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Sunday, August 24th, 2003 | 10:00 am |
I'm leaving for Vassar in a few hours, but I don't feel at all ready yet. In fact, I don't think I'll feel ready until after I'm already there. It only recently occurred to me just what going away to school really means. There will be a lot of adjusting, discomfort, and the eventual discovery of my niche. This college thing snuck up behind me and caught me unawares, so now it's my job to deal with it as best I can. Well, time to go get ready. Wish me luck! Current Mood: anxious | Monday, August 18th, 2003 | 10:23 pm |
Mmmmmm... There is no word in the English language beautiful enough to describe the joy one feels after coming home hungry at 1:00 in the morning, only to find a full half of a large Papa Gino's pizza in the refrigerator. Although I never have in the past, I was tempted to say grace =) Current Mood: full | Saturday, August 16th, 2003 | 8:59 pm |
Adventures down on the Cape This weekend has been one big car-ride-and-fun-times sandwich! I've officially driven FAR too much in so short a time. Anywho, it all started Thursday, when I drove down to visit Leesie at her Cape house. We spent some fun times in Mashpee Commons and then got ice cream at a quality ice-creamery! However, after enjoying a classic episode of "Family Guy" on TV, it was time for me to attempt to drive back to Hingham by myself. It sounds simple, right? Well, I just so happen to have the WORST sense of direction this side of broken compass. So, instead of getting off of the Bourne Bridge and taking the first right to eventually get to route 3, I just kept going straight and headed towards the interstate. 45 minutes later, I end up in Franklin, about an hour away from home in the wrong direction. Luckily, I have a cell phone and my father could guide me back with no problems, but this is the first good reason I've seen for me to get a chauffeur. Friday was the scheduled day to go (back) down to the Cape with Tony, Adam, Ian, and Justin, and we got to Tony's uncle's house with little difficulty. Actually, I was riding with Tony and we didn't get lost, which is more than I can say for Ian, Justin, and Adam! What followed was more good times of visiting another ice-creamery, pool time, "Wave Race" tournaments on the Gamecube, and futile attempts to sleep on the floor without the aid of a mattress or futon (for me, at least). Saturday started off with a bang! Well, more like the strumming of chords. Adam started playing a chord progression on his new acoustic, and Ian made up lyrics about going to India and meeting this girl named "Karma Sutra." Not Kama, Karma. Then, after everyone slaughtered me at mini-golf (I was 10 or so behind, I think), Ian headed out to a prior engagement and the rest of us went back with Adam to HIS Cape house. Hyjinks ensued, including the accidental breaking of Adam's mother's tennis racquet and a battle against the ocean a la "Pete and Pete." By the time Tony, Justin, and I got home in the early evening I was completely drained. I'm even amazed that I'm awake enough to write this entry! So here I am, about ready to give the Sandman a call. A successful few days, if I do say so myself! Current Mood: accomplished | Monday, August 11th, 2003 | 9:56 pm |
Impending Move Two weeks from... (looks at his watch) yesterday, I'll be at college orientation. It's the thought of it that I just can't handle. There are too many unknowns... if my two roommates and I will get along, how the room itself will work, the classes that I'll take, my professors, how often I'll get to see Leesie and my friends, if I'll be able to keep in touch with everyone that I want to... the list goes on. Anticipation is definitely the worst part of any ordeal. Once I'm there at college, I guarantee that it won't be as bad as I think. I'll settle in and life will go on, but the transition is difficult. I've never been good at handling change, especially when it's a change from something good, and I couldn't ask for a better life right now. Well, I could, but the only change I would make would be for myself to start realizing the potential more often. I need to wake up early, get out of my house, see my friends, and enjoy my life in Hingham the way I should have for the last 18 years. I was born here (Weymouth Hospital, specifically) and haven't done much travelling. Other than going to our house on the Cape every summer, I never strayed too far from my roots. Heck, I haven't even been to Disneyworld. You can see why suddenly picking up and living at Vassar for the next year will be such a change. It won't ruin me, I'm not at all scared, just unsettled. I guess the best way of putting it is that I feel ruffled, like a baby bird leaving the nest. I know I'll make it on my own, I just have that lingering feeling of regret for leaving such a warm, protective place. Some people can't wait to leave; they feel restrained by the Hingham "bubble." Well, that could be valid for some, but I'd never take Hingham for granted. It was a great place to grow up in.
In other news, on the T ride back from Boston today I looked out the window and saw some guy that made me think of Carter McKendry. I was really good friends with him for several years, I might even venture to say that we were almost "best" friends, but I haven't talked to him since last spring. I invited him to my graduation party, but he must have been away in Japan or something because he didn't show up. He does that, trust me. In any case, there I am on the T, looking at this strange man who jogs the memory of Carter for some reason, thinking that it would be very funny if Carter himself was there, as I know that he takes classes in Boston. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see some guy walking by the window with very long hair, a distinct mark of Carter's character, when I realize that he actually IS there! The scene that I had JUST imagined was happening before my very eyes! It was incredible, the say the least, but before I could get his attention the T began crawling on towards it's next stop! Whodathunkit? Nevertheless, this only makes me want to get in touch with him even more, the same way that I want to keep in touch with all of my friends as much as possible before college. So the moral of the story, I guess, is that if you consider yourself a friend of mine and not some random LiveJournal viewer from Wisconsin, then give me a call sometime! I'd love to hear from you =)
Current Music: "Bridge Over Troubled Water" ~ Simon and Garfunkle | Wednesday, June 18th, 2003 | 10:43 pm |
Hehe =) snackbot | Magic Number | 16 | Job | Despot | Personality | I'd Quite Like One | Temperament | An Oft-Exploding Volcano | Sexual | If I Have To | Likely To Win | Time Off For Good Behaviour | Me - In A Word | Evil | Colour | | Brought to you by MemeJack |
| | Friday, June 13th, 2003 | 1:27 am |
What HAVE I been up to? Well, the past week for me has been nothing but late nights and late mornings. I'm not exactly the "early to bed, early to rise" mantra kind of man, although I sometimes wish that I was. I wake up at about 10-11:00, get to school at about 12:00, work on my mural, drive Leesie home, and spend the balance of the day at her house. Quality time with the Eddy family, good times! Her sister Jillie and I like to watch the Disney channel cartoons =) This evening was fun, despite the multitude of mosquitoes that thought my blood was a smorgasboard for their sampling directly after the Kids Cab chorus rehearsal. I kid you not; I counted 4 bites on my right foot, and 2 on my left by the end of the evening. I must have sweet blood or something! (note to self: avoid tall, dark, fanged individuals with Romanian accents) After getting ice cream Annie, Justin, Claire, Susie, and I rented "Snatch" from Blockbuster and watched it at Justin's house. I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed it! Especially the Pikes' (sp?) accents. After watching that movie, we were all speaking just a little bit more British. So then I came home, only to find out that a bunch of sophomores (including Leesie and Jenny) are not only still awake but JUST STARTING their review for their chemistry final tomorrow! Yikes! I wouldn't be able to stay awake, I do admire their mettle and determination. With any luck, they'll be awake at some point tomorrow and I can ask them how well they did. Until then, I'd best be getting some sleep of my own (although I may just stay awake for a bit longer and play Diablo or something. We all know how it is)! Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: "The Sweetest Thing" - U2 | Sunday, June 8th, 2003 | 12:29 am |
Improv Asylum! Tonight was a very mellow and fun evening. After the hectics of trying to cast the Kids Cab show, a bunch of us went in to Boston as a graduation present from Caitie P. We saw a show of the troupe from "Improv Asylum," which was very much hilarious! From our group alone, they took several of our suggestions for scenes, let me choose a play book that they used for a scene, and acted out Ian's day in its entirety. Afterwards, we went to a very nice Italian restaurant (fairly randomly, it just happened to be close and we were all hungry), which turned out great also. A very pleasant evening, if I do say so myself! Oh, and check it out... it's a pointless, yet at the same time very fun and relaxing game! I love the music at the end, once you finish it. It's like I'm in the Caribbean, on the beach, at sunset (just try it, you'll like it) =) http://www.trevorvanmeter.com/flyguy/ Current Mood: mellow | Monday, June 2nd, 2003 | 12:09 am |
Senior Night Good times at Hingham High, from 11:00 pm to 5:00 am! Despite the fact that about half of the people there were drunk, it was a great way to send off the Senior Class of 2003. Our theme was "South of the Border," which was sort of weird as it meant having lots of inflatable Mexican mannequins everywhere. Still, there was a bucking bronco ride, so you can't argue with that! There was a huge obstacle course and slide, too, making the gym more fun than it ever was during the past four years of High School. I went to a palm reader while there, and she said a lot of things that were simply not necessarily wrong or right, the typical psychic thing. She said that all the lines in my hand meant that I was very emotional, and that I had a lot of conflict early on in my life but as it goes on I "put up walls" and was able to deal with it. I guess that could be true, in some regards, it just depends upon how you take it. She also said that I had a lot of activity in the psychic portion of my hand. Maybe I'll be the next Ms. Cleo? Who knows! To commemorate the invented movie characters of our own design, "Boss, Clutch, Swagger, and Mumbles" (old-style gangsters), Justin, Adam, myself, and Tony dressed up in the old West clothes that they had provided, armed ourselves to the teeth with rifles and pistols, and posed for one of those sepia / black and white pictures. You should see the sneers and glares, we make quite the unruly band of ne'er-do-wells! Perhaps my favorite part of the night was getting a caricature done. Justin, Adam, and I all went to the same guy, some bald man with a huge goatee and tattoos. We thought that he looked the most fun of all of them. He turned out to be just as cool as we thought, cracking jokes with us while making a picture of Adam being a shirtless rocker onstage with an audience of one, me drawing what appears to be a naked woman (yeah, it was random), and Justin sitting down, knitting hemp and surrounded by marijuana plants. They were all what we asked for, but with some sort of quirky twist that made them all the funnier (Adam asked to be playing guitar, I asked to be drawing something, and Justin asked to be making hemp jewelry). I got into a conversation with him (his name turned out to be Marlon) about caricatures and cartoons and the like, and I actually drew one of him while he drew one of me. I'm not proud of the picture, but it got us talking about my checking out their company and possibly doing some caricature work over the summer for part time job. I think it would be cool! We'll see how it turns out. Oh yeah, and of course Senior Video was shown at the end of the night. Bravo to all involved in making it! All in all it was a great experience and one to look back upon in the future. Too bad it completely offset my sleep schedule =) Current Mood: content | Saturday, May 31st, 2003 | 12:09 pm |
Graduation Due to the fact that most of my entries have been titled "Awesome (something)," and how I hate to be redundant, I probably shouldn't start off by talking about Prom... because it was incredible! I don't think that I've had more fun at a dance before, including the grueling "picture process" beforehand. Then followed a really fun time at the Gasserts in which we at mini pancakes and watched Pink Panther movies. It got fairly freaky, though, when the tape kept rolling and at about 4:00 in the morning there was this movie about a dead guy who kept being moved around, and then another one about some weird blue vampire that gruesome things kept happening to. And I'm pretty sure that I didn't get much sleep. At least it was a cozy setting! So yeah, basically I've just been having one great time after another. My mural is almost done, and the Senior One-Act that Adam and I are doing is coming along great! Graduation is TODAY (in less than four hours), AND it is outside! Woohoo! It might get a little wet, but who cares? I'm psyched for graduation itself, and the graduation parties, and senior night... it'll all be awesome! (there's that word again) Time to go shower and start my day off right! Current Mood: energetic | Saturday, May 24th, 2003 | 1:04 am |
Awesome times continue! Well, despite a brief period last week into which the dreaded Conflict Monster reared it's ugly head, things have continued to be really awesome all week! School is officially over, save for the graduation ceremony, so now the only reason I'll be seen walking those narrow High School halls is to get to a Senior One-Act rehearsal or to work on my mural. The Improv Troupe show was Thursday night, and it went very well! I'm just glad that we were able to schedule and hold one this year, so as to continue the tradition that was started our Freshman year and hadn't been upheld since. It was a good time, and we did get a decent audience considering the last-minute nature of the advertizing. Also, Prom is next tuesday, so that will obviously be fun! Life, in general, is good! Now that I don't have any more classes, I get to sleep in, play the "Enter the Matrix" game that Jim Drew lent to me, and see my friends every day. Woohoo! Who could ask for more? I for one am totally content, and am glad that it is only the beginning. Now for my next task: manage to wake up on time to have fun tomorrow as well! P.S. Thanks go to Greg for waking me up in time to get to Choral Spectrum this morning. I woke up and literally had 3 1/2 minutes to get there, but I somehow managed (albeit a bit dissheveled and not at maximum singing capabilities =) Current Mood: chipper | Friday, May 16th, 2003 | 9:23 pm |
AWESOME week Tweek has literally been nothing but awesome since it began. Sunday was my last Thespian Night, but I couldn't have asked for a better one, even if all the tech DID go off without a hitch. It was stressful, but it was fun stress! Highlights of the night include Courtney reaffirming my utmost love and respect for her with her rendition of "Don't Tell Mama," as well as Katelyn scaring the heck out of me after shouting my name out during the "Cell Block Tango." Everyone did an awesome job with the acts, and the award ceremony was equally great. So long Lacatell! (Queen of England wave) Rehearsals for the Senior One-Act that Adam and I are doing together have gone into full swing, and I really love our cast! They're all really fun to work with, and the only complaint I have is that I can't tell Alie Collins apart from her (twin) sister, who I sometimes see in the hall and am afraid of saying "Hi" to. Despite that fact, I'm thrilled that the script, The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, is working out so well. We'll definately be the wittiest, if not the funniest, one-act! On Wednesday, I saw The Matrix: Reloaded. This followed a great Improv Troupe and frisbee session, of course. I have just one word to describe this movie: Orgasmic. I like philosophy, I like martial arts, and I like non-stop action. This is exactly why I enjoyed the movie so much. Anyone who gives you a lesser review will no doubt not been able to stomach the fairly long scenes devoted to blowing your mind with plot-rending explanations of what the Matrix truly is and how Neo fits into it. I say that it's their loss, because any action movie that has the ability to give me an adrenaline rush one minute and then tie my brain into a knot the next with such acuity can only be described as a work of art. Other things in general: My mural is finally starting to look good, and I've developed a passion for frisbee. Those two thoughts are completely unrelated, yet both of equal weight in my mind. Also, all of my classes have officially stopped pretending to matter, so I actually spent ALL DAY working on my mural today, except for A and C period. During A period I played "Scat" (a card game) with Adam, Leah, and Tom and C period I continued the epic battle for world conquest in the form of a game of "Risk" with other members of my AP Euro class. I've also been running a fair amount recently, of which I am also very happy. Add to that an awesome time with Leesie and my friends, especially with days like today, and you have an AWESOME week. The best part is that it isn't over yet, nor will it have to be for quite some time! Current Mood: content | Saturday, May 3rd, 2003 | 5:18 pm |
Crazy Dante... The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Take the Dante Inferno Hell TestSo does this mean that my soul is saved from eternal damnation, or that I lead a boring life? =P | Tuesday, April 29th, 2003 | 10:05 pm |
Mean lil fellow, arn't you? What Monty Python Character are you? brought to you by QuizillaHmm... I should be doing homework right now, but... well... I'm not! Work is so much easier to ignore when it isn't due tomorrow. So the plan for tonight is to actually pick a college to go to, ie: where to spend the next four years of my life. I think I have it figured out, but I just need to sit down and decide officially. Wish me luck! | Saturday, April 5th, 2003 | 12:18 am |
Kevin Smith ...is a genius. I think that I said that after I had just rewatched "Dogma," but now after rewatching "Chasing Amy," I'm just more convinced of the fact. His handle on the human dialogue is simply incredible; one minute in one of his movies the character will rattle off a touching monologue about lost love or religious doctrine, and the next minute Jay will be rapping vulgarities and praising joints. It's a combination of hilarity and sheer beauty, and for that I respect him. On a completely different note, I've heard from all of my colleges. Here is where it stands: Amherst---------------Rejected Brown-----------------Rejected Yale------------------Rejected Bowdoin---------------Waitlisted Sarah Lawrence--------Accepted Skidmore--------------Accepted Colby-----------------Accepted Connecticut College---Accepted Vassar----------------Accepted They're listed sort of in order of my preference, with the bottom being my top choices. I'm mainly considering just Colby, Conn, and Vassar. We'll see how it all works out. Oh, and on another unrelated note, I'm now obsessed with Pocket Tanks! It's a game that's very similar to worms, only with tanks, instead of worms. Interestingly enough, there are weapons in the game CALLED worms that burrow through the ground... but that's another story altogether. In any case, you can download the shareware version at http://www.blitwise.com/ptanks.html...and that's all, for now. Bedtime calls once again, and we have some catching up to do =) | Tuesday, April 1st, 2003 | 6:19 pm |
| Thursday, March 20th, 2003 | 11:09 pm |
Happiness There's really not that much more to be said... I second Leesie by saying that this has been one of the happiest weeks of my life! Things were finally decided, I've had fun and gone out almost every day of this week, and the New York trip is tomorrow! Just to add to it, I've somehow managed to get away with not doing a bit of my homework all week, and I even have two periods of study tomorrow because my Calc teacher isn't going to be there! ON TOP of all that I got to see Sarah and Annie tonight, and I'm just very happy in general! I feel almost obligated to put an exclamation point at the end of every sentence, it's great!
...but now I should definitely start packing. I can not WAIT for the trip! "La Boheme," "The Producers," and "Urinetown." Wow. I'll just stop trying to convey the feeling... it's just plain awesome! I'll see YOU in New York!
Current Mood: =) | Sunday, March 9th, 2003 | 4:22 pm |
Poetry Project Someone come over to my house and hit me every time I try to distract myself from this behemoth of an English project that's in front of me. Livejournal, online quizzes, instant messenger, the changing colors of the cool mood ring that I bought... they're all too interesting for me to pry myself away from! I seriously need help, I'm a distraction-aholic. Oh, and by the way, I can't even do much until I get my backpack from Justin's car. Ack! Time make a valiant attempt at productivity, wish me luck! Oh, and by the way... Just another thing that I bet you always wanted to know about me! Current Mood: Purplish-green (mood ring) | Sunday, March 2nd, 2003 | 9:56 pm |
Profiles Well, I am truly sad to say this, but as of March 2nd, at 9:56pm, my AIM profile officially became too long. For those of you who don't know, I have been adding people's quotes in my profile ever since I first made one at the request of Elesse Eddy. Now, however, I am afraid that AOL can not handle the sheer magnitude of these quotes, and I will have to start anew. For now, here is my profile in it's glorious completeness!
~~~~~ Leesie778: put THIS in your profile Leesie778: haha Snackbot: ...okay =) -- bLoNdcHiK679: will u put me in ur file too!!? -- PunchBuggers: put me in your profile because I am "dead sexy" and "break hearts" -- MrNeil22: Ricky, don't put me in your profile. -- SunKissed3468: you should put me in your profile because i fawn over you ;-) -- Thaney2: Nice profile. -- KTBoutie305: Ricky, your profile will not be complete unless you put ME in it!!! -- Leesie778: you must put me in your profile AGAIN so it's not boring -- Sparklegal2424: i want 2 b in ur prof!!! clearly it is not complete!!! -- silvercircus13: big poppa mattitude's got your hook up - HOLLAR IF YA HEAR ME! -- STRUCTURE200M: only cool people have profiles like YOURS ricky hawkins! -- LIzaBettE12: will u put me in ur profile too -- EMpossible811: ricky , no i will not make out with you ~~~~~
So there it is, the end of an era. Rest in Peace, sweet profile of mine. May we one day meet again!
Oh, and by the way, congratulations to the cast and crew of "Lute Song" for going on to the Semi-Final round! Woohoo! I'd go on and on about how Festival was a blast and I had a great time, but it seems that it's all been said by the people on my Friends List. So instead, I will leave you with this note regarding our contending at Semis: Whatever you do, Don't Stop Believing! | Friday, February 21st, 2003 | 9:04 pm |
Donnie Darko I haven't thought this much about a movie since "Memento." And I haven't been this sure that I'm going to see some psycho messed up thing when I turn around since "The Ring." What have we learned from this, ladies and gentlemen? That I have an overactive imagination and will constantly freak myself out from overthinking movies. But after seeing this one, I was sure that it was a rare find. "Donnie Darko" makes you wonder about not just mental disorders and time travel, but also fate. It's one of those crazy alternate-dimension/chain of events/hurts your brain just thinking about it movies. I haven't stopped trying to figure it out since I watched it, and that was about 3 hours ago. To add to it, "Donnie Darko" has a kick-arse soundtrack. None of this randomly-selected themesong crud. All in all, I highly recommend it, if you're willing to sacrifice a sleepless night or two trying to piece it together in your head. While not exactly the type of movie that I would ever make, this movie and those like it (if you truly can compare it to anything) is what inspires me to one day get involved in film. We'll see how it all turns out. For now I'll try to get the image of that 7-foot tall skull-bunny out of my head. Yeesh! | Thursday, February 20th, 2003 | 2:10 pm |
Vacation So after two whole days of shoveling, every muscle in my body is thoroughly sore. Back, arms, neck, legs... I feel like I just need one big massage. On the plus side, we managed to liberate my car which had previously been buried under two feet of snow. And really, the shoveling wasn't that bad. It shows me that I sometimes like doing menial physical work, and that I could always become a migrant worker if this whole "college" thing doesn't work out. Anyone know if there is a train going through the midwest that needs tracks to be laid down? I guess that I'll find one later. In any case, vacation is beginning to dwindle at an alarmingly fast rate. I swore to myself that I would not waste it like all the others, so I am committing myself to getting good sleep, doing my work ahead of time, and seeing my friends as much as possible. So far, I've only been keeping up with 2/3 of that promise, as I haven't even touched my homework. So that's the plan for today. Work, in manageable quantities. I can NOT afford to be strung-out for Festival. Oh, but on a lighter note, I did see "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" last night. That's one movie that I can cross of my list of what I need to see! Time to get cracking, though, so I'll update ya later! |
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