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Sunday, November 17th, 2002
5:30 pm
mundanesounds.com is updated for the week.

okay, so it's not really a new issue as much as it is a clip show, but considering the circumstances, i'm allowed this. plus considering how dodgy this internet service has been this weekend, best to do it early, rather than late...

pain meds workin...nice...windy and carl even nicer when those muscles are relaxed...

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Saturday, November 16th, 2002
11:10 pm
i'm like a freak in heat, a dog without warning..

that's the greatest line of poetry from the 20th century.

it's right next to this nugget:

"and if i physically eat it, it only gets *burp*"

or maybe this:
...hell nothing can top those two nuggets of genius.

current music: Har Mar Superstar "Move Bitch"

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Wednesday, November 13th, 2002
7:31 pm
my cat Ink, as much as i love him, is pissing me off with his meow-meow crap.

he needs to stop it, lest he get flung out in the cold.

i am not in the mood for that meow thing that he does.

current mood: pissed off at the cat

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2:35 pm - Joseph needs you right now.
At approximatly 9:15 this morning, Joseph was involved in a serious automobile accident. He struck head-on a diesel truck that had initially maneuvered a turn left but decided to turn right. His car was totalled, but thankfully, he is at home right now, recovering from his injuries. His spirit, however, is in utter distress, and could use some encouragment. Currently unemployed and without medical insurance, this accident could not have come at a worse time for him, and several out-of-town business trips are now postponed indefiniatly.

Postcards would be a good thing for him, as he is rather distressed by the accident. Anything, actually, would make him smile--mix tapes, CD's, cards, books, letters--anything, basically, that would brighten his day. If you do wish to send him something, send them to:

Joseph K.
PO Box 720
Carthage, TX 75633

(He is particularly upset that his copy of Pavement's Slanted And Enchanted reissue was destroyed)

Thank you.

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Monday, November 11th, 2002
5:05 pm - joseph's faboo quote of the day!
you can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think...

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Sunday, November 10th, 2002
11:34 pm - you know the routine...
mundanesounds.com is updated for another week.

i blather over the best band in the world, circa this week. you likey the review, you entery the contest. you entery the contest you maybey win.

other than that, i'm sleepy and goin' to bed.


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Saturday, November 9th, 2002
9:03 pm
Austin, Texas. Flapjacks.

Are you in or are you out?

mundanesounds.com quote for the week:

See, Beck did a smart thing when he lifted up his leg and sprayed his musical Dr.Funkenstein act with a stay-away venom to keep away those who might try to cop his style

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Friday, November 8th, 2002
9:17 pm

I wrote this earlier.

Yeah, that's the best way to move ahead in your career--show trades. but I'll be honest about why you're having problems getting shows. You're a unique band. You made an awesome record, but with the rise of Clear Channel dominating the market, clubs are forced to look over unique bands, in order to go with the crap that will bring people in and keep the club open. True, there are a LOT of great clubs like Rubber Gloves, Emo's, and the like, but I know that they get overwhelmed by all these little bands that want to play a show. Having been in that position, I understand the club owners and booking agents situation, and I'm not on one side of the fence or the other--bands have a right to be pissed off, and clubs have a right to be concerned about staying open. not just the clubs, but the booking agencies as well--so many of them have "do not send us demos" on their websites, simply because the market is TOO big. Like Billions--they used to be numero uno in the word of mouth department. Now, they're a very legal company, and don't do things like they used to do five or six years ago, simply because the market is GLUTTED with crapola.

I do honestly believe that good music will be heard. It may take some work to get it heard, but I do think that eventually, the good will float and the shit will sink. Look at Spoon. Man, I love that band. I'm totally happy that they're taking off. They got dicked over. They survived, and now people are finally hearing about them--and not just because they were a band with a pathetic yet typical major label story. I think that people are hearing them without thinking about the story, and I can understand why Britt gets kind of frustrated talking about Elektra. There's more to the band. Labels help the band, but the only ones that make a band are the bands themselves. Remember that it's better to make and release your own brilliant record than to release a brilliant record on a label that doesn't give a rat's ass about you. A good example, sadly, is His Name is Alive. go to www.timestereo.com and read how 4AD--the label who once had HNIA as their flagship band have turned on them, and don't care anymore. It's sad, too, because I really like those guys, and it looks like their record MAY NOT come out in the US at all.

Sorry to go off on the ranting. I spent the day today at a coffee shop writing reviews and getting rather CRUNK on exotic blends, and now I'm hyper as hell. But I love it, man! LOVE IT!!

and i stand by it, baby.

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Monday, November 4th, 2002
10:22 pm
Wanna buy a painting? I'm selling Joseph K. originals, "cloud series" 20 dollars each. they are 14" by 16" and look stunning on the wall. part comic book beauty, part childlike innocence, these paintings will make you smile.

if interested, let me know.

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Sunday, November 3rd, 2002
11:29 pm
mundanesounds.com is up for the week. there's good stuff there this week--but then again, there's good stuff there every week.

there's a contest for free goodies.

i'm goin' to bed...

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Wednesday, October 30th, 2002
1:01 am
I just heard that Jam Master Jay was murdered tonight....

this is too sad...

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Tuesday, October 29th, 2002
9:24 pm - Patophysical freak Out MU!!!!!

and NONE OF IT is bad.

current music: Kawabata Makoto "I Want You to Kiss Me Again"

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Monday, October 28th, 2002
12:27 am - the club is open
mundanesounds.com has been updated. It's a fun read, go do it, cuz i'mgoing to bed.


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Sunday, October 27th, 2002
10:51 pm
i can get away with the survey thing because i never do them. so nyah. )

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11:04 am
the pAper chAse=music for people with problems.

i have problems.
and i love it

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1:40 am - 26 IM's
I'm tired.
I'm unable to sleep.
I'm bored.
I'm not expecting anything anymore.
I'm listening to Emitt Rhodes.
I'm Joseph.
I'm me.
I'm wonderful and brilliant, apparently.
I'm having several stories published.
I'm generally okay.
I'm a fan of music.
I'm going to make you laugh.
I'm a damn fine cook.
I'm an even better lover.
I'm not into cuckoldry--doing or being.
I'm into coffee.
I'm in the dark.
I'm a writer.
I'm a TEXAN.
I'm holding the cat.
I'm a hopeless romantic.
I'm not shedding any tears.
I'm going to tickle you.
I'm going to make pancakes for breakfast.
I'm not going to wear that in public.
I'm not going to play your game anymore.

current mood: ass-tired.

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Friday, October 25th, 2002
3:33 pm
This is one of the best records made, ever.

Hey you indie-rock brats, Brocks' version of soul is a no-go, you want the real deal, get that record. If not, heh, it's your choice to live in ignorance and blindness.

I love love love this record.

current music: James Carr "Pouring Water on a Drowning Man"

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Thursday, October 24th, 2002
5:32 pm - Cath Carroll is gonna praise me....

I have just been *swooning* over this little email I just got...

Dear Joseph,

James at LTM forwarded your review of our CD England
Made Me- just wanted to say thank you for listening,
and thank you for such a wildly flattering review. I
was thrilled with the Bryan Ferry reference, (who
wouldn't be?)

Best wishes,


P.S. Also liked your coat hanger poem

It's made my afternoon.

current mood: beaming
current music: Unrest "Cath Carroll" (natch!!)

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Sunday, October 20th, 2002
11:25 pm - the club is open
mundanesounds.com is now up and running for this week. come on in, take a lookie-look, learn yourself about some new music, just make sure to wipe that mud off your shoes.

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8:31 am - Joseph vs. Anonymous emailer
This happens occasionally, and I like to deal with it immediately. Errors are theirs...read on and enjoy! (Methinkins I'm dealin' with a teenager here)

mundanesounds.com hate mail )

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