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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in emo kid's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, October 29th, 2002
    12:25 am
    help meeeee
    I have a story for you guys. A story about some people and some pets. It not exactly exciting, it sounds lame, but it's gotten me pretty frustrated and I want to ask what everyone thinks should be done about this situation.

    It's a story about two people we all know, but I'm changing their names. We'll call them mike and steve. These randomly selected names will prove that I'm not making any personal attacks.

    Anyway, Mike and Steve both have pet iguanas. For a while, Steve was watching Mike's iguana. He gladly volunteered to do this and Mike was under the assumption that his iguana would be taken care of. Well, when Mike went to pick his iguana up, he found both of them in the corner of Steve's room, in the dark, with no food, no water, no heat, no light, crammed into a tiny 5 gallon plastic container, with gross sand at the bottom. He was pretty upset, and took both the iguanas to his house to take care of them. He put them in a 20 gallon aquarium equipped with proper lighting heating, food, water, a substrate, and everything they could need. Mike didn't mind watching the iguanas for a while, because Steve promised to get everything his would need and take care of him the right way. When Mike picked up the iguanas he noticed Steve's iguana had several broken bones. He told Steve that he was taking it to the vet. Steve said that was fine, that he would pay him within a few days for the vet bill, and when the iguana's bones were healed, he would take him home.

    This would normally be fine, except for the fact that Steve now refuses to pick his iguana up and to pay the $73 vet bill. The situation gets worse when the iguanas start fighting. Mike tells Steve to come over and get his, and Steve refuses once again. As Steve's iguana gets rougher and bigger, he breaks mike's iguana's arm. badly. Mike then has to go to the vet again and pay another expensive bill. One totalling $121. One that would have been avoided if Steve had got his iguana like he promised he would. Mike gave Steve PLENTY of notice before this happened but Steve refused and still refuses to get his iguana, or simply give Mike the spare aquarium he just got. That would be just as good, because the main concern is that they can't live together. And Steve refuses to pay bills that he promised he would.

    So I want you guys to all tell me what should be done here. Should Steve pay the bills? What should Mike do with Steve's iguana? What the hell should be done here?!?!

    If you took the time to read that and comment, thank you. It's a rather stressful situation and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Sunday, October 27th, 2002
    1:24 pm
    What the hell is a Kogepan?!?!
    Which Kogepan Are You?
    Thursday, October 24th, 2002
    2:58 pm
    The answer to all of Erich's problems:

    What Color Eyes Should You Have?

    brought to you by Quizilla
    Tuesday, October 22nd, 2002
    6:32 pm

    So Joe and I hung out in the Center Campus kayfay, and it was pretty sweet. Talked about our shows coming up at Dale's, and had an encounter with Denim Cowboy! AHHH!!!!

    The shows are gonna be sweet.

    So is winterguard. We changed our song too. haha well I changed the song actually. It's now "Welcome to Paradise." I picked a Green Day song, surprise surprise!!!!

    Speaking of which, I'm going to do some fundraising crap tonite, so if anyone is bored and wants to go for a walk with me, because you love me, call my cell or something. And if you like throwing assorted dangerous objects around and hitting people you don't like with big metal poles, I damn well better see you at tryouts.

    Thanks once again to those who commented during National I Love Megan Week! I love you all too!!!! Rest assured I will make up more holidays and such in the future.

    It's almost new guitar time!!!! fuck yahhh!!!! I hope it's here and done in time! I'm sure it will be tho. Yayy!!!!

    That is all for now...later~

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Friday, October 18th, 2002
    6:51 pm
    I need to stop by guitar center today or tomorrow! who's with me?
    3:33 pm
    What an awesome week. Maybe my "Nothing ever works" phase is finally over!!!! Because things are totally rockin right now.

    I'm supposed to go to school tonite for the orchestra concert, but I don't know anyone who's going. Sigh. Oh well. I'm not even in the orchestra......yet.

    Wednesday, October 16th, 2002
    1:19 am
    Today was awesome! In fact, LOTS of things are awesome right now!!!! Yayy!!!!

    Current Mood: jubilant
    Sunday, October 13th, 2002
    12:05 am
    My first year of Jazz Band in high school, I'm all excited to play Birdland. Then they tell me they've been playing it for so many years that they're not gonna do it anymore.

    My first year of college jazz band, I'm all excited to play Birdland. Then they tell me about how they played it all last year, and they don't wanna do it anymore.

    My first year away from high school, and the marching band does a Latin Jazz show, which includes Birdland.

    What the F????

    Current Mood: AHHHHH!!!!!! hehe
    Current Music: um....Birdland
    Thursday, October 10th, 2002
    4:21 am
    Ohhhh it's so true!!!! Well, half of it anyway.

    Which Office Space Character Are You?

    brought to you by Quizilla

    Current Mood: awake
    Wednesday, October 9th, 2002
    2:14 pm
    We finally got practice space!!!!

    This is gonna rock.

    Auditions are Wednesday, November 20th, and Friday November 22nd, 3-6 pm, in the Fraser High School band room. Be there or be rectangular.

    Yay for Winterguard!!!! Yay for Friction!!!!

    Current Mood: ecstatic
    12:52 am
    Does anyone have another LJ code I can use? I'll give you one back, I promise!!!!

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Monday, October 7th, 2002
    12:59 am
    Anti-Hunting Antics
    Kati told me a funny joke! I'm gonna send it to Justin, I'm sure he'll be VERY amused hehe....gotta love hunters.

    Two hunters are walking through the woods when all of the sudden, one gasps, clutches at his heart, and falls over. The second hunter is so confused and dosen't know what to do, so he calls 911. He tells them, "My friend just fell over and I think he's dead!" The 911 operator tells him, "Okay, stay calm. We need you to make sure he's dead." The operator hears a gunshot followed by, "Okay, now what?"

    HAHA! HI-larious!

    Current Mood: amused
    12:06 am
    A true vegan....
    My best friend is a fruit.

    Current Mood: amused
    Sunday, October 6th, 2002
    6:31 pm
    I finally got a letter from Justin the other day! It's about damn time!!!!
    2:22 pm
    Finally some good things?
    I think so.

    Here's a big update to temporarily cure your boredom.

    Friday was rockin. Ben's party was fun, everyone was there and we wrote Ben some fun birthday songs, and serenaded him throughout the night. Jay and I talked and straightened some things out and we're kool again. So that's definitely good.

    Then yesterday Bob, Kevin, and I had some crazy schemes. Bob ended up with some free shoes. haha it was so koooool. Then it was off to Dale's to show off the free shoes, watch Lauren Janice and Gena dance around and fall over, and listen to more fun stories from Jerry.

    We still need practice space for winterguard this year.....arg, I don't know where to find it! Someone build me a gym right now! or tell me where I should go to ask for space.

    I think we are supposed to practice today. I dunno though. Show on the 2nd, yayy!

    Im freakin hungry. I'm gonna go get food.


    Current Mood: okay
    Friday, October 4th, 2002
    7:53 pm
    What a shitty day. John and I will go to Ben's house. That will probably make me feel better.


    Current Mood: distressed
    8:57 am
    Sometimes things suck.

    This is one of those times.
    Thursday, October 3rd, 2002
    2:01 am
    I miss you.

    Current Mood: lonely
    Wednesday, October 2nd, 2002
    6:25 pm
    Of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Current Mood: excited
    Monday, September 30th, 2002
    2:06 pm
    yay for band!
    Well, I'm still a band dork even after I leave high school. Tonight my concert band dealy starts, and it's not an official class, so anyone can do it. so all you people that can play stuff should be there! It's at Dakota, i think around 7. so besides the obvious people I know are joining it, if you are going to or want to you should call my cell phone or something, 586 909-0993. the more people I go with, the less lost I am, that's a good thing
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