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Saturday, June 22nd, 2002 | 3:18 am |
I will try my hardest to type half "tipsy" still from tonite. So, Jen, Amanda, James, Annie, Mauro, myself, and the short-term addition of Vicky, Jason, and Robert, had a smashing good time at my party tonite. We all did quite a bit of drinking (someting I do at most twice a year) and looked upon it as our rite of passage onto college life. We had a blast--- and more happened than should ever be written about here. "Here's to the night..." as our Senior song says. | Thursday, June 20th, 2002 | 11:49 pm |
Amanda brings up a great point. . . All our lives we've been expecting these wonderful events to occur just as TV and the movies have portrayed them to be. Where is our dream prom, graduation, and such?? Above all, where is the love we're supposed to find in high school that makes us believe in love for the rest of our lives? We were discussing the feelings associated with kissing and how they just aren't like they should be. Where's the background music, rustling curtains, and shooting stars that are supposed to be there? Where is the electricty? I want my leg to pop, damn it! Grrrr | 11:44 pm |
THEY'RE GONE! Mom and Dad have gone to Marco Island and my weekend of freedom has begun. I spent this afternoon with Brittany from Dillard catching up and just laying together watching TV like the old days. Tomorrow I'm having lunch with some District 7 Seniors to say goodbye one last time. Amanda and Jen are here now after we went to Starbuck's and Chili's and, as usual, we're watching Get Over It (our fav. movie-- so good, I highly recommend you see it!) | Wednesday, June 19th, 2002 | 11:43 pm |
So... what's happening right now? My bed is inhabited by Amanda and James who are not-quite-shmacking, but are awefully cute. Poor Jen left her bracelet somewhere tonite? Who knows? It's probably with all my left socks. That is about all the action for today. Could my summer be more boring? I wake up around 2pm everyday and then lay in bed until someone forces my ass up. CAMP! CAMP! CAMP! OMG-- Camp is in 6 days! Woo hoo! Then I can have an amazing summer! Also, saying goodbye to all of my summer session friends makes me really excited about college. I can't wait until the fall. I find out more and more people from other schools are goin to UF and even more in Honors than I thought. Things aren't looking so grim. Oh oh oh, Mom and Dad go out of town tomorrow....can we say Jon is extatic much? No, much too much! Party plans are in the works! yippee! | 1:18 am |
Tonight, Etai, Josh Blum, and I went to try and see Insomnia, but that didn't go so well. See, they aren't anywhere near age to see an R movie (hehehe) and so we had to see the Bourne Identity. It wasn't terrible....but it wasn't altogether any good. Entertaining perhaps, but it has about the depth of an FSU cheerleading squad's attempt at Brecht.
Out of the blue, Mikey from Duke called me tonite. I was soo thrilled hearing from him and all about his marvelous time in NYC this past semester. I hope to see him again soon. He's been such an inspiration and close friend to me. I am so glad I met him through Tom as he's there for me when I really needed it. | Tuesday, June 18th, 2002 | 1:28 am |
hehe-- Avi and I played strip You Don't Know Jack. It isn't half as bad as it sounds, trust me! We were just really hot and started getting really silly and throwing off stuff. Relax-- totally rated PG-13. On another note-- Amanda and James had a great date down by the beach! I'm soo happy for her. She started telling me about how romantic it all was down by the water on the blanket, etc. and I started thinking about the first real date I ever had with Brian Dorsey last year. He took me to the beach and we sat holding eachother under the stars until he gave me the first real kiss I ever had. I mean, sure, I'd been kissed, but this was the first KISS from a boy I went on a date with who liked me and I liked back (you get the idea). Okay, I've hit the end of Memory Lane and am ready to turn around and go to bed. Tomorrow holds a trip to the dentist--oy! I hate the dentist. It makes me think of Little Shop of Horrors and all the "fun" associated with that one. | Monday, June 17th, 2002 | 11:18 pm |
Went to coffee and Barnes & Noble with Avital tonite. Then we came home to do some light reading. So much for that-- 15 showtunes later, we were tired and called it quits. I wonder how Amanda and James are doing on their "date" right now? I hope things work out there. That girls deserves some proper kissing! (we all do for that matter!). Anywho, Avi and I are about to play You Don't Know Jack (I'm gonna kick some ass!). | 5:19 pm |
Gotta love Sutton Foster! She is soo cute! I love her in Millie. I hope I get to see it in the fall. Anywho, went to Publix today to get food for my last week at home before camp! I almost got killed on the way there by this towing truck that didn't see me. Oy! I'm having coffee with Avi tonite and then who knows.. | 1:39 am |
Wow! I just left Amanda's house and drove home on cloud nine! We had the BEST night talking to Tyler. See, all I had to do was wait to hear from him and I learned that everything was okay. I feel so badly that he's hurt-- he just broke up with his "guy". I never want to see him sad. Tyler sad is the most heartbreaking thing I've ever known. It makes me want to cry when I think about his beautiful. crying face as he left camp halfway through the summer. But talking to him makes everything better. I hung up with him tonite and, like I always do, sat there completely elated and smiling like there's no tomorrow. I am so glad he and Amanda like one another. Now I have someone to go visit him with and keep me company on the trip. I cannot wait until he comes to UF to see Audra (but hopefully he'll come sooner). I love that boy, and I really hope we have a future together! | Sunday, June 16th, 2002 | 11:45 pm |
I'm at Amanda's right now (this is the first entry placed away from home)...We just watched Trick and are sad we missed QAF. We'll catch it during the week. Umm...Let's talk about Tyler. I call him and he's at the bookstore with some friends right now. One of them shouts "hi" from the background and I think it is his "guy" that he's told me about. I wish he and I were together here. I know that "what's his name" doesnt treat Ty like he should-- Ty is such an angel and deserves the best. (pssst--- I can give that to you, stupid boy!!!) Okay, i'm done. I love him and he knows day, things will work out. Amanda is crunching chips very loudly next to me..I have never let someone read as I typed on here. It's wierd. But it's okay, it's just Mandy. | 7:31 pm |
Dinner was soo yummy tonite! I love that stuff! However, the company could have been better. Mom and Dad just know the right things to ruin any special moment-- for example: rehashing the fact that I could go to any Univeristy in the country and they would glady pay for it, no question asked, IF I didn't persue acting. They say that it's unfair for me to treat them like they don't matter to me, but they seem to miss the fact that I will never consider anything they ever do worth shit as long as I have to fight to make my dreams come true. It's not the going at it alone that bothers me, it's the constant bitching by my mom about how I should be so grateful for their "tolleration" of all I want to do. Frustrated? Who me? HAH! | 1:21 pm |
Good morning! I dunno what to do with my day! I think I may just stay home, clean up the mess around from packing for camp and graduation presents, and then go to dinner for Father's Day at PF Chang's! Love that place! I hope I actually have a fun weekend and I get my mind on happier subjects than it has been dwelling on lately. I don't know why-- I am always soo cheerful, but lately the strangest things have been getting me down.
Current Mood: Just Awakened Current Music: Thoroughly Modern Millie | 2:26 am |
SCOOBY DOO rules!!!! So, I saw Scooby tonite with Brandon after a few grad parties which further confirmed that EVERYONE and their mother is going to a state school. Oh well -- I have honors to keep me sane and surrounded with snobbery :)
Camp is around the corner. 9 days, in fact! I need a musical soo badly. I have all this free time and it is killing me. Today, Thoroughly Modern Millie came in the mail and thinking about Sutton Foster winning the Tony made me realize why I love doing what I do. Starting a show again in under two weeks is just what I need to take my mind off of life. | Saturday, June 15th, 2002 | 2:53 am |
Catching Up . . . I wish I had the ability, or I suppose it is the committment, to write every thought I want down on here like Den or Di seems to do. I have great intentions and so many times each day I think "I've gotta put this on LJ"-- but life gets in the way and I forget. I'm sorry.
So, with apologies out of the way, let's catch up on this past month of absence: Well right at the begining of May I did, in fact, with the Silver Knight Award in drama. I scored a $1500 check, a huge statue of the knight, a medal I wore at graduation, and a round trip ticket to anywhere in the US (I think I'm gonna use it this Christmas when Banderas is on Broadway in NINE and INTO THE WOODS is still running). Later in the month I won a whole bunch of Senior awards, the final ritual before graduation where all of our final honors are bestowed upon us. June 10-- G-Day as you could call it, liberated me from the barbaric chains of high school and set me free to explore the world as an adult (gosh, I wish my life really were the Classical epic I wish it were-- oh how pretty the Latin would sound.)
That brings us up to now. . . . Things at home are kinda hectic as EVERYONE and their cat came in for the past weekend (My grad. party-- which was AMAZING with the party bus and more food than the population of Lichtenstein could consume in a year-- and then my actual graduation.) Dori and Doug came with Jacqueline (the most beautiful niece in the world!!!!) and Samantha came with her boyfriend John (who is very nice, but has a tremendous Paul Bunyon complex--- a little too laid back for my taste). Despite the craziness in the bathroom trying to get ready to go anywhere, everyone is very happy and hardly fighting at all. My complaints about my sisters still remains as they always have, however....that they try too hard to police my feelings without any concern for my standpoint. By this, of course, we're dealing with my "outing" issues and how they think I need to move at a different pace to tell my father. I'm stil soo bitter over the way Mom found out, so I plan on taking my own sweet-ass time and saying it when I'm ready. What does it matter, anyhow? My sexuality is only who I date, it doesn't define me at all. I let the arts and my academics do that. grrrr...
Anywho... as for boys: WHO THE HELL KNOWS! I think that boys are put on this earth to make everyone crazy. All the girls I know are fed up with theirs and I can't find a stable one who lives in my own freakin zip code. I can't stop thinking about Tyler in Atlanta. He's the love of my life and all I ever talk about. Will we be together again someday and perhaps forever? I hope so. I feel sometimes like I am scaring him away, but he tells me that he loves me too and wants to be with me. I dunno. I love him and I know I do because I smile just by hearing him breathe on the phone. I miss him. Camp won't be the same without him.
I am super glad that I have been spending so much time with Amanda and Jen. We have soo much fun when we go out and I am so glad that they'll be around at UF next year to keep me sane...well, relatively, anyway.
OMG-- CAMP!!!! Camp is only 12 days away from now! I cannot believe that in under two weeks I will be at StageDoor Manor performing in another show and in Cabaret. I miss everyone from there SOO much and I can't wait to see everyone and start having more fun than I can handle. It will be the BEST summer ever-- what a great way to end high school and go off to college. | Friday, May 3rd, 2002 | 8:18 am |
It's been a while . . . HI! I've been kinda distant lately. Ya know, like that missing black sock that shows up the day after you needed it or the lunch you forgot to take out of your trunk to eat in school that you don't find until late that night (and are forced to eat cafeteria salad-- "oh the horror"). I have been so busy lately with life. It gets in the way sometimes. Oh my god, AP's start next week!! Could May be more hectic?? Waiter, another valium with a Vodka chaser please! Then I have Silver Knight Awards (pray for me, ya'll) and there's Grad Nite (which is tonite-- WOO HOO!!! Love that Mouse!) and finally finals at the end of the month. There are banquets and grad parties sprinkled in there for good measure and extra time crunching. But, alas, this is the joy of being a committed senior and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I am so excited to finish up my year, head off to StageDoor one last time, and then begin my college adventures in the fall. Okay, that's it. I'm done. See ya'll soon. xoxo
PS-- I've really started thinking about how much I am going to miss everyone when school begins. I mean most of my super close friends are heading to UF with me (few in honors, but that's okay). The others are headed to points near and far (some to New York other to New Orleans and then most sadly, one to Boston). What shall I do without my Avi? I don't want to go on rambling about how much I love her as I'm already crying right now, but I'll never be the same when I lose her to Boston. She's going to thrive there and she'll surely find someone to fill my place in her life, but things with me will take a long time to heal. I truly love her and I don't know how I'll feel without my other half. "Hey old friend, here's to us. Who's like us? Damned few!" | Tuesday, April 23rd, 2002 | 10:52 pm |
10:45 and all is .... okie dokie. I'm sitting on the phone with Dennis right now (and therefore smiling and bouncing at the sound of his voice) while I type up some tech notes for my show. The show is coming along very nicely, and I hope everyone reading this comes to see it! Yes, that means you ::points fiercely!:: So, anywho...I am off to bed (as I have done several times today-- god bless napping during stupid AP's). Aideu. | Monday, April 22nd, 2002 | 9:08 pm |
One evening done -- and done to a great success. The kids are really coming along nicely,which is a good thing because it means I can yell at my tech crew with everything I've got :) In other news, school couldn't possibly be more boring. I sit in class staring at the clock thinking about how many times I have left to sit staring-- and it is comforting to know that it isn't that many. | 8:58 am |
Bored to tears in AP Euro It's almost 9 and the monotony of yet another Monday is getting to me already. There's nothing like a physics test at 7:35 to get ya goin! Something about fluid dynamics-- what am I going to need fluid dynamics for? Isn't that why god invented Jiffy Lube? Whatever. I was on the phone with Dennis until about 1:30am-- it's awesome how we don't even notice that time passes. Gosh, he's amazing. Anywho-- enough of me gushing. I think that is all he and I do on here.
Oh I need a nap-- thank goodness drama is coming in an hour and I can lay down on the couch and snooze.
So tonight begins my week of dress rehearsals for my middle-schoolers. This should be some long day-- did I mention I forgot my lunch? Yeah, that's exciting. I'll be really cheerful when the kiddies arrive at 4. I won't see the outside of the auditorium until about 8.
Here's to everyone in the Pajama Game-- break a leg this week. I hope both of our shows are big successes. Until later! | Sunday, April 21st, 2002 | 11:33 pm |
Stress abounds. . . . I dunno if anyone else is feeling the pinch of the end of the year, but I need a pill! Could I possibly have more to do and less time to do it in???? Ahhhh!!! Theatre, scholarships, oh yeah, and homework too! ahhhh!!! It'll be alright...just give me a little Audra McDonald and some coffee and it'll be just fine.
This should be some hectic week ahead. My middle school show, the one I direct for community service, opens on Friday. Things will be great, but keeping my head above water gets harder and harder daily. Just imagine being in charge of 20 wound-up, ritalin deprived middle-schoolers who sing and dance (or try to, anyway). But I love's such a great feeling at the end of the day.
I think I am done writing for the day. I am off to chat with Den before I go to sleep. | 5:36 pm |
Later... That's it...Im done I can't take school for another moment. 30 days until graduation and I might just end it all. I have spent all day in this house reading, reviewing, and subsequently forgettting everything. To hell with Europe, Newton, and American politics.
It was such a waste trying to study when all I could think about was a certain someone. I was like--
AP European History: "Then in 1648, The Peace of Webber ended the Thiry Years War between the Catholics and Dennis."
AP Government: "The supreme court conists of 9 judges selected by the president for life terms unless removed for bad behavior. Bad behavior...oooh, where's Dennis?"
noticing a pattern, anyone???
oy! what to do. |
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