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[04 Sep 2002|05:41pm]
[ mood | amused ]

For some strange reason this year I'm incredibly calm during school. Nothing is scaring me or getting me anxious, I'm completely relaxed. it's starting to scare me and yet I remain in a calmed state. How funny!

I think the root of my stomach problems (Namely being sick everyday!) is due to not eating proper food. Sure it says real chicken on the box but does that really mean it is??? So Oh! I forgot my lunch meat.... oh well I'll just do without it for two days. Anyway, Today I spent thirty dollars of money to buy real food. I purchased kaiser buns. It was impulse because it reminded me of social studies and kaiser Willhem. I also accquired 10 cups of fruity yogurt. I even got citrus(hehe reminds me of gackt) Also finally got my turkey bacon, some potatoes, pears, strawberries and red plums and Soy Milk. I'm curious about it and it said an excellent source of protein and that is something I lack in my diet due to not eatting red meat.

Taking the bus allows you to see kinds of people you never knew existed. For instance I wasn't aware that we have a black family living on my block. That seems really racist to say but my city is mosty (actually practically all) caucasian upper middle class people. I don't believe I have ever once been in a school with a black kid and I know of just a few asian kids (minus the exchange students). And today on the bus I saw the most intriguing guy! The first thing I noticed was his eyes because right in the corner of each one he had studs that were sparkling in the sun. I'm highly attracted to sparkly metally things! and also one in his lip and he smiled at me and it was soo cute! He's someone I never expected to see in my city of preppy type peoples who hate anything really remotely different. And I've noticed the slightly larger amount of unique people in my school. I think that's great. They're breaking the norm from our rigidly preppy snobby school. When I was in bellerose I was just amazed at all the unique people and they weren't cliquey like it is here, they were rather nice to me yet that just might have been me ^_^"""

I've also noticed that many people are dropping out of Advanced classes. It's odd, the work has always seemed easier for me. Except in Social studies where it seemed to over whelm me in 11th grade but not this year. Students who were in the high 80's and 90's dropped out to go into regular classes. It seems strange to do such a thing. There would be no real change and the classes aren't any harder; the atmosphere is just different. The people seemed to always be more intuned to learning and what it was all about and the teachers were more happy and all like "My darling advanced students" the whole thing just changed and I enjoy it.

I had to teach the japanese 20's some katakana. It was really funny because I hate doing stuff up front but I was just compelled to jump up when she told me to write a on the board and then I proceeded to do i and u.

I think I'm getting violently attacked in my sleep again..... I woke up with two huge bruises on my forearm and a huge bump on the back of my head that hurt like heck! I ran my hands through my hair and crossed across the back and I yelled out in pain! And today was gonna be a hat free day but as long as I have that huge bump on my head I'm sticking to wearing hats cause people can't see your head or your hair!

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haa ha why does the annoying mattress lady have a younger clone??? why did they do that? one was annoying enough! gggrrrrrrrr.

forget smile again

[03 Sep 2002|03:55pm]
[ mood | crampy ]
[ music | sailormoon battle music ]

nnyyyyyaarrrrrgggg............. I feel so icky! My stomach is on the rampage! it's hungry but nothing will satisfy it and I have no good food in my house anyway! I have to buy fruit and lunch/dinner stuffies either today or tomorrow and I have to go to the farmer's market on saturday to buy fresh vegetables and neat food stuffs ^_^ oh and maybe the bakery too to buy some good lunch stuff. Grandin bakery has the best pizza bread! urk....this talk about food is making my stomach sick.

This year in high school is supposed to be the biggest the most stressful but you know what? for some reason it didn't feel as stressful. Usually I'm all nervous and anxious and sweating and all that junk but this year I was calm and cool. I didn't get anxious when I started getting my time lines or homework I just let it all slide in and got to work. Hmm maybe something has profoundly changed in me. Maybe this summer wasn't such a waste after all! Maybe working isn't so bad.

ooohhh note to self! Call Mathew and invite him to football game on friday for Sav.

This year we have an actually structured class in Social studies! We even have to do news cast journals... I'm gonna start mine tomorrow, thursday and then saturday.

my stomach is still protesting something. Maybe I'm harbouring an alien life form and then boom! In my sleep tonight it'll pop out and walk away to take over West Edmonton mall!

1 smile| forget smile again

[02 Sep 2002|03:11pm]
[ mood | pleased ]

hmmmm I should really hide scissors. I cut my hair again. This time I butchered the back.... it's so easy to cut the back with it's long but when it's short it gets a little toughy. Hmm.... I guess I'll have to buy more hats to wear. It'll take about a week or two to get it looking normal again. That's how nice my hair is to me, very forgiving when it's short.

Today is the last day of summer and my first day of no work. I quit yesterday. Good bye, good ridiance, so long charlie! And it's pay week! and Then I get about 60 dollars or so in two more weeks. But yes I quit hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Ahem.... anyway. I still need to purchase a new backpack but I'm so lazy today that I decided not to bother until tomorrow which is the first day of school. I almost forgot to pack my books! It would look real silly coming into school with no paper in your binders! But I have done it before.

Embyrchan don't forget to meet me in the front foyer in the morning! I'll direct you to your first class. And if you want we can meet up at lunch in front of the caff. It'll be fun! And I'll tell Jasonson Sensei to go extra hard on you! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You have a legacy to live up to! I'm the best female student in japanese 30! (Won't mention the fact that I'm the only one out of two who can actually understand it)

forget smile again

[02 Sep 2002|10:17am]
I love me.
Kinda scary, kinda not. Kinda cute?
Well, at least I don't loathe the word like Kyo does. I play guitar for the
visual kei band Dir en grey. Haven't heard of them?
Poor ignorant fool.
Find out which J-rocker you are here by miyabi!! >D
forget smile again

[30 Aug 2002|10:08am]
[ mood | bitchy ]

I had a very weird dream last night! Zellers' employees were trying to kill me with big butcher knives!!! It was so scarey and one of the ladies from the golden girls was the only one that actually was able to harm me. She sliced at my arm with a butcher knife and I reacted with "o.0 you cut my arm!" So I took the butcher knife and tried to cut off her head but I woke up before I could. Rats... I never really liked the golden girls anyway.

I really do feel that Zellers is a horrible job. Sure I say that about every job I've ever had. I really don't like working for big companies. But it was great when we were setting up the store. The atmosphere was much more pleasant and inviting. Very laid back and fun. But now it's becoming apparent that they want to kill me! First week of school I work five days! Five frickin' days! All 6 hour shifts! Really people I do have school and being an advanced placement student isn't exactly a walk in the park! Doesn't make me some sort of genius! I do need to study you morons! So now I run the risk of being laid off. I have to talk to bitchy Judy T now instead of understanding but overly fakely perky Doreen. I filled out my availability sheet and I specifically said I couldn't work thursdays or mondays! And what happens... oh my I got shifts on those days! And not to mention thursday through saturday are 3-9:30's. Hmmmm.... what time to does school finish? Oh my 2:30! How much homework do I think I'll have each day? 2-3 hours worth hmmm...... what time do I have to get up each morning? oh letsee 6! so lets see..... do the math I almost failed math 20 but as you can see it's not gonna work! So if Judy T says it's non-negotiable then I'll just say "Hmm.... I see.....Well bye bye" And I'll hand her my name tag. Then I'll have to apologize to Brenda and Julie. They're dears and I regret having to leave them, especially Julie since she will be one of the ones taking my shifts at fitting room. And brenda tried so hard to keep me on. So did betty but betty is leaving as well. Things aren't working out for her either. Zellers has a very interesting mentality: "If one little old lady is there, everything is perfect" at least that's how they think when it comes to shoes.
Tina: "We have to go to hardlines to clean up."
Me: "Oh? I was thinking of working shoes, it's a mess."
Tina:"But betty is there? It should be clean."
Me: "0.o;;; well uh's been a mess since the beginning...."
Tina: "Oh well then....go help her out."
They expect that everything is to be perfect when just one person is there. Mind you, I don't help that one out. I keep womens fashion looking relatively smashing since I have a lot of free time and it's easy to clean up clothes on hangers and refold clothes a million times a day. But I can't exactly leave women's fashion. Oh but now bra's and underwear is one of my domains as well. I'm the only one that is allowed to do it too. Why? I'm not exactly sure but... yeah. Maybe they like me? Maybe they really really like me??? ha ha ha ha ha!!!! yeah right....

I really think I make people uneasy in fitting rooms. I don't know why but they're less open to me than to the other older women who work there. Am I such an intimidating presence? Hehe maybe I am! I have to admit maybe the barbed wire bracelets are a bit much but they're fun to play with when I can't leave the bull pen. hmm... not sure how I can make myself more approachable... smile more? heh that's impossible I smile too much I think. Hmm.. must think of something.

My parents leave tonight! Yatta! Two weeks of no parents! I'll get peace and quiet and be able to rest and relax! My mom was really beginning to get on my nerves. It's not so much her as her stupid god damned rolly chair! You're trying to relax down in the nice cool basement on an uncomfortably hot day after a long day's stressful work when all you hear is a stupid rolly chair above your head rolling around constantly. It's enough to drive a person batty! Even my dad agrees it's time she gave the thing up. Because he gets just as annoyed when he's down here trying to work.

We may be moving! Well ok.... maybe not but my dad and I have been bringing it up a lot more. We have a very small house and with three people living in here it's becoming more crowded especially since his office moving into my brother's old room and my mom is quitting her job and is thinking of working freelance at home. When my dad heard that he said "If you think you're gonna work from home we're gonna have to get a bigger house...." which is true. It's already increasingly crowded in here and bret's room is really small for an office and I don't think martin's stuff with all fit and it's gonna annoy the hell out of both of us because I'll be home when he's working and the office and my room are sharing a wall so that means we'll both being competing to annoy the other!

So this is why I'm stressed amoung other things..... And I spelled among wrong.....

but ranting does make you feel better! ha ha ha!

2 smiles| forget smile again

[29 Aug 2002|09:50am]

Nadesico (find out more)

Find out What Anime Best Suits You by taking the quiz yourself!

1 smile| forget smile again

[28 Aug 2002|05:47pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Porno Graffitti-MUGEN ]

Today was the first day in a long time that I actually slept in till like 10:30!!!! It was soo great!! The best sleep ever!

I woke up with great aspirations of doing things like buying a new backpack, a hat, a sweater and maybe even baking something. But as the day progressed I ended up doing squat. I watched Harry Potter for the second time. The first time I kinda fell asleep during the last bits of it. So I watched it again which took me to like 2:30 in which I decided I really needed to get dressed and showered. So I did. Then I decided to bake something. I even found butterscotch pudding in my cupboard! SCORE!!!! I love pudding ^_^ but alas we had no milk!!! NNNNNOOOOOOOOo!!!!!!! my plans were foiled by evil lack of milk!!!! and tomorrow I have to work ;_; work is evil!!!! I get to find out if I'm fired or not. Hopefully not! If I am Brenda would probably be very upset and protest to no end.

I don't want to be an SS any more.... I want to be Task Force. SS sucks!! Ggrr lousy "Specialized" Service..... it's just being a fitting room attendant, I can't believe they try to push it off as "Specialized" Service. Pheh I want to be Task Force. Now that's the place for me. I get to run around, not help people, be completely indifferent to everyone and just put things away, do carry outs and try to push about a million shopping carts up to the front of the store. It's great fun! Plus I'd get to work in shoes again la la la!!!! great fun great fun! but no they don't want me to be there. They want to let me rott in a bull pen. But I get more freedom then the regular SS's. I get to cross into the "Intimates" section. Bwahaha there's a feet, I get to cross from women's wear into bra's and panties! Double Score!! I wish to be the grey shirt rank! I want grey stripes instead of red!!!

Do I whine too much about my own frivilious problems? Yes yes I do. Should I be working on whining about other things like world problems? yes yes I should but they always make me very depressed..... I kinda like being holed up in my own little world. I think I will stay here for a little while longer then focus more on the world when I'm ready for it. Cause to be frank I'm not even sure if the real world is ready for the likes of me!

1 smile| forget smile again

[27 Aug 2002|05:52pm]
[ mood | dorky ]

well my stomach is prostesting from too much salsa but it was the only thing to eat! It's so sad!!!!

Work sucked I got yelled at so much!!! Boss man made me do double work, work the fitting rooms and good old "day wear" as he put it. To put it in more simpler terms I got to play with bras and panties. And believe me it isn't as fun as it sounds, I had to fiddle with bras on hangers, change two racks of bras and underwear and roll them into better spots all while trying to keep an eye on fitting rooms. I ended up having to run five people down and two slipped by me. I sure hope the didn't steal anything. Then no one showed up to cover my breaks for me like they're supposed to. It's cause brenda isn't here and she keeps an eye on me and sends someone when she knows it's my break time. But she was off! and Judy T didn't come in until lunch and didn't even bother with me except to make me steam clean a queen sized marth stuart very ugly patch work quilt thingy.... Wendy was nice enough to cover for me cause she saw how hard I worked. Everyone sees how hard I work but they don't give me speeding tickets for it. Bah I should give myself some!

ooohhhhh my lil sis Allichan got a lj she's Embyr_koal

forget smile again

[26 Aug 2002|04:05pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | Stray Cat Strut-Stray Cats ]

Take the Dessert Quiz

hmmmm Baklava? never had it before.

Today I deposited my paycheck and for a brief (a very brief) moment I had over 700 dollars but after transfering 84.34 to my brother's account I went down to 630 give or take a few bucks. That really sucks, my summer has been reduced down to a little over 600 dollars and what do I have to show for it? 5 comic books, one art book, and a bunch of clothes. Well.... at least my mom is paying me back 100 dollars for some of the clothes I bought. And you know what? Today I couldn't find anything that I liked. It was just one of those depressing bum days where you look at yourself in the mirror and loath how you look. I hate those days. I hardly had one all summer and then today, boom it hit me. Oh well at least I'm comfy in what I chose as my depression gear. I need to get a hat and a jean jacket, that will be my last purchase before I go back to school. I think I'll pick up a hat tomorrow from Smart Set and then go to GoodWill on wednesday to pick up a jean jacket. Maybe I can find some good stuff there. Sometimes I just luck out and get something fab. But I have to start saving for art school....

Work called wanting me to do floor service today. I declined saying I had something better to do. I really didn't but they wanted me in at 11 and it was already 9 and I just wasn't in the mood to try and be perky and happy and plus they wanted me till 5. Sure I need the money but but I needed this day to just veg out. I hardly ever get any time to just sit and fester in a bad mood. I enjoy that sometimes.

Last night was the most amazing thunderstorm ever! We could see the lightning through Trish's very dark brown and thick curtains! And it sure did help cool the hot evening off. Erica gave me some gross stuff, it's called like Bahaluna or something like that. It tasted like orange anti-biotics for strep throat. It made my head feel fuzzy for about ten minutes too. I didn't like that feeling or the taste either. Very gross.

SSSSIIIIIGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH stupid day. Stupid depressed day. I had like two bowls of salsa too. That means 200 stomache crunches. (Also I've been skipping out on doing them and my tummy is protesting about it.)
forget smile again

[25 Aug 2002|01:43pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

Trading Cards
Free Account Edition
User Number: 156355
Date Created:2001-05-30
Number of Posts: 500

Insane child. Small and cuddly but appearances are decieving. This little kid packs quite a punch! (actually a chainsaw and katana) Her only weaknesses are OOOoooooo shiney!! ^_^
Strengths: energetic, agility, hiding, easily amused, easily kept happy.
Weaknesses: easily distracted, puppy dog faces, ice cream, comic books, shiney things and crayons.
Special Skills: master of deception, cuteness attack, weaponry
Weapons: katana, chainsaw, tiger claws, hand to hand ^_^
Favorite: ice cream: Anything peach or strawberry Comic books: Peach Girl, Black Cat, HikaGo, Paradise Kiss Crayon colours: The vibrants ^_^ Distraction: Tinfoil

Make your own LiveJournal Trading Card!
Brought to you by crossfire_

I got new clothes yesterday! they only cost about 34 bucks! Two shirts and two pairs of pants. One was a cute little cotton shirt that laces up very cute and the other is an 80's style sweat shirt with the collar cut off. It was only 7 dollars so I was like aww what the heck saves me trying to do it ^_^ and one pair of guys pants for those days when I fell yecky. They're really big and baggy! they only cost me 10 dollars and the other pants are blue and baggy and womens pants they're also for when I feel icky like and just want to wear baggy clothes ^_^ that's not so bad though for four articles of clothing. They were all on clearance ^_^;;; that's about all that has happened.

Do you know what sucks? Canada's criminal justice system! At a minimum to max security prison with all sorts of bad characters in it from all over because they offer physciatric(sp) help, the inmates held a party! A party!! They made a make shift swimming pool, had fillet mignon, steak, all sorts of good food, and climbed trees that they could actually escape from!!! And guess who paid for it??? They did! it cost them 385 dollars, now I didn't know that criminals were allowed to have jobs while they were being punished! but I guess they are allowed to get paid for their punishments in canada! And a prison official authorized it all and bought all the food! And the guards were outraged by this! Frankly so am I! These people are in that place to be punished for outrageous and malicious crimes against society! They aren't there to be paid, to have parties, to socialize! They're there because they committed crimes! It isn't a bloody resort! That just makes me mad, I mean in Edmonton we have a minimum to max security women's prison right by the largest mall in the world! And instead of cells they have houses! Houses!! Where the guards don't lock the doors because it's against fire codes!! And there's only a chainlink fence, smaller than the one that surrounds Sir Alexander Mackenzie Elementary school! Now something just isn't right. they keep innocent kids under heavier guard than they do fellons! Really, who's more likely to guage someone's eyes out with a spoon? a pyschotic killer whose done it before or an 8 year old with a pudding cup??
1 smile| forget smile again

[22 Aug 2002|06:48pm]

Which Gravitation Character Are You?

Test Created By oronoda

hehehe I love Ryuichi!!!!
forget smile again

[22 Aug 2002|04:40pm]
[ mood | amused ]

You are most like Haruhara Haruko!

Which Saiyuki character would sleep with you?

Today was such a boring day!!! And I got paid but I think I got jipped on hours! horrible, ne? So I must calculate hours bwahahahaha and then get more monies la la la ^_^
After work was fun, I hung around for an extra 15 minutes talking with Sav about bras then I ran into David while I was buying clothes. I watched him play two racing games and then we left, he went to bug Sav and I went home. Now I'm ssoooo tired and gonna be even more tired after tomorrow cause Nat is having a back to school get together type deal at her house so I'm gonna stop over after work some time for an hour or two.

I'm gonna keep working at Zellers until at least december. I talk to Doreen and she says she's definately going to switch me after september because I've been complaining and Brenda has been bugging to get me moved to her task team. I'll be task force again! YYYAAAAYYYYY!!!!!! I'm the fashion bad ass apparently. I'm the only one who gets away with wondering through fashion and putting returns away. Bwahahaha! I also get away with eating and being rude on the job. Aaaannndd playing with a giant plastic bubble for about an hour. Hehehe I made a giant plastic bubble out of a plastic bag and for about an hour or two I was just bouncing it around behind my back scaring customers ^_^

hey neat-o! They had school trains in canada! Trains that were schools how cool is that!!!! I'd take school on a train if I could well maybe not a train.....maybe a boat! but I already knew they had those. It's just cool to have school on a train ^_^ a little cramped but still neat-o! I love trains ^_^

"I love my choco choco chocoate bread!"
forget smile again

[22 Aug 2002|06:56am]
[ mood | aggravated ]

and the winner for most annoying thing in the whole wide world to wake up to is ------~insert drum roll please~---- MY DAD TRYING TO SUCK THE WORLD INTO HIS BRAIN!!!! argh it is the most annoying and nerve crunching habit in the whole entire world! He just sniffs and sniffs and it's not little quiet sniffs no... it sounds like an imitation of a fog horn or something like a reverse nose blow! it's so disgusting and he does it every five minutes! EVERY FIVE FRICKIN' MINUTES!!!! that's really too much to be healthy. Can't he grab a kleenex and just blow his nose instead of trying to stuff that and the world up his nasal cavaty? ggrrr grinds my very thing and very last nerve that is already fraying! Not to mention the throat clearing that usually follows that is also annoying. And he wonders when he's down in the bat cave watching tv why I have my music on so loud and I think he purposely does the sniffing and throat clearing louder just to piss me off!! It just aggravates me!

thank you for your time, I'm off now!

"I love my choco choco chocolate bread ^_^"

2 smiles| forget smile again

[20 Aug 2002|09:52am]
[ mood | awake ]


Bebop's Earth

Find out what Cartoon location you are.

hmm I do have a thing for water, I don't like it all that much unless I can see the bottom. And it usually tends to try and drown me! hence the whole " I think I'll just jump in" at lindsay's party only to realize we were at the deepest end of the pool and I just some how couldn't touch the bottom....go figure??? hehe

Today is my day off! And I don't have any plans so if anyone has any interesting plans call me ^_^v

I think I may get my hair died either today or tomorrow. I'm not sure which colour I should get. I'm just getting one solid colour because with my hair colour it usually ends up looking like I Have streaks in it anyway because I naturally have them....
I was thinking of maybe a lighter brown
some shade of light red
or ryuuichi green ^_^

forget smile again

[18 Aug 2002|07:11pm]
[ mood | rushed ]

just two more weeks before I can quit! I don't think I can handle it..... ah well.

Today I spent another 80 dollars but my mom is reinbursing me. I should calculate it out. letsee 32
16.40 something
= 86.40..... hmmmmm that leaves only 3.60 for my own use...... shoot..... I have to stop spending money but I've been buying things I need! ok comics I don't really need....... and I still owe my brother 40 some odd dollars....... but Neko owes me 10 for her super manga blast. And uhm...... letsee what do I still want to get done and bought... I want to buy another art book and then the second issue of paradise kiss and then get my hair coloured for school. Hmm if I go to centrix hair I get ten percent off..... hmm that's not bad really I'll look into it at work tomorrow.

Urgh.... disgustingly dubbed iron chef. Though I do enjoy the show the dubbing is rather bad.... and I have a tendancy to make understatements.

my parents are rather confusing. They don't want me spending too much time on the net talking to my friends so they say use the phone. Ok I decide to do that. So I talk on the phone now pretty much every night for about a few hours or so usually to MP cause he pays for it ^_^ I' m not paying for another 5 hour phone call for awhile! eek that reminds me I still have to pay for that.... oooh I hope this paycheck is a big one. So now they tell me to not talk on the phone so much! and if I start hanging out with my friends more when school starts they'll start telling me to stay inside! Aggrivating that's what they are!

Well see you space cowboys! I gotta eat!

1 smile| forget smile again

No beer for breakfast! [17 Aug 2002|09:57am]
[ mood | awake ]

Which Dir en grey member are you?

that was a rule in one of my japanese 20 group projects and I just remembered it today.

the one thing I hate about company (There are many things when it comes to my parents' company) is that some how Beer always replaces the Milk in the fridge. I go to fill my cereal with milk and all of a sudden I realize I'm tipping a capped beer bottle. And I wonder "Where's the milk?" then I have to shuffle through clanking beer bottle to find it. And the basement is always littered with junk, cans, bottles or today it's wine corks and wrappers and bowls with stail salsa in it.

Hey! A guy on tv looked like my grade 10 math teacher! Wow I didn't know Sedgie was a commercial actor! Ok I bet he's not but still looked like him.

I have nothing important to say ever... that sucks. I wonder if there was a time when I ever had anything important to say? Maybe I should start trying to say some intelligent things to make this a meaningful journal or something.... hmm... I'll have to think about it at work. Maybe it'll inspire me to be intelligent.

forget smile again

[16 Aug 2002|05:38pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Porno Graffitti-Mugen ]

Boring day off. The highlight of my day was Abra sending me Porno Graffitti! hehehe I'm listening to all the songs right now. I also decided to fix up my gackt binder. Which I have to check on. Hopefully I didn't glue the atlas to it!

I had to clean my room and the house today because we have company coming. Yay..... I'm not excited at all for it. I don't really like company at the moment. I'd rather just have the house to myself. Which so happening next weekend! and then the weekend after that my parents are gone for two weeks! Yatta! I need the break I really really do!

Note to self: Call Bellerose to sign up for night school!

doom )

forget smile again

[15 Aug 2002|01:40pm]
[ mood | Slipper Sleaze-Cowboy Bebop ]

Another day...another shift at work.....blllaaaaaaaahhhhhhh..................

Today I work 3:30 till 9:30 but tomorrow I get the day off! Hurrayness!! I think today is a pay day too. But I think I just got paid last week and I think we get paid every two weeks. Hmm.... maybe things change when the store opened. That could be it. But I get money then ^_^ I just have to figure out how to quit spending it. I'm down to 500 dollars again >_< I spent like 200 dollars all ready since my last paycheck. How horrid! but I think yesterday I got time and a half because I got called in on my day off. Hurray again! Extra money.

I'm really tired today. I slept pretty heavily but maybe it just wasn't a good sleep. I woke up all curled up like in my blankets. And my stomach hurts from eating a whole box of macaroni and cheese. I shouldn't do that either.

Tttiiiirrrreeeeddddd...... I shouldn' t be listening to such mellow music it makes me all fuzzy and sleepy like. But it sounds so good I just can't stop.

oohhh song is changing, still kinda mellowy but meh what the heck!

see you space cowboy

forget smile again

[15 Aug 2002|10:30am]
[ mood | bored ]

1) Starting Time: 9:45 am

2) Name: Brandi

3) Nicknames: Branflakes, Bran, Brands, Girlie, Princess, Messy-Lynn, Miss Lynn, Akiro

5) Hometown: St. Albert

6) Grade: 12

7) Birthday: January 27, 1985

9) School: Paul Kane

10) Hair color: light brown

11) Eyes: Hazel Green

12) Height: 5'3"

13) Sibling(s): 2 brothers, 1 sister in law, 1 step brother, 2 step sisters, 2 step brother in laws and you get the idea.

14) Gender: Female

-------------- HAVE YOU EVER? --------------

15) Ever Been So Drunk That You Blacked Out: not that I know of

16) Missed School Because It was raining: yep ^_^

17) Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement: well it wasn't for amusement persay...the fire was the body part a fire was just a bonus

18) Kept A Secret From Everyone: for awhile yeah

19) Had An Imaginary Friend: I had a whole imaginary gang! and a pet too.

20) Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend: yep yep I have.

21) Cried During A Flick: oh yes many many times!

22) Ever Liked A Teacher: as in like liked? no! but as a person yeah sure some teachers are pretty neatsy, such as Mr. Dick

23) Ever Thought An Animated Character was hot? have you seen some of the bishounen they have in anime????

24) Ever Prank Called Someone: Neko did on my phone once oh and at Jenny's party in 10th grade. Hehe that was so fun! Dev's brother called back and scared everyone including me!

25) Been On Stage: but of course!

26) Fought With Your Parents: sure it isn't ordinary unless we don't fight ^_^

27) Wished Upon A Star: all the time.

28) Laughed Until You Cried: all the time ^_^ I laugh a lot!

29) Watched A Sunrise/Sunset: yep they're beautiful.

30) Went To The Beach At Night: yep with a big bon fire, so much fun!

31) Been Mean: yes I don't know it most times though

32) Been Sarcastic: ssshaaaa of course!

33) Are You Happy: almost always. it's sickening I know.

34) Are You Talking To Someone Online: yep!


35) Shampoo: Fruictis. It smells perdy!
36) Soap: watermelon or peach glycerin soap.
37) Colours: Red and blue.
38) Day/Night: Night though I usually sleep through it unless something exciting is going on.
39) Kind of music: everything but rap and twangy country.
40) Favorite pop: sprite or root beer
41) Favorite drink: juice
42) Favorite car: lambourghini Coontache(spelling)
43) Favorite Perfume or Cologne: anything natural smelling.
44) Favorite Radio Station: I don't have one.
45) Favorite Website: hmm...... I can't pick just one.
46) Favorite Subject in School: japanese and art.
47) Least Favorite Subject in School: MATH!! It's evil!!!
48) Favorite Sport to Play: soccer
49) Favorite video game and board game: Life
50) Favorite Song: at the moment Tank by the Seatbelts and Yokko Kanno.
51) Favorite Food: Italian
52) Favorite Movies: Too many to list
53) Favorite Place: Japan at the moment.
54) Favorite holiday: Halloween
55) Lace Or Satin: Satin and Lace ^_^
56) Favorite town to chill in: hmmmm can't choose though Odaiba was great but that's a prefecture.

57) Favorite ice cream: Peach Sorbetto
58) Favorite Cartoon Character: I can't choose!

--------------FRIENDS AND CRUSHES--------------

59) Have a bf/gf?: not yet
60) Loved Anyone: sure all the time.
61) Who's The Loudest: hmm.... Sav, she's louder than me!
62) Shyest: I don't think any of us are shy
63) Nicest: we're all nice
64) Funniest: DavidT and Mathew when they gang up on me sprite comes out my nose!
65) Craziest person or silliest person(s): Abra, Neko, MP, Allichan heck we're all crazy and silly! that's what makes us great.
67) Who Do You Cry With: I usually cry alone. ;_;
68) Which friend lives the farthest from you?: Eri, Tomomi, Sami -Japan.
69) Talked To Someone You Have A Crush On: Yes I have cause I usually have crushes on people around me so I'll talk with them.
70) Missed Someone: all the time.
71) Hugged Someone You Liked: uh-huh! I love hugs!

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN----------

72) God/Devil: not really
73) Love: of course!
74) Love at first site: not true love but something close to it. You have to get to know the person just a little bit.
75) The Big Bang Theory: sure why not.
76) Heaven/Hell: has to be something after death.


77) Who Named You: my mom did, after a song, my aunty and my great grandma from france.
78) When Was The Last Time You Showered: yesterday morning.
79) What Is Right Next To You: remote and a mouse.
80) What Is You Computer Desk made Of: synthetic wood.
81) What Are The Last 4 Digits In You Phone: 1020
82) What Was The Last Thing You Ate: breakfast
83) Who Do You Wanna Spend The Rest Of Your Life With: Not sure yet. We'll see when it comes to that
84) How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List: which list?
85) How's The Weather Right Now: I can't see the weather, I'm locked in my batcave
87) How Do You Eat Oreos: nearly drowned in milk, I like to torture them.
89) If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be?: I dunno I don't think I want to. But then again I don't think it suits me.
90) What will Your First Son's Name Be?: I have a few names picked out
91) Daughter's Name Will Be: I don't want to have a daughter.
92) Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies: scarey bad!

93)Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in Person: I prefer person because it's more fun cause then you can see their reactions but I also like talking on the phone, record is talking all night and waking up to a busy tone but that's because the conversation was so boring I fell asleep and the guy just hung up on me.... but the best was 5 hours talking to MP
94) Lust Or Love: love definately though lust is fun.
95) Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport: well....not really how can something for a sport be considered a sport? that would be like asking if equipment manager is a position on the team!
96) Boxers or Briefs: boxers.
97) Bacon bits or croutons: croutons, gotta love cruchy stale bread!
98) How long can you hold your breath?: till I pass out?

100) Disney World or Disney Land: World, cause I haven't been there yet.

101) Do you smoke?: Yecky no!
102) Do you do drugs?: Not a chance
103) Have you ever been skinny-dipping: yeah my bathing suit almost swam away!
104) Do you make fun of people: it's all in good fun at least I hope it is, I don't make fun of them maliciously.
105) Have you ever been convicted of a crime: nopers I a good girl!

106) One pillow or two: as many as possible

107) Pets: Doggy

108) Piercing or tatoos: ears no tattoo's yet.
109) What's your bedtime: when I'm tired.
110) Adidas, Nike or Reebok: which ever is comfy and looks neatsy.
110) Most Embarrasing Moment: I have to pick one???
112) Do you attend a church regularly?: nope I fall asleep in churches when church is going on.
113) What do you look for in the opposite sex: cuteness.
114) Favorite Quote: "What's with today, today?" -Lucas Empire Records
115) Can you swim?: you betcha other wise I'd drown.
116) Do you like to swim?: in pools sure, I have a tiny fear of dark, deep murky water.
117) Do you have an accent?: apparently I do...... I don't buy that..... I sound regular!
118) Do you have a job?: yes yes I do. I work at zellers, I do womens fitting room and from now on when I'm there no taking underwear in to try on cause that's just nasty!!!

119) Pro-life or Pro-choice?: pro-life!
120) Do you prefer pools or oceans?: oceans but not for swimming in.
121) Who's better boys or girls?: both are fun.
122) Do you sing in the shower?: yes yes I do, just not very well.
123)Who is the one person that you like most?: I like everyone
124) The best way to die?: naturally.

125) When do u want to die?: when I'm 1002
126)Have you ever called a 911 number?: yes they didn't help much..... I mean really, the lady didn't even try to calm me down.
127) Gold or silver?: gold, silver is just so cold.

128) Would you ever go bungie-jumping?: not by the ankles but maybe by the back harness
129) Would you rather be short or tall or semi-tall?: I kinda like my shortness, it's familiar
130) Do you enjoy reading?: sure
131) Which Winnie the Pooh character is your fav: T-i-double grr-er!
132) What was the last movie you saw?: Austin Powers
133) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: yep yep I do.
134) Do you think you're attractive?: nah, I think I look like either a little boy or a little girl (depends on the hair style I have)
135) What is your sign?: Aquarius
136) What movie do you really want to see?: hmmmm.... I kinda want to see Road to Perdition.

137) What are your personality traits?: you're asking me to decide?
138) What is your biggest wish?: to be a comic book artist in japan
139) What's your biggest fear?: being completely alone.
140) Who is the least attractive person you know?: Everyone is good looking in their own way.
141) Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist.
142) Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?: nah I like me.

143) Do you like to dance?: Sure! I dance all the time.
144) What do you think of people who drink?: doesn't bother me as long as I don't have to

145) People who do drugs?: same goes for them too
146) Better to cry or laugh?: laugh laugh laugh
147) Do you think men and women can ever just be friends?: yes of course!
148) Do you bite your nails?: Not unless I am scissorless.
149) What's your worst habit?: being a klutz

150) Ever been in love?: I dunno
151) Did you ever cry over someone of the opposite sex?: yep I have

153) Who in your life is your biggest role model?: I dunno if I have just one. I look up to a lot of people, and that's not just because I'm short!

154) Who was your first crush?: I moved right on into boyfriends when I was four ^_~ had no time for crushes.

155) Do you organize your CD's?: nah they just get put in my book case

156) Who makes fun of you the most?: everyone! I'm the target of the year
157) Who's ur best best friend: Neko, Abra, Allichan and MP (In order of gender cause they're all important ^_^)
158) Do You Want Your Friends To Do This And Send It Back: nah
159) How much time did you spend on this quiz: an hour just cause I was watching little house on the prairie and talking to mp and my hands can type four things at once

160) What time is it now? 10:30 am

161) Say something nice about the person that sent this to you: Hope you found those water shoes stephy.

forget smile again

[13 Aug 2002|06:17pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

yecky I smell like Matt C's callogne!! he sprayed it on me like three times!! yecky but I missed hanging out with him and jason outside. That was fun! Like old times when things were carefree. I miss that. I miss staying out late with them and just talking about nothing and just starring out. That's good.

I just realized something, I know way too many Matt's. It's very confusing. They all must be given different names. Matt C will now be Joe cause he looked like GI Joe today. Uhmmm.....Mathew from work shall be............... uhhhh........ I dunno we shall just call him Gumby for now. And MP...hmm..... what shall he be?? Gotta think of a really good one for him.

Now I'm really hungry! My stomach is ssssssooooooooooooo grumbly....

forget smile again

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