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Darth Flamingo

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[28 Aug 2002|04:20pm]
Intolerable addiction to disappearing.
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[20 Aug 2002|02:24pm]
garg. I hate not having potatos!

I want to snowboard, but I don't want to break my ankles.

Mist is my mortal enemy.

I need an LJ code for my little sister. Donations are accepted.

Yo es vaca.
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[18 Aug 2002|09:47pm]
Typhoon loves Monsoon.
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[15 Aug 2002|10:12pm]
People infuriate me. Yey AFO.
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[07 Aug 2002|10:01pm]
"The sweetest kiss- that I've ever kissed- had to have come from. . . a Gryffin-dor. . . the softest sigh that got me high, came from a boy looked out by Dumble-dore. . ."

mmmhmm. lunadeath on is my new favorite slash writer.

I feel so coy.
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[05 Aug 2002|11:21pm]
[ mood | lonely ]

It always happens that way.

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[29 Jul 2002|01:33pm]
The has to be a better name for the end of the world other than the apocalypse. Now what would that be?
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la [26 Jul 2002|01:05am]
I have been gone for almost forever, and now I am back and ready to smash heads and take names. Though I am sure not many noticed my extended vacation *pity party* Oh well. It doesn't really matter. I am back with my scanner and my new copy of photoshop 7 and ready to color me some pictures. Many many pictures of shiney happy mediocrenessnesss.

Lilo and Stitch is the best movie disney has ever made. SPACE. I LOVE YOU CHRIS SANDERSL:FJKDKD"SFL.

Getting all excited and ready to go to AFO3 (Anime Festival Orlando) with Matt AKA Torlan. Who is the BOMBDIGGITY SHIBBIT. So if anyone is going to be in the orlando area on the 19th of August let me know, I will be looking to maul people with my unending ability to hide and be EXTRA SHY.

OTher than the fact I am home, I am alos uh...tired and delusional. I want Quiznos and I also want it to be tomorrow so I can more stuff.

Oh yah and

We are all little paper aeroplanes, I fly on the mango express.

neopets is so addicting.
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[22 Jul 2002|02:15pm]
I am really sorry. I am dead.
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Huzzah [11 Jul 2002|04:12pm]
My Loth Gallery
My Zone gallery

Hoo-ray. @.@ not very much, but some...older stuff....waiting to be replaced my newer versions...sdfjas;dkfjasd;kjf look and make merriment! Or not...>.< who knows. Being that I am not very happy with any of it, all the drawings will be replaced soon with newer stuff that I won't be happy with in about a week from its uploading.

Sometimes...I wish I could just be happy with stuff.
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[09 Jul 2002|08:56pm]

I am not completely dead. Just a little dead.

Image not...refresh.

How depressing. I want to go home....why would I want to go back to the dorms? Because my stuff is there....I like my stuff.
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[29 Jun 2002|10:05am]
I promise to be alive again one day.
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Grades [26 Jun 2002|12:47pm]
Midterm Grade Report for SP 2002
Course Course Title Credits Grades

CA3910 3-D Animation I 3.0 B+
CA3666 Web Animation 3.0 B+
PSY2012 Introduction to Psychology 3.0 A
CA3980 Broadcast Graphics: Animated 3.0 B

Final Grade Report for SP 2002
Course Course Title Credits Grades

CA3910 3-D Animation I 3.0 B
CA3666 Web Animation 3.0 A
PSY2012 Introduction to Psychology 3.0 A
CA3980 Broadcast Graphics: Animated 3.0 B

Go me. I guess.
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[19 Jun 2002|10:39pm]
life is like a saltine cracker, if left out it gets dry.
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[14 Jun 2002|10:53am]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | Bob the Builder - Can we fix it? ]

As per typical....they aren't coming to get me until the very last moment. They didn't even tell me that they were having to do something in the morning before they came down here. I hate that. I know the world doesn't revolve around me, I don't want it too, attention is bad. Though when you say you are going to pick me up in the morning and then put it off until the late after noon, how am i supposed to feel.

My little sister scares me. She's going through that stage where nobody is important except for her and it is scary. So very scary. I called to see where they were and she just gets all huffy with the hell was I even calling. Then there is my brother...Who used to love me until my sister convinced him I hated him. Which is a lie. I love him more than anyone in that family.

So...I know the next few days are going to be horrible. It was predestined, there is not shunting fate. Might as well suck it up and live with it.

And I will.

In other news Delgado loved my flash final. He thought it was great. It made me happy, he isn't so bad after all....just because he said I could market it...which is exciting but I have no way of knowing how to go about that.

Oh well. At least school is over for a while. I need a break so I can draw again seriously. Work on the comic, explode heads, I mean uh....

By the way...the British version of Bob the Builder it so much better than the American version.

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[12 Jun 2002|10:49pm]
[ music | Trigun....first donuts ]

Does anyone know how good Trigun really is? Probably not. Oh well.


Vash is good. Innocence is...oddly attractive sometimes.

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[11 Jun 2002|11:59am]
So for some reason my mother thought I was mad at her...when I clearly wasn't. Why does she have to be so crazy sometimes. We cannot write her an email every five seconds. Sometimes we have to work on finals which by the way are driving us completely insane.

While in Psychology class i hope to work on the character design for the 'eful' character in the comic. Of course he will be catering to my need for blonde boys who happen to be jerks. I love em when they're mean, yet truely sweet to me. Its like get sugar from a lemon. It can happen, but only if you squeeze it a certain way.

My BACK HURTS, and I had a fever this morning. I want my downloads to finish before I go home, and I need a sandwich. Beyond that, HI. I smell like raspberries.
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[09 Jun 2002|09:50pm]
Dear God,

All I want for Christmas is Draco Malfoy.

Please and thank you.

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[09 Jun 2002|08:21pm]
I am randomly enraged right now.

I had this poem stuck in my head. But I can't remember it and it was nice.


Very pretty.
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[05 Jun 2002|11:01pm]
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, tomorrow is Jesse's birthday. I have no money, I suck. though I did make this for her.

If I wasn't dying because of a horrible female condition I would have done better.

Today everyone was staring staring staring at me. It made me nervous. The guy in financial aide kept looking and looking and I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to bite off his face and shove it in his ear.

I didn't though. I just waited.

It was very sad today. Even music was getting on my nerves. That is very terrible. I love music too much to have it be annoying to me.

Oh my liver, how it wishes to fandango with me.
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