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Natasha the Idiot

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[16 Aug 2002|03:44pm]
Bulgy the Horndog :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
light me

[14 Aug 2002|05:47pm]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | The Pillows- Sad Sad Kiddie ]


You know you want to.

light me

[19 Jul 2002|09:58pm]


*sniff sniff* ;.; Help me, I'm addicted to yaoi! If I was a good artist, I could open a Paypal account and charge lotsa moneys for picatureses. ;_______; I wish I could draw to support my addiction. I also wish I had a fake ID.

O_O; I could always say I'm Kynan... He's 19...

*just yelled "the phone will eat me" at her mother twice*
light me

Poodles make great soup with shredded boot heel! [19 Jul 2002|08:15pm]
I shad strive foh greatness! >:D *strives* *falls over*

The test said I'm Sirius Black. X3 He's my favorite. Fuu... I just remembered three more characters of mine.o.o I wanna draw the little dragony thing now. Onisomething it's called.

I'm not quite sane at the moment. Check back later.
light me

[19 Jul 2002|11:01am]
I have weird dreams. The good new is, I got my face out of his crotch with enough time left to grab a towel and hurl myself through the crowd of panicky politicians. And get to my office.
light me

[18 Jul 2002|10:31pm]

I want it. XD
light me

[15 Jul 2002|04:50pm]
Everyone in the class is 2 or 3 years older than me. o__o; Fudge nuts.
light me

[12 Jul 2002|12:10am]
I have the attention span of a fridge magnet.
light me

[11 Jul 2002|10:26am]
light me

[08 Jul 2002|07:28pm]
Your message here )
light me

[06 Jul 2002|02:10am]
My throat is burning. Make it stop... I can't... it's hard... blinding... fuck
light me

[06 Jul 2002|01:33am]
[ mood | pounding ]

Burning... burning... everything is burning... What is this feeling...?

light me

[05 Jul 2002|09:25pm]
Black lights and vodka make everything sexy. Nyuuu.... I want vodka. o.O;
light me

[28 Jun 2002|04:03pm]
>_<;;;; I think I just broke my tablet.
light me

[25 Jun 2002|04:38pm]

I amuse me.
3 flaming idiots| light me

[16 May 2002|09:34pm]
[ music | Glay- Mermaid ]

All post shall be friends only now. XD 'Cept this one. If anyone who's not on my friends list is reading(doubt it~), they should add me and I will do the same. O.o; And if people without LJ were reading then... Fuck them ne. They can go get one, or screw off.

5 flaming idiots| light me

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