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Rain, rain, DO NOT GO AWAY!!!! [22 Aug 2002|02:25pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace~ Clumsy ]

Thanks to the glorious inclement weather, I don't have to go to the meeting thing til 6pm tonight. I *still* need more links though.... I have a list that will suffice, but I'd like more.

My left ear hurts. It has hurt for about a month. I should go to the doctor soon. Hope they don't do anything to it: tubes or surgery or whatnot. Feels like it has water in it. I can hear okay still, but it just feels funny and hurts inside. Maybe it's from too many concerts or headphones on too loud. But wouldn't it be in both ears then?

Comments: 6 Welcomes | Hey! You're there!!

Like you're supposed to care or something. [21 Aug 2002|04:29pm]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace~ Not Enough ]

I've got til tomorrow to find links for the website. Dammit.... if you've got some interesting/"educational" ones, tell me!! I'm sort of desperate here.... I don't know what possessed me to join another webteam anyways. I want out now. Oh well.

Now I'm trying to write things on the back of the Fairfax picture... I'm such a shitty writer. Oh well. I will just get it over with and deal with (or try to forget) sounding like a moron who doesn't know what to say. You comment on this fact and I will hurt you.

I have until Monday to do whatever I like. Which is basically sitting on my ass in front of a computer screen. At least the cleaning's done. And the company's gone. I don't know if I want school to start or not. It will be something to do, but is it something I want to do?

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mmmmm.... technology. [16 Aug 2002|01:49pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace~ Julia ]

kind of LJer are you?

My mom bought me a cell phone last night!!!
Yaaay!! It's a Nokia 5165 with programmable ringtones and about a million different faceplates. *cheers*

Had the band concert today. I must say, ours sucked. Spencer could've kept time if he was next to a fricken clock, and Grace isn't the greatest snare drummer out there... Ugh.

Josh kept feeding me these chocolate coconut-ish things. Man those were good. He also stuck a piece of blue tape to my leg. He's got a sign in his locker: 'Will work for weed' Ha.

Well folks, I'm going to go look for ringtones :-)
Comments: Hey! You're there!!

Gravity proof no run glue. Washable too! [15 Aug 2002|03:26pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Saves The Day~ All I'm Losing is Me ]

I bought blue glittery glue last night. What fun. Now to find something to use it on. I don't care if we did't have to buy glue. I had not intended it for school use anyways.

I looked like a skater today. Heh. I had on my navy/orange DC shirt and white shoes: the ones I had in Fairfax and Louisville. Also had my hair in a ponytail. Also decorated my locker today. A little. I've still got to find some magnetic poetry... Wal-Mart and Shopko didn't have any.
Watertown sucks as far as stores go. And music. And people. And food. There is no Italian around here.

What else, what else. The other day I made a list of people I hated. Made me feel better. Also made some rather morbid drawings. Not of any specific people really.

Aol was messed up last night; it'd let me sign on, but I couldn't access any websites or IM or anything. After going off and on about 7 times it finally worked. Gah.
Hope Cam's on tonight... wanna talk to him.

Comments: 2 Welcomes | Hey! You're there!!

Morbidness :-D [14 Aug 2002|04:36pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | Saves The Day~ As Your Ghost Takes Flight ]

I've been laughing myself insane... have a headache, but it's all worth it :-)

Dylan actually talked to me today! All on his own!! I don't know what I'm all excited about; I have a boyfriend...

On a different note...
Southerners are the BEST!!!!!!!

Comments: Hey! You're there!!

Am I supposed to be happy? [13 Aug 2002|04:33pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace~ Superman's Dead ]



Okay. Again, I don't feel like writing about what all happened today; maybe later. All I'll say right now is that I had my picture taken. Ugh. Don't make me look. Not only that, but I'm branded with that image until next year.

Name: Holly.
Birthday: November 28. Don't you forget.
Location: Chair. In a room.
Height: 5'6"
Pets: Morgan the dog and Hazel the hedgehog.
Siblings: Half brother Al. And half brothers Michael and Jamie. Dead.
Hair color: A faded Burmese Ruby at the moment.
Eye color: Hazel, leaning toward brown or green on different days.
Grade: AAA
Hobbies: Ummmm.... music, photography, web junk, music, writing, mindlessness....
Nicknames: Girl. Kindly don't ask me that question around Christmas...
Where were you born? Madison
Are you ticklish? Erm, yeah... why do you want to know?!
Do you believe in God? Yes.

Getting personal

What do you want to be when you grow up? I do not know.
What was the worst day of your life? Which one would you like to know about? The whole forensics team incedent was reeeally bad, but that wasn't an entire day...
What has been the best day of your life? Oh- probably when I saw Sister Hazel in Louisville :-)
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? Mhmm.... :-)
What are you most scared of? Maybe the amount of power I give other people over me. Or maybe centipedes. .:shudders:.
If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? I'd have them surgically removed! {{FREEEEAK!!}}
What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Um, why do you ask?


Movie: I know this one! I know this one!! The answer is.... B!
Song: There's way too many.
Band/Group: Sister Hazel.
Vacation Spot: Somewhere far away from here. As in the Southeast :-)
Ice Cream Flavor: Cherry!
Candy: Not Skittles ;-) I remember what happened I ate those...
Holiday: Christmas is too commercialized. Easter is to sugary and too commercialized. Thanksgiving is too meat-y and commercialized. Plus my birthday's on it this year. Fourth of July is too meat-y and commercialized. Plus you don't get off of school for it. Valentines day sucks if you don't have a bf/gf, and then you/they're under a LOT of pressure to buy/do something wonderful. Hrm... I guess I like.... I dunno.
Color: Sometimes blue, sometimes green, both of which I wear waaay too much of. Blue-y green is a nice color.

Have You

Had a serious talk? Many a time.
Hugged someone? Note: my userpic.
Fought with a friend? Yes.
Cried? Last night.
Laughed? Are you trying to say that there's people who haven't laughed?!?
Made someone laugh? Yep!
Bought something? No. I have never bought something in my entire life. *note immense sarcasm*
Cut your hair? Yeah... I cut my bangs once. .:shudders:. That looked BAD!! They were all crooked :-)
Felt stupid? Way too often for my liking.
Talked to someone you love? Daily.
Missed someone? Mhmm.
Had someone be unfaithful to you? Possibly...
Watched punky Brewster? What the....?
Hiked a mountain? Haha- nope.
Been in love? Quoth Ken: "Love feels GOOD!" Yep... I have... currently am...
Seen the White house? Yes I have. I am a good little American.
Seen the Eiffel tower? In pictures.
Tried smoking? Smoking what? Hehehe... no.
Drank alcohol? Mmm.... yes. Weddings. That be it.
Smoked marijuana? Lol- no. Some stoners asked me for a lighter once though.
Played monopoly? I hate that game. I am so bad at it.... LoL.
Seen Titanic? Okay: if they're both on that little raft thingy, wouldn't it have made sense if Jack kicked Rose off once in a while so he could rest a bit? That way they'd both be about 3/4 dead. Still alive though, mind you.
French kissed someone? I kissed them or they kissed me? All the same, yes. Fun :-)
Lost your virginity? No!
Tried a weight loss program? Nope.
Jumped on a trampoline? I used to have one.


Another country? I will next summer.
Colored in a coloring book? WHO HASN'T?!?!?
Had a bubble bath? Yes.
Been on a plane? Pressurized metal tube. Yes.
Been on a boat? Erm, yeah.
Been on a train? Yes. AND it was a choo choo train!!
Ridden an elephant? Shirley the Elephant at the Baraboo Circus. :-)
Made a web page? Yeah. It sucks.
Played with Barbies? I've still got some in my closet. Shhhh....
Stayed up all night? Yes.
Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? Hehehe... yep.
Broken a bone? No.
Called a physchic or sex hotline? Nooope.
Watched Jerry Springer? Partly.
Gotten in trouble for talking in class? Yeah. By Lechner. And I hardly talk at all... you know that.
Been afraid of the dark? Not of the dark itself.
Been in the hospital (not visiting)? *sigh* Yeah.
Had stitches? Yeah. Thank God for dissolving ones!
Dumped someone and regretted it? No, thankfully.
Went out with more than one person at a time? Not *really*
Been arrested? Nooo....
Fallen asleep in class? Yesss... Lechner's math class.
Used food for something other than to eat? I've made little buildings out of marshmallows... lol
Meet a celebrity? Haha- yes! Sister Hazel, David Young, and Mark Hamil.
Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes.
Hated yourself? Tried cutting myself this morning. But my sharp object was not so sharp.
Been brokenhearted? Uh, yeah.
Broken someone's heart? I hope not...

Do You

Like to walk in the rain? So long as I don't have to look nice for something right afterwards.
Sleep with or without clothes on? YES I SLEEP WITH CLOTES ON!
Like someone? Yes. Very much.
Watch cartoons on Saturday? Not usually.


What do you look for in a guy? Hard to say, but I know it when I find it.
What is your dream guy? What do you mean, 'what is?' A guy. Duh.
Sweet or innocent guy? Sweet
Smart or Athletic guys? Yes.
Favorite cologne on a guy? I don't know... I don't go around memorizing which colognes are which.
Best gift a guy could give? Doesn't matter.

A good distraction... I needed that.

"Are you worried about your faith
Kneel down and obey
You're happy you're in love
You need someone to hate
An ordinary girl,
and ordinary waist
But ordinary's just not good enough today..."
Comments: Hey! You're there!!

But then, if I do that.... [12 Aug 2002|05:42pm]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | Vertical Horizon~ Everything You Want ]

Mrmmmm..... too much happened and I'm too lazy to write about it. All I really want/need to say right now is that I've got a lot of choices to be making....not easy ones....

Oh yeah... Drew's locker is within viewing distance of mine. Sunny's is three down from me. Oh. And we have the same shirt. Okay folks, no interesting stuff here, keep moving, and please keep to your right.

Comments: Hey! You're there!!

For your approval. [08 Aug 2002|07:16pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace~ Life ]

Had headache today. Skipped block party. So I am here. Someone please come and talk to me.

Oh. And I uploaded a bunch of pictures onto Yahoo Photos. Have fun.

I heart my boyfriend. My boyfriend I heart.

Comments: Hey! You're there!!

Why are Spaghetti-O's so salty?!? [07 Aug 2002|04:16pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Vertical Horizon~ Best I Ever Had ]

Yeah. Random title. But they are. Yesterday it felt like I had just swallowed an entire salt shaker. And Wald-O's taste different from Spaghetti-O's. Just in case you were wondering.

You know, I think I finally found a look to this Lj that I like. I don't think I'll change it for a while. The link colors could use some work, but I really like it otherwise.

Oh. You should know....
this is the week that Michael and Jamie died. And it will be six months since Peter's death on August 14.

I was trying on my black dress today (long black satin spaghetti strap). The one I would've probably worn on the cruise this year, had I been going. It actually looked pretty good.... I dunno. I want next year's to look good. I've got.... what? 474 days to figure something out?

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Practics [06 Aug 2002|04:07pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace~ Naveed ]

My new favorite nonexistant word :-)
I'm not looking forward to clothes shopping for school. Ah well. I shall live. Society sucks.

Still happy anyways.

Comments: 1 Welcome | Hey! You're there!!

Owww.... [05 Aug 2002|01:55pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace~ Clumsy ]

Mmm... buttered toast makes everything better ;)
I haven't exactly had the best day... so far most everything went wrong somehow: from not having that soap-puff thingie this morning to my head/eyeache to not having any milk in the fridge... And I'm a little mad about the events of last night. Not really mad; more disturbed than mad. And my tummy hurts. From crawling/falling through the basement window yesterday morning. I hope it doesn't scar.

That virus that I thought the comp had... it turned out that Norton blocked it from my comp before it got a chance to infect it. Yay. Go Norton. Renewed the subscription yesterday.

Oh, what else. I did a big long post on All Skate about Louisville and Chicago. Neh. It is posted now. Great shows. Eat Kraft.

Have to go car shopping today with mom. Gonna go look at Hondas. Joys. Cleaned out our car yesterday. LOTS of junk in there, including what I found was Grandma's Ouija board, which is in the closet right now... those things are creepy.

Comments: Hey! You're there!!

Damn Virus!!! [02 Aug 2002|06:21pm]
[ mood | infuriated ]
[ music | 3 Doors Down~ Down Poison ]

I was (and still am) on MSN talking to Molly, and up pops this link... so I click it of course, and I get this notice from Norton saying that I have the Trojan Horse virus. On the other window, I get this thing for whether I want to download the file or save it or whatever, and of course I did NOT do that...! So, if any of you see this link... it's a bunch of numbers, I think it starts with a 28, do not click! I don't think anything is fried on my comp, or if it is I haven't found it yet. Ugh... this really sucks... I don't know if my comp is infected or not; I'm thinking it isn't, but I'm not sure. Nothing has gone wrong so far.

Someone give me a hug?

Comments: 2 Welcomes | Hey! You're there!!

:-) [26 Jul 2002|06:26am]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Weezer~ El Scorcho ]

Leaving for Louisville in a half hour!!!


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Life is good! [24 Jul 2002|12:24pm]
[ mood | jubilant ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace~ Automatic Flowers ]

Unusually great mood :-D
And for no particular reaon... but I don't care...!
Cathy and I are staying at the same motel in Ky- she e-mailed me yesterday. It'll be great seeing her again.

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Yes! [23 Jul 2002|02:24pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Sister Hazel~ Let Your Love Flow ]

Changed the colors and background today. Love it. Took me nearly all day, but it looks good :-) I also found out how to change the font, etc, and a lot more HTML stuff.

Oh so many grand things have happened today ;-)
Comments: 2 Welcomes | Hey! You're there!!

Ibuprofin is my friend. [22 Jul 2002|02:54pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace~ Naveed ]

Four days til I see Sister Hazel in Louisville!
I'm hungry.
I just took a shower, so now my hair smells really good. I'm bored.

Need to talk to people who were in Atlanta. They did two totally new songs... Everybody and One Love. Diane's saying that Everybody was really great an' all... Kentucky set should be good.

Comments: 1 Welcome | Hey! You're there!!

Be good. [15 Jul 2002|02:45pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Music! LOTS of MUSIC!!! ]

You're all wondering about Minnesota on Saturday, I know.
Great, I tell you. Just great.
We got there two hours before the place opened, and Hazel was on stage warming up. When I heard them first when we were driving in, they were playing Bring it on Home, and I honestly didn't think it was them... it sounded like it could be, but why would they be on, etc. Then they started playing Rocketman. Enough said. We got a really close parking spot, and while the security guy wouldn't let me in, I stood there listening to them finish up. A few minutes later they came off the stage. Drew, then Ryan, then Mark, then Jeff. Ken came out at the very end and just ran for the van; I missed him. Talked to Jeff though!! :-) Yes he was there! Forgot to ask him where he got married- that had me mad back at the motel that night... I forgot a ton of stuff I had to ask them.
The show itself was GREAT. They played:
* Change Your Mind
* Just Remember
* Life Got In the Way
* Strange Cup of Tea
* Concede
* Champagne High
* Come Around
* Superman
* Beautiful Thing
* Your Winter
* Thank You
* Happy
* Out There (acoustic)
* All For You
* Every Little Thing

Out There wasn't played- they did Running Through the Feilds instead. Wow. Incredible. There's no way you can hear that song live and not be affected by it.
Ken really liked the sign I made- I wrote some stuff on a pillow case.

It was a great show. Afterwards, we found them, but there were masses of people around them, so we waited and eventually talked to Ken through a chain link fence. After that, we went back to the car, and saw them get into the van to go back to the hotel. I couldn't help it... I ran over and talked to Ken for a bit and got a hug :-)

Other highlights include converting the people standing next to us (they were there for Gin Blossoms, who were on at the same time but on a differet stage) into Hazelnuts (you should've seen them!!), Jeff in general, hearing Superman, Ken screaming REEEALLY high pitched during that song, throwing pink beach balls through the crowd, being front and center as usual, getting two setlists, getting stuff from the sponsors, etc, etc, etc...

And I get to see them again in Kentucky on the 26th!!

Strawberry: 50/100 Pear: 40/100 Banana: 10/100 Tomato: 30/100 Lemon: 0/100

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by Ellen and Aaron!

Tomatoes aren't fruit!!
Comments: 1 Welcome | Hey! You're there!!

I suppose so. [12 Jul 2002|11:08am]
[ mood | nervous ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace~ Somewhere Out There ]

Forgot this:
Last night I was at the library for the meeting thing, and while I was waiting for my mom to come pick me up, who should come in but Peter. He was with his brother (who's that? my brother. he doesn't look ugly. i'm not ugly! i didn't say that; i just implied that.) Anywho, he's in high CS too; he's heard that Drost is teaching it... or assumed that. I dunno. But it's just the high math class, except in CS. Joys. I am ever so thrilled. Just like you.

I had a dream last night that I was at some camp somewhere and Drew and Sara were there.

Now I just remembered what I forgot to do. Hate that.

It seems like everybody has somebody except me. I feel sort of left out. Everybody running around with their boyfriend or girlfriend... and then me. What is it?!

Comments: Hey! You're there!!

Are you waking up slowly, nothing but lonely... [12 Jul 2002|10:38am]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace~ Not Enough ]


Seeing Sister Hazel in Minneapolis tomorrow!!!

My fingers feel to heavy to type. And I am too nervous about tomorrow. I don't know why. Why should I? All I'll be doing is standing there. Unless I meet the guys afterwards, which, this time, isn't looking all too likely...

Nothing I can/could/would do about it. Just see how it all shakes out.

On other not-quite-pressing news that you don't care about, Mark Hamill (think: Luke Skywalker) is in Watertown filming a movie. Saw someone yesterday... think it might've been him. Great looking guy with fancy hair and... he just looked famous. I know... I'm not good on recognizing celebrities. Probably a director or something. He was someone. And he smiled at me :-D Some other guy smiled too... don't remember much of that. But still...!
FYI, the movie that they're doing is/was mostly done over in Reeseville, but some of the scenes are in Watertown. Name of it is No Tomorrow- it's about this guy who turns up hung one day, and his son's the main suspect. Promise me you'll go see it.

I've been so mad at myself... for saying too much. Which is really frustrating.

I should be going... have to take a shower, do laundry, and pack for tomorrow. Why am I making this such an issue?!?
But I seem to do that with everything.
Comments: Hey! You're there!!

Wuh? [09 Jul 2002|07:34pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Red Hot Chili Peppers~ Otherside ]

Shopping today with Erika down at Creek for three hours. Tired. Bought Erika Fortress. Hope she likes it.

Sorry about the shortness of this, but I've got no energy left. 'Twas an epic shopping trip though. Mebbe I'll write more sometime else... I'm gone.

Guys have no idea how lucky they've got it.

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