Wednesday, October 23rd, 2002
7:17 pm - a challenge has been made, and will be met.
Jillian has just challenged me to grow my hair out to just past shoulder length. I have accepted her thrown gauntlet. And the duel begins.
I'll have to dye it brown once the roots show too much. And leave it brown (shudder) for a while. But I'll do it! This is one contest I will win.
current mood: determined current music: Le Tigre - Dyke March 2001
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12:44 am
Does anyone have or know of a punk cover of 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight'? Or feel like recording one?
current mood: tired current music: Dropkick Murphys - Boys on the Docks
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Tuesday, October 22nd, 2002
9:07 pm
7:37 pm
This is what happens when my roommate leaves me alone and I want to avoid homework. I take dumb quizzes.
[ Current Clothes ] Brown cords, 'art shoes' (black clogs with paint from this summer all over them), thrift store fuzzy beige shirt. Black underwear. White bra. So tacky. [ Current Mood ] Vaguely grumpy, sleepy. [ Current Music ] Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name [ Current Taste ] Uh... the inside of my mouth. [ Current Make-up ] Absolutely none. [ Current Hair ] Violently red and orange. And icky flat cause I wore a hat today. [ Current Annoyance ] Lack of company. [ Current Smell ] My perfume ('imagine', BBW) [ Current Thing I Ought To Be Doing ] Fucking homework. Paper for 301, paper for 303, other paper for 303, studying for 210. [ Current Desktop Picture ] The inside of Mike Armstrong's computer [ Current Favorite Singer ] Eric Clapton. [ Current Favorite Group ] Um... Green Day or Jimmy Eat World. [ Current Book ] Just finished 'The Mageborn Traitor' by Melanie Rawn (WHERE IS THE THIRD BOOK RAAAAGH!) and 'First Wives Club' by Olivia Goldsmith. Good stuff. [ Current CD In CD Player] Eric Clapton - From The Cradle [ Current DVD in DVD Player] Um... no DVD player, but the movie I'm going to watch soon is 'Summer Catch'. I've exhausted all my John Cusack movies so I'm starting on Freddie Prinze. [ Current Color Of Toenails ] Dark sparkly red. [ Current Refreshment ] Delicious water. [ Current Worry ] Growing up.
current mood: eh current music: Josie and the Pussycats - Spin Around
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6:43 pm
I look really cute today. :)
current mood: cheerful current music: Bill Haley - See You Later Alligator
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Monday, October 21st, 2002
9:18 pm - somehow i am not surprised.
8:41 pm
I'm back in Baltimore. Life's pretty good. Tired. Very tired.
current mood: tired current music: Styx - Renegade
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Friday, October 18th, 2002
9:23 pm
My Tizzy is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
current mood: jubilant current music: tizzy relating college experiences
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Thursday, October 17th, 2002
3:13 pm
And you're all wondering what's happening, right?
Okay, so I'm home. Obviously. Flight got in with no problems, I got randomly security searched only once. Mom picked me up at the airport and we went home and started making dinner. Approximately half an hour after I walked in the door, Norby called. Apparently Jesse had mentioned casually that I would be home today. I promptly departed to go pick him up, and got to relish the feel of driving a stick shift again. Aaaaaah. :)
So the Norb came over for dinner and then we went downtown and met Jesse and Hannah and Rachel at the park. They dithered around for a while and then decided to go to Frankie Doodles (a fairly sleazy restaurant that I have never, and will never, set foot in). So I left and came home. I went to bed in the (brand new!) bed up stairs, and slept better than I have in weeks. It was nice.
I got up this morning at 8, and it was a glorious morning. Everything here is really quiet and calm. I used to hate it. Now I love it. I just sat at the computer, ate a little breakfast, talked to mom, enjoyed the sunshine. Then I went to the doctor.
The grand result? Yeah, I'm depressed. Surprise. She put me on Paxil. I'll be on it for a while. She said to expect improvement in about three weeks. She also said I should get therapy. And she put me back on birth control. All things considered, a fairly successful interlude. And yes, I told her everything.
So now, my mother has a few appointments and meetings, so I'll stay home and maybe do some homework. Norby may be coming over tonight, I'm not sure.
Oh, for those of you who are curious about my reactions to seeing Jesse again: he was stoned. My first impression was disgust. Second impression was to realize suddenly that he is exactly the same as he used to be. Everyone here is. It's interesting, and a little sad.
I miss Jilli and Brian and everyone, but I don't miss UMBC. Or Baltimore.
current mood: calm current music: my mom listing out loud all the things she needs and wandering around the house
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Wednesday, October 16th, 2002
10:56 am
So I was thinking about what to wear for the trip today, and had planned on my beige cords that I stole from my sister a couple years ago. The problem with this? Well, I remembered on second thought that since they're too long, I'd cuffed them, and held the cuffs up with safety pins. Lots.
Airport security doesn't like safety pins.
I'll wear my painted pants instead.
It's now T minus two hours til Jill takes me to the airport. The only things remaining for me to do are unplug the computer and put it in my bag, collect the cell phone charger and do the same, make sure my headphones are with the computer, put on my shoes, and eat.
Here we go.
current mood: nauseous current music: Beach Boys - California Girls
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Tuesday, October 15th, 2002
11:04 pm
I'm too excited to sleep! I'm like a little kid the night before the big family trip to Disneyland, except I've never been to Disneyland.
Is it tomorrow yet?
current mood: excited current music: Beatles - We Can Work It Out
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8:45 pm
Kevin just cancelled on the whole movie thing. He's apparently just as tired as I am, and not as willing to overcome it. :P Oh well. I still have the headache I had this morning, so I might just do what he's doing and sit around til I fall asleep.
I'm all packed, finally, but I just know I'm forgetting something. Hopefully I'll remember what it is before I leave. My flight leaves at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. Get into Spokane at 6:20 or so. Not too bad. More updates later.
current mood: tired current music: The Juliana Theory - You Always Say Goodnight, Goodnight
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8:16 pm
6:45 pm
So. Took my midterm. Don't think I did too horribly badly. Brian is asleep on my bed right now. His job is to sit and look pretty while I pack, an intriguing reversal of roles for us, as I am the useless one usually. Hopefully Kevin will call me when he gets out of class, and movie watching will be had. If not, I dunno. Probably I'll go anyway. I have to make a list of stuff I need to take with me. I hate packing. When I'm home, my sister always does it for me. I'm also re-dying my hair- just touching it up so the colors are nice and bright again. I think Brian fell asleep while I was doing that. It's not really very interesting to watch. ;)
current mood: procrastinatory current music: Chumbawamba - Tubthumping
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Monday, October 14th, 2002
8:14 pm
So my back hurts. Hurts so much, in fact, that it's almost too much to bear simply to walk around. I have no idea why it hurts. It's just the lower part, right in the middle. This is not good.
This is when one needs a boi, to rub one's back and minister to one's ills. ;)
Also, I still have no new nose ring, as Hot Topic was COMPLETELY OUT of 20g ANYTHING. Stupid. I'll get one at home.
I studied for my poetry midterm. I don't know how well I'll do, but I won't flunk. So tomorrow, schedule is as follows:
-Wake up at 8, futz around on the web til it's time to go to work. -Work from 9 to 12- there will either be a lot of filing to do or nothing. One or the other. In either case, I don't anticipate doing a lot of real work. I hate filing. -Eat lunch from 12 to 1. -Go to theatre history at 1 and explain to Alan that I will email him my paper on Wednesday night or Thursday morning. Learn about medieval theatre. -Go to English 301 at 2:30, turn in scansion which I am about to print out, review for midterm. -Take midterm immediately after class, thank professor G. for being a COMPLETE DICKHEAD about the whole situation, and leave. -Eat a hurried dinner of crappy pizza from the Commons. -Go to my science fiction class and read ahead during lecture so as not to fall asleep. We're about to start Minority Report. I should probably dig it out. - Come back to room, pack/clean/yap online til Kevin gets out of class at 8 something, go to movie. Hopefully see The Transporter.
current mood: ow. ow ow ow. current music: Incubus - Drive
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5:06 pm
Also, Genesis sounds SO FREAKING GOOD with a good sub. Download some. Now. DO IT.
current mood: boom boom current music: Genesis - I Can't Dance
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4:51 pm - VICTOLY!
Subwoofer + speakers + Linkin Park > loud stupid boyfriends of girls across the hall.
current mood: loud current music: Linkin Park - In The End
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11:56 am
Ow. I think I might have another ear infection. It hurts. A lot.
In other news, I bought a scrapbook and am now in the process of filling it with stuff. Anyone who has stuff that should go in, give it to me. I want it.
I'll be home in two days. I'm fairly excited. Trying to convince itachi to come over for the weekend, but I suspect he will be a poohead and back out like always. :)
I promised my mother I would paint three rooms of the house over christmas. This means that this week I will be choosing paint colors. And light fixtures. And we may buy a bed for the first guest room. My other project over christmas is going to be to put all the pictures in the basement into photo albums and scrapbooks. I'm pretty excited about it. I want to get started.
My doctor's appointment is at ten in the morning on Thursday. I'm glad I'm getting it over with right away. I'll have the rest of the week to just chill, do a bunch of work on the house, play with my doggies, and fight with my sister. I can't wait. :)
current mood: awake current music: Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear The Reaper
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12:35 am
Do people really feel that it's worthwhile to sit and wait IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM for their damned laundry? I really just don't feel comfortable moving my underwear about with strange men sitting in the room, I'm sorry. God. Take the hour it takes to dry and go take a nap or make a friend. It's creepy to sit in the laundry room, all right?
current mood: nervous current music: homework sounds from the other side of the room
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Sunday, October 13th, 2002
2:22 pm
Hey Jill, do you remember that when you got your LJ you swore you were only going to post your mood and current music cause you thought those were the only worthwhile features about having an LJ?
current mood: amused current music: Wham - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
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