Seppo 'Ghent' Tamminen's journal

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Thursday, August 1st, 2002
5:51 am
I just saw a (garden) centipede in the bathroom for the first time in a long time. It was extremely disgusting, and now I'm feeling very uncomfortable.

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Wednesday, July 31st, 2002
5:20 pm
Woohoo, one of my cats, Aku, came back a few days ago, after being gone for almo st four weeks! It demands all too much attention now, which is cute and irritating at the same time.

The school begins in about two weeks, unfortunately. I wish the holiday would last longer... But I guess it's kind of good since I've been isolated from the real life for so long. On the other hand, school tends to make me hate real life, and life in general sometimes, so I don't know if that's a good thing...

I played Metal Slug 4 earlier today, before I went to sleep. Quite frankly, it was pretty sucky and short. The new development team really needs to get some decent designers, because the levels were incredibly dull. No originality at all. I heard that there was supposed to be some kind of a plot, but I had no idea what was going on. I miss SNK.

current music: Boards of Canada - Sunshine Recorder

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Tuesday, July 9th, 2002
5:27 pm
One of my cats has been gone for almost a week already. He's been gone for even longer before, but that doesn't make me less worried.

I finished judging the DoZ games yesterday. Since there were 20 entries, I had to work for hours. Fortunately, the average quality of the games was higher than usually, so I really enjoyed playing some of them.

current mood: worried
current music: Massive Attack - Teardrop

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Friday, June 28th, 2002
4:09 am - Someone is stealing our firewood.
Just a few hours ago, around 1-2AM, my sister woke up (probably because of all those lightnings...) and saw someone taking a few logs from a pile of wood close to her room's window. Unfortunately, she screamed and whoever was there ran away before we could get there.

A short while before this my mother had heard footsteps outside, but had not seen anyone. We've been suspecting that someone has been doing this before, because once in a while the size of the wood pile has reduced a bit.

The person was probably one of the people living next door, because only they are pathetic and stupid enough to steal firewood (of all the people living close to us). And the pile can only be seen from their yard, AFAIK.

I don't like the idea of drunken idiots sneaking around our house at night...

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Tuesday, June 25th, 2002
3:50 am
It seems that Finland is getting something like DMCA... *sigh*

I was at our summerhouse during the weekend. It sucked, mostly because I wasn't able to get more than a few hours of sleep and kept waking up all the time. Also, I had to be social with some old relatives, and being a too honest person who hasn't spent enough time with people, I think I behaved kind of badly. I don't really understand what I did wrong, but obviously my parents weren't too happy about it.

Also, I seem to eat even less than before, only once a day. I wonder if that's a good thing... Oh well, at least I'm losing weight.

current mood: slightly depressed
current music:

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Wednesday, June 19th, 2002
2:52 am
My brother lent me his old Korg X5D, so during the last few days I've been teaching myself to play the keyboard. I think I like it more than playing the guitar.

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Sunday, June 16th, 2002
8:48 pm
Woo, I just got 150 euros from my grandmother for having 15 A's in my report card.

No one has ever rewarded me for something like this before. And that's good, because it does feel kind of wrong...

Gah, some time during the next week I have to leave early to sign up for the next level of education. Oh well, it won't last for long... at least it shouldn't.

current music: Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong (live)

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Saturday, June 15th, 2002
1:39 am - I just played Morrowind for a couple of hours for the first time...
... and I just want to play more... and more... and ignore hunger and sleepyness.

current mood: addicted
current music: King Crimson - Providence

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Friday, June 14th, 2002
3:23 am - Huh, it's already 14th of June...?
The holiday has been very good so far. I've learned and done much more than usually, and I've had a lot of fun.

I spent about 150 euros on books yesterday, and I'm planning to waste some more on Morrowind and a few albums tomorrow. Also, I might upgrade parabox some time soon.

current music:

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Wednesday, June 5th, 2002
2:14 am
Ahh, it has been a pretty good day! I actually got some physical excercise which made me feel better. Less back ache and such.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I'm going to really end up going anywhere during these 10 weeks of holiday... I'm not a very social person, and I like being alone, even for a very long time, but still it'd be nice to leave the house once in a while. Going out to buy new albums and visiting my brother once or twice in a month isn't enough.

I would go to Wigwam's and Pekka Pohjola's gig on Thursday, but being only 16, I'm unable to get there. Of course, I could just try walking in, but I don't know what I'd do with the ticket if I didn't get in.

current mood: lonely, but still happy
current music: Transatlantic - In Held (Twas) In I

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Monday, June 3rd, 2002
11:44 pm - Summer holiday r0x0rz.
I've become a lot more productive after the end of school. Thus, I'm expecting to actually get something done and learn a lot during this holiday.

In fact, I might be actually "forced" to do some work, since, as far as I know, I kind of impressed the people at the ISP where I worked during the last week, so they'll possibly give me some more challenging work to do at home. And probably not just during the summer holiday, so I might end up being less lazy even after the holiday.

Also, I started playing the guitar again.

... And now, time to work on the bug fixed and improved version of Torn Creation, our last DoZ game!

current music: Yes - The Remembering

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Saturday, June 1st, 2002
11:06 am - ... Whee, money.
So, now I'm completely done with elementary school. I got my report card today, and received a ridiculously big amount of money for being among the three best students: 1200 euros. Hooray!

... It feels wrong to get so much, though...

current mood: Yay, summer holiday!

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Monday, May 27th, 2002
7:18 pm
Today was my first day of work at the local ISP. It was quite a lot of better than school, even though so far I didn't get to do anything interesting: I just updated some of their databases and learned stuff about RXML (it seems to be a pretty stupid, although very easy and simple, language), because for some reason they want me to use it for something.

They'll probably give me something more interesting to do later.

current music: Magma - Hhai

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Saturday, May 25th, 2002
2:20 pm
Woohoo, no more evil elementary school!

Less than a week and Morrowind will be released here. Until then, I'm going to waste most of my time playing BatMUD and ADOM, and probably fiddling with some PHP and MySQL... maybe with some C code, too.

Oh, and I'm going to see Star Wars Episode 2 later today.

current mood: happy
current music: Yes - The Remembering / High the Memory

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Sunday, May 19th, 2002
5:18 pm - It's been a while.
So, I've done all my exams and other school work, and chosen the courses for the next year at the secondary high school, or whatever it can be called in English. Only three days of elementary school hell left. Woo! Still two more weeks until the summer holiday, though, since after the next week I have some mandatory work practise at a local ISP, WakkaNet. As far as I know, I'm going to do some MySQL stuff. It might be fun.

Lately ADOM has made sure that I don't end up doing anything useful. Arr, addiction.

current music: DJ Shadow - Napalm Brain/Scatter Brain

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Sunday, April 28th, 2002
7:26 pm - I think I'm getting old.
Today is my birthday, so I'm 16 years old now. It feels like any other day, except now I have some r0x0rish new sound equipment and 70 euros. Yay!

current music: Boards of Canada - An Eagle In Your Mind

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Sunday, April 7th, 2002
10:31 pm - Mmm, cheese. On a piece of bread.
So I've been idle again, for a while. Oh well. I think I'll blame Dransik, because for some time I didn't do much besides playing it. Anyway, I got tired of it, but I might get addicted again when they release the next version, which has potential to r0x0r my s0x0rz.

Tomorrow is the first day of the last period of elementary school, yay. I only have 27 classes per week, too, which is less than usually. Unfortunately during the next few days I have to write some kind of a longish essay about a book I finished today, and I really, really don't feel like doing anything besides playing Jedi Knight 2, which I bought on Friday.

I built another Linux From Scratch system, which is even better than the last one. Ph33r.

And it seems that I have to code something cool in C that I can show to my programming teacher at school, and because I can't install SDL or anything like that on the computer at school, I have to write some evil non-portable DOS code. The program definitely has to have graphics, because he probably doesn't understand enough about programming to appreciate anything that doesn't look nice. :P Thus, I guess I'll hack some oldskool demo effects.

Alas, I have to go to bed now. Goodnight.

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Monday, March 18th, 2002
9:06 pm - Whee, idlyness.
I saw a police car chasing some other car today... After a few minutes I saw the car outside the road, almost in the forest, and the police car next to it. I think he/she was driving so fast that he/she drove out of the road... And the person must have been high on something, probably alcohol, because the road is pretty straight and not slippery.

I went to Sakari Kukko's (one of Finland's most respected jazz musicians) gig yesterday. It was great... The players were all great, even though at times the drummer didn't really play all that well along the other players. And I got a great seat... I was sitting about ten meters away from the band.

During the last few days I've been addicted to Dransik, which is a nice Ultimaish online RPG in beta stage. It's already very playable, especially after you've got out of the newbie land.

current music: Suomen Talvisota - Kasvoton Kuolema

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Saturday, March 9th, 2002
4:21 pm
Augh! One of my cats just attacked my head when I tried to lift him away from my computer chair, so now I have to share the chair with him!

I need to get a less comfortable computer chair, so the cats wouldn't try to steal it from me all the time.

current music: Transatlantic - Duel With The Devil

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4:12 pm - Another week of school over...
Gah, LogJam just crashed before I was able to submit the entry...

I fiddled with ASM in VICE (a C64 emulator), it was fun. I think I might make a game or a small demo for the C64, but I'd like to get a real one first... They're pretty easy to find, AFAIK.

Arr, can't find my King of Dragon Pass CD... Oh well, at least I have BG2 to satisfy my RPG needs.

I saw a review of Ico on (a Finnish game show) and now I want to get a PS2. It was so pretty... *drools*

current music: Wigwam - Tramdriver

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