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damn straight [29 Aug 2002|11:00pm]
[ music | kidney thieves-zerospace ]

What Pattern Are You?

plaid is the best ever.
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[29 Aug 2002|08:29pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | bright eyes-no lies, just love ]

I was bored so I stole this from Jen. Haha.

x_ Name : Sam

x_ Birthday : Feb 14th

x_ Birthplace : Washington dc

x_ Current Location : tennessee

x_ Eye Color : green

x_ Hair Color : brown2k2

x_ Righty or Lefty : right

x_ Zodiac Sign : aquarius or whatever it is

x_ Font : Arial 8pt for lyf!!!!!!!1111111111

[ series 2 - your favorite ]

x_ Music : Dunno.

x_ Cartoon : The Critic, The Tick, or Duckman

x_ Color : light blue maybe?

x_ Slushy Flavor : dunno

x_ Magazine : metal maniacs, guitar world, other guitar magazines(Spin sucks ass Jen.)

x_ TV Show : The same as cartoon+ Conan O'Brein

x_ Song : No.

x_ Language : I like Japanese I guess.

x_ Spice Girl : The slut..oh wait..they are all sluts

x_ Food & Beverage : ritz+dragonfruit sobe+roman noodles

x_ Subject in School : Math maybe?

x_ Weekend Activity : sleep

x_ Ice Cream Flavor : Vanilla oreo rules it though

x_ Roller Coaster : Dunno

[ series 3 - what is ]

x_ Your most overused phrase on aol : woot, asl, azn pryd, and more. asl wins though

x_ The first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning : Where is my Celine Dion shirt?

x_ The last image/thought you go to sleep with : your mom.

x_ The first feature you notice in the opposite sex : If they are a girl or not.

x_ The wussiest sport : pokemon card trading.

x_ Your best feature : I'm coolies!

x_ Your bedtime : Whenever.

x_ Your greatest fear: Dunno again.

x_ Your greatest accomplishment : Dunno again.

x_ Your most missed memory : The early 90's. =[ WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh:(

[ series 4 - you prefer ]

x_ Pepsi or coke : no.

x_ McDonald's or Burger King : mcdonalds

x_ Single or group dates : singles

x_ Adidas or Nike : nike

x_ Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers : neither

x_ Dogs or cats : cdunno

x_ Rugrats or Doug : doug rules 4 lyf azn pryd (Bebe and judy are hot, patty is nasty)

x_ Single or taken : single

x_ Monica or Brandy : neither

x_ Tupac or Jay-Z : Tupac owns you.

x_ Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes : Hahaha.

x_ Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : No

x_ One pillow or two : 3

x_ Chocolate or vanilla : vanilla

x_ Hot chocolate or hot cocoa : dunno

x_ Cappucino or coffee : ew

x_ Boxers or briefs : Briefs hurt my balls.

[ series 5 - do you ]

-- Have a(any) crush(es)? : yeah

-- Do you think you've been in love? : yeaj/

-- Want to go to college? : yes

-- Like high school? : Eh, better than prison.

-- Want to get married : sure.

-- Type with your fingers on the right keys? : sure.(Wtf why does every quiz have this question?)

-- Believe in yourself? : eh. i have a tad ego.

-- Have any tattoos/where? : no

-- Have any piercings/where? : no

-- Think you're a health freak? : i like to keep in shape.

-- Get along with your parents? : eh

-- Like thunderstorms? : yes.

[ series 6 - the future ]

-- Age you hope to be married : in da 2k2!!!!!! really, dunno.

-- Number and Names of Children : Dunno.

-- Where do you see yourself at age 20? : Either dead or in "Knoxvegas"

-- Descibe your Dream Wedding : With cake.

-- How do you want to die? : In a dead way.

-- What do you want to be when you grow up? : lawyer 2k2

-- What country would you most like to visit? : Japan probably or some "azn" country.

[ series 7 - opposite sex ]

-- Best eye color? : light blue/green

-- Best hair color? : brunettes is hotz0r

-- Short or long hair? : long..

-- Best height? : Not midget short, but shorter.

-- Best weight? : 900 pounds..wait no.

-- Best articles of clothing? : Anything they want to?

-- Best first date location? : Pokemon central. I think it would be nice to take a date in a bookstore, why? Dunno.

-- Best first kiss location? : in my pants.

[ series 8 - other ]

-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? : Dunno.

-- How many rings until you answer the phone? : Depends if it's my cell phone or not.

-- What's on your mouse pad? : gel stuff that's supposed to help my wrist.

-- How many houses have you lived in? : 4 or 5 or 6 or something

-- How many schools have you gone to? : 3 or 4 if you count headstart.

-- What color is your bedroom carpet? : I have tile downstairs and wood upstairs.

-- Would you shave your head for $5,000 dollars? : Damn straight.

-- If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things with you what would you take?: Uhm..a boat, porn, and porn.

-- What was your favorite kiss?: i don't know

-- What was the best time of your life so far? : Ah..that day..yeah..ask me about it..maybe.

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[28 Aug 2002|09:41pm]
[ music | kidney thieves-zerospace ]

I got my Celine Dion shirt in the mail. I look sexy to tha max0r in it.


I went to the mall and came back with more money.;x

I want this silver soccer ball at Champ's Sports someone buy for me I <3 j00.
There is this soccer ball this is likw 130 dollars..;=sports&action;=productTypeSearch&supercat;=sports&model;_nbr=33325&sku;=6570545S&id;=54987&mvp;=prod&sport;=all

Yeah bye.

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[27 Aug 2002|09:13pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | kidney thieves-zerospace ]

Hi. I went to see about the job today, and wow, the guy wasn't I have to go back tomorrow. Woot for Pre-Algebra in Algebra 2!!!!! Okay. I never say anything here.;\



i thought

i was over someone




it's cool




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[25 Aug 2002|11:29pm]
[ music | incubus-circles ]

Hello there. Nothing is going on really...I might get a job in the next week, I might not, who knows. I need me a lady. Haha lady is so fun to say.


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[25 Aug 2002|05:44pm]

You are Fozzie!
Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.

Couldn't be more perfect.

woot for lame jokes.
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[24 Aug 2002|08:07pm]
[ music | carcass-child's play ]

~~** You **~~

1. What is your full name? Sam
2. How many ppl know your middle name? I don't know. Am I supposed to count them?
3. When is your birthday? February 14 woot for me.
4. Do you know anyone with the same birthday?Sure.
5. How old are you? 15

~~** School **~~
6. What grade are you in? 10th
7. What is your favorite Class in school? Hahaha. Let's see..In French, it's funny because she mumbles so much, in Prime Time, my teacher is a cowboy, in Algebra 2, my teacher is a slut, in Geometry, my teacher is a midget..hahaha so many to choose from.
8. What kind of grades do you get? woot for good grades this year.
9. Are you a member of student council? we even have those?
10. Have you ever skipped school or a class? Sure.

~~** Sports **~
11. What is your favorite sport to play? basketball, soccer..uh..that's it I guess.
12. What is your favorite sport to watch? Horse racing. Haha Jockey=funny. And Soccer.
13. What is your favorite team? I don't know.
14. What is your least favorite team? ^
15. What is the sexiest sport uniform? Swimming. Haha they are almost nude.

~~** Boyz/ Girlz **~~
16. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? Sure thing.
17. What is his/her name? Larry King.:-*
18. How long did your longest relationship last? Dunno.
19. What is the nicest gift that you got from the opposite sex **family dont count**. DUDE uh..uh...uh...uhm..Megan called me a fag one time. Does that count?
20. Who is the best at kissing? ?
21. What do you look for in a girl/guy? Make sure they don't have Lockjaw.
22. Describe the perfect girl/boyfriend? marie osmond.

~~** Sex**~~
23. Did the word sex grab your eye? No.
24. How many hours a day do you think about sex? Not really much.
25. Ever have a sex dream? Who was it about? ?
26. Who do you want to make babies with? My cat.
27. What is the kinkiest sex toy? A Chainsaw.
28. What is the most important part of having sex? That your date isn't Emilio Esteves
29. Whats your fantasy? I want to have Emeril "bam!" me. lolz!
30. Who do you want to see nakie? The queen of England.

~~** Other Stuff **~~
30. What is your favorite smell? Dunno?
31, What is your dream car? Pacman.
32. Have you ever heard of Veggie Tales? No.

What is your
favorite Veggie Tales song? I can't answer this if I don't know what it is, honey.
33. What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? hax0r j00

34. What do you do in the shower? **DETAILS** I clean myself..;/ wtf else should I do?
35. What are you wearing right now? **DETAILS** Dude, this isn't a phone sex line, you have to pay for that.
36. What did you wear to bed last nite? Your mom.

~~** Just 4 Girlz **~~
37. Tampons or pads? 38. Thong, G String, Bikini String, Bikini, Grandma, or I dont wear underwear!!?? 39. Push up bra, sport bra, padded bra, water bra, miracle bra, regular bra, no bra? 40. Kisses~~ on the cheek, quick pecks, juicy kiss on the lips,, a lil tounge, lots of tounge, deep slobbery tounge?

~~** Just 4 Guyz **~~
41. Boxers, brief, whity~tightys, long underwear, thong, power rangers, none. I don't believe in clothing.
42. When kissing a girl~no lipgloss or lots of lipgloss? Poon.
43. Kisses~~ on the cheek, quick pecks, juicy kiss on the lips,, a lil tounge, lots of tounge, deep slobbery tounge. Slap me.
44. Do you wear dirty sox? ** a lot of guys do!! ** Lmfao socks, socks are funny.
45. Ever seen porn? Whoo, go porn.
46. Has a girl ever told you that you smell good?Yeh
47. How many times a day do you masturbate? **cmon admit it boys u know you do it lol**
a. 5
b. 10
c. 20
d. too many times to count

Masturbate sounds funny.
48. Do you like Big ass or Little ass? Eww, child porn.
49. Do you like Big Tits or no tits? Uhm..if I liked no tits I'd probably date a really bad drag queen.


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[22 Aug 2002|09:29pm]
[ music | Malice Mizer-Syunikiss ]

Aren't upper classmen supposed to get preference of class in High School? Apparently, not in mine. I signed up for Spanish, didn't get it, guess what? 10 freshmen did. Ha. Oh well, French is nice.=] switched classes weren't bad, I got to be in classes with some people I hadn't had classes with in a while. My Algebra 2 teacher...god..keep in mind the bolded Algebra 2...yesterday, our homework was make circles on paper..hahaa.. and today, she was sitting on a desk..and fell off...then she spent 5 minutes on 51+51 trying to work it out. haha...yeah..Algebra 2 teacher..I told her the answer and she still tried to work it out, I just sat there and laughed. Die Vocational kids.(Yeah mean but ahhh)

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[21 Aug 2002|10:44pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Red Hot Chili peppers-scar tissue ]

Hello, does anyone view this? I doubt. I don't have much to say or to do really.
People are weird this year, a lot of people have changed, as have I..some people don't feel like talking to me or seem reluctant to, oh well. The school had to switch my classes, I knew that they couldn't leave it alone, they switched Algebra 2 and Art's periods around..beh. Being lonely is gay. Beh again. I haven't seen a lot of people this year, people that I'd rather not see, I see every few minutes..there are 100 new people at our school, not counting the Freshmen. They are from the tech and vocational school, 200 more are supposed to come in November or thing, our school was barely big enough for everyone last year. They added a few parts..but nerves have been kinda crazy lately..dunno..

I could use a job, I'm too lazy to get one, I'll probably wait until I'm 16 so I can work longer..

My Algebra 2 class before they changed me was crazy..37 people..the teacher is a whore too.(seriously, ask me about it sometime) I got moved out of it because of that, I still have the same teacher though, the principal said it was either make the class smaller or pay 75,000 dollars..weird.

This year's Freshmen got to skip Algebra I and Physical Science..beh..I'm lazy so that's what I'm leaving that at.

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[15 Aug 2002|10:50pm]
School starts Monday. I am still sleeping until 5 pm. Whoops.
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[09 Aug 2002|01:03am]
My classes=


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[09 Aug 2002|12:49am]
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