The Wayback Machine -
Dear Journal,   
23:02pm 03/10/2002
mood: tired
Work today, was one of them days - I swear it. For example, I was asked by Keith to cover the first floor, while him, Jainie, Mart and Terry go for a meeting about the re-fit on Monday and Tuesday. And 3 lads walk up the stairs - bearing in mind, I'm on my own, Hayleys on lunch (security guard) and Steve's off (security guard). I took one look, and thought 'why me' anyway, cut a long story short they nicked over 10 Disney DVDs. Keith went outside to have a brew, caught them and got the stock back. Then, it was like Ross fucking up orders. *rolls eyes*. And just other bits, managed to get through the day with all my hair - the sooner I find a job, the better! :P Dean and I had a good chatting session - he's such a lovely lad. Definitely gonna be good mates.

Just burning some movies onto CDRW - which work, thank god, on my DVD player (cheer, vj).

Got an email from someone at Handle Recruitment about a job I applied for - shall call tomorrow.

Period sucks - eating like a pig, and now feel bloated and sore *die, die*.

Rest time!!!

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Dear Journal,   
20:29pm 01/10/2002
  Was up London today. Went to 2 more recruitment agencies, but it wasn't all bad - both of them have sent my CV off! I even got a phonecall yesterday, and rung them back at cmoves today definitely a cool job - so want - fingers crossed.

My toe has been strapped up :( Must see Doctor.

Have nose bleed - sucks.

If anyone comes across this entry - and know's how to resolve it, I'd be utterly greatful!! I have suddenly developed a problem in Win98, where my c:\window folder, keeps on appearing on the startup of my PC. I've check msconfig, and startup folder and it's not there.

Any ideas would be helpful, and wouldn't go amiss!!

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Dear Journal,   
21:54pm 30/09/2002
mood: tired
Work's not so bad. Just getting pissed off with Lou and Rach, leaving me on my fucking on for over an hour - considering I can't do refunds, it's like 'So sorry' to every customer. *Stabs them in the eye with a pretzel*.

Had the new Games Buyer start today, he rules. His name's Dean. :> We'll become great friends, methinks!

Career Moves left a message on my phone today, Kelly rang on behalf of Esther - but she'd left! I shall call her tomorrow, before I go to Chamberlain and Beaumont for my registration!

Just really tierd, from working!

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I had a brainwave.   
19:13pm 29/09/2002
mood: pleased
I dunno what made me think of it, but I suddenly thought 'Urhm. There must be someone who's born on everyday of the year'. So, I thought I'd do it on here to see who are born, when - and see how far we get! Get all your friends to do it, as it'll be interesting!! :)

Read more... )
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Dear Journal,   
19:05pm 27/09/2002
mood: tired
Work was pretty ok today, if not hectic. And hey, I got paid early from Crook Log *yay!* My hard work in overtime in August paid off. I r pleased!

Pooped now!

Bye. <3
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It's that time again.   
18:58pm 27/09/2002
  I'm gonna go through my journal, and delete people - don't take it personal, it's only a journal! Some people post way too much, others, well I shant go into that right now.

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Dear Journal,   
22:44pm 26/09/2002
mood: tired
Today was the day - we had to dress in some shape or form as Elvis. Mart looked fscking awesome! I took a front and back picture of him, which I'll upload on my PC sometime. When we got into work, Richard looked the dogs nuts. He had like, a sliver cape, and white flares, with like red bits and seaqiuns, and Lou had her jeans on. We did look good - Kieth bought like, 20 Elvis heads which we wore. It was fun!

Work on a whole, wasn't too bad to be honest. On our (Mart and mine's) Lunch break, I had a missed call on my cellphone. Last night, I like sent off for this job for a PA to a Commercial Dir. (2nd jobber), and like she emailed/and called saying she's interested to discuss my CV further. So, I'm seeing her on Wednesday. It'll be good to start off in, anyway.

I'm just utterly and completely shattered now!

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Dear Journal,   
19:08pm 25/09/2002
mood: indescribable
Today wasn't a bad day. I spent it with my Mommy - apart from your true friends, and lovers etc. Your Mom's always there to cheer you up. Yay for Moms! Before we went into Greenwich for some lunch, I did Marts jacket for tomorrow at work - and it looks awesome. I spelt out Elvis in blue 15mm sized Rhinestones - and added little dots of sliver glue glitter, to make it look like diamonds on the rhinestones. I may even sell it on Ebay at some point. :) We went into Greenwich, and had a tex/mex lunch - very yummy, and I'll of probably put on 29493649276492634lbs! We had a look around and then we drove to Charlton. Went to Macros, to get the cat some food, and picked up a few other bits and bobs, went to Argos, where - bless her my Mom bought my a cute gold and white gold locket - as she wants a picture of her and mart in there, and a cute white gold and diamond bracelet (which we'll both share). We then went to Matalan, and got some trainer socks, and a new cooking pan and I got these really cool grey pinstripe trousers!

I called this girl called Joyce, regarding a job which alfabettezoupe showed me last. And it turns out, it's at a really far distance from myself - and they needed like, 3/4 years experience. However, she seemed really, really nice and like basically interviewed me on the phone and I've sent my CV through incase anything comes up. :)

Anyway, back home now - and I'm not gonna customize my leather trousers which are like, big for me! lol. :)

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Dear Journal,   
10:57am 25/09/2002
mood: sad
Meh. I'm still feeling really hurt, used and disheartened. I have no idea what I'm gonna do today - I've done job hunting this Morning until it's coming out of my eyeballs.
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21:40pm 23/09/2002
mood: thoughtful
I got bored at work, and seeing so many peoeple of different color, sizes, heights etc - it got me thinking. So I created this poll to see how y'all brains tick. All questions is aimed to both sexes, so please fill in. It'll be interesting! :)

Poll #62394: Girl and guy thing.
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

For the guys - what kind of man are you, when it comes to the opposite sex?

View Answers

Personality man
4 (66.7%) 4 (66.7%)

Humor man
2 (33.3%) 2 (33.3%)

Butt man
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

Leg man
1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%)

Breast man
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

Hair man
1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%)

Eye man
2 (33.3%) 2 (33.3%)

Other (please state in comment)
1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%)

Ok girls, your turn - what kind of girl are you, when it comes to the opposite sex?

View Answers

Personality girl
9 (75.0%) 9 (75.0%)

Humor girl
6 (50.0%) 6 (50.0%)

Butt girl
2 (16.7%) 2 (16.7%)

Leg girl
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

Hair girl
2 (16.7%) 2 (16.7%)

Eye girl
5 (41.7%) 5 (41.7%)

Other (please state in comment)
1 (8.3%) 1 (8.3%)

How important is (men/womens) physical looks to you? 1 being least, 10 being most.

View Answers
Mean: 5.17 Median: 5 Std. Dev: 1.89
10 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
21 (5.6%) 1 (5.6%)
34 (22.2%) 4 (22.2%)
42 (11.1%) 2 (11.1%)
53 (16.7%) 3 (16.7%)
63 (16.7%) 3 (16.7%)
72 (11.1%) 2 (11.1%)
83 (16.7%) 3 (16.7%)
90 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
100 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

How important is (men/womens) dress sense? 1 being least, 10 being most.

View Answers
Mean: 5.28 Median: 6 Std. Dev: 2.13
11 (5.6%) 1 (5.6%)
21 (5.6%) 1 (5.6%)
33 (16.7%) 3 (16.7%)
42 (11.1%) 2 (11.1%)
51 (5.6%) 1 (5.6%)
62 (11.1%) 2 (11.1%)
76 (33.3%) 6 (33.3%)
82 (11.1%) 2 (11.1%)
90 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
100 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

What about intelligence? How important? 1 being least, 10 being most.

View Answers
Mean: 8.28 Median: 8 Std. Dev: 1.41
10 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
20 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
30 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
40 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
51 (5.6%) 1 (5.6%)
62 (11.1%) 2 (11.1%)
70 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
87 (38.9%) 7 (38.9%)
94 (22.2%) 4 (22.2%)
104 (22.2%) 4 (22.2%)

(For both sexes) Would you prefer to date a skinny person, or an overweight person?

View Answers

11 (61.1%) 11 (61.1%)

6 (33.3%) 6 (33.3%)

Other (please state in comment)
4 (22.2%) 4 (22.2%)

Ok, and finally.. What would have to be wrong (mentally and/or phsyically) for you NOT to date someone? And Why?

View Answers
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Autumnal Equinox.   
21:17pm 23/09/2002
mood: geeky
Autumn begins. (I realized this, when looking at my Lil' Miss Naughty calender).
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Dear Journal,   
20:03pm 23/09/2002
mood: tired
Work was cool today, we had some good new releases come out - and one of them being Elvis, with his 30 #1 hits. We all had to wear a t-shirt which is provided by HMV to promote it - I even managed to sell 2, and gave away a t-shirt to a lady (obviously, using managers yesness!) it was long, but ok none-the-less. Mart and I were on Lunch together, as was Rich - Mart, being the darling he is, bought me lunch. :> I'm just really tierd now, and I'm glad I'm off for the next 2 days. Thursday is the start of the sale, so, it'll be fricking manaic!

Chamberlain and Beaumount called *again* on my cellphone, this time they left a message - I shall ring back tomorrow, and if poss' go and see them Wednesday.

That's about it, really.

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18:27pm 22/09/2002
ooou! you're pantyhose! you shexy thang, you!
what type of sock are you? quiz by allison
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Dear Journal,   
17:32pm 22/09/2002
mood: tierd/full
Yesterday working at Crook Log was a complete bore - they were organising the sports hall for the Antiques Fair. Area Manager, Jason didn't turn up till 7pm, and I never left work until 10pm - from 8pm to 10pm, I was doing literally fuck all!

It was the Asst. Manager (emma's) leaving drink last night, and everyone from HMV was like pounding in Mart to try and get me to get there ASAP - I'm loved. ;P It was a good night!

Worked today (HMV), was rather busy, but not too bad a day. :) Keith (Store Manager) wants us ALL to dress like Elvis, or, something Elvis like - as his new Albums out tomorrow (this is for Thursday) - nightmare. lol.

Still looking for perm work on the side, but this is something to keep me less fustrated. And hey, more money.

And I've lost another 2lbs. :) So, that's *thinks* that's 34lbs in total. :)

Hope everyone else is ok!

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19:39pm 20/09/2002
  Looks like Broadband might be entering my area soon, FINALLY! *cheers, and bounces around like a child with candy..*, ahem. I'm gonna sign up for the free 3 months trial. :>

Oh yeah, I've applied to Genes for Jeans Day and received the sponsership forms etc, to collect the money for the children. If anyone is interesting in donating, please let me know, it's from anything from ?1 to as much as you feel generous to give!

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Dear Journal,   
19:07pm 20/09/2002
mood: tired
I am alive, and I started working at HMV on Thursday. And yanno, it's not that bad at all! Mart traineed me up, so I knew all the ropes etc. And then, I was set on the ground floor (mostly music) to work with:

Rachel - Not bad chick
Richard - Awesome dude
Little Andy - Awesome dude
Louise - er. enough said

And a few others. The majority of the workers there know me anyway. I met the Regional Manager, Claire as well. She seems to of taken a shining to me - which can't be bad. I'm flackered though! I'll be working 28 hours a week, and I get discount (30%) and holiday pay too, which is cool. :>

Anyway, just downloading my email right now and may chill out and chat for a while and then go to sleeeeeeeep.

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20:31pm 18/09/2002
  This wedding dress, has my name! :D  
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19:23pm 18/09/2002
  Oh! When Mom, Mart and I were out for lunch - a guy came into the resturant with roses, and oh my gosh - Mart bought me the cutest single rose, ever. *beams*

I also start xmas temping tomorrow for HMV. I've decided, this could be a good thing because, I could always work in the Head Office of HMV in the PR side of things - and working on the shop floor will increase my product knowledge. This, however, is a last resort. :P
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Dear Journal,   
19:17pm 18/09/2002
mood: tired
Went to my other two interviews today, and I have to say - Cmoves rocks. They've got fantastic clients ranging from:

BBC etc.

All well known, exciting and reputable companies. Esther was lovely and she even looked for jobs for me there and then, and she was like the ones which are available either want someone with experience, or basic skills. She said, my skills were too good for some of them - which I felt over the moon about. But, as always some want 1-2 years experience. But she said, when I'm ready I can go into temping, which I may do come Janurary if nothing perm comes up. Working girls suck - I'm sorry, they're the WORSE agency out of the 6, I've been too. Basically she's like 'we have nothing, if I find anything or you see an ad in the Guardian I'll contact you/you contact me'. I was gonna say 'Well, I got this interview with you - because I DID see an ad' but, they seem really shit, so I never. She never even told me about their clients or anything - sod that.

Been out since 9:30am, came home 5pm. About 5:20pm, went to the gym and came home about 10 min's ago. ;P I feel really good though!

It was a fruitful and somewhat eventful, apart from Working girls. Out of all the agencies I like: Impact, Regan & Dean and Career Moves (Cmoves).

Anyway, I hope everyone out there is ok!


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I r contemplating ZZzz land!   
23:50pm 17/09/2002
mood: tired
I have another long day ahead of me tomorrow. 2 more interviews, with 2 agencies. I don't think I'll go with anymore now, I reckon 6 is enough - don't you? :P I need to iron my trousers, and take up 2 CVs from the ones I've printed off and photocopied.

Ni Ni.

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