LiveJournal for The Incredible yet not quite edible.
Monday, November 18th, 2002 |
I saw the shortest midget I've ever seen before in my life today. He/she couldn't have been much taller than like two feet, but that's not all.. he/she was on roller skates... and was just whizzing through the crowd of people walking on the sidewalk. Both of my Friday classes have been cancelled! So I think I'm going to head on home Thursday night. I probably won't get home until like 10:00 pm, but still... the sooner I get out of this place, the better. Today about halfway through my lit. class... this voice comes across the speakers and goes, "Attention, Attention! The emergency situation has now been cleared. You may now reenter the building," or something like that. We just sat there all confused like... and the prof goes, "Did the fire alarm go off or anything??" There were other people in the building too... so either it was a localized evacuation, or more than likely, just someone messing with the alarm system. Kinda weird either way. I have two papers and a book to read this week.. Oh motivation, where art thou? |
I'm still pissed over this whole camera ordeal. I was honestly nearly on the verge of tears last night, and I hardly ever cry.. okay? But I'm just sick of this. I had half a mind to just tell them to forget about the whole thing, because if they couldn't get one without raising hell over it, then I don't want it. I'll buy the damn thing myself and remember all of this come time to put them in a nursing home. But you see... if tell them to forget about it, then more than likely they'll 'surprise' me with a really cheap one and then dare me to complain about it. Then if I don't pretend to love the thing... they'll tell me how ungrateful I am. As idiotic as that sounds.. that's honestly how my parents are. You all know how much of a piano freak I am, and I've told on here before about how I had to literally BEG for years for them to buy me a new piano when I was younger. Finally one day dad was like, Okay, I'm taking you to a piano store. Pick one out and 'stop your bitching'. And that's how I ended up with the piano I have now. It's a reasonably good piano, but it's nothing spectacular either.. yet I was dared to ever complain about it because I wanted a new one, I chose that one, and they 'sacrificed' and bought it for me. A couple of years ago, the piano needed to be tuned. When I said something to mom about it, she was like, we don't have the money right now. A couple of months passed and they still 'didn't have the money'. I started arguing with her about how they never seem to have the money. She then started going off on me about all these bills we've had lately and blah blah blah and how dad does without all the time so that us kids can have and blah blah blah... and about that time dad came back from shopping and was like, "I bought a new grill today! Who wants steaks tonight!" Oh.. you don't even know how furious that made me. That only made the third grill we have sitting around the house now. I just gave my mom a death stare and sarcastically replied, "Oh I guess we have the money for another new grill, but we don't have the money for the piano." Then she started yelling at me about how my dad bought it for me and the rest of the family to enjoy because we all love grilled steaks so much. ..... I don't like steaks. I mean, a good T-bone is okay, but other than that.. no... and he knows that. Yes that was a bit of a ramble, but maybe you see what I'm dealing with now. Sure the things I ask for aren't usually that cheap... but I don't think I ask for much that often. Like this year.. all I want is the camera. Really, I'd be more than happy if that was all that was under the tree for me. Yesterday when dad and I were talking, my sister goes, "You want me to ask for it, so you'll actually get it??" And thus is the story of my life. I'm not jealous of my sister, really, and I'm not trying to send my parents on a guilt trip. I just want them to actually get me a nice present, something that would make me more than happy, without complaining and asking a million questions about it. If they can't do that, or if money really is tight with them now (with those Mustang payments and all)... then I honestly don't want the thing. And I'll tell them that, and I'll tell them if they buy me one regardless, to 'make me happy', then I'll take it back. Really.. I'm tired of dealing with them. |
Sunday, November 17th, 2002 |
SNOW!!! Just enough to tease me with... but snow nonetheless. November 17.. it's about freaking time for some snow. I agree with one of |
Saturday, November 16th, 2002 |
I'm sure one would be a shoe in for the Nobel Peace Prize if they'd invent a vaccine against those tiny little sore spots you get on your tongue. I've had one for the past couple of days... and it's about to drive me crazy. I've tried biting it off, but it's in an awkward little crevice, and I'm sure I'd end up biting the tip of my tongue off if I tried any harder than I have been. I need to get some salt, but I'm not going to waste my $$ on a canister of salt just for one little sore. Right now I'm eating a payday, but licking it like an old cow first. My apologies for that mental picture you just got, but it's the truth. If it's not better tomorrow, I'm gonna stop by some random restaurant and raid their little to-go packets of salt.. if this thing doesn't drive me crazy by then. | ||||||||
WHY are there 10,003 kids up here today? And WHY are they all in Owen's?? I was craving their brunch today... but when I got there, there was like a million kids, some of which didn't look much older than 12, all over the place. Billy said last night that there was some middle school indoor sports meet going on.. but these didn't look much like the athletic type. In fact, they all had uniforms on... and you don't even want me to get started on what I think of school uniforms, but anyways, that's besides the point. It's not so much that I have this thing against kids... but like, where is the logic in taking a herd of demon seed like that into a college dining hall, which is always very crowded on Saturdays? Load the little wastes of oxygen up in a cattle trailer and haul their butts to McDonald's. They'll be much happier... and I'll be much happier. ACK! Anyways... For some reason it hit me the other day that I haven't gotten a love letter in years. I'm talking about those, "Sneak this in Sally's backpack after lunch" type of love letters, not like the sappy notes that two sig figs exchange. I suppose that's just another sad tragedy of becoming old... But yeah... I got a love letter from a lesbian once. Talk about freaking me out... I lost sleep over that one. I didn't know if she thought I looked/acted like a girl... or if I was just soo sexy that even a lesbian couldn't resist me. I convinced myself that it was the latter. |
Friday, November 15th, 2002 |
( Another blasted survey... ) | ||||||||
Kelly informed me last night that there is a new muppet movie premiering this Thanksgiving on TV. You don't even know how shamelessly excited this makes me. I saw an opened tampon just laying on the sidewalk a few minutes ago. Somethings you just don't want to know about. These new Little Debbie chocolate chip creme pies aren't as good as they look. They taste.. burned. And the creme is like marshmallowy goo. I don't suggest buying them. |
Thursday, November 14th, 2002 |
( Oh this is hilarious... ) | ||||||||
Let's see, perhaps I should do something I don't do very often, and actually tell you about the highlights of my day. First class today, our professor wasn't able to attend because he is sick. But he couldn't really cancel class, because we're doing presentations right now, and they're basically booked up to the last day of class with not much time to spare. So... the prof. emails one of the students to let us know that he wouldn't be able to attend, but for us to go ahead with the student presentations that were scheduled for today. People... it was the best class I've had in there all year. And to be honest, I think we learned more today than any of the other classes. This was the class I got 'kicked out of' at the beginning of the year, if you remember that story. So today, Mandy was doing her presentation and about halfway through, Laura gets a bit 'chatty and disruptive' and Mandy looks over at us and goes, "I want to see you all after class!" You just have to know the story for that to be any bit funny, but the class got a good laugh nonetheless. Ahh... good times, good times. So then I went to my second and last class for today. I was listening in on the gossip going on just before class and heard somebody say they just passed our prof with a beer in his hand walking towards Burruss. Okay... logic tells me that it was probably just a root beer bottle or one of those generic soda cans that kinda look like a beer can from a distance... but logic also tells me that this is Steve we're talking about. Eh... it was probably just a root beer. This prof does show though, and at the end of class, he hands our last essay test back... and I got a 93 on it. Yeah, I got a 77 on the first one, and a 93 on the second, and if anything, I did worse on the second one than I did the first. Yeah. So, I was kinda waiting on this test before I went to talk with him about the first one... and I'm definitely going to see him now. I think the first test honestly deserved about an 85. We'll see. And besides nearly jumping out of my skin at Owens, that's basically been my day! |
I am soo ready for some cold weather. Not this forty degree crap either.. but like good old frigid winter weather. I have a lot of winter clothes, some of which I've still yet to wear this year cause it's been so warm. Today I'm wearing a t-shirt, and I'm comfy. I might throw on a light jacket going to class, cause the wind picks up across the drillfield.. but like.. a sweater on a day like today?? No way. I saw a guy in Owen's a few minutes ago wearing a jacket over a sweater over a button-up which I'm assuming was also over a t-shirt. Hello? It's like 55 outside today! Fashion or not... If I wore that many layers on a day like today, I'd have a heat stroke. But yeah... I have some nice winter clothes, and I'm just waiting on the winter weather so I can actually wear them in comfort. | ||||||||
And now.. here's a pic of Amanda's baby... ( Tatum Elizabeth ) |
Wednesday, November 13th, 2002 |
Okay... I have a rant coming, so just get comfy... When I was in 10th grade, I had a history teacher who used this little thing known as the 'participation grade'. So, we'd have like a couple of tests, and maybe a quiz or two, an occasional paper, and this participation grade computed together in our six weeks average. First six weeks, I was rather shocked when I got a B, not to mention one of my good friends, Rosemary, who got a C, when we'd made A's on all the assignments. Rosemary was a very good student, who seldom if ever made below a B in any class. When she and her parents complained to the teacher, some other students thought she was being whiny because it was her first C and blah blah blah.. but here's the catch.. the teacher told her, quote, "You just look like a C student." So needless to say, I had a chat with the old prick myself... because I couldn't understand how I'd gotten a B, when I had all A's on my assignments as well, and that's when he told me about this 'participation grade'. Come to find out... this participation grade was more or less a variable, like x in a math equation, that he would tweak to make our final grades come out to whatever he wanted them to be. Also he'd have it so our grades would more or less fall along a perfect bell curve, so that two students in the class would have A's, four would have C's, two would have F's, etc. etc... regardless of our actual points average. There was one six weeks where I had a 'participation grade' of like 86.738 and a six weeks average of 94.4. Yeah. It's also needless to say that even though this was completely ridiculous and unfair, it still continued until the end of the year. That's just one of several problems I've had with teachers over the years, and I'm sure the rest of you can relate as well. What allows teachers get by with stuff like that? One would think that the principals would have enough sense to put a stop to this sort of nonsense... but of course they rarely do (stop it and/or have enough sense). And what can a student do?? Students have no power against the school authorities, and I'm sorry.. but that is just wrong. Granted, the teachers should be the ones in charge, and shouldn't feel intimidated or threatened by a student... but when it comes to reasonable debate.. students and school faculty should be on equal ground. I hate to sound like a democratic unionist here, but misusing one's power to another's disadvantage merely because you are personally biased against them or simply because you can, cannot be tolerated under any circumstance. Not all teachers are this way of course, and yes, teachers are just humans... who favor or disfavor some people over others... but when their emotions get in the way of how they grade... that is really crossing the line. They abuse their power merely because they can. I'm sorry if this sounds ridiculously cynical, but I've seen it happen time and time again. Just last year there was a big issue at our school where a teacher told some students they had to make such and such grade on the exam to pass.. and the students made that grade, but still ended up failing the class. Oh, did I also mention these were seniors expecting to graduate that spring? No, I don't think a teacher should pass a student that is not competent in the subject matter... but how do you really measure knowledge? Especially in such a subjective course like English... who is really the ultimate decider of what is passing and what is not? How can you fail a student for 1/2 of a point and feel at ease about it? How can a so called teacher dishonestly and intentionally fail a student and feel no shame? It is about time that some teachers were expelled from school. |
Oh, today's Non Sequitur is soo hilarious. One of my biggest peeves is people like that... people who can't think figuratively. Everything has to be exactly black and white for them or else they 'don't get it'. Ack, I could start ranting on that, but I'll save my breath for another rant coming up later this evening. Anyways... today's Shoe is pretty funny too. | ||||||||
Tuesday, November 12th, 2002 |
Snickers with almonds?? What next? Paydays with cashews? Milky Ways with pistachios?? In other random news... I get into some really bizarre icq conversations sometimes. |
Congratulations to Tatum Elizabeth born - Nov. 11, 2:01 pm 6 lbs. 11 oz. 20 1/2 inches long |
Monday, November 11th, 2002 |
You wanna know what you can get me for Christmas?? Why... how about one of these! Yeah... I'm serious. The polyester one would be fine, and I'd love you forever for it. |
I cannot find my lighter. Yes, this is a big deal. Most guys, especially farm boys, carry a pocket knife around with them. I always carried my trusty lighter instead. I cannot find my lighter. Last time I remember having it was on the Fourth of July to light the fireworks, and I haven't seen it since. At home, I have like three or so laying around my bedroom, so I'd just use those when I needed to... but it's just not the same. I wouldn't put it past my mother to have thrown the thing away, but I don't think that she has. More than likely it's just lost in my bedroom somewhere. |
Today is one of those days where it's impossible to get comfortable. It is so freaking hot outside, and it's worse in the dorm where we have no a/c right now. It's supposed to cool off today, thank God, but I was hoping the storms that came through last night would have cooled things off more by now. It amazes me how many people have never heard of hushpuppies. Yes, the food, not the shoe. I mean... have they never eaten at Long John Silver?? They have them quite often as a side dish at the Carvery here... and I've heard several people ask what they were. Today there was this girl who asked what they were, and the server was like, "Um... I think they're like... bread." And the girl was like, "Do they have meat in them??" (no, she wasn't a vegetarian, she had chicken) But I was thinking, "Yeah.. they got meat. Why do you think they call them hushpuppies." Finally the girl beside her goes, "It's like fried cornbread with bits of onion and stuff inside. They're really good." So the girl decided to get some and try them. I bet they'll be her favorite food from now on. |
Sunday, November 10th, 2002 |
I'm really contemplating asking for a digital camera for Christmas. I'd want a reasonably good one, but nothing too fancy either. I also really want a new watch, and lots of clothes. Sooo... hrmm... I need a new billfold, but methinks the one I have can hold out until my birthday at least. Okay, I think I've about talked myself into it now. Yep yep. That's what I'll ask the parents for, the camera, plus some other small radomities... and I'll ask the Grandparents and such just to give me some $$ early so I can buy clothes and stuff, probably the watch too, and have them wrap it for Christmas! | ||||||||
Oh holy wow..... | ||||||||
LiveJournal for The Incredible yet not quite edible.