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Miss Biznus

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Not A Lot Accomplished Today.... [29 Aug 2002|11:56pm]
[ mood | devious ]
[ music | Jennifer Love Hewitt -- Barenaked ]

Today, as previously mentioned, was the first day back to school here in Deeetroit. I got home just after noon, and spent most of the day finishing the book Jon gave to me, The Glasswright's Apprentice. It was a decent read. It definately had me intrigued from beginning to end. I could hardly wait to finish it.

Have you noticed that with books? You devote hours on end to reading it, to enjoying it, to finishing it; then, once it's all over, you just want to keep reading?!

Anyway, the story's plot was interesting. Definately my field of liturature....however, the author is quite terrible at descriptions and imagery. She used the same details throughout the book, and hardly ever put a clear visual in my head. I belive she was so focused on the length of the novel, she hardly bothered to type more than necessary. Which was unfortunate, because it would have made the book much more of a gem to me.

Once the book was set down a final time, I fell asleep in our arm chair. I didn't wake up again until about 7. I, for those who are unaware, am not a fan of naps. They interfere with my sleep pattern (which has gone down the shitter since landing here again) and my mind usually wanders until I am unable to keep my eyes open any longer. So when I awoke, I was in a slightly cranky mood. Sorry to anyone who caught the runt of that.

I ended up settling down again in front of the TV to watch the MTV Music Awards. I highly doubt I need to recite any of the night's events, seeing as most people probably tuned in for themselves. It was definately entertaining -- for television, that is -- and I was quite astounded at HOW MUCH Chris really does look like Jimmy Fallon. *sighs dreamily* heh heh!

I have class early tomorrow morning, again. Tomorrow starts The Film as Art. Don't hold your breath, folks...I can hardly vision it being all too exciting. But who knows....I am a film buff. Perhaps this will be a handy outlet. I will post about my adventures in class tomorrow.

I'm the Half-Naked Hot Tub Luvah!

Take the Jimmy Fallon recurring SNL character quiz here.

created by stomps.

(Join the Kennel)

First Day of School [29 Aug 2002|10:48am]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Libra -- Pure Shoes (extended version) ]

I feel like a kindergardener:

Everyone share your name with the class!
But let's make it fun, okay?
How about you name an animal that starts with the first letter in your name. Like this:

Kangaroo Kelly.

Okay dear, it's your turn....!
Tiger Taryn

Well, that's the extreme, I know.
But seriously, it felt like she needed to sit us down and use pretty illustrations so she would believe we understood.
"Is it nap time yet, Mrs. Johnson?"

It's going to be so expensive too.
Forget owning more than one pair of jeans....I need to buy a new sketchpad. A $30 US pad, of course.

I could buy new SHOES for that money.

So much for luxury when you are a starving art student.
Luxury = a room containing any one other item, not relating to art supplies.
I have not yet attempted to switch classes. I figured next week will be a good time to try. I will see if I can get into photography (another expensive course! *moans*). It would be well-worth the expensive, I think. It would also help my sanity stay intact. It's the one course that I absolutely feel I need. It's the best way I know how to express my artistic self, and it's the only course I can not get into.
Keep my sanity in your prayers.

(Join the Kennel)

Werkin' it..... [28 Aug 2002|05:25pm]
HOORAY for things looking better!

School licks ass....but I just got a call from the Manager at Sterling. He told me that he wants me to "help out", as long as I'm availible.

I was invited to Heat (in Pontiac) to be a Shooter Girl tonight...and to do flyers on the weekend. Promos = blech, but HOORAY for work!

I am in slightly better spirits....although I am bored-witless.

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Bullshit Courses..... [28 Aug 2002|09:54am]
So today started off pretty shitty for me.
I woke up to have troubles with the registration line for school.....ONLY to find out that the only courses I can get are the stupidest bullshit courses.

I was almost excited for a minute when I picked up ARCHERY....but I had to drop it, b/c it was only 2 FUCKING credits. :cry:

I really have no idea why I bothered to come back.
I never do...but this time seems the most in vain.
Fucking fruitless waste of bullshit time.
(make sense....what?!)

I just want to pack up my essentials, and take off. Go someplace far. Just stay out of the spotlight for awhile. Mexico sounds nice.....if I could make it to Costa Rica, that'd be better. Someplace....fuck, anyplace. Just away from this.
That way I can work, worry about normal stuff like bills and rent and whatever....and just live life.

I am tired of trying to "better" my life, to find it backfires.

Anywho...these are my classes for this next (oh-so-fucking-boring) semester:
Illustration Fundamentals II
The Film As Art (wtf?)
and Philosophy

I will have a degree in Humanities and Philosophy *LONG* before I finish half the fucking program in MCA.... :\ (so why not change my program? -- because I LIKE Graphic Arts!)

I am SO upset there is no photography.
Again, my poor camera will sit in it's camera bag, waiting for use, and I will simply tote it from point A to point B....and it will grow dusty and soon it will spite me also.

I need a nap.

(1 bark | Join the Kennel)

So Wrong.... [27 Aug 2002|11:09pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Dixie Chicks -- Ready To Run ]

okay.... my bad.

I found out today it was a Cadillac, not a Benz. Harsh my bad. I should have known better, but I was pretty fuxxor'd. I don't even remember much of the night now.

I'm sure we had fun?!?!?

heh....anyway, I find out tomorrow about school. I am going to go to bed early, b/c I have been up wayyyyy too late recently. Stupid missing Vancouver.

I realized, that things would really be alright here if there was another person in the house. Like if my sister, or a friend, came down and stayed here for awhile. It would make time pass a little quicker. I mean, I could walk to the park...but wtf am I going to do, by myself, in a park. It's a little disappointing.

Anyway, I'm feeling a little invaded here. I was enjoying my time to myself too much, and now, living with another person, is a little weird. No more doing anything incriminating. Not that I don't have people down my back all the time anyway..... *coughs*mom*coughs*

Oh well.
I was "forced" to drink tonight, which was quite the turn-off. I became pretty fucking bitter fast. I don't mind doing shots -- of even tequila -- but when I have shots bought for me, w/o my permission, it feels forced, and I don't appretiate being forced to drink. That's my nit-picking, however.

Well, living here is definately going to take some getting used to. Especially since I feel completely segregated from the rest of the world. I hate that. I will not get into details because I am quite sleepy....but I just don't feel like I'm part of anything when here. I sit around... and that's the basis of my life here.

I need stimulation...I need to do SOMETHING.... and if I knew what, I would be taking action to do it already.

Wish me lotsa luck for school, manana....
Love you all Still.

(3 barks | Join the Kennel)

Drinkin' in Styyyyyyyyyyyyle [27 Aug 2002|03:12am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Wyclef Jean ft. City High -- Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right ]

yeah, you heard me.

Tonight was a decent night.
I spent the day doing jack and shit, so when Steve called, and asked if I wanted to head over for dinner, I jumped at the oppurtunity. For Cheezy. So I went to their place fer home-made stir fry.....


I ate there, then went to their bowling league with them. What a fucking riot. I was offered another job, once I get my SSN....if that ever happens... :\
I talked with the owner of the Atomic Dog (the bar at Pampas -the bowling alley!) about my "risque" experiences in Vancouver, and he absolutely loved hearing about "Canadian Girls"
I was literally dragged out of the bar -- not because I drank too much, either! ;o)

They wanted to head to Sterling Bar.
Steve, Paula, Mike and I took off. Mike was so fucked up, that he TOLD me to drive his fucking Benz.....!

I, very obvious, drove as carefully as possible....considering I had drank a little bit, and me drinking with a learners is a worse offence than him driving plastered....! But he was so fucked he couldn't even drive. So he gave me his keys.

What fucking trust! ;o)

I was so nervous, though, I didn't exploit the oppurtunity. But I found out later that night that it was actually his car -- in his name and all -- so whoa! lol!

We got to Sterling and danshed, danshed, danshed.
Too much fun.

Steve and Paula wanted to play darts, so we teamed up....Mike and I - the drunker of the 4, versus them -- two dart-sharks. I hit two DOUBLE bulls-eyes....but i also really fucked things up, so we lost 2 of the 3 games. The last was undecided, because the fucking electronic board shut off.

Anyway, I had a pretty decent chat with Mike, and realized that he's a lot more career-focus/oriented than I had immagined. He's a nurse, btw....and he does some pretty graphic shit. I will save you all the details. It's interesting, to say the least....just not my cup of tea!

I had a good night, all in all.....especially since I got to danshe AND drive a fucking Benz!

(Join the Kennel)

Drinking Games..... [26 Aug 2002|04:47pm]

I decided to look up drinking games, and this site has the most heelarious, fucked-up games.

I wish I knew more ppl here, so I could get a large group over here, so we can drink and get stupid!

[The Webtender]

My Ultimate Favorite:

(Join the Kennel)

Foolin w/ Programs.... [26 Aug 2002|10:59am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Sublime -- Wrong Way ]

I don't know if this html code is accepted in LJ, but I am testing it now:

It didn't work....but here are some more quizzes! ;o)
Quiz for You/Quiz for Me/Quiz for You/Quiz for Me )

(Join the Kennel)

Fuck Me Up the Ass...... [26 Aug 2002|08:45am]
[ mood | predatory ]
[ music | Trik Turner -- Friends and Family ]

....forgive me.
Please do not take my crude speech literally.
I am being hasty.

Now, to explain myself:

It is now 8:45 Est....I had a mere 4 hours sleep last night. I called Steve and Paula early in the day yesterday, and Steve had wanted to see me. He stopped by at about 1 am. I socialized properly with him, as anyone would after a friendship hiatus, until aprox. 2:40. Then I called Jon. I miss familiar faces and voices. This move isn't at all easier than the others...that's for sure.

We talked for nearly an hour -- on my bill! ;o) No worries. It was nice talking with him. I actually wanted to! bwahahahah.
Anyway, the strain of being away from home again is beginning to take it's toll. Thankfully I am going to be a busy girl these next few days.

*Back to the point in hand: me being fucked up the ass......

I just called the school, about 20 minutes ago, and they made it quite clear that I am not registered for any courses. I have been dropped from the perfect schedule I had set up for myself. So come Wednesday -- first day of classes -- I have to fight like a savage hyena for the availible courses with all the late-comers, slow-pokes, and other such retards. I will have a shit pick for classes, again, and I will end up with only two (if lucky) courses that relate to my program/degree....prolonging my schooling here in Michigan.

Now I am tired, and ready to cry. Unfortunately I am not networked to the supportive shoulders to cry on, that I had in Vancouver....so I will sit here, and spam Clubvibes with rubbish before returning to my bed and napping....or painting, perhaps.

Keep in touch....
things should look interesting mid-week!

(1 bark | Join the Kennel)

Quizzes For You Crazies: [25 Aug 2002|04:16pm]
[ mood | bored ]

I hope you all use the lj-cut before trying out all these quizzes.....!!!!

More Quizzes Here! )

Don't ask Me where I find these....I honestly have no clue!

(Join the Kennel)

Two Days Back..... [25 Aug 2002|03:07pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Norah Jones -- Don't Know Why ]

It's been weird.
Needless to say.

Surprisingly, I managed to sleep for almost all of my flights. I slept from Vancouver to Seattle -- I don't remember taking off or landing!!!! In Seattle I had a Vanilla Frap and ended up napping in my chair. I then slept all the way from Seattle to Phoenix. In Phoenix, I realized I left my phone card at Jon's place, so I tried using my cell phone -- no go -- so I stood in line for Burger King. None of my flights were going to feed me, so I wanted some food before I landed in Detroit. Unfortunately the line-up was baaaad and my plane was boarding before I got anything to eat. So I slept for most of that flight as well.

I woke up just in time for something to drink, and mini-pretzels! woohoo!
Landing in Detroit is the only landing I really remember. It was raining here, and all I could think was "go figure!"

I was in Vancouver for a month and a week, and it didn't rain ONCE..... in Detroit for less than a few minutes, and it was raining!!!

Anyway. Yesterday was spent sleeping and becoming a mall-rat. I bought a new bikini, sweater and t-shirt for less than $30.... so I didn't spend a lot. I am proud!
I saw an awesome shirt that i swear I will buy before returning to Vancouver. It read:

Detroit: Where the Weak are Killed and Eaten!

I thought it was funny, anyway.

Well, today has been spent cleaning and doing laundry. I painted a bit this morning...it looks pretty good, but I wish I had sketched it all out before just throwing my brush down. Oh well....I'll scan it and show you all once it's done.
I've gotta find some food, however....so I'll keep you all posted later! ;o)

(3 barks | Join the Kennel)

No Obvious Flaws..... [23 Aug 2002|11:25pm]
yeah, that's the last nice thing I'll hear before I end up being nothing more than someone to bash on Clubvibes!!! ;o)

heh heh...

I'm back in Michigan. I know, you're all probably wondering why....so am I.
I will write more tomorrow, once awake.

I had safe flights, and I'm home again....er, sorta...!

I miss Vancouver already.
Well, I'll post more about my day tomorrow.

(4 barks | Join the Kennel)

Could Be Leaving Tomorrow.... [22 Aug 2002|09:09am]
could be a false alarm....

but you take your chances.

I will be at Anabelle's in Richmond TONIGHT about 10/10:30..... come and say your goodbyes, in case I'm gone tomorrow....

If not, it's been great, and I'll miss you!

(Join the Kennel)

fuck [21 Aug 2002|01:26pm]
I have been forcing everyone around me to walk on pins and needles recently. I have been overly moody, overly rude, overly annoyed and overly bitchy. I blame stress.

I have had to make the decision, and I don't really know which way things are going to go.

I have had lots to post about, but I just am in no mood.

I called my step-dad, but he is still at work, so I will have to call him back on my break. fuck.
I don't even know what to say here.

I'm so torn.
Like this decision maybe alters from 50-50 to 49-51.... it's a close battle, and I don't really know who will pull out ahead.

(it's amazing how swearing during times like this really make me feel better)
Big shouts-out to Rob and Jon who've put up with me the most, and who've put me up. It's appretiated, although I'm quite a snot, and don't bother saying it.

(Join the Kennel)

Life as a Squatter..... part 2 [17 Aug 2002|07:27pm]
[ mood | giggly ]

well, I haven't really written much since leaving home last week. I haven't really had much to say.

Life's sorta been passing by while I hid away in a "friend's" house, trying to decide which direction my life should head in. It has taken a lot, but I've decided, finally, that it would be in my best interests to stay here in Vancouver and try to get my life back in check. Although, a few days ago, I had a strong want to return to Detroit, and try to start things over there. I am not sure why exactly, but I really wanted to see my few friends, and to attempt to work on getting a job there. I suppose it's always possible to try again next semester....once things have cooled down on the family front.

Thursday night sorta took me by surprise. I had a "date" and it ended up becoming a LONG date. An extended date, perhaps?! heh heh.... anyway...i quite possibly have found myself a place to stay while in Vancouver, so that's happy news.

I have decided that Anabelles is cool place to dance on Thursday Nights. The DJ catered to our musical tastes, and the bartender was giving us free shots. Talk about excellent service!!! ;o)
heh heh...
I think I may go there next thursday as well. It's not packed, so it's nice, especially since there is choice seating anywhere in the bar....and all eyes were on me....considering that I was one of 3 gals in the place!!! Not to mention that there were only two guys.... if you don't include the staff.... lol

All in all, fun night. I found a new hangout for Thursdays....much better than that stupid Plaza club, anyway!!! ;o)

Friday included watching The Majestic and going to Atlantis. I was surprised at the number of CV'ers in the club last night. It was great being recognized and flirted with!!! teehee. I met a lot of people who I've been wanting to meet, and danced with next-to-complete strangers. But that always constitutes a good time.
Funny enough, Jariax ended up with more free drinks than myself.... he's a much prettier girl than I am. :P
I was happy to see Dennis and Nikki again. I forget how much fun I have with those two around. Nikki was all pouty with me for awhile, until I told her that I might possibly (which has now been confirmed) not go back to Deeeeeeeetroit. So she and I will hang out more, I am sure...! :)

Much more happened, lots of which I could describe in better detail, but I've decided that I'm too lazy to finish describing the night, so these details will hopefully stay vivid in my memory.

Today was spent just lurking around, watching movies. I watched The Hole and John Q. Both excellent movies.
If you haven't seen The Hole, however, I strongly suggest you look it up when next at the vid store. It was great. Totally one of those movies that makes you really think the whole way through. I love those.

Anyway, i'll post more later....but for the meanwhile...

I love you Vancouver!

(4 barks | Join the Kennel)

The Sims...... [15 Aug 2002|12:35pm]
you know you're addicted when..... :\

I was supposed to spend the day with Maxx (my DM for D&D;) at the beach... but we stopped by his place so he could shower. Well, when he was getting ready to cleanse himself, I suggested that he show me how to play The Sims.
Bad idea.
After that momemnt, we were glued to his computer screen.
We played them all day long....both of us rotating turns.

I'd play, and he'd nap in the recliner, then vice versa.

It was fun, don't get me wrong....but a terrible waste of a day!
I am too addicted to computers....!
hopefully I will move out, and be w/o one...that way my addiction will fade.

yeahhhhh riiiiight.

(3 barks | Join the Kennel)

Watch me?! [14 Aug 2002|02:25am]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Sir Mix-a-lot -- Baby Got Back ]

for all you voyeurs out there....
check me out!
heh heh

Watch Me Live!

aren't I cute?!

my belly

playing with the webcam

oooh! how risque!

The mini-film will not link...so here's what to do:
click on that, and then.... click "chickandpig.avi"
it's silly, and a complete waste of time...but i had fun.

Enjoy and whatnot!

(Join the Kennel)

Yikes! [13 Aug 2002|01:24pm]
Well, glad to see that everyone enjoyed the survey.
with the exception of 3, everyone on my friends list filled it out, and it made for a long, long, long, long page!

Anyway, last night, before falling asleep, i realized that I was in a helluva lotta pain. My back was so tense, and the muscles kept flexing themselves. It hurt like a bitch. Not to mention that my neck was sore, and my forehead.
I hate being in pain.

I'm feelin alright today, but it was just weird. It all sorta just hit.
no fun at all.

I don't really have much to report.
But I'm bored, so I wanted to type.
I'll go spam CV.

(1 bark | Join the Kennel)

survey..... [12 Aug 2002|04:23pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Default -- Wasting My Time ]

Here...if i do it on here...then I won't need to fill them out and send them to everyone!!!
Learn all about moi!

Hidden Here, to Save Bandwidth! )

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Things Always Look Better In the Morning.... [12 Aug 2002|01:02pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | No Doubt -- Underneath Itt All ]

well, that's half true.
I've had some time to think....and i'm not a big fat crybaby anymore.
a big shoutout to Rob for rescuing me. It's appretiated.... more than I've said.

I am still a little stuck with the house situation.
I will figure that out, however.
even if I have to live off of couches for a month or two.... things will be alright.
I've done this before, and it's not anything new.

I am, however, a little afraid of what the neighbours heard.
My mom doesn't need the extra hassles.
Let's keep our fingers crossed.

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