LiveJournal for Hayleigh.

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Thursday, October 31st, 2002

Subject:Blunt Knifes
Time:2:21 pm.
Mood: happy.
Music:Christina A from sisters roOm.
I met Jenny this morning in town, our plan was to get pierced together then get lunch...who got pierced? JennY..Who didn't get pierced? Hayleigh! Pufft. The silly place ran out of needles so now i have to go in tomorrow morning. Whenever i decide to do somthing which involes pain or needles it *always* gets held back making me go,come back, go...Something will stop me tomorrow, just you wait.

I managed to get myself a fake knife for the Halloween party im going to this weekend. It's so funny. It doesn't even loOk reel.It's terrible, but for £1.99 plus some free vampires bloOd, whos complaining?!
I'll be going as an EVIL DOLL!

It's Ellies birthday gathering tonight, shes doing the whole gurly sleep-over thing, Facials, steam roOm, pillow fights, wine,sweets...hah! Should be fun plus I havn't seen the gurls for a while so that will be nice.

*Is hungry and cold*

I have big hair again. I havn't had this amount of dreads in for a while, due to lack of hair to attach it to. Last night i got all my used dreads and *made* a place for each one to go. My scalp is killing me from the weight, but hey it's halloween, people are susposed to kill.....*coughs*
6 divine sparks| The splendid light

Tuesday, October 29th, 2002

Time:8:56 pm.
Sleep easy tonight folks, the spider is SAVED!!
5 divine sparks| The splendid light

Subject:poOr spider
Time:2:51 pm.
Mood: bored.
Music:NIN-self destruction part 3.
What have i done so far today?


If i was to change my name i'd have to change it to 'Daywaster!

I rolled out of bed early {ish} this morning because i planned to go into town to get my septum piecred, so i got up, excercised *insert your death of shock here* showered, dressed..and.........oOps apparently it's 3pm and i haven't moved from my house. Stupid.

One of the spiders in the tub is still alive, i tryed getting him out this morning but the lid wont open and it proved to be an impossible task.
It sounds stupid but i feel so quilty!
Imagine just sitting in a tub that contains about 7 of your brothers and sisters whom are all
DEAD! Hes just waiting to die! :( :(

Blah, I'm such a loner. The highlight of this day so far was listening to the floOr layer man saying 'catssszz'.


On a happy note - RiggaboOts tha Abbot Is coming home tonight! :D
4 divine sparks| The splendid light

Saturday, October 26th, 2002

Subject:sheba or the ripper?
Time:3:24 pm.
Mood: good.
Music:Icon of Coil-Floorkiller.
Last night was......*stops self* should i really explain? I went to abra's, if you want to know how it went go read my post from last time i went! Same old same old...Although i met a guy called 'Rob' who loOked *alot* like one of the rippers from 'Tank girl'. Hah! I toOk a photo of his face and this morning i took yet another picture of my baby faced junior, Sheba. I was quite amused at her pose.I think she has been studing the photo of 'the ripper' to much....

{The ripper AKA Rob}


HahahaHAHA! There the same! {Although sheba is so much cuter, R0b was actually giving me the creeps last night so i don't really like to loOk at that picture for to long! heh..}

My m0ther brought my cousins a halloween stick. The stick is filled with candy balls, and on the top there is a strange figure with a HUGE head that does gymnastics. {yes i was confused to}. It made me chuckle abit to0 much so Mum gave one to me instead! I've eaten all the candy balls, which were horrid, so any second now i might chuck! *Ummmmmm candyball chuck*

On Friday in photography a boy gave me a wonderful present. I've never spoken to this boy before {i'm not even sure on his name} so i was very touched by his gift. The gift was a box full of big dead spiders :S

My photography groups knows me as the 'weird gurl'.I'm not sure this is because of my apperence, or the fact that i'm collecting dead things ?? I don't know! hehhe.

*LoOking at my photograph of a dead f0x {it's a beauitful photo by the way}* Ewww, whos is that?
It's the weird gurls!

I liked that!

click here to see the cutest gurl ever made )
7 divine sparks| The splendid light

Thursday, October 24th, 2002

Subject:I'm BUSY!!
Time:10:46 pm.
Mood: annoyed.
I can't think of anything more annoying then when your set to 'busy' and annoying people keep I.M'ing you! Grrrr... >:Z )
The splendid light

Subject:kisss meeee.
Time:10:36 pm.
Mood: amused.
freaky kisser

You Are A Freaky Kisser!

From tounge and lip piercings to not so nice biting,

you're a basket full of kissing surprises.

In fact, your kissing syle is so ...

scary that you've been known to send a few dates packing.

No need to worry, somewhere in the world there is a kisser freaker than you!

How Do *You* Kiss?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Bahh, it's true! I *love* to bite lips! *bows head*
4 divine sparks| The splendid light

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2002

Subject:Nothing to grand
Time:8:15 pm.
Mood: okay.
I had a lovely day today. Tromb came round and we swapped birthday presents. He got me another toy gun! Yes! I got him some white carnations {hah} and a little clear block with a small car {magically} inside. Awww how kind.
We made pumpkin faces {which will probably be moldy by halloween *shrugs*} and because we had 'bad taste' on our minds we played 'Lets pretend the inside of the pumpkin is brain' which can never be dull.
After all this hard work i came out with our birthday cake. {a 'fun size' mars bar with two candles stuck in!} ....and we all lived happily ever after.

Because Molly didn't come out on my birthday she promised we could go somewhere this friday. So me being a social retard hasn't a clue where to go. We'll probably end up going to 'le club bedroOm' and that will be the last i see of her for another 18 months. *sighs*

{'You never guess what i had do to..'

'Urm...did you have to eat chuck?'

HahaHA! Gets me everytime.

--- )
The splendid light

Sunday, October 20th, 2002

Time:10:55 am.
Mood: tired.
Music:Skinny Puppy-Tormenter.
My birth*day* was lots of fun. My Mother wasn't sure on what to get me so she toOk me shopping yesterday morning. She spoilt me rotten, yup ROTTEN!
I have lots a gorgeous gorgeous things, including a much needed wig, lots of clothes, and a top hat {I couldn't resist!} Then with my birthday money from relatives i got myslef some shoes *droOls* and because we'd spent so much in the same store we got a discount on them! How very kind i thought.
Another goOd point about this particular shop was that one of the people working there was the CUTEST thing i've ever seen! *mmm*

I didn't actually get out on friday night in the end, i'm really annoyed at myself because i let stupid people get to me.But i came to the conclusion to *never* rely on a female *ever* again!
I'm preety miffed at Molly, my *best* friend who missed *all* of my birthday because she 'didn't feel like coming out' Ergh...

Anyway...Sheba is being the cutest thing right now, she's moving around but she really loOks alot like a muppet. So very very cute!!

I did actually log on to livejournal because i had somthing to write about, but that must of slipped through the gap in between my brain and skull??? I'll just leave my journal with a picture. This shows my new hair and my top hat! :D

17 divine sparks| The splendid light

Friday, October 18th, 2002

Subject:Sing to me bitch....
Time:5:29 pm.
Mood: excited. tears in rain~.
Who's birthday is it tomorrow? Mine! {and his---> spaceboyzero Happy Birthday } Maybe this is the reason why my hair has turned grey? {Well silver and plasticky!}

I'm actually quite excited. I don't usally care for birthdays but i have a fun *touch woOd* weekend planned, plus birthdays usally equal money. Hayleigh needs lots of money.

For the first time, tonight i'm wearing my silver skirt. It is impossible to walk in as it goes in at the knees then flicks out at the bottem. I absolutly love it, but never can be bothered with the walking problems for a night. But the main thing is, is that i can still dance in it!

I met jenny in town on my break this afernoOn and we got a great deal on some goOds! Nothing dodgy don't worry, i don't have the time to go in to it, but it made me smile a huge smile! :D <-- {I loOked similer to that}

Right im off to grab Cilla, some foOd and a shower. *is excited*

Of course the digi-cam will be out with me tonight so i'll probably do the posting pictures thing which i do quite often. :S hah.

Edited to say-Urgh How depressing, Jenny has kinda let down :( and Molly just doesn't want to come out. Oh dear. So i'm going to have bug Mark{spaceboyzero} to be my friend for the night! :D Yay for loners!
4 divine sparks| The splendid light

Monday, October 14th, 2002

Subject:Cilla shoOk my hand
Time:8:52 pm.
Mood: bored.
Music:Cilla singing..
Urgh, I feel so dumb. Like my brain had turned to mush.

I'm also stressing about my snake, he hasn't shedded all his skin off. If he hasn't rubbed it off by tomorrow then a phone call to the vets will have to be made. :/ I don't want him to rott.{If anyone knows what to do tell me please, i would peel it off myself but that seems alittle un-healthy??}

Cilla of the rocks was standing on her back legs just now, i put my fingers round her hand {like i was shaking her hand} i thought she was going to pull away, like pipa usally does, but she actually held my fingers! I almost screamed it was so cute!

Oh wow, just loOk how bored Hayleigh is! I have *NOTHING* to do! Blah.Blah.Blahhhhhhhhh.

*Plays ring a ring a roses with Cilla.....or something*

The splendid light

Saturday, October 12th, 2002

Time:12:03 pm.
Mood: good.
Our plan was to go into Burton to watch Kev's band of course we missed then! *slaps head* But it turned out to be a really fun night.

Jenny is great! <3 I also met this gurl called Hayleigh. Everything we had or did was the same! Crazy stuff. We even both do this thing with our hands when were talking loud! hah..she was fun and because Jenny buggered off with some guy :S i spent the entire night dancing with my twin, and an *entire* night dancing = sore body! They actually played some goOd tunes...Yup i almost fainted too.

Well i'm just oh so hungry, i haven't been downstairs yet to get foOd and i'm losing energy..lots of it.

Some pictures of last night...O the fun.

Me and Jenny { I love jennny}

Some slight 'merry' kids... )
6 divine sparks| The splendid light

Tuesday, October 8th, 2002

Time:9:42 pm.
Mood: good.
Music:Front 242-OFF- -skin (furcoat).
I'm become totally obsessed with my rats!! I'm boring all my friends with cute stories which make no sense to anyone but sheba and each day i loOk forward to getting home so i can see them! Well them = 'Cilla of the Rocks'. 'RiggaboOts The abbot' is still at the vets. :( I'm going to ring them up tomorrow to see how shes doing, it shouldn't take *this* long to treat her, should it?

Did i mention i purchased 'Cilla of the rocks'? Well i did, and she's the fastest rat you could dream of.

Yesterday i came home from collage, got her out her cage and sat with her on my bed. It was so lovely. Cilla usally runs around my body at 100 mph when i get her out, but this time she snuggled up and fell to sleep in my hands! Awwww

I have taken a few pictures of them. First two being RiggaboOts the abbot, and the last two being Cilla of the rocks {shes been hard to snap b/c her shyness}...


more cute pictures )
2 divine sparks| The splendid light

Friday, October 4th, 2002

Time:10:17 pm.
Mood: good.
Music:Future sound of London - Central Industrial.
Rigga is being a crazy ratty right now. Her cage is open and she's bolting round my { ;;<----that was her! } roOm about 19289 mph! She stole one of my chips, i think it was a rat hypo chip or somthing?!

She has to go the vets tomorrow morning, I rang up the pet store to ask if { OOOOO

! ! <---that was her again) they knew what it could be and what they recommended etc. These were there words 'o' wisdom.. Bring her back then we will refund you the money, or swop her for another. !!! Imagine *refunding* RiggaboOts...i don't think so !!!

I saw Molly for the first time in a while. We're *so* hardcore...sheesh, we spent our friday night sitting in my roOm listening to 'Depeche mode'. \m/ The 'row-dey' youth of today, ehy?!! heh.

My Mother gave me an early birthday present yesterday afternoOn, it was a lovely camara. :D So the rest of thursday was spent taking pictures of dead animals lying by the side of the road.. :/
PoOr Ryan was trying to enjoy his splif, but i was there stopping him....''wait..wait..tilt your head..NO, don't blow out, and again, i missed it...NOW. *SNAPS* Right lets do it again i messed up..'' haha, he ended up with a lovely smokers head-rush and had to go back to my roOm.{!!}

Sunday night i'm taking my little cousin, he's about 13, and his friend to a 'Lost Profits' gig. If i said i was loOking forward to it, i would grow a white spot in my mouth. *groans* I can't say i hate the music, because i've only heard about two songs, but theres somthing about going to a gig where you *no* you wont do anything but loOk bores the *hell* out of me.-- I'll be the gurl holding the coats in the corner, worring about her little cousin in the 'mosh'!-- woopy! :D *shrugs*

The splendid light

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2002

Time:11:07 pm.
Mood: annoyed.
Music:Feindflug- B66883.
I just have to say...'I HATE THE HUMAN RACE.' {<--- i'd rather not go into that.}

Plus...RiggaboOts has settled in wonderfully, shes been sitting next to me on my bed all night. Rodents over Humans *anyday*!

Blah, i have to go round collage tomorrow hunting down anyone i told about my party, which now *isn't* happening. Blah...

I had this terribly stressful dream last night, which featured my party. It was HORRIBLE! I woke up with a throbbing vein sticking out the side of my head. Lying in my bed can be a stressful task.hummm

My Sister is all red eyed and watery because her boyfriend was being Male,*stabs*. Pufft bois. This made me dislike my ex afew times more...for some reason. *shrugs*

~~~~Filling up my journal with pointless words, how fun.~~~~

I loOk like a man, and will do for a few months. I have my natural hair..nothing else. My head needs a goOd rest, plus i need to get myself a job.{.i want *so* much.}

MUST SLEEP...I should be out drinking away at a hip bar tonight, but 'full of life up for anything woohoo' hayleigh would rather spend the night tucked away in her roOm. Yup, i *know* i'm coOl {!!}.
2 divine sparks| The splendid light

Subject:RiggaboOts the rat
Time:7:38 pm.
Mood: happy.
Music:Razed in Black-Oh my Goth.
Today i got myself the cutest little animal you could ever find, and she goes by the name of 'RiggaboOts The Abbot Price'.

She was alittle scared when she first arrived but then 30 mins on she was snuggled asleep on my lap! So cute!
My sister wants one, so another rattie will be living with her in a couple of weeks! Sheebys all jelouse. Bless.

My aunty owns a little crafty type shop, and next to hers is a shop that sells clothing suitable for walking in the country and the likes. It's shutting down and everything has 50% off. My Aunty rang my mother up and told her this, she also added that there was afew P.V.C items which were going cheep too?? So My mother and i went down there this morning and aunty toOk out a largish box from under the counter *full* of P.V.C and bondage gear!!!! It's so strange...a country store keeping a secret stash of bondage gear?? This is don't understand. It makes you wonder what the ''walkers'' wear underneath the wolly jumpers! te he

I tryed on most of the P.V.C stuff, and almost all of it was to big for me :( *sighs* If only i had boObz..{!}..but i did manage to fit into a lovely corset and...necklace...haha.

Well i'm off now to snuggle that little white creature i have.
The splendid light

Sunday, September 29th, 2002

Subject:Bugging ...bugging...BUGGING
Time:6:40 pm.
Mood: okay.
Music:Lights if Euphoria-In love with the night {Funker-vogt mix}.
I have so many *little* things i need to do which wont stop racing round my head, but i carry on not doing *any* of them. STUPID gurly!

I love afternoOn naps, mine 5 mins lasted 3 hours. I woke up to my Father and Sister singing there hearts out {to different songs} very confused. I thought 'Wow it's the morning....eeps crazy sheep's i have collage! ' It was after i'd jumped out of bed giving myself a huge head rush that i noticed it was just 5.30pm. Sheesh.


My weekend has been tre fun. Friday was spent with Jenny. She has the coOlest house and parents! Her brothers are the sweetest things ever, one of them was wearing my fingertrap tube fall, cute!

Saturday was also lots 'o' fun. I went to sheffield for the night. Mark {} was djing, his set was goOd and made me sweat ALOT, which i loved...ummm sweating....{??}
I was also offered a once in a lifetime offer to be wiped away by this lovely Greek guy. Hah! He would take me to Wales {?}, and we would eat next to the sea. Of course i could visit my family anytime!! haha! A very amusing character him. He also claimed to 'love' Me and Mark, and offered to make us dinner! How kind of him. Bless!

I don't really wanna be at hOme right now. :(

Well i should give my roOm a good scrubbin and set up my huge rat cage.{RiggaboOts The Abbot Price} WoOt.


I just *had* to paste this cat storey told to me by Tromb.

tom says:
today jasper was asleep in the border while i was gardening and he woke up and meowed at me and a big frog was sitting right next to him

and he didnt mind he liked it

I loved that so much! <3 <3 CATS! ARGH! *goes to find my babys*
2 divine sparks| The splendid light

Wednesday, September 25th, 2002

Time:10:05 pm.
Mood: good.
Music:The cure-The walk.

*) Jafarias
*) Jarv
*) Merlin
*) RiggaboOts {"rigga"} ???

Yup, that's correct, i'm allowed a new shoulder sitter-onner , aka a rat!! I shouted 'Wooohoooo' out loud when my Mother said, 'O.kay I think your allowed another rat now, and you can have that tattoo only if i come with you!'


Urgh, i'm such a dumb gurl, i printed out *lots* of invatations for my party and gave most of them out at collage yesterday. What did i forget to put on the invatation? MY ADDRESS! Durrrr!! Now i have to print them alll off again and *re* give them out! Donk.

Kayleigh wants me to do her dreads this weekend {or next}, I'm going to spend about 7-10 hours on a gurl i hardly no's head. And all for free. Honestly, i've spent about 50 hours + {yup i worked it out} on peoples hair {not including my own}, imagine the money i would of earned if had charged.{!!} So from now on...I COST MONEY! humpf! I sound like a stinge, but i'm not. Most people don't even give me a proper thank you, and after it's done, then it's, ohw hayleigh? Urm i think i know her, but i wont say hello or anything, she only spent ten foOking hours on my hair and made me loOk beuitful which is a mission in itself!...bitches! oOps sliped into rant mode there. :S

I'm going to run away from the computer now. I need to go to sleep.
8 divine sparks| The splendid light

Monday, September 23rd, 2002

Time:10:14 pm.
Mood: amused.
Music:Placebo-Lady of the flowers.
Ergh, The earthquake last night scarred me soOo much!

I was dreaming about being in an art gallery which backed up to a Skinny puppy gig, which Mark was at. I could see him through this big window, he was crying and screaming because i had choosen the wrong artists boOk :/

Anyway it had a ery feel to the dream and i started to fall was then i woke up. My computer desk was bashing against the wall making a loud sound and my bed was shaking. I sat up and thinked to myself, 'ohw my roOm appears to be shaking'. Then i lay down again. *THen* i thinked again 'WHAT?!! MY ROoM IS SHAKING!!'

The *only* explanation for this {to me} is that the evil in the walls of my roOm was coming out.And soOn the devil would make an appearence!

I jumped out of bed, and went into my Mothers roOm, and said, 'Mum, it's the Devil'
she had already been downstairs and turned off the boiler {we've had some ''dodgey'' work done on it, and she was thinking the house was going to explode!}

We both went downstairs to my Father, who straight away said it was a small earthquake. I was having none of this, and i kept saying, Mum it's the evil in the walls *tug tug* Mummmm! My hands were actually shaking and i felt sick!

I jumped into my Mothers bed after this, and she kept saying 'Hayleigh, God will protect you.' {Baring in mind she's not holy AT all!!I think she was abit scared of *me*!} I went back to bed and finally woke up in the morning to my Father saying, 'Hayleigh i'm afraid it wasn't the Devil but an earthquake!'


I'm such a psycho!! I *really* strongly believed that on the 22nd Sept I was going to be attacked by all the evil in my house!

Oh dear. :S
6 divine sparks| The splendid light

Sunday, September 22nd, 2002

Subject:New hair
Time:9:22 pm.
Mood: good.
Yea, i have a {flat} Mohawk! It loOks much nicer in reel life but heres a picture anyway...

15 divine sparks| The splendid light

Saturday, September 21st, 2002

Subject:i'm just too glad im not human
Time:12:02 am.
Mood: annoyed.
Music:wumpscut-soylent green-.
This horrible breed of human, continues to make me want to laugh.....then shoOt myself.


The splendid light

Wednesday, September 18th, 2002

Subject:Midgets and my sleep
Time:1:55 am.
Mood: scared.
I can't sleep!

Trom and i were having a convo about midgets hanging themselfs before i signed off, and everytime i close my eyes i see one... hanging...starring at me! :/ It's a *very* scary sight!

Moooow, i'm tired! I need huggles and a few pats on the head..please?
2 divine sparks| The splendid light

Monday, September 16th, 2002

Subject:Bitch black
Time:9:16 pm.
Mood: blah.
Music:def leppard \m/.
I don't like opening this journal when i have a lot to write, because i write, write, write and then read back and it reads like this, I.don't.make.any.sense, So then i click 'delete'. {The moral here is that i waste my time}

So, i'll make it quick...

I had a goOd weekend.

A big thank you goes out to spaceboyzero who fixed my digicam {I own cute pictures of mark!;P} and made friday night lots 'o' fun. :D

Ryan has been round *again* tonight, and i did his hair *again!* hah.Cut, bleached, dyed, dyed, ate. *yum*
We had a game of 'who would spray the minty fresh spray in the place where it shouldn't be sprayed.' He won, with his ear.Ew.

And with the remanders of the black hair dye we wrote over our bodies.:S I have 'BITCH' written on my tummy in huge black letters!! hahah

Arghduewhrewkdasmdas, I feel like that now.Just blah, which is annoying because i hate feeling like this, i want to punch someones guts.Maybe *his*. *stomps* It's just NOT fair. :(

Tomorrow night me and Jen are going to derby to watch Kev's {guy from collage} band play, this should be fun, So i'm loOking forward to that! :D
The splendid light

Thursday, September 12th, 2002

Time:7:22 pm.
Mood: drained.
I'm so drained of all energy right now, puf puf puf!

Last night Molly and i went to a 'Murderdolls' gig. I don't really no what made us purchase the tickets as were not usally into the 'heavy bashy screamy lets say FUCK as loud as we can whilst sticking our middle finger up and thinking of yo mommas fucking ass' bands. heh

Anyway we went along and it was great fun!! I danced till my LEGS sweat! urgh! I choose to wear my P.V.C hot pants which i had to peel off my skin when i got home! Yumster!

I got back home at about half 11ish maybe, played the for afew more hours.{this was down to that lovely Mark {spaceboyzero} who was being far to floaty for me to go! {hah} ;) hahah! So i ended up going to bed in the early hours and waking up in the early hours and having a fun packed but looonnngggg day at collage. This = shattered Hayley Elizabeth!

Tomorrow i'm starting my business class, ARRRGGGGHHHHHH!! :( I'm a class A tard at this subject! Plus Jen and Kev wont be in, so i'll also be a class A loner, which is always fun! :D

The splendid light

Tuesday, September 10th, 2002

Time:7:41 pm.
Mood: scared.
Music:Garbage-Stupid Girl.
Ohw God, this morning i had a conversation with a tube of toOthpaste!

I'm insane aren't i.?!

{i just found this picture! i love it so much! <3 <3 <3}

huge naked boObz )
2 divine sparks| The splendid light

Monday, September 9th, 2002

Time:9:52 pm.
Mood: good.
Music:Skinny Puppy~candle~.
This weekend spent 7 hours on my friends silky brown and pink dreads, they turned out tre cute! She went back to schoOl today and evil evil Mrs Martin has demanded her to take them out by tomorrow, if not then she'll be suspended...pufft i hate her. She made my schoOl life worst then it had to be.Just because i had funny colored hair! grrrr

I have my old blue dreads in again, i shaved my undercut even higher last night so im able to fit a huge number of FOUR dreads ethier side! haha.. I like thou. :D

Still enjoying collage. I was introduced to a guy called Luke today, who is very very cute but also very gay *pouts*. It was strange, by loOking at him you'd imagine his voice to be deep and stuff, but he's the campest boi i've meet! Cute! It's now i envy all the gay guys out there! hehe.
He was talking about my hair :D ohw and he lives with my old best friend who i haven't seen for time! Crazy.

My God father when back to Cambodia today :( so i wont see him again for afew years. So i decided to base my art project on Cambodia, heh i'm enjoying it.blah blib blob,
3 divine sparks| The splendid light

Sunday, September 8th, 2002

Time:11:21 am.
Mood: okay.
Music:My ear drum going dun dun dun it hurts :(.
I've had quite a nice week. I'm enjoying collage {at the moment} and loOking forward to getting some work! So that all makes me smile!

Last night i went to one of my friends {whom i don't know too well} birthday party. It was so cute, her house was all decorated like a proper kiddies party, with balloOns and sweets etc..
It was fancy dress, the theme was to go as somthing begining with the letters in 'PARTY'. I went as a 'P'rositute {yup theres always one!} which was quite fun. I wore a super tight corset and some P.V.C hot pants {great for wedgies :S} and some hoOker accessories..i.e, suspenders and what nots.
The party itself was quite dull, i think i was the only gurl high on fanta..haha! *pats back for not breaking her promise*
My boObz got quite alot of attension! hehe!
Tight corsets and anger go well together when its a member of the oppersite sex your angry with!!Last night was wish..hah

Well i'm off now..I'll leave mr journal with my..

hoOker pose )
13 divine sparks| The splendid light

Sunday, September 1st, 2002

Time:1:29 pm.
Mood: blah.
Music:Assemblage 23 - Naked.
I want to leap for joy CRY!!

Collage starts back tomorrow! { Why do the chants of 'Grebo' and 'Freak' spring to mind ?!? }

Well at least the summer has been packed full of fun fun FUN events! lonely..?

Ohw ohw ohw.

The splendid light

Friday, August 30th, 2002

Time:9:40 am.
Mood: tired.
Music:Neuroticfish-Velocity-club edit.
Blib loOk at the time!! Stupid builders {or whoever i'm waiting for} should've been coming at 8.30am...pufft THERE NOT HERE AND *I* got UP FOR THEM!!

No cups of tea for them then,tut tut!

I was kinda proud of myself last night, i only came online for about 1 hour! woOoo :) *pats back* In that one hour i did nothing but waste my time as usual! *sighs* I also did this..{which i'm sure is almost identical to the one i did afew weeks ago..oh well..}

nOthing better to do )
7 divine sparks| The splendid light

Thursday, August 29th, 2002

Time:3:30 pm.
Mood: full.
I've just put some old punk c.d's on which i used to listen to afew years ago, and oh the memories! It's kinda depressing really. They were memories of being 'happy', I *liked* most people, i had this gorgeus new boifriend, and i was able to do stuff without my head saying poisonus stuff to me...grrr. This particular ablum reminds me of mine and James' first ''date''. heh, we went to get our first 'facial' piercings together! How sweet! We used to always pull each others with our teeth and see how far we could get without saying 'ouch!' hahah!

Moving on....

Last night i was lying in bed. It must of been around 2am maybe abit later, when i heard the typical space ship noise. I didn't think any thing of it untill i saw a beam of light coming from the sky pointing down to the floOr...i jumped out of bed thinking...'OMG, I'm just about to see a spaceship'..i got sooo excited, but it was my stupid blinds making a line out of the moOnlight! I was very annoyed! {and felt stupid!} hah!

I feel fat.Me and my Mother had just had a lovely lunch at the local pub.Yum, it was nice. But they had ran out of {nice} cakes :(

O.kay well i best get back to work Mothers work!
5 divine sparks| The splendid light

Wednesday, August 28th, 2002

Time:10:31 pm.
Mood: annoyed.
Music:Revolting cocks-do ya think i'm sexy.
My hobnob is stale and my tea needs *much* more sugar!!! humpf! *stomps foOt* :(
8 divine sparks| The splendid light

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