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Monday, May 6th, 2002

(develop a crush)

Time:9:50 pm.
Mood: lethargic.
This afternoon was really good. After lunch my phone started acting all wonky so I couldn't take calls, and then when that got resolved my team lead asked if I wanted to make decorations for this spring-themed week dealiewho we're doing. Jackie and I did that for the better part of the afternoon, and then Johnny (the team lead) asked if I wanted to decorate the stats board as well. I thought that would be fun so I did it, and he also said I'm in charge of coming up with what our monthly raffle will be (for each "exceeds expectations" you get on your monthly report you get a raffle ticket). So.. yah. I'm in charge of that little section of morale for our department. Neato.

After work I was feeling maternal so I went and got Thayne's money and bought some lunches, then talked to him for a bit before going home. I've slipped him the evil sickness. he's not too pleased about it but he's taking a ton of vitamins and getting his rest so hopefully he'll pull through it quickly.

Came home, started looking for digicams online so I could have one by this weekend. The one sean bought was out of stock, so I moped about that for awhile (actually, I was quite irritated. Stupid hormones), but asked around in the channel and Tima suggested this:;=3271277&cftoken;=4334221

It's cheaper than the one Sean got, so that was a plus. It doesn't take movies but.. eh. The picture quality is pretty good and it holds a lot of pics, so.. yah. I think I'm going to get it. The only other downside is that it has its own type of batteries. Once Evan pays me back I'll only owe my dad another $100 to cover the cost on his credit card after I add on the 3 day shipping.

My cold has been reduced to a nagging cough and coating of phlegm stuck on the back of my throat. Hot DrPepper and lemon seem to help though. /me beats back cold with a stick. I should definately down the vitamin c just in case Thayne's germs try to jump back on me. Evil germs.

(develop a crush)

Time:1:37 pm.
I just can't even comment here.


(develop a crush)

Time:12:56 pm.
Mood: amused.

People are stretching for online quiz topics, but.. I bit with this one. How silly.

Read more... )

(develop a crush)

Subject:This weekend in review
Time:9:29 am.
Mood: content.
Well, this weekend sucked. Basically, for a lot of reasons, I reverted back to a lot of old feelings and memories about how things used to be in High School, and it wasn't a good thing. Blah. I posted a crapload in my livejournal though. *laugh*

Sunday dragged the crap from Saturday along with it. It got better when I hung out with Thayne though. Hoorah for that. We watched Fight Club and played around with Photoshop. Things have been really nice with us lately. We talked a lot Friday night and it almost feels like we started a new chapter in our relationship, as cheesy as that sounds. *laugh* Man, I better stop before I get too gooshy. I'll leave that to a private entry.

Today hasn't been too bad. Steady calls but I've had a crapload of transfers and stuff. I'm on lunch now so I'm going to wrap up here and do some other things while I've got time.

Saturday, May 4th, 2002

(1 crush | develop a crush)

Subject:I especially need girlie opinion on this one, so if you have a vagina please vote.
Time:11:17 pm.
Mood: excited.
Poll #31984: Beds!
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

Which kind of bed should I get?

View Answers

Bed #1
5 (41.7%) 5 (41.7%)

Bed #2
7 (58.3%) 7 (58.3%)

Okay.. so, bed number one is:

and two is:

(the pics are huge so I didn't want to screw up your friends pages with them)

Price isn't really an option here cos my dad's buying it for me and both are under his limit.

The first one doesnt' look appealing to most people at first but the more you look at it, the more you like it.. at least that's been the case with other people I've had see it.

The second one is more me I think though.. prissy and princessy and stuff. I could do pretty things with it.

I just cannot decide!! Eep! Help me out, guys. :)

(develop a crush)

Time:7:49 pm.
Mood: creative.

I edited one of Thayne's heroin cards and made it an lj icon. I think it's pretty neato.

I think I did a fairly good job of getting rid of the heroin part on the top and bottom. It still has the chemical name written across it but we did it light enough that you can't tell.

(develop a crush)

Time:6:58 pm.
Mood: thoughtful.

Basically it's about using gay as a slang word.

I can't tell the tone of the article. I mean, at first I thought it was sort of mocking the idea that using phrases like, "that's so gay" and the like were "cool" but after I got done with it I really can't tell. Like this..

"Mu?oz has been hearing it for years from his nephew, who's now 14.

"I've been mapping his homophobia as he enters what Newsweek would call the 'tweens," Mu?oz says. "And I see a real connection between his saying 'that's so gay' when he was little and now, when he won't shop at the Gap because he says it stands for 'Gay and Proud.' There's really rampant homophobia when you talk to young kids."

Kind of odd. Instead of just "mapping" his homophobia why don't you take the time to talk to him about it?


"So are adults contaminating kids' minds? Of course. Just as they always have.

"Kids hear so much crap anyway -- if they can hear that words can become part of lighthearted banter and don't have to have the weight that they do, they'll be better off," says Beam. "We don't have to be so precious."

So.. if you hear your children calling people niggas or calling women bitches we should just encourage them to use those words more regularly so they can "become part of lighthearted banter"? wtf?

I understand the... idea, I guess, behind black people using "nigger" and it being "okay" but white people not being able to do it. Same with when gay people call each other "fags". I don't think it's appropriate for me to call my gay friends fags even if they know I"m doing it in a joking manner, but it's more appropriate when used within the culture it's targeting. I recognize that groups adopt words that are commonly used to insult them and morph them into something else so they wont' be so hurtful (like women saying that being a bitch is a sign of power and not a sign of.. being a bitch. *laugh*), but it seems like the article implies that we should encourage children to use words that are hurtful to people so they'll become blaze in our community so people won't get so hurt by them anymore. That doesn't make much sense to me.

At the end of the article is a link to another gay-related piece- on homosexuals carrying guns to ward off gay-bashers:

This one does a better job of being clear but it's still a bit weird to me. The idea of calling the movement "pink pistols" seems to degrade the idea of what it stands for. It's a comical title for a serious problem. When I hear the phrase "pink pistols", I honestly think of, like.. a bunch of drag queens in a Charlie's Angels type show. Maybe that's just me, but I'd think a homophobic redneck wouldn't take it all that seriously either. always seems to have really interesting articles on all types of things, but both of these articles confused the hell out of me.

Uh.. yah. That totally sounded like a school paper... *ponder*

(2 crushes | develop a crush)

Subject:A mini-rant to start the morning...
Time:10:18 am.
Mood: awake.
Music:ak1200- Drowning.
I got up and read the paper this morning, like I usually do, and saw this editorial from a waitress that says that Utahns are terrible tippers. Probably fairly true on the whole, but the tone of the letter was basically, "you owe us for only making $2.13 an hour to wait on your hungry asses and you should pay us because of it". Now.. this same topic was brought up on the message board once and the way that both people brought it up was pretty hostile. I completely agree that excellent service deserves a healthy tip, but shitty service does not. As a customer, you OWE me good service if you expect a good tip. Even for pretty crappy service I'll still tip 10% (which some of my friends don't even agree with) but if you want more than that you have to earn it. Frankly, if you're consistently getting shitty tips it probably says something about you as a waitress. *shrug* Besides that, you *choose* your job. If you choose to work in a job that only pays $2.13 an hour and you are dependant on tips, you sure as hell better be marysunshine and attentive to get the tips. If you don't think you are outgoing enough to be nice enough to get the big tips (I fall in this category) then you shouldn't be a waitress. That's like me complaining daily about my job and saying that too many stupid people call in. ITS TECH SUPPORT! What do you expect? There's a certain amount of expectation that should come with jobs you choose to take on. Poor tippers is one of those in waitressing. People hang up on you when you're a telemarketer. I get asked completely idiotic questions. It's part of the job.

Now, like I said, I am a very generous tipper when the service is good. When I get my hair done, it usually heads close to $100 because I tip my hairdresser nearly 25% every time I go in there. I think the standard is 15% or something for that type of profession. I know that if I reward those who "work for me" for a job well done, I'll consistently get a good response when I go in to that place. If I go to a fancy restaurant, you can bet I'm usually tipping $10-$15 along with my meal. My dad did the same in Vegas- he left a $15 tip for dinner because the waitress was really cool. It just irritates the hell out of me that people think that they can talk down to their customers and come at us with this tone of "you OWE me money" and think that we're just going to shell out for their additude. Arrggh! Earn your own way or get a new job.


Anyway. That was slightly longer than a minirant but no one's around and I don't think my parents are interested. *laugh*

I slept through the night, which was good. Before I went to bed I watched this episode of Howard Stern with Ozzy and Sharon on it. It was really funny. They talked about their sex life (Sharon says his favorite position is Doggy but Ozzy said, "who have you been sleeping with?!"), Ozzy tried to drink his water with the cap on until Sharon intercepted and took it off (*laugh*), and they talked about how Ozzy used to cheat on her all the time when he'd go to Japan. At the end, Ozzy met Paul McCartney, which was a strange mix of people. It was really funny but I just got the tail end of it, until I noticed that there was a second episode with the whole family on it. I stayed up for as much of that as I could. At one point Kelly said that she had walked in on them having sex and it was awful.. I can imagine. :P I won't even go into more detail about it cos it's grossing me out to think about. *laugh*. Probably cos he reminds me of luciano. Blech. I wish I could've taped them both.

My cough seems to want to push out my sternum. *hack* I hope it's not bronchitus. That would suck a lot. They aren't very productive coughs so I don't know if it is or not. I think I'll just load myself up with robotussin (thinks of lije.. *snicker*) and hope for the best. I'll also have to drink some hot dr. pepper and lemon, cos that breaks up lung gook too.

Friday, May 3rd, 2002

(1 crush | develop a crush)

Time:4:32 pm.
Mood: blah.
Lessee. Not much to update. I stayed home again today. I wouldn't have had I not had a fever this morning, but I didn't want to rush out and overdo it and make myself even more sick. I found some cold meds that keep my symptoms at a minimum and dont' knock me out, so.. hoorah for that. Hopefully this weekend won't be a total bust because of my sickliness.

I was in a creative mood today so I looked over LJ stuff to change, got intimidated, and just changed my regular entries layout. How boring. *laugh* I like how it looks much better now though, so I guess it wasn't a total waste. My friends page is the same. The style for my regular page looks silly as a friends page.

Hrrm. Almost dinnertime. I feel like mashed potatoes for some reason. I haven't really had much to eat today cos I didn't feel good and when I was hungry I couldn't find anything in the house that sounded good to eat. So far I've had a bowl of oatmeal and a couple of nutragrain bars for lunch. Thankfully my parents are bringing home chinese. :D

Uh. that's all. *snicker*

Thursday, May 2nd, 2002

(3 crushes | develop a crush)

Time:4:07 pm.
Mood: discontent.
So this evil cold is progressing along. I lost my voice a few times at work yesterday and by the end of the day I had felt like I had torn my throat to shreds. I still went out though, cos I didn't really want to waste the whole day. Hanging out with Sean was nice as usual. I think I'm going to get the same kind of digital camera that he got. It looks like it'll have enough features to be nice but I won't have to pay for a bunch that I wouldn't ever use.

I got home and took a benadryl to help me sleep, and woke up about 12:30 needing to go to the bathroom. Drugs like that hit me hard, so I stumbled into the bathroom and hallucinated a bit in there. *laugh* I woke myself up coughing a few times as well, because every time I would cough it felt like it was ripping my throat out with it. I was running a slight fever in the morning (99.3 degrees or something, but my normal temperature is about 97, so it's like having a 100 degree fever), so I called in sick. I had been planning on doing it anyway since I stuck it out all day yesterday. The more the day went on the more I thought it's a cold more than anything else, cos now my lungs are all full of phlegm. Hoorah for that. I took two cold tylenols and those things knocked me out. I'm still feeling all weird because of them and I took them around 8. I think it's also the fact that my body's working all hard to fight off whatever I have. I don't have anymore sick time (well, not a full days' worth) so I'll be trudging to work tomorrow. I could call in without it and not get fired or whatever, but I would get written up and that means no promotions or raises for a year. I doubt I'd get either but I'd rather not screw myself. I probably shouldn't have taken sick time so liberally in the past cos I've sort of screwed myself into a hole with this, but I think if I got ubersick I could bring a doctor's note and I think that would help me not get written up. I'm just going to presence good health for now and hope that I get better soon.

This weekend my parents are going to david copperfield. As far as I knew, Thayne and I were going to hang out and watch movies but I don't think he wants to hang out with me too much if I'm sick. Blah. I'm going to be irritated as all hell if this weekend gets wasted cos I'm sick.

Anyway.. other stuff to look at before I get too worn out to sit here.

Wednesday, May 1st, 2002

(3 crushes | develop a crush)

Time:3:27 pm.
Mood: irritated.
/me shoots people.

On a sidenote, Evan and Lije, did you both register for GoTT? Also, do you both still need one way tickets or what? I need to get them ordered ASAP.

Tuesday, April 30th, 2002

(2 crushes | develop a crush)

Time:2:32 pm.
Mood: bored.
Harumph. The days' not getting any quicker, and I think the chemicals from the styrofoam plate I used today are irritating my throat. Blah.

Question for y'alls... when is West's Senior Ball?

Uh.. crap. I hoped this would entertain me but it hasn't really. *sigh* 15more minutes till break and then 2hours left of work. *snooooze*

(2 crushes | develop a crush)

Time:10:28 am.
Mood: tired.
Today is dragging like hell. Argh.

Yesterday I watched about an hour and a half of the PBS show where people live in the wilderness like pioneers for 4 months. The Beverly Hills family is completely obnoxious. I mean, I'd be unhappy about having to freeze my ass off all the time too, but I wouldn't go on the show knowing that's what would happen. It's like they thought they were going to get a cute little log cabin with sofas and beds and running water, and the shows staff would bring them food when they needed it and they'd get to wear little pioneer clothes and stuff. The girls all whine all the time and don't think logically about things ("hows about we walk a mile in the snow to get our cow that we didn't tie up, and then instead of waiting until we get back home to milk her, we'll milk her there and then have to carry heavy ass buckets of milk back home along with the cow, who isnt't all that pleased to be coming back anyway!! That'll be a sure way to spill all the milk in the snow!" *rolls eyes* Then they get all irritated when their neighbors tell them not to let their calfs nurse on the neighbors cows, as if their cows should be able to do whatever and the hell they want. Lame. And then the Beverly Hills mother was like, "we have no food, we're starving!!!" and this is after she's fed them a shitload every day. The other family still had half of their food because they were rationing properly and, for example, thinning out their honey with a bit of hot water so it would last longer. The prissy mom also cried cos she didn't have makeup. It was just little things like that. I mean, I can't say I probably wouldn't act similarly, but not for two weeks. I can be a major priss but if I set my mind to doing something like that I'd just do it- accepting the fact that things won't be the same in the wilderness as they are in my house and move on. I'd also resolve myself to the fact that I chose into this and things are only as hard as I make them. The family from Nebraska is having fun and playing in the woods and all that while the other family only seems to whine about having to build their own fence and stuff like that. I did like watching it, and it makes it even better that it's on PBS so there aren't any commercials.

Ever since I've gotten back from LV I've been exhausted. It might be because I just switched to my new birth control though. I've been going to bed at 1030 like I usually do so I dont' think it's that. Blah. I hope it resolves itself soon, whatever it is.

Hoorah. 9 minutes till lunch. Derick isn't here to email so I think that's part of what's making the day drag a bit. :P Thayne won't be here till 330 either. Hopefully this afternoon goes by more quickly but isn't busy.

Monday, April 29th, 2002

(develop a crush)

Time:1:20 pm.
Mood: calm.
This weekend was fun. We were on the road to Vegas by noon on Friday. We made pretty good time despite driving through an awful rain/hailstorm. I read some Fight Club to Thayne on the way down. That was fun. We got to the Excalibur around 6:00 Utah time and checked in. Our room was nice for the amount that we paid for it ($79.00 a night). My parents had a jacuzzi in theirs though. *laugh* I was jealous.

We ended up walking around a ton Friday night, and being the lazy asses that Thayne and I are, it hurt our bodies a ton. We hopped in the Jacuzzi, which helped a lot, and checked out the view. It was nice. We headed back to the room and got Kpax. I fell asleep halfway through it though. I was exhausted. Thayne said it was good so it wasn’t a total waste.

Saturday morning we got into a little disagreement. It was stupid. Then we headed out in search of non-hotel food. Somehow we stumbled across the mall, which had an IHOP attached to it. I had my tasty egg meal that no one in Utah seems to make correctly (*drool*). Then we headed back to the hotel. On the way we saw some dumb ricer-wannabe with a huge fin and three Honda symbols on the back. The symbols weren’t even lined up symmetrically or anything. We took a picture of it and we’re going to send it to the rice-patrol website. *laugh* We checked out the other side of the strip and saw the Gameworks and went to a cool indoor mall dealiewhoo. I found the coolest modern furniture store there. I signed up for the catalog so I can order stuff. *laugh*. We headed back to the hotel to get ready to go to dinner and Robin Williams, and then went to the Peppermill. My mom got this huge-ass fruit bowl so I ate that along with my salmon… and I think it made me sick. Well, I know I was sick but that’s the only combo I can think of that did it. About halfway through Robin Williams I started feeling really gross and it only got worse as the night went on. Blah.

Robin Williams was awesome though. I tried to remember a bunch of his bits to share with other people when we got home but I know that no one will think they’re as funny as they actually were. He ended with a joke about oral sex that shall haunt my mind forever. It was weird being there with my dad and hearing some of the stuff he was saying. *laugh* My dad commented on that as well. Saturday night I was sick so Thayne went out and gambled a bit. Damn minor status. /me kicks being a minor. I can’t wait until I’m 21. He didn’t have that great of a time cos he was alone and all that, but I’m sure it was more entertaining than sitting around watching me look gross.

Sunday morning we went to the coffee shop and grabbed breakfast before heading out. We stopped by a store on the way out of Vegas (*ahem*. *laugh*) but you have to be 21 do go in those too. Bastards. I sat outside and watched the people go in and out and hoped that no one too scary would try to talk to me. *laugh* The only person that did was some old guy whose car was right next to mine but he seemed alright. $80 later Thayne comes back and we head out. We had the top off for a while but that got really hot so we popped it back on after a about 15 miles. Thankfully we both used sunblock so we aren’t too crispy. My left shoulder is bad and the inner sides of Thayne’s arms are red but that’s about it. I slept a bit on the ride home until we stopped and got a Jamba Juice and later I drove for about a hundred miles. It was nice to be home but I enjoyed stepping out of reality for a bit. I’ll be doing it again in a few weeks though so I suppose I shouldn’t complain. *laugh* GoTT is in two weeks. Scary stuff.

Work is sporadically busy. It’s worse now cos it’s lunchtime though. I suppose I can’t complain too much, I’ve only taken about 10 calls today. Maybe it’ll go back to how it used to be- when taking 20 calls was a huge deal and 30 was unheard of. One can only wish. Regardless, I better get this posted before I get another call.

Wednesday, April 24th, 2002

(develop a crush)

Time:2:29 pm.
Mood: happy.
Hoorah for my dancing randolph icon!

Y'alls should see Death to Smoochy. It rocks.

(2 crushes | develop a crush)

Time:10:10 am.
Mood: jealous.
/me whaps self upside head.

I'm being stupid.

I guess that's what I get for being a girl and being close to my period.

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2002

(develop a crush)

Time:10:15 pm.
Mood: content.
Glyerine- Bush

It must be your skin that I'm sinking in
It must be for real cos now I can feel
I didn't mind, it's not my kind
it's not my time to wonder why
Everything's gone white, everything's grey
now you're here, now you're away
I don't want this, remember that
I'll never forget where you're at.
Don't let the days go by
I'm never alone, I'm alone all the time
are you at war, or do you lie?
We live in a wheel where everyone steals
and when we rise it's like strawberry fields
I treated you bad, you bruised my face
Couldn't love you more, you've got a beautiful taste
Don't let the days go by
Could've been easier on you
I couldn't change though I wanted to.
I should've been easier by three
our old friend fear, and you and me.
Don't let the days go by
Bad moon wine again
as she falls around me
I needed you more
you wanted us less
could not kiss, just regress
it might just be clear, simple and plain
well that's just fine, that's just one of my names.
Don't let the days go by
Could've been easier on you

This song reminds me a lot of highschool.. but most Our Lady Peace and Bush does that. This especially reminds me of of Gary when he went to Illinois though.. and our relationship in general, mostly the "I couldn't change though I wanted to" stuff.. and "Now you're here/now you're away". I found a really nice acoustic version of this song today so that's what brought this on. Bush is really interesting to me. Some of their lyrics seem to make absolutely no sense, others dont' seem to at first but the more you listen to it, the better the imagery comes across.

I've also found some awesome matchbox twenty stuff. Hoorah for the internet. You can always find the most interesting things on it.

Anywhoo.. hopefully this stuff is done soon so I can go to bed and have *good* dreams tonight. Only two more days till vegas. :D

(4 crushes | develop a crush)

Time:1:35 pm.
Mood: amused.

i'm a hamster.

what kinda pet are you?

quiz made by muna.


I think I got alex's. *laugh*

(2 crushes | develop a crush)

Time:8:45 am.
Mood: mellow.
This morning at 5:30 I woke myself up having a nightmare. I was in my house alone, unpacking some box of clothes. After I got done with that I was going to take a shower and leave. I was nervous taking a shower without my parents in the house (which is slightly typical for me... I mean, I do it but there's that moment of tension for me), but I figured I'd take it after I turned off the dryer downstairs. (I'm not sure why I figured I had to, but.. *shrug*.) As I was walking out of the bathroom I heard a noise, so I stoped and looked into the computer room before walking downstairs. All the lights were off, but there was some light coming through the windows so it wasn't pitch black. I went into the kitchen and the dryer door was open but it was making the dryer noise, so I bent over to look into it, and then I was pushed onto the dryer by something. All of a sudden all the lights were on, and it seemed like the whole world was spinning around me. I kept thinking that it would stop and I'd turn around and my dad would be there but it didn't happen, and I just kept trying to fight off whatever was doing this that I couldn't see. At that point I woke up. *shudder* It doesn't sound that bad now that I write it down but it was awful when I woke up.

I got a new tire yesterday. One of them looked like it was bubbling so I took it in, and the tire man didn't see any damage and the bubble was gone. There was a bubble on the opposite side though, so.. there went another $150 of my money. I'd have gotten both of the old ones replaced yesterday if I wouldn't have gotten the back speakers for my car, but.. eh. I'm sure it'll be okay. Tireman said that the one remaining old tire looks fine, so.. *shrug* Worse case scenerio is it blows, we put the spare on, and go get a new tire. I mean, it would suck, but it's not earth-shattering or anything. I guess worse than that would be getting stranded way out in the middle of no where and having to call my dad to come get us. *laugh* My spare isn't actually a full spare.. it's something else that's not great to drive long distances on. Eh. I'm not going to presence it if tireman says that it's all good.

I got my prescription yesterday... back on the old good kind. Hoorah for that. So my dad said that it was going to cost $25/mo, which is $10 more than the generic kind, but I was happy to pay it since it's a kind I like. I get there and the lady rings it up for $5. I was awfully confused (as was my dad), but I figured I wouldn't argue with saving $20. I still have no idea how it happened cos the kind I'm on now is supposed to be one of the most expensive for insurance. *shrug* Oh, well. *laugh* Then, on the way home from the pharmacy, some scary guy whistled at me (ick), and I pulled up to the fairgrounds and saw in big, lightup letters: "CUM2DEFAIR". It flashed really quickly so I thought that I had just imagined it, so I kept watching the sign pretty closely to get it again, and some other scary guy pulled up alongside me and tried to talk to me. I don't understand why some men think that hollering at women out their windows is effective. Dumbasses. *laugh*

Well, that's it for me for now. Only two more minutes of breaktime.

Monday, April 22nd, 2002

(develop a crush)

Time:8:46 am.
Mood: cheerful.

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?
quiz, by Angel.

I'm not that suprized. It's not that true from when I was in highschool, but I think it would be more true considering my personality now. In HS I was a moody beeeoootch.

So my stereo sounds awesome! Hoorah. I saw the Scorpion King with Sean and Thayne last night. Twas silly as all hell. After that we put the back speakers in. I did almost all of the right one and a good part of the left one, so I can feel proud of my workmanship. After that we went and got Dent's wedding gift and then went back to Thayne's to eat.

Hrm. I already updated about my weekend. :P Nothing else left to talk about. *laugh* Better check my bank balance before it gets too busy.

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