Adam's Journal
30 most recent blatherings

Date:June 4, 2003 6:12 pm
Subject:Happy, bloated me!
Mood: full
Music:"Sagwa" theme music in the next room

Tonight, by popular demand, I made this for dinner again:

Roasted Chicken with Rosemary, Garlic and Potatoes )

*wipes chin* Um, could somebody help me into bed? I don't think I'll be walking again any time soon...

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Date:June 4, 2003 1:00 pm
Subject:Just for the record:
Mood: annoyed
Music:"Twisted," Shea Seger

I hate writing clues.
I really hate writing clues.
I really, REALLY f*&!ing hate writing clues.
If I weren't already three months overdue for a submission, I'd be doing something else right now. Anything else. Dropping hammers on my bare toes, if need be.

Sigh. I have got to get a better hobby.

On the other hand, Games just bought a puzzle for the September issue that I wrote wayyyy back in college. I submitted it about ten years ago, heard nothing back, then dug it out of moth balls last year and resubmitted because I've always liked it and thought they might be more open to it now. Let's hear it for delayed gratification! (Of course, this feeds my growing fear that my best stuff is behind me...)

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Date:June 3, 2003 4:40 pm
Subject:Soundtrack nightmares
Mood: indescribable
Music:"Oh, My Lover," P.J. Harvey

When Richard Thompson songs start making a lot of sense, you're going through a rough time.

But when P.J. Harvey songs start making a lot of sense, it's time to call your shrink to see is s/he can up your meds.

I dunno. Could be worse. Could be Rasputina.

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Date:June 2, 2003 3:10 pm
Subject:For those of you keeping score
Mood: exanimate
Music:"Two Left Feet," Richard Thompson

I just wanted to to sleep. That's all. But evidently, in the collectible card game that is Real Life Parenthood, a concerned mom, a somewhat panicky grandma, and a 2-year-old with an unpleasant-sounding cough and a sore on his heinie will trump overnight-shift-induced exhaustion every time.

So Nik and I went to the doctor. He's fine. His lungs are fine. His heinie is fine. I, on the other hand, will need a muscular person with a wheelbarrow to make it to work tonight.


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Date:June 1, 2003 7:51 pm
Subject:Another great escape
Mood: tired
Music:"Wise Up," Aimee Mann

Yesterday marked the first visit to Great Escape of the season for Abbey and me. Great Escape is one of the lesser lights of the Six Flags conglomerate, but it's big enough that we (and by "we," I mean" Abbey") never get bored with it. Yesterday's visit was part of a major Girl Scout event, which meant the place was mobbed by hordes of girls in matching T-shirts. As I stared at the crowd as we approached from the parking lot, I said out loud, "Well, this is my working definition of a nightmare." Two parents standing nearby immediately agreed. None of our kids noticed.

Now, it must be said up front that visiting a theme park with a kindergartner is a much different experience from visiting a theme park with your friends, in that the child is not going to want to go on rides that you can go on, too, or at least not ones that you'd want to go on; besides, if s/he's a little peanut like Abbey, s/he won't be tall enough, anyway. Add a crowd like yesterday's, and the whole experience becomes much like waiting at the DMV, only much, much more expensive.

So anyway, we waited for a half-hour to get our pictures done for our season passes (thank you, Kristi, for springing for those), then another half-hour to get through the security checkpoint (thank you, paranoid folks, for demanding that), and voila, we were in. She immediately saw her classmate Deanna being chaperoned by her adult cousin Charity, and immediately, the two kids charged into each other's arms, like one of them had just returned from the Merchant Marines. And then we were off, with Abbey leading the way to our first activity: looking at ducks.

Abbey, you see, is rather bossy, and she likes to be in control of the situation, which she can't very well do if she's been strapped into, say, a plastic faux rocket fuselage by a 16-year-old who makes marginally above minimum wage, and acts like it. So she charged from petting zoo to little storybook playhouse to giant concrete purple dragon-cow (don't ask), with us dashing behind her, begging her to let us go on an actual RIDE. Deanna in particular was getting rather miffed ("Abbey! Let's go on a ride NOW!"); I actually attempted a logical approach by saying, "Honey? Do you know how much our passes cost us? I personally would like to get something out of it, if you don't mind."

So she and Deanna did a couple of kiddie rides before Abbey steered us over to the games, because she reallyreallyreallyreally wanted to win a Prize. Unfortunately, thanks to such factors as a questionable Whac-a-Mole technique (in which she would whack the spot where them mole used to be), she won nothing, even though Deanna got herself a big blue stuffed puppy. This of course was tantamount to a life crisis for a six-year-old, complete with tears and wailing, "IT'S NOT FAIR!" So, being a typical dad, I shelled out for one last round of Whac-a-Mole for her and me, practically beating away other potential players with a stick. I ended up winning the round, but of course I didn't tell her that; when she got her toy (a puppy like Deanna's, only yellow), she accepted it with a passionate speech about how, if you practice and really try, you can do anything.

The rest of the day went smoothly, and Charity and I even got to go on some rides, too. I think I got a glimmer of Abbey and Deanna's true relationship as we headed to the car, though:
Abbey: Are we going home?
Me: [joking] Sure. Just as soon as I beat you up.
Deanna: Ooo! Can I watch?

Since we have season passes, we'll probably be doing this again, oh, about five or six more times this summer. Note to self: Invest in analgesics. It's money well-spent.

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Date:May 30, 2003 9:34 am
Subject:Wasn't looking forward to this...
Mood: sad
Music:"Around the World," stuck in my head

I got the kids home from the sitter's yesterday, and Abbey says to me out of the blue, "Daddy, I don't like it when you and Mommy don't sleep together. It's better when you sleep together."

I fought the urge to say, "I don't like it, either." Instead, I told her, "Yeah, I know. It's just one of those things." She didn't press the issue, but I know we're going to have to deal with this further, and sooner than later. I had been kind of hoping that she'd just roll with it, at least until we officially separate, but I guess that's just my denial talking. Sigh.

By the way, this is the first time I've discussed this on LJ outside of friends-only postings. One small step for man....

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Date:May 30, 2003 9:24 am
Subject:Damned peer pressure...
Mood: indescribable

I wasn't going to do this. I thought this was a miserable idea. But since it seems everyone and his probation officer has signed on, might as will fling myself into the tide pool with the rest of the crowd:

odheirre 102%
wolfieboy 98%
shadesong 95%
mnfiddledragon 95%
mokie_sassafras 88%
jenkitty 87%
kiwitayro 86%
faecat 85%
elorie 84%
dwivian 82%
cyan_blue 82%
hopeforyou 77%
techstep 73%
prolixfootle 72%
triest 72%
paganmommy 65%
fearsclave 56%
How compatible with me are YOU?

So anyway, Bry, I now know why you're still the best improv comedy partner I ever had.

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Date:May 29, 2003 7:44 pm
Subject:That's Mixmaster Adam to you, cupcake.
Mood: shocked
Music:"Count Five or Six," Cornelius

I seem to have developed a reputation among people I've never even met.

To give a little background, a few years ago (in a fit of delirium) I made something called "The Young Alchemist's Handbook," which was pretty much the Mix Tape from Hell. It consisted of four 110-minute tapes, and contained 115 songs by 115 different artists. I mean, this thing was ridiculous, but I was inordinately proud of it. Anyroad, I duped myself two copies, one for a local friend, and one for me. Eventually, however, I ended up giving away my copy to my good friend Betsy, who lives in Oneonta.

Fast-forward to this past Sunday, at Betsy's graduation party. I quickly come to find out that the mix in question has been, shall we say, popular: there are apparently about five or six second-generation tape copies floating around, made for friends of hers who had to have their own set. And if that weren't enough, one friend saw fit to convert all four tapes to MP3 format, then burn them onto eight CDs. So when the time came to meet her friends, she would introduce me thus: "[insert name], this is Adam. He did 'The Young Alchemist's Handbook." Said friend would then say something to the effect of, "Oh, my GOD! Great music!" One woman began genuflecting. A couple clamored to have the tapes brought outside so we could listen to them during the party.

I'm officially overwhelmed, and feeling more than a little undeserving. I'm also planning out the sequel.

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Date:May 29, 2003 7:33 pm
Subject:Things that have cracked me up as of late
Mood: amused
Music:"Cardboard Boxes," Rebekah

1) Abbey and Nik got a postcard from their Grandma Sue (my mom), mailed from the Alabama Gulf Coast, where she and her hubby have recently bought a li'l plot of land. Abbey of course asked me to read it out loud for her.

Me: [reading] "...and then [at the beach] we searched for crabs with flashlights. Love, Grandma Sue."
Abbey: Ahhh. [smiles; pause, as the smile fades] Waaaiiiit a minute...there are no crabs with flashlights!

2) During my Sunday Oneonta visit, I got to hang out with userinfovaclav2 and Amy, my old and dear friends who had flown out for the weekend. It didn't take long to remember why I miss them: over lunch with userinfovaclav2 at the Corfu Diner, he glanced at my Reuben and fries for a bit before announcing, "Okay, it's time for a visual pun." He took both our knives and held them up right next to my sandwich. I stared at this array for about five seconds, then nearly fell out of my chair laughing.

I've always said that we keep each other around just because we're the only ones who get each other's jokes.

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Date:May 28, 2003 4:56 pm
Mood: excited
Music:"I'm a Little Airplane" on the TV

I just ordered Richard Thompson's 1,000 Years of Popular Music CD. *drool* Should've sprung for overnight delivery, because this is going to be a painful wait.

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Date:May 27, 2003 12:04 pm
Subject:Stop me before I list again!
Mood: geeky
Music:"I Agree With Pat Matheny," Richard Thompson

It was boredom and sleep deprivation that led me to list my votes for The 100 Greatest Music Videos of All Time; it was brain damage, though, that led me to try to assign ranks to the suckers:

The video list, sealed for freshness )

A few comments:
1) This list is all about the video, not the song. I'm not particularly a techno fan, I've never owned a rap record of any sort, and Kylie Minogue makes me break out in a rash. But the artists all had the sense to work with good directors (as opposed to, say, Wayne "Nothing's Too Good to Plagiarize" Isham or Matt "Where's the Focus Button on This Thing" Mahurin).
2) Yes, the ranking is at least somewhat arbitrary, but that didn't stop me from agonizing over it horribly.
3) By jeezum crow, I really do have a Michel Gondry fetish, don't I?

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Date:May 26, 2003 8:52 pm
Subject:But he seemed like such a nice boy...
Mood: scared

Since I'm operating on about 2 hours' sleep, I don't have the energy to tell of my Oneonta journey at the moment. But I do have to tell you about something said at Club 22 on Thursday night, when I was sitting with Colleen and Cretey. Evidently Smitty had been having a BAD work day, and there was some speculation that she might come back and Molotov-cocktail the ofice or level the building or some such. But both Cretey and Col agreed that, if such a thing happened, and they got cornered by a news crew, they'd say, "We never expected her to blow up the place. I mean, we always figured Adam would get to it first."

Ahem. Yes, well. I don't know whether to be flattered or worried.

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Date:May 23, 2003 9:16 am
Subject:Oh, and...
Mood: good
Music:see previous entry

...hi there to userinfodigitalshephed and userinfodailyalice! *waves*

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Date:May 23, 2003 8:59 am
Subject:Mr. Negligent LJ Updating Guy
Mood: okay
Music:"Fishing," Richard Shindell

Geez Louise, has it really been almost a week? Gadzooks... Oh, well, it's not like there's all that much to tell:

1) Tuesday morning, I went to blow my nose (again), and ended up with a Kleenex full of blood. I probably could've dealt with this, if it hadn't happened again at 45 minute intervals for the next eight hours. Quite, quite nasty. (But hey, at least it took my mind off my swollen uvula. I hate that.) And yes, I'm fine, but it didn't stop one of my coworkers from tossing me a note that said, "You've lost weight...chronic cough...nose bleeds...WE'RE WORRIED." I should've told him that it's the second stage of mad cow disease.

2) Even though I'm teetering on the edge of the possibility of sudden involuntary unemployment, Verizon was nice enough to let me pick a five-year anniversary gift. I chose the pup tent, because Miss Abbey has been begging to go camping in the backyard for a few years now. Now, if only it'd stop raining long enough...

3) Speaking of Miss Abbey, evidently she made off with a necklace and two rolls of quarters last night that had been located in Mommy's jewelry box. Thank gods that I wasn't around for that, or her subsequent punishment.

4) I've been reconnecting with a few members of the Shampoo-Banana crowd this week. On Wednesday I chatted at length with Jodi on the phone, which was quite nifty; usually I'm uncomfortable with the whole we-haven't-spoken-since-the-Clinton-administration-so-let's-get-reacquainted catch-up process (I mean, what on earth do you say?), but Jodi's always been an easy person to talk to, so it was great fun. And this Sunday, I'll be ambling down to Oneonta for my friend Betsy's graduation party, which will also be attended by userinfovaclav2 and Amy, who'll be flying out from Illinois for the occasion. Woohoo!

5) Still have a cold. Blee-YAZH.

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Date:May 17, 2003 9:27 pm
Subject:General updates and such
Mood: relaxed
Music:"Tag," The Loraxx

It seems that there is no work situation that cannot be made worse by bumping it to the "11 p.m. to 7 a.m." shift. In a word: bleagh. (For the record, that's pronounced "blee-YAZH," just as it's spelled.) Two overnight shifts last weekend, two overnight shifts this weekend, two overnight shifts next weekend, four more in the following week, and one sleep schedule severely fusterclucked. Ai yi yi... (The one saving grace is that, after that, the office will never schedule overnight shifts again. Hallelujah.)

Got to watch Abbey practicing for the upcoming dance recital up close, when the instructor let us parental units come into the actual studio area that we only can see only from the side, if we're willing to peer through a large potted plant. I must say that Abbey's got the routine down cold, and it's a long one, too. Her one problem is a tendency to rush the music somewhat; it's almost like she can concentrate either on what her feet are doing or what the music is doing, but not both at the same time. Ah, well. The group looked pretty good from the potted-plant vantage point, but of course it all went to holy heck once the parents actually got back to the dance floor itself, because all of a sudden the girls were aware of our Presence, and it shorted out their wiring. So there was much bumping into each other and muchn confused hesitating, all of it utterly adorable. I think they'll do great.

Oh, and I nearly forgot: when the time came to switch from ballet slippers to tap shoes, Abbey announced the She Was Sick, and could we go home now pleasepleaseplease? I told the instructors that she was suffering an acute case of Gastronomic Hypochondria [sic], and that they should start without her. All it took was the sight of the line of girls heading to the practice area to get her yelling, "My shoes, Dad! Hurry! Hurry!" As she told the instructor, "A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." That's my Abbey.

I am really sick to death of this cold, by the by. I mean, where is all this crud in my nose coming from? My sinus cavity can't be much more than half the size of my head, and I've snorked up several times that already. Somebody please, please shoot me? Please?

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Date:May 16, 2003 7:11 pm
Subject:That improves my day...
Mood: pleased
Music:Abbey banging on the Kinderbot

There's finally hope for Western civilization: Richard Thompson has charted on Billboard. Awright!

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Date:May 13, 2003 5:03 pm
Subject:The Transit Gods smile upon us
Mood: giddy
Music:"Please Don't Hurry Your Heart," Caitlin Cary

She's home! She's home! *happy dance*

And incidentally, just outside the security checkpoint at the airport is the best place in the universe for people-watching.

[EDIT: Just realized that this is my 200th entry. Go, me.]

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Date:May 12, 2003 10:42 pm
Mood: frustrated
Music:"One Door Opens," Richard Thompson

Got a call at work from Kristi. Her flight was delayed. Again. So she wouldn't make her connecting flight. Again. So she'll be spending another night out in the Midwest. Again. *lots of unseemly grumbling* I'm really feeling bad for her at this point. I think she's fed up now, because (a) she's taking an a.m. flight, that (b) doesn't go anywhere near O'Hare. (It was very, very good chatting with her on the phone, though.)

On an unrelated note, I have no explanation why "Don't Fence Me In" was stuck in my head today. And it wasn't even the David Byrne version.

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Date:May 12, 2003 7:54 am
Subject:Because it's looooong overdue:
Mood: drained
Music:the songs of happy little birdies (maybe it's the Sudafed)

24 Short Journal Entries About Salem, Massachusetts )

I'd hoped for 32 Short Journal Entries, but I ran out of steam. It was only 48 hours, for crying out loud.

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Date:May 11, 2003 10:12 pm
Subject:Damned Chicago weather...
Mood: depressed
Music:see entry

So for the past few days, I have been seriously looking forward to picking up Kristi at the airport tonight, even taking into account that it's a midnight flight, because I reallyreallyreally want to hear her stories about her trip, and besides, I've just plain missed her. (A lot.) Then I get a phone call: because of bad weather in Chicago, where she is to be laying over, she will not be arriving until 11:56 p.m. tomorrow. If I had a beer, I'd be crying in it. (Sure as Shiloh I wouldn't be drinking it. Can't stand the stuff.)

On the other hand, after listening to it for the first time in many years, I have come to the determination that Riverside by Luka Bloom may very well be the sexiest album ever recorded. Thank you.

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Date:May 11, 2003 4:25 pm
Subject:Just wondering
Mood: sick

I was trying to decide what the best thing anyone ever said about me is. I think I have it down to two:

"Adam is the sort who'll either save us all or blow up the planet." (Mr. Cizek, my junior high band director)

"Adam, if you had a tail, you'd be chasing it." (Lauren, my first wife)

So what's the best thing anyone ever said about you?

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Date:May 10, 2003 9:27 pm
Subject:By the numbers yet again
Mood: exanimate
Music:"An Irishman in Chinatown," Luka Bloom

1) I've been bumped to working the 11pm-to-7am shifts at Like Purgatory Only Less Entertaining Verizon. I'm not working the overnights all the time, mind you, but rather on weekends only, i.e. just often enough to sodomize my sleep cycle effectively. Oh, joyous caffeinated me. This is only temporary, because in June our office will be losing the overnight shifts to the Midtown Manhattan office, which has never had the overnights before. (I'm guessing that the Midtown contingent will be fleeing the company like the Republican National Committee trapped at a Genitorturers gig.) At any rate, that and a blinding head cold are conspiring to make me feel like I've been packed in Styrofoam and left in the basement for beechwood aging.

2) Is it bordering on obsessive if one is planning out a mix to burn, and ends up buying two new CDs because they each have one song that for the love of god has to be on there?

3) So I picked up Abbey from her Daisy Scouts field trip to a local greenhouse yesterday, loaded her into the van, and asked where her backpack was. She informed me that she had left it at school. Marvy-poo. We hightail it over to the elementary school, manage with luck to get into both the building and her classroom, where we were met by her teacher, Mrs. McDowell. When she heard what we were looking for, she went straight to the converastion that Abbey and I should have had 15 minutes earlier:
Mrs. McDowell: Abbey, did you go to Daisy Scouts?
Abbey: Yes.
Mrs. McDowell: How did you get there?
Abbey: We went in a van.
Mrs. McDowell: Abbey, is your bag in the van?
Abbey: [slaps forehead] D'oh!
Daddy: [pounds head repeatedly against the wooden bookshelves]

4) Interesting. It's a week after the fact, and I still haven't even mentioned the fact that I spent last weekend in Salem, Massachusetts all by my lonesome for a short sabbatical. Pity I lack the energy to say anything about it right now. (All in time, comrades.)

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Date:May 9, 2003 8:14 am
Subject:Nope, this clearly wasn't on the agenda...
Mood: stressed
Music:"Omaha," Counting Crows

It was supposed to be a relatively simple evening: I get out of work at 6:30, I meet Mom-in-Law, Abbey and Nik at Abbey's open house at the elementary school, we hang out for a bit, then we go home and go to bed. And for a while, everything was going according to master plan. Abbey had a swell old time being the tour guide, and wanted us to see absolutely every last little thing, in the classroom and out. "This is The Library," she'd say as we entered, gesturing with a grand flourish toward the splendor that is The Library; I half-expected a host of royal buglers to greet us with a fanfare from behind the nonfiction shelves. All in all, a good evening.


We were in The Cafeteria, checking out some artwork posted by members of the older classes, when Nik, in his usual state of curiosity, took an interest in the stacks of kids' chairs that lined the walls. Evidently, the chairs quickly took an interest in him, because with one tug, he was instantly buried under six of them. He shrieked, and Grandma came to give him get-better hugs, and at first, he seemed more scared than anything else. Then we noticed the blood that had begun to cake in his hair. Discussion over: we beelined for our cars.

Now, Nik himself was fine, emotionally speaking; he wanted to play on the benches once we got outside. But we still wanted to get him cleaned up and make sure everything was copacetic. Meanwhile, Abbey was three notches beyond pouty, because, and I quote, "You always give Nik attention, and you never give it to me!" This was her big day, after all, and we were ruining all of her plans by fawning over her little brother. I had to walk a careful tightrope, making sure that she felt loved and paid-attention-to, while still focusing on Nik, who actually needed attention, and badly. I don't think I was completely successful in this regard, because she ended up writing a long semi-legible note explaning why she had to leave the house forever.

So anyway, we got home, got him mopped up to the degree that he'd let us, and I got a good look at the wound: two inches long and (yucchh) gaping. Back on with the shoes and jacket, and off to the emergency room for needle and thread. He was still in great spirits (better than his worried-sick dad, anyway), and charmed the bajeezus out of the hospital staff, who assured me that it was "no big deal," and that the cut was downright minor compared to the stuff they usually see. Then we got to wait (and wait and...), which gave me an opportunity to call Kristi on her cell phone. She's out travelling in the Midwest until Sunday, and I really regretted calling her and worrying her when she's supposed to be relaxing and having a good time, especially since (a) it was "no big deal," and (b) there was nothing she could really do about it. But as she confirmed to me over the phone, she would have killed me if I hadn't. So. I reassured her as best I could, but I could still hear the little tiny voice in the back of her head trying to decide if she could trade in her plane ticket for an earlier return flight. (She didn't, though. Good for her.)

As long as the wait was, though, once we got in everything went lickety-split. (For some reason, typing the phrase "lickety-split" during a head wound discussion just icked me out.) They showed us in, shaved the relevant part of his head (tres avant garde), doused it with Novocaine, scrubbed it up with betadyne, and then brought out the STAPLE GUN. Now I've been blessed with no major hospital visits in my lifetime, so I'd never gotten to see this thingamabob in action, and now that I have, I think I'd have been just as happy without that little experience under my belt, thank you very much. (If it's any indication, when it was over, the doctor asked if I was okay.) Two big ol' staples, right there in his scalp, like he was a beloved teddy bear that had to be stitched back up again, which of course he was. He hollered, even with the Novocaine, but that faded very quickly, with the help of cuddles and his favorite blanket, the two-part cure for everything (it is for me, anyway).

So he's fine, Abbey's fine, Kristi's fine, I think I'm fine, or at least I will be when the Tylenol kicks in. I believe a long nap is in order for today.

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Date:May 7, 2003 5:42 pm
Subject:The Untitled LJ Entry
Mood: bored

Hippity wippity,
Flappity flippity,

Thumbleby stumbleby,
Rambleby rumbleby,

This should hold things for a while, at least until I get up the gumption to discuss *fanfare* My Weekend. Please, talk amongst yourselves.

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Date:May 2, 2003 10:41 am
Subject:Oh, yay. More rain.
Mood: grumpy
Music:"It's True That We Love One Another," The White Stripes

My, my. What a lovely day for a drive. *bleagh*

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Date:May 1, 2003 2:27 pm
Subject:More essential May Day listening
Mood: thoughtful
Music:see entry

So far, I've seen postings of "Cup of Wonder", "Beltane", "Hal-an-Tow" (at least in mention) and others, but we're still missing my favorite:

The May Day Psalter

Give me simple for my pleasure
Charity for my success
Give me wisdom and misfortune
Heart’s ease for my distress

When men boast or make me tremble
When men mock or make me weak
Give me veils to cover over
Secrets that my heart may keep

Sharpen up my axe to shatter
King, tyrant, fool, or fake
Let me love to overflowing
Flooding ‘till my banks do break

Wash me like a rock in a river
Cover up my tracks with rain
Move me like a wave on the ocean
Risen once, never rise again

[Richard Thompson, 1990]

(Many thanks to userinfoshadesong, userinforhiannonstone and userinfokimberly_a for the earlier posts!)

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Date:May 1, 2003 11:21 am
Subject:The first of May
Mood: sleepy
Music:none (can't deal with Jethro Tull today, sorry)

It's my wedding anniversary today. Just sayin'.

To those of you of the Pagan persuasion, have a most blessed Beltane.

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Date:April 30, 2003 2:08 pm
Subject:No, there's no point to it. And that's the point.
Mood: accomplished

You can tell Adam is bored when he decides that he needs new user pics. *sound of party favors and polite applause* I'm sticking with the medieval woodcuts theme, with images swiped from Tacuinum Sanitatis (Latin for "Clip Art for Dorky English Majors"). There's actually a method to my madness, strangely enough. It breaks down thusly (new pics marked with an asterisk):
piggie: The default picture, and a sidelong tribute to the Autumn Cafe in Oneonta
workie: For work-related issues
cookie: For food-related stuff *
springie: For extraordinarily happy days *
knightie: For when I'm royally pissed off, or to designate conflict
washie: For romantic matters (or hygiene matters, I suppose) *
nookie: For, well, nookie

I haven't been doing much with the correspondences lately, because it's considerably easier to stick with the pig and be done with it, but I'll try to get back on the proverbial ball. Unfortunately, because of the standards I set for myself when I started with this theme, the pictures are so teeny that you can't really see what the ferk is going on. Ah, well, such is the price of obsession...

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Date:April 30, 2003 11:03 am
Subject:Pardon me while I hop on this here bandwagon
Mood: drained
Music:"Whenever," Beth Orton

Plundered from userinfopaganmommy, userinfojoelle_van_dyne, and countless others:

Answer these questions using song titles all from one artist: Is anyone even remotely surprised that I'm using Richard Thompson here?

Are you male or female? "A Man in Need"
Describe yourself: "Uninhabited Man"
How do some people feel about you? "Twisted"
How do you feel about yourself? "You Dream Too Much"
Describe your girlfriend/boyfriend/interest: "Cooksferry Queen," "Baby She Don't Know What to Do With Herself"
Where would you rather be? "Devonshire," "I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight"
Describe what you want to be: "Hope You Like the New Me"
Describe how you live: "Walking on a Wire"
Describe how you love: "A Heart Needs a Home," "I Still Dream"

8 dances | Dance in time, if you like

Date:April 30, 2003 9:00 am
Subject:Boy, I sure hope I read this....
Mood: melancholy
Music:"Seven Nation Army," The White Stripes (still)

The following is an urgent note from me to myself:


Thank you. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

2 dances | Dance in time, if you like

my journal