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audio engineering

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Of all people, I know you all will know :) [02 Nov 2002|12:52pm]

Okay, if any of you use eMagic Logic Audio, I need your help.

I cant seem to figure out how to "render" finalized songs to wav or mp3 or something. Its so easy in Acid, but all the things in Logic seem to just move the audio files somewhere else, without the effects and everything.

So, anyone know?

thanks in advance.
2 tracks | hit record

New LiveJournal Based Project [22 Oct 2002|05:43pm]
You are invited to contribute lists of sounds that you have heard (or saw but could not hear) to an ongoing log of acoustic events. Read more... )
I will try to create a list each day. The lists that you create can be added as comments to the lists that I post. That's all! I look forward to your contributions
2 tracks | hit record

[22 Oct 2002|06:52pm]


Does anyone know of a good RTAS amp simulation plugin?

*sigh* Damn Amp Farm for being a TDM plugin...

Thanky! :)
6 tracks | hit record

AIFF's/WAV's --> MP3's [22 Oct 2002|12:06am]

[ mood | happy ]

IS there any way to conserve sound quality when converting less compressed digital audio files (e.g., SD II, AIFF, WAV, etc...) to MP3 format? We're talking 128kbs, here.

1 track | hit record

So, what do you think? [17 Oct 2002|08:22pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | something ]

Im starting to think about my engineer career.

Heres what I'v got so far:

Attend either IAR (, or SAE ( (both in NYC) for the one year course. Then attend Fredonia School of Music for 3 years to get my bachelors (SAE and IAR give you Diplomas worth 1 year towards your bachelors.)

What have you all done?

4 tracks | hit record

So, hey! [15 Oct 2002|06:05pm]

[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | nin - deep ]

Hey. My name is Jared, and I just stumbled upon this community in my search for some answers to some stuff.

Iv been into making music (electronica, industrial, some other stuff) for a few years now.

The only problem is that I'm 16 and totally broke... :)

So, heres my setup:

My beast (AMD xp1600, 512 ddr 2100, 30 gig hdd for windows and programs, 80 gig hdd for audio, Creative Audigy) running acid pro 3.0, logic audio platinum 5, cubase, and some other programs for different things.
Roland Jv-1010
A decent Carvin mixer (I cant tell you the model off hand, its at a friends house)

Now, I'v been into recording for some time but I cant seem to figure this one out

No matter how I record my guitar, it always sounds so... well, crappy. I generally plug directly into a mixer, and I have a DOD direct box for that. Everything is balanced as far as I know, and I run the mixer into my computer via the "tape outs" (I have a cable that goes 2 RCA to 1 1/4").

I dont know if its my soundcard, or some hardware settings I have, or what. But whenever I record anything, it ALWAYS sounds so.. empty. I cant figure it out.

Its a pain in the ass.

Is it my card?

Anyone else extremely cheap, and use an audigy? Should I get a recording-specific card?

Eeep. Help :)

10 tracks | hit record

[15 Oct 2002|02:42pm]

Lenny Kravitz really likes smash compressing his drum sounds, doesn't he?
9 tracks | hit record

[14 Oct 2002|04:40pm]

im really annoyed right now. i finaly found the school that i really want to go to for my degree in audio engineering. the expression center for new media in emeryville california.. its roughly $34,000 for a 14 month course. granted, i dont have the money for it, but i am willing to get student loans.

heres my problem. my mom has always told methat there is no money in audio engineering, which we all know is one big fat load of bull shit. when she heard the price, she flipped. my parents dont even pay for anything of mine..and thats including my education. fuck her for trying to stop me from following the dream ive had for years now.

does anyone know where i can find a credible audio engineering FAQ, that will help me prove to her that the carreer that ive always wanted is one that i can support myself off of? or else shes going to be nothing but trouble for me.
8 tracks | hit record

Save Internet Radio! [13 Oct 2002|01:44pm]

There's been a lot of talk about webcasting..
Educational and Community Radio stations are in danger of paying outrageous fines, etc....

Here's where you can find the latest info:
hit record

[09 Oct 2002|12:52am]

I'm designing a studio for no compromise production and tracking. I'd track and begin mixes here... then move them to major studios for more tracks or mixing with fancy outboard gear. I... will not have the money for this for... quite a while, and it'll change by the time I do, of course. But, it's fun to fantasize.

My proposed production/tracking studio setup: )
hit record

Sound like a good plan?... [05 Oct 2002|11:29am]

[ music | Bonobo - Never ]

I'm definitely planning on getting a Powerbook G4...

But what do you think about the Korg D12

<a href=""></a>

And the E-Mu Systems XL-7??

12 tracks | hit record

[01 Oct 2002|08:43pm]

[ mood | i need a cigarette ]

i just got a job in the pro-audio department at the guitar center.... yay!

hit record

Microphones [26 Sep 2002|01:27pm]

[ music | VHS or Beta - Heaven ]

Anyone have any opinions on the Sony C-800 and C-800G?

hit record

I guess that I should intro myself too... [26 Sep 2002|12:43am]

[ music | Delirium - Innocente (DJ Tiesto Remix) ]

The ambienceman...

Straight Outta NY....

Basically, I'm an undergrad student studying electrical engineering.......with specialty in telecommunications.

Oh yeah, I also dilly around with some audio production. I have a Roland XP-10, Alesis Drum Machine, a Blue and White G3 with EZ-vision Software on it. I also use
Acid and Sound Forge on the PC.

Is there actually anyone who is moreso on the lines of a recording engineer...or one who delves into room acoustics??

2 tracks | hit record

thought i'd introduce myself here [25 Sep 2002|09:29pm]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | music | nin- - "the mark has been made" ]

hey, hows everyone doing?
i'm just a 21 year old kid from nj wanting to get into the music business. i really want to be a producer/engineer someday. i'm working full time now trying to save money to go to Full Sail. i have applied to many recording studios local to me, and up in the nyc area for an internship, but to no avail. i HAD a small project studio in my bedroom, but my computer died and now that little project is dead for now. i'm setting some money aside to build up a new project studio, which will include:
a g4 powerbook
digital performer 3
a motu 896 audio interface
a roland xp-30 keyboard
some guitar and bass equipment
and some other random goodies.

excpect me to be throwing in my $0.02 in here every once in a while ;)

4 tracks | hit record

*LOL* [12 Sep 2002|01:49am]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | nin =|= deep ]

"I admit that sometimes I don't put any work into remixing at all. Sometimes I just give them an old, completely different track and say, 'Yeah, there's your remix.' I did that with The Lemonheads. I couldn't be bothered to do their track 'cause it was so shit. I don't know if they noticed or not 'cause I never bothered talking to any of them.
"Basically, I was supposed to do it but I forgot the courier was coming that day. The doorbell rang, and I realised I'd forgotten so I just told him 'Fifteen minutes,' went upstairs, found an old track, taped it off, and gave it to him. I got paid four grand for that. A nice day's work. I've done that a few times, but I don't always do it."

~Richard D. James [Aphex Twin]

3 tracks | hit record

Electronics geeks, HELP!! [09 Sep 2002|03:55pm]

[ mood | anxious ]

So I lent out my Sony MDR700s to my roommate, and when I got them back they had died in one ear. Which sucks, because I need headphones for my recording arts program. But hey, that's not the problem.

The problem is.. my boyfriend was generous enough to lend me his Sony MDR CD170s to use for school. Well, this morning, they slid off the edge of my synth at school and dropped onto the floor - not super hard, mind you. I picked them up and thought nothing of it - until I got to my Pro Tools class, tried to use them - and they've died in one ear! Did I just knock a wire loose or something? Also, is there any good step-by-step way that someone could coach me in to try and fix them myself? Only the right ear is working on this one and only the left ear on my original headphones, maybe I should chop them up and use half of each, ha ha ha. I am super broke right now, and now I have two pairs of broken headphones. Someone, please help..

4 tracks | hit record

[06 Sep 2002|10:30pm]

[ music | nin =|= physical ]

i'm not sure if this is related to this community or not. but at least i think you guyz will know what i'm talking about. okay, y'know that blue pepsi commercial where the're like 'pepsi blue, it's the mix.' and those guys are playing in a band? well, i was thinking, wouldn't pepsi be the mix and blue pepsi be the re-mix? i dunno, that was bothering me.

1 track | hit record

HELP WANTED!!! [02 Sep 2002|01:46pm]

[ mood | curious ]

First Time Poster

I've been working out w/studios here in KY, but I'm starting a home studio. I have an older version of Pro Tools Windows. I wanted any suggestions on a top of the line Keyboard, & where to get one at a reasonable price in store or on the net. I'm checking ebay at this time.

2 tracks | hit record

[02 Sep 2002|02:39am]

Hey my first post over here...

Got a question...

I'm using ProTools LE (Digi001) and the +L1 Ultramazimizer.

I haven't been working with this setup for all that long but it seems like I can't get a full volume out of the masters. It's not that it's quiet, it's just lower than the majority of commercial stuff and I'm wondering if that's the effect of noise shaping or if there is another gain stage after the +L1 that I'm missing altogether.

Heh, Hi.
12 tracks | hit record

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