Mr/z. ¡ntersexuaL ¡doL.â¢'s journal
The idoL Hirself
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" Everything you think, feel, and do is right,
Everything you think, feel, and do is wrong;
And there is no right or wrong. "
" I will live by my own policies.
I will sleep with a clear conscience.
I will sleep in peace. "
--Sinead O'Connor
"...Ladies are the kind of people who won't let my girlfriend use the public ladies' room, thinking she's not a woman. Oh, but they're not going to let her use the men's room either--they're not going to let her be a man either. If she's not a man, and she's not a woman, then what is she? Once I asked my mother what fire was: a solid, liquid, or gas? And she said it wasn't any one of those things--it was something that happened to things: a force of nature, she called it. Maybe that's what she is: a force of nature. For sure she is something that happened to me..."
--Holly Hughes
" The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction
when it could be turned into momentum. "
--Frances Willard
" Nothing's sugary & PC in the real world. "
" Confidence, like art, never comes from having all the answers;
it comes from being open to all the questions. "
--Earl Gray Stevens
" I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagintation.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited;
Imagination encircles the world."
--Albert Einstein
"Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is
regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable."
-- Sydney J. Harris
" Now what I contend, is that my body is my own; at least I have always so regarded it.
If I do harm to it through my experiments, it is I who suffers,
not the state. "
--Mark Twain
" Question everything. Every stripe, every star, every word spoken. Everything. " --Ernest J. Gaines
" Held for one moment I remember a song
An impression of sound
Then everything is gone Forever
A strange day..."
"Strange day", The Cure.
"...Gentle Branches made of Gold
A whirl of white, of Night entombed
Be not sad in thought,
Your thoughts one day will cease
It does not matter how or why
Gentle branches shall enfold thee
Our father, who art in heaven
Hollow be thy name
Thy kingdom come,
Thy wisdom spun in surgery and circumcision
Thy kingdom come.
Thy vision hung in sanity and in derision..." --Rozz Williams, Shadow project, "Thy Kingdom Come"
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2002
11.41 pm -- .
Tiny, indivisible energy packets called quanta excite me.
current mood: contemplative current music: He's never early, he's always late...
| Tuesday, September 24th, 2002
11.23 pm
| Thursday, June 27th, 2002
10.54 pm -- Food for thought, anyone?
Ever learn about Giordano Bruno in school? Ofcourse not; not like they have time to introduce us to characters that are actually worth knowing about....
Sixteenth century philosopher,poet, self made astronomer of sorts, and former Dominican priest who left the order in sake of his beliefs about the universe as we know it.
In 1576, immediately after forsaking the church, he wandered round Europe as a traveling philosopher. His ideas were that if the seemingly uncountable stars of the universe were all suns, how many other worlds like Earth might be out there? These notions of infinite other worlds out there did not sit well with a church that believed strongly that the Earth and mankind were unique among God's handiwork.
In 1593, after publishing a few books proclaiming his radical ideas, he was lured back to Rome by the promise of a new job, and turned over to the inquisition. For eight years, Bruno remained in chains in Rome's Castel Sant'Angelo, to be ruthlessly interrogated. Finally, after a trial by Jesuit Cardinal Robert Bellamarine, one of the churches so-called greatest intellectuals at the time, Bruno was then sentenced to death. In all this, he was unrepentant to the end; said he: " I have nothing to recant, nor will I. In pronouncing my sentence, your fear is greater than mine in hearing it."
To make doubly sure he'd be true to his word and not recant, Jesuit and Dominican priests overseeing his trial clamped his jaw with an iron gag, pierced his tongue with an iron spike, and stuck another spike through his palate. On Saturday, February Nineteenth, 1600, he was carted through Rome, then stripped his clothes where the priests burned him at the stake.
Viewed at the time as either a complete heretic or, at best, a misguided philosopher, Bruno left no indelible impact on astronomy or cosmology, save that his visionary notion of other worlds that is still considered a possibility by modern astronomers who seek out extraterrestrial life.
After all this, his chief piece of astronomical posterity is a crater on the moon, which was named after him.
So, for what cause would you allow yourself to spend years in prison, be stripped naked, gagged, tied to a stake, paraded through the streets of Rome with your jaw clamped shut, a spike piercing your tongue, and another through your palate? Thereafter your prospect to be burned alive? ....Perhaps for family, your country, or religion? Or how about for an idea?
Courage just doesn`t come anymore like it did. We can say what we wish in this day and age, and believe exactly what we'd like. Amazing to speculate on a time when we'd be roasted terrifically for the way the lot of us parade around in our fluxing hair colours and see through clothing.
My new Hero.
current mood: thoughtful
| Friday, June 7th, 2002
10.32 pm
| Sunday, April 28th, 2002
10.02 pm -- *Master of all observation and unreal perception makes a declaration*
A lot of people are dying. Bye.
current mood: what, you expected more? current music: some shitty rap the japaneezer next to be is blaring.
| Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
3.00 pm -- Hello.
So it's good to see no one's life is any better on LJ. One peek on to my friend's list and that's settled. Wanna hear something funny that i just can`t get over? Last time i checked into LJ some half-wit asked me in anonymous why exactly i was so Anti- London After Midnight. People are so cowardly they need to hide to ask that? Shit damn, people.
My cat is in heat. Some one told me cats have periods. I'll be damned if i've ever seen her shiznitz anywhere round here.... :\
I watched brain surgery on the teevee yesterday. He had to speak and use his mobile skills all through it. That's just awesome.
Miles likes to cook. I am so glad Miles likes to cook. Gee whiz do i hate cooking food; i sure do like to eat it tho.
Do any of you like Pickles and Peanut Butter? i think that is just ill, but enough people have some strange liking for this, so i am wondering if i am the crazy one cuz i won`t eat it?
Some man came to my door yesterday and tried to sell me Sparklets. The nerve of people who go trying to sell things at your door. If i tried to do that for a day, I'd take one look at the person answering the door and say, " Hi ma'am. I see you drink water or some sort of liquid, and.... .... .. shit. Don`t mind me. I feel like an ass. Bye now." How can you sell things door to door or on the phone and have any dignity, i ask? YOU CAN`T.
Some lady stuck her fingers in my snatch earlier. Yes. that's right. I had the pleasure of a lovely pap today.
I need new chues.
Some bitch woke me up the other day at 9.15 by playing blondie at top fucking volume. I have no problem with blondie, but ruin my sleep and hell hath no fury. So i rattled her damn brains with a Sex Gang Children/ Virgin prunes/Penis flytrap mix i made.
Another quote of the moment:
Miles: " I just love those '52 girls. Beehives are just awesome. SO Rock'N'Roll !!"
| Saturday, February 16th, 2002
9.11 pm
If i took you off my 'friend's list' it's because i don`t have time/desire to read the sorts of things you write.
current mood: blank current music: Just nod if you can hear me
| Wednesday, January 30th, 2002
2.00 am -- A request: The next trivial thing you online test takers do; do this.
-I believe if you know how to do one thing well in your life; learn how to question. -I don`t believe i will ever be too old for the smurfs. -I have strange desires to staple stuffed animals to my walls. -I am head over heels for a certain Bear named Miles, and i'm a corny, sick love puppy. yes i am. -I hate car alarms. -I hate people who feel the need to bump their shit music, yet i will play mine as loud as i wish. -I say i hate a lot of things, yet, respectively, i don`t believe i've ever truly felt hate. Nor do i believe most people have either. -I laugh at people who get offended easily. -I really don`t understand people who feel the need to get violent, But maybe if someone tried to physically hurt someone i loved, i would. -I only feel estrogen in the presence of small furry things. -Pride in one's country is the ultimate sign of weakness and embarrassing aimlessness. -I don`t respect people who have bad grammar. Yes. I am a grammar nazi. -? in fact...?I don`t respect most people. -The only people who can compete for respect are those who have conviction; any will do. -I don`t understand goth anymore. -?and...?i don`t want to. wishlists are the most unbelievable thing to come out of the internet in awhile; no that is not a good thing when i say that. -DOWN with body hair. -I automatically distrust people who prefer dogs to cats; yet if you like one and not the other, i'll also distrust you. -I want a ferret. -...and an elephant. -...and a snake. -?...come to think...? I want one of every animal. -I am deathly afraid of the ocean, yet i am keenly obsessed with it. -I think underwear are pointless. -I want to grab Miles' bum. NOW. -I am fond of J-Rockers, but not the music so much. -I am fond of deathrock, but not deathrockers so much. -I think it would be cool if Oprah died, and think what you wanna think, i don`t mean that to be morbid or slimey. it would honestly be intriguing. -Also... i think it's high time madonna went too; or maybe Michael Jackson.
* Inspired by This.
current mood: awake current music: None.
| Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
1.37 am -- Oh man.
Heh. This is the most ridiculous thing i've seen in LJLand in a long time; ever since that Beautiful Freaks community. HAH. The only thing worse than a 'goth'; a 'Christian Goth'! I mean. It really makes no sense to me. All pre-packaged goths are people who crave togetherness, All Christians are the same; a place to go to feel accepted. So if you already had that in religion, why turn to 'goth'? Actually, the more i think about it, the more it makes sense. Two titles to hold that both grant their wearers a niche with fellow man. They go hand & hand, don`t they?
current mood: amused current music: If you think i am a nazi, well you get a gold star.
| Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
9.50 pm -- aye-y'eye-y'eye. pinch? asshole.
I can`t believe these boots. You know which boots of which i speak. ...squared off toe; rectanglish kinda heel... I will lash out quite violently next time some blonde thunks by in them. Nothing unnerves me more than watching all those hollywood morons go thumping off in their stylish boots, whilst looking like they've shit their skivvies.
---Valid point of the day--- If you're going to wear heels, learn how to function in them. Sometimes throughout the day, one might have to pump one's legs back and again in a scissor like motion called walking. I don`t think these people remember to consider that when they purchase such shoes. Argh...
P.s...In other news, today Miles and i noted that it's high time Oprah got raveled up in a tasty little scandal; preferable a sexual one. I can see it now: "OPRAH CAUGHT DIDDLING LOCAL YOUNGSTERS." Oh yeah, and about that asshole who is called Dr. Phil... Well, we've not yet come up with something brutal enough for him.
current mood: amused current music: FLA ? "Justify my love"
| Saturday, January 12th, 2002
2.30 am -- That's the pain... it cuts a straight line down through the heart,we called it love.
| Friday, January 11th, 2002
3.20 pm -- oh, how i love all of the very simple things of life/[God's good air]!
Smells are very important to us. We hardly give enough credit to pheromones and things of that nature. The other night i was walking along, i smelled something awfully familiar. It's the strangest feeling; i could almost recall a certain instance or string of them from early in my life, just based on this one smell. Now... go ahead and ask me what exactly it was i smelt? I've no idea, truly. Was it a plant, or a tree? or some common household thing excreting from someone's house? i have no idea, i cannot recall... which leads me to believe i never knew; ... as when we are children we don`t bother to seek the information about these things. Isn`t that amazing how much goes unnoticed around us?
| Thursday, January 10th, 2002
2.03 pm -- Inspired by all of these.
You wake up everyday and you fear life. You wonder why your's has to be the way it is, and why you got stuck with it. Soon years will pass by and melt into what seems like a dream, and you'll still be sitting there wondering what went wrong..... WHY?? Make the decision to live or die. Yeah... that might seem totally irrational an ultimatum... but is it really? What kind of life is it to live yours always wishing it was different? It's amazing how things such as a financial situtation, or a lover can take ahold of us and completely leave us without sight of what should be really important. And above all else, usually nothing can have this effect on us like the past. If you chose to LIVE, you chose to let go. Relinquish the grasp you have on a time, a situation, or a moment in which you lost everything or could have done something to make it different ?for the better?. It's so easy to let those moments dictate the rest of your life; to carry these times around with you is the burden of death, or might as well be, anyways.
I post these things not because i've come to any higher level than everyone else, but because sometimes you just have moments when you see what really matters, ? Some more often than others...? and by posting it, i might come back in a not so aware moment, and perhaps awaken again.
current mood: awake current music: Cinema Strange ? En Hiver
| Tuesday, January 8th, 2002
12.27 am -- I got my state board date... w133333!
ABOUT FUCKING TIME@! Feb. f)oi(st imma be a cosmetologist.
hey guess what.
I heard ACE OF BASE today.
current mood: yeyah! current music: I SAW THE SIGN AND IT OPENED UP MEH EYUHS
| Friday, January 4th, 2002
12.52 am -- ... la vie d'un homme, c'est son image ...
| Thursday, January 3rd, 2002
1.50 am -- ----
'wishlists', the internet vs. real life, mind games, plastic, christmas, web cams, clubs, bars,your social sect, your family, your friends, your lovelife, social grace, double meanings, pretense, your car, your cigarettes, your drugs and other obsessions; your entire world.
do you see the distinction?.....
...i Don`t.
current mood: contemplative
| Wednesday, January 2nd, 2002
"How was your christmas..?" "How was your New year's?.." "Season's Greetings!..." "Happy holidays!..."
Oh, go to hell. What do all these have in common? They're annoying as hell, unoriginal, and getting really old. I really like how you all pretend like these things matter; Christmas and such. You're shitting me and everyone else if you don`t think Christmas is a child's holiday, and New year's is for overworked lame asses teetering on the edge of an anxiety attack; hoping next year will be better than this year, since lord knows it really grabbed you by the balls; who still wish they had a holiday to take the pains of of reality away and give them just one more reason to get shitfaced. Hey man. Why need a reason? " Times of togetherness", oh BLAH. Most people hate one or more individuals in their 'family', does it make sense you'd want to BE with them?? even for a day? Go out and create your OWN holiday. Or better yet, take time to make everyday a reason to get shitfaced and celebrate.
That is all.
current mood: annoyed
| Monday, December 17th, 2001
7.20 pm -- We don`t want people to "tell us what They think we want to hear"....
... But get insulted when they actually heed your words. Hmm. You know... there are certain things you just " don`t say " .... Why is that? We are brought up in the states and most other places, to be hyper sensitive. Some one gets what i call morbidly honest with you, and most likely you take offense. These social graces cause me great confusion. For a society who places so much weight on not ' saying things behind our backs', We sure don`t appreciate truth very much either.
Btw-- i think your hair is lame/ugly/ [and, or] overrated.
current mood: discontent current music: SGC ¤ Assassin Years
| Monday, December 10th, 2001
8.20 am -- Three cheers for fookingk me...
I, Raven Chris/tine Shine am now a legally ordained Reverend. Courtesy of United Life Heh heh heh. I can now unite people in holy fucking matrimony and give one helluva funeral service. ? Blood and guts and everything..i mean, what good are those things after you die anyways...??
You know you all are jealous....
But seriously tho.... ^ That's pretty funny, huh? Heh heh. i thought still think so. :D
current mood: amused current music: Penis Flytrap ? Now
| Friday, December 7th, 2001
4.51 pm -- Why thank you my persistant chums...
.. For yet again you've filled my friend's pages with excitement otherwise known as online tests and other pinfeather-ishness. But you know what? This thing is actually sort of fun.
Raven (Old English)
~ meaning ~ Blackbird
~ motivation ~ Wanting to be successful in life
~ character ~ Has no fear
~ feelings ~ Relaxed at all times
~ intelligence ~ A person able to think logically
~ spiritual ~ Their inner strength overcomes obstacles
~ nature ~ Is always jovial
~ inherent ~ Noted for your serenity
Miles (Greek/Latin)
~ meaning ~ Soldier
~ motivation ~ Has a conviction in life
~ character ~ Has empathy with others
~ feelings ~ A person who is loving and caring
~ intelligence ~ Is intelligent and wise
~ spiritual ~ Peaceful and calm
~ nature ~ Someone who is friendly and outgoing
~ inherent ~ Has artistic qualities
current mood: content current music: Wolfshiem ¤ Heroin, she said...