was good, etc., etc., got presents, had some laughs, and so on.
Christmas was good, got what I wanted (mostly, didn't get the pony though), had a party that was good. The came New years, nothing special just brought in ANOTHER year.
Got back to school, nothing major, had mid-terms, passed. Skip ahead a bit. School performed Footloose (I did the sets :>), great job.
Now the present, typing this message, hopefully I can keep this damn account going *cross' fingers*. Well, that's all folks!