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Desdemonia of the Jrock Inferno's LiveJournal
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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in Desdemonia of the Jrock Inferno's LiveJournal:

    Friday, January 25th, 2002
    7:30 pm
    Wow wow wow... Well, over Christmas, I went to visit Aiko chan again! IT was my birthday present!!! *dances and bounces* Well... erm, stuff went from there, and I just have to say "AIKO!!! Dare yori mo nani yori mo AISHITERU!!! I cannot WAIT for spring break!"

    *blushes and hides* Well, I'll try to be more consistant from now on! Hope stuff's better Shinya, and Chiharu, I haven't heard from you in a while? And of course, Kit, if you read this... Aiko/Rei-chan and I have worked things out, if you didn't know yet... It's all HAPPY!!! ^-^


    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: Selective Sunburn - Breathless Whispers
    Friday, November 30th, 2001
    6:30 pm
    Wow, I'm soooo lazy! It's been forever... I dunno. I think I'm getting sick. And Teags says something is wrong with me. Whatever! *lol*
    Hi everyone!
    I LOVE KANA!!!

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: KANA - chimame
    Wednesday, June 20th, 2001
    12:59 pm
    Meep! I leave tomorrow!!!! o.O I have packing to do... Why am I on here? Oh yeah, that's right. I have to finish downloading music for my CDs... And the ONLY reason I'm listening to Jpop (Imai Eriko, to be precise) is 'cause that's the only CD I felt was complete enough to burn... (Speed is actually the group that got me into Jmusic... at age 11 or so... It's been rotting my brain since then... x.O All Jmusic, that is.)

    I don't know if I'll be able to post at Rei-chan/Aiko-chan's house... but I can try... Just in case I can't, ato minna! (Actually, ato Shinya... ^'^() I think you're the only one that reads these posts... Correct me if I'm wrong...)

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: Listening to Jpop!! o.O
    Monday, June 18th, 2001
    5:00 pm
    Well, I'm here, posting to myself and anyone else who happens to wander here... ^'^()
    That's my new Kyo face! Kawaii, ne? *Sigh* I leave for Minnesota in three days... Japanese camp!!! Then for Japan the day after I get back from camp - July 22... Well, I'll say bye to anyone who reads this! Not sure how many more times I can post, but I'll try!!!


    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Malice Mizer - Gardenia
    Sunday, June 17th, 2001
    5:49 pm
    I'm such an idiot. Really, I am. I can never post to the right spot, either. What is _wrong_ with me??? I'm so self-destructive, it isn't even funny...

    Current Mood: worried
    Current Music: Janne Da Arc - RED ZONE
    5:43 pm
    Okay, I did it. This is mostly for chiharu, 'cause I think I scared her with my plotting! Anyway, I just put up my newest DeG fic that I wrote with my friend. It's a yaoi lemon (I'm blaming the lemon part on her) and there's quite a bit of language, so if that offends you, I apologize. (It's _not_ just pointless lemon, tho! There is a plot, and it involves *gasp* death!!!)

    ~ Yokan ~

    Enjoy and please tell me what you think! (Just in 'case you don't know, Yokan means premonition...)

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Current Music: Janne Da Arc - Mysterious
    Thursday, June 14th, 2001
    9:37 pm
    So... Request time from me... I was hoping that someone on here would have the new DeG and MM pictures, or could at least tell me where to find them... Those, and where can I download Gardenia???? o.X I'm going out of my mind...

    I don't suppose anyone can tell me of any good live-houses or stores in Kumamoto Prefecture? (Like there are any... ><()) I'm going bonkers 'cause my friend's gonna be in Osaka, around all the INDIES stores... And the JROCKERS!!!! >.< I think I won't be able to find ANY Jrock at all. Someone take pity on me, please?

    Current Mood: infuriated
    Current Music: Malice Mizer - Brise
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