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Wednesday, August 28th, 2002
1:55 am - school stuff.
ok, so i've had my first two days of classes... had everything except that mysterious last class, which i'm still not definite about.

so... a little bit about my classes... but only a littel, because i can be long-winded, and it is already late.

physics: monday and wednesday... doesn't seem hard, mostly the same subjects as in high school, with a little more depth. the teacher is a small man with a new york accent who likes to pretend his meter stick is a sword.

cell biology: tuesday and thursday... i thought i liked the teacher at first, until she went on a long rant about creationism. now, i don't mind letting people have their own views, and i won't hold someone's ideology against them... but there is something about teaching a class that focuses at least partly on evolution... she said that the evidence supports creationism, and that most scientists are starting to believe this theory moreso than that ridiculous evolution one (greatly paraphrased, of course). but other than that, she seems reasonable, and i think the class will be a breeze.

native american literature: tuesdays and thursdays also... i think i'm gonna have fun with this. the teacher seems cool, though possibly a bit insane... she randomly breaks into choctaw and doesn't like the idea of giving grades. but all in all, the subject matter seems awesome, and the teacher is an experience...

and tomorrow night i'm gonna crash the forensic ecology class, maybe go in a bit early to try to talk to the professor. i can't actually register for it unless i get specific permission, because there is a prerequisite that i haven't met. but if i can make the impression that i have a general background knowledge of ecology, and am not a complete moron, i should be set (i hope).

went over to aaron's tonight. school was a little stressful, but just seeing him seemed to make me feel better. ok, you can all slap me now for being overly cheesey, but it's true.

then i went to the grandpeople's, and out with nick. it has been a productive day. i even stopped by and saw dad briefly at work... how often does that happen?

ok, it is way past my bedtime, and i have to be semi-conscious at a decent hour (bowie's going to be on morning edition!)... so goodnight.
2 cookies - snack.
Monday, August 26th, 2002
1:32 am - cartoons and darts
that's what i did tonight. the first part at aaron's with the whole crew, then just with nick and brendan at hard times.

tomorrow school starts. i'm still not sure about that last class, but i think i have a plan. i'm gonna try to get into the forensic ecology class, and if that falls through i'll have organic chem as a backup.

and dad: (i'll post this here because i never seem to get a chance to call you...) do you still have that receipt i gave you? if so, could you maybe have it at work sometime... like tuesday. i need it to return the book for my class that isn't happening anymore.

umm... ok... i'll be back tomorrow with all the details of my classes that you couldn't care less about.
Saturday, August 24th, 2002
11:20 pm
work was awesome tonight. the whole crew of sakatans were there (even a couple i had never met), and they were having some sort of party. the little one is so adorable...

i ended up staying until close because aftab wanted to leave early. that meant sweeping and mopping, but it also meant a couple extra bucks.

...and hajji made me dinner. something spicy with lentils and spinach, it was really good. i need to learn how to cook like him.

and this morning, to celebrate the fact that today is waffle iron day (or so says ratboy), i made waffles for breakfast. i was worried that they'd go to waste, but brendan and annie came over and helped me with them.

so that was my exciting day... and, of course, trying to figure out what to do about this whole school situation...
1:58 pm - dilemma
that was one of the answers to yesterday's crossword...

but seriously now, i think i need some advice.

my statistics class was cancelled, and now i need to find something else to take its place. should i:

a) take organic chemistry, which would have me taking 16 credits (it is worth five), and doing a hellishly long day on tuesdays. it is a class i will need to take at some point before i graduate, but it is a teacher who i've had before and didn't really like.

b) take forensic ecology, which sounds really cool, but meets on wednesdays (when i usually go out with my grandpeople) and saturdays (which might make me late to work). it is only two credits, and is something i am very interested in.

c) take the other section of statistics. this would seem logical, but it would be late on tuesday nights, requiring me to spend more than twelve hours in annandale/alexandria, or commute there and back twice in one day.

d) try to find something to fill my social science requirement, which i was going to wait till next semester to do. i'm sure i could get into a basic level class that would probably be boring as hell. it would be worth the same number of credits as the class that was cancelled, so i wouldn't have to worry about the money stuff.

e) none of the above. if anyone has any other ideas...

please, i need some input. what does everyone think i should do? you all know i can't make decisions on my own, especially not important ones that have to be made quickly. i need to know for sure by monday, because that is when classes start.
2 cookies - snack.
2:21 am - 2:21 a.m. with a headache
went out with some of connie's friends tonight. had a decent time, but they aren't really my crowd. i admitted to connie that i thought her friends were a bit immature. this makes me feel better about being so ati-social when i'm around them.

ran into sergio there, he said he'd come by, and didn't show.

i'm not surprised.

i am up way later than i meant to be.

i have suddenly become everyone's relationship counselor. i'm not unhappy about it, just confused as to why my friends would trust me to give them advice on dating.

pandora and willow have been harassing the boys through the cage bars. we now have two babies with skinned tails, and something solid propped up between the cages.

yet again, one of my classes has been cancelled at the last minute.

this angers me a little bit.

not because of my love for statistics, but just because i thought i had my schedule all worked out.

now i have to go back and change my schedule, buy new books, try to get refunds for the ones i have, yadda yadda yadda. i don't know why i bother to get everything done early, just to have it all undone at the last minute.

i am not tired, but i know i should be. i need to get back on a nromal sleep schedule.

guess it's time to give sleep a try...
4 cookies - snack.
Friday, August 23rd, 2002
2:19 pm - great falls fun.
went out to great falls last night with aaron, and played on the rocks. i've never seen the river that low before it was scary. i think i could've even made it out onto the big island, there were so many little rocks exposed that are usually underwater. i had a really great time. hanging out with him makes me so happy.

umm... not much else in the news category... aaron's going out of town for the weekend, so i have to find some way to amuse myself. maybe i'll try to clean my room...
1 cookie - snack.
Thursday, August 22nd, 2002
3:51 pm - babies! ... and whatnot.
anyone still interested in adopting a rat, they have been separated from their mom and are ready to go to their new homes.

umm... in other news, school starts monday. i'm looking forward to it, but at the same time i know it will be a whole lot of work.

yesterday i went to busch gardens with nico and nura. had a wonderful time. got nura over her fear of roller coasters, even got her to admit that she liked them. after that i went to connie's party, which was cool, but i didn't stay too long because everyone was drunk and i was exhausted.

i am carless again at the moment (which has seemed to happen way too often lately), but this time it is nothing serious, just tires. i feel so helpless without my car, though. it's my security blanket.

went out to lunch with mutti. she is sick, but at least i got to see her for once. mmm... pho.

that's all the news for now. have fun!
Tuesday, August 20th, 2002
12:39 pm
well... i just typed a nice little post about news in my life... but lj ate it, and i don't feel like typing again.

so, all you really need to know is: things are good.

and hopefully i got the right date on this entry, because that's why the other one didn't work...
1 cookie - snack.
Sunday, August 18th, 2002
10:01 pm
ok... so now i'm waiting for nick, ginger, connie and erin to get here, so i can figure out what i'm doing tonight. hopefully i can make it to the cartoons at aaron's at some point.

it looks like mom and hank are going to be buying a house a lot sooner than they had thought. hrm. mom wants me to be here to mediate when she breaks the news to nick. ech. sometimes i don't like being the mature one.

work was pretty awesome today, even if it was hot and humid and i had a headache. i opened at ayman's and spent about three hours chopping vegetables and folding boxes. that wasn't quite so awesome. but at joe's, we were busy, and the radio was great, which makes everything better. thistle and shamrock did dance music (which i like a lot better than the slow songs and modern stuff), this american life had a segment about racism against native americans (which was very interesting), and weta did a two-hour program of the grateful dead.
12:47 am - *swoon*
bit-bit's happy today...

umm... so yeah... i just got back from the dreamscapes show. it was awesome, as usual. i love those guys, they really rock.

last night i hung out with jacqui and reecey (sp?), who were in an interesting state; and aaron, who was sober but no less interesting.

and aaron and i are dating now... that would be the main reason for the extreme giddiness.

ok, well... that's all for now... off to watch young ones with nico.
3 cookies - snack.
Thursday, August 15th, 2002
9:54 pm - i'm liking this vacation thing already...
so, i had a blast today. spent about eight of the last twelve hours in that little old pickup, but i had a lot of fun. connie and i went out to ocean city for the day. it was awesome! i love the ocean...

my dsl is acting funny, and i can't seem to figure out why, so i'm on the dial-up now. grr... i hate it when technology doesn't do what i want.

oh, and i talked to dad about my car today... brakes were shot, and rotors, but it's all better now. makes me a little mad, knowing that the rotors being dead is my fault, and that i just got rotors last time i got brakes, but meh... there's nothing i can do about it now. so hopefully i can get someone to take me out to the dealership tomorrow, and get my car back.

well, that's all for now. if i know this modem, i am going to get booted any minute, so i should keep it short.
1:52 am - good times...
i had such an awesome day today. spent it with nico and ginger.

went to the reston zoo, and looked at/pet/fed a bunch of animals. i liked the little camel and this one goat that i think was pregnant. the ostriches were attacking nick again, at least this time it was because he had food. and the pig just had babies last night. then we had lunch at the italian store (mmmm...), and came home for a little while.

then this evening, we saw ozomatli. they put on an amazing show. it was at the state theatre, so we were able to be real close without being crowded at all. while the opening band played, the guys from ozomatli were hanging out in the crowd. i like the fact that they don't try to act like rockstars, just a bunch of guys having a good time. i think it was good that we caught them on the last night of the tour, because not only did they play a really long set, they got pretty silly too. at the end, they played this medley that included the chicken dance, the hokey pokey, the sesame street theme, and we're not gonna take it, among other things. this wasn't one of the shows that i was really looking forward to (we only found out about it thursday), but it was amazing. i am happy.

then we went to this little diner that i used to always pass on my way home from school, but had never been to. it was really good, except there was some guy in the parking lot trying to break into cars. hrm.

also, i put my car in the shop this morning. so tomorrow i should be able to find out exactly what the damage is, and how much i am going to owe them, and have it back... soon-ish.

tomorrow i am also going to the beach with connie-butt. unfortunately, this means several hours spent in the truck. dammit, i need music for road trips! but still, i'm excited. i mean, it's the beach!

ok, but if i want to be awake at all tomorrow, i should get to bed now... goodnight folks.
2 cookies - snack.
Tuesday, August 13th, 2002
9:58 pm - we eat and drink, for tomorrow they'll die.
ok, i am about to go on a rant. it isn't a personal rant, it is a political one. just warning everyone.

war rant )

i'm just doing this beacuse i know when i get out of normal "this is what i did today" pattern, people tend to get offended.

and now, it is time for doughnuts with connie-butt.

peace out!
1 cookie - snack.
8:58 am - NO MORE SCHOOL!!!
so, i'm officially done with my summer classes. i didn't take the optional exam today, because i didn't need to. i got my grades before i tok the test, and even with a C on the final (oops...), i had an A in the class. i had 101 on the first exam, and slightly lower A's for my lab and quiz averages, so they outweighed the one low grade. she told me i had a 91, and i thought that meant i would have to retake the exam... i am still not used to this easy grading scale (in lcps, you need at least a 94 for an A). so, i'm done and i'm happy.

no idea what i'm going to do today. i really should do something while the weather's nice, since i know it will be too hot later. but i'm such a lazy bum.

my sinuses were killing me last night, so i finally broke down and took my claritin again. i feel all dehydrated, but no headache! and i've been up since five (before my alarm even went off), so i think it definitely was the claritin that was making me not sleep. i don't know if that is a good or bad thing. hmm...

that's all for now... tschussi!

current mood: cheerful
current music: space- my neighbourhood
3 cookies - snack.
12:50 am - putt-putt and cartoons and sushi, oh my!
i had a really fun evening. went out with aaron. discovered invader zim (i like jhonen a lot... don't know why i'd never watched it before).

then played some darts with nico, brendan and annie. all in all a fun day. now i am exhausted, and it is bedtime.

1 cookie - snack.
Monday, August 12th, 2002
11:12 am - hmm...
well, i am finished with my chemistry exam, and as far as i can tell, i survived. i think i might go in tomorrow anyway... i mean, it can't hurt, and christina is trying to convice me to do it at the moment.

talked to my dad about the brakes, am going in wednesday to get it checked out. poop. i hate having car problems.

umm... no real news other than that. it is really pretty out today, i think i might try to spend some time outside. i have an urge to hop on my bike and go somewhere... though i know i'll get too hot and want to stop before i get anywhere good. hmm...

ok, well, time to run off and find an adventure.
Sunday, August 11th, 2002
9:57 pm - so much news, so little time...
ok, i'm gonna try to keep this short, since i should really be studying right now, but i've kinda got a lot to say.

went to busch gardens this weekend with nura, mutti, and heifa. had a lot of fun. i've really missed nura. i know most of my friends don't like/understand her, but she really is a sweetheart (when she wants to be). i even got her to ride a rollercoaster, and admit that she enjoyed it. and i think i ate more in two days than i normally would in a week. ech.

tomorrow is my exam in chemistry. i'm not very prepared. i may be up all night. but tomorrow, i think i am going to need to celebrate. i have the option of taking another exam on tuesday and having the lower grade dropped, i may do that just in case... but, for the most part, school is over tomorrow. good good good.

how come, as soon as i tell my dad that there is nothing wrong with my car, something goes wrong? i told him friday that everything was fine, and friday night on the way up to gaithersburg my brakes started making horrible noises. it thought it would go away, but it just got worse all night, and started feeling funny in the pedal. my brakes have been whining for a couple months, but dad said it should be ok, and it has, but now i don't think it is anymore. i am afraid to drive it, i think something might be loose, and i don't like the prospect of not having brakes that work. luckily, we had planned to take the cruiser to williamsburg, and i had the truck handy to work in tonight. i guess i'll be going up to the shop this week. dammit.

ok, well, enough for now, i might fill in more later when i need a break from the chemistry.
4 cookies - snack.
Friday, August 9th, 2002
11:44 am - the idiot son of an asshole
so... the show yesterday rocked! everyone's been asking me about my favorite band, so i guess i better clear that up on here. flogging molly, bad religion, nofx, and five iron frenzy were all great. i had never really listened to fif before, so i have to say they impressed me the most, and was able to close enough to see them real well. flogging molly i really love, though the half-hour set definitely couldn't stack up to the cleveland show. nofx i was far away, and couldn't really see, but i like their music alot... they didn't seem to have all that much energy on stage, but were still pretty good. and bad religion is just a classic, i would've enjoyed it a lot more if i had been able to breathe during it. they put on a good show, though, and fat mike came in on backup vocals for 21st century digital boy.

my only complaint about the day *cough, cough* was dust. dear lord, this stuff was everywhere... people were looking like they were in a riot or a war zone, with bandanas or t-shirts around their faces, and grey from head to toe. apparently, last year they held it in the paved parking area, but this year it was all gravel, and that was not a good decision. and i got a little sunburned, but that was to be expected.

so, this weekend, i am hanging out with nura, who is in town from lebanon. this makes me happy. we were friends in elementary school, and it has been about two years since she moved away. so i will be busy, but happy.

and monday is my final. we are also allowed to take another exam on tuesday, and the lowest grade will be dropped, but i am still deciding on that one. it is extra work, but it might help... i think it depends on how confident i feel monday afternoon.

and anyone who wants to do anything the next two weeks or so, call me! i have some time before fall classes start, and plan on having some fun... definitely some day trips, busch gardens or the beach anyone? i may even try to go visit my grandpeople and/or josh in north carolina. who knows? i'm just up for having fun, and getting out of this area a little bit.

current mood: ecstatic
current music: nothing yet... nick on the phone about car stuff
1 cookie - snack.
Monday, August 5th, 2002
8:20 pm - the adventure of book-buying
...and that's exactly what it was.

i figured i would be able to buy my annandale/alexandria books and be home before rush hour if i left home at two. how much more wrong could i be?

when i got to the alexandria campus (at almost three), it took me forever to find a place to park near the bookstore, only to find out that the stairs between the parking and the building were closed (!?), and the sign said to use an alternate route (though didn't say what route). at that point, i already felt on the urge of passing out from the heat, so i stumbled down the way-too-steep hill, waded through the waist-deep poison ivy (bare-legged, of course) and got some really odd looks from the construction workers. so yeah, i bought my books, took the long way back across campus, and headed home. sat in rush hour traffic forever, skipped out on annandale, and got home after six. yuck.

ok, well, people are over now, so that's all for this entry... maybe i'll report on the rest of the day later.
3 cookies - snack.
Sunday, August 4th, 2002
3:36 pm - rat babies...
yeah, i've been hanging out with them today. they are getting pretty big, and their eyes are open now. they're probably old enough for us to handle, but i don't want to risk upsetting pepper ann.

so, i finally was able to count:

4 black
3 grey
2 black/white
1 grey/white

i realise that is only ten, that was all i was able to count.

not sure yet about genders.

one of the black/white ones is a boy, his name is polka, and i think i am going to try to keep him in the house. he is mom's favorite, and i have to admit that i've grown pretty attached too. shouldn't be too hard, since everyone seems to want girls.

i cleaned out the part of their cage that the water had been spilled in, it smells a little more bearable now. i hope nico doesn't mind...

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