Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
5:10 pm - no, really, i'm just way too tired....
I didn't get to work until 12:45 today, and only made it in because I remebered that the Weinermobile was going to be at our building today. I got my picture taken by it and a Weiner Whistle. It was all Weiner-worth-it, dragging my hungover ass downtown.
Last night we drank bottles of wine at the Gravity and MJQ. I bailed after that, but the other kids stayed out then up until 8:30 this morning. Rock on.
As I was backing out of the driveway this morning I noticed my landlord coming out from behind the house next door. I pretended to not see him and just kept going as both dogs were playing in the yard and I'm not even supposed to have one.
The second session of puppy kindergarden is Saturday morning. Addie did great and had made a puppy-best-friend named Maddie but then toward the end of class Maddie took a huge dump in the middle of the classroom and Addie seemed pretty disgusted and I don't think they're friends anymore. I wonder if they'll come back. Her owner seemed really embarrassed and horrified. There were no cute boys there, which is too bad because I need a new crush as all my previous crushes have grown stale. There was this older black man who complained that "Pretty Girl keeps whizzin' in the house. Just as soon as I ain't lookin', she go and take a whiz right in front of me." Whiz. He's great, I hope they come back. There's a crazy lady who has the dog that looks like a pig who complained that "Angel bites me all over. Places you really don't even want me to tell you about." Yikes.
I want to go home and crawl into bed and watch the 6:30 and 7:00 Simpsons, but I should really stay here. Unpossible.
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3:09 pm - i'm just way too tired
| Monday, August 12th, 2002
3:46 pm - Is that Susan Sarandon or Blanche from the Golden Girls?
The Hunger was at the drive-in last night. It seemed like a typo in the newspaper listings: "Martin - Live", "Spy Kids 2", "Like Mike", "The Hunger", "Mr. Deeds". Weird.
When my roomate asked me along last night saying "Hey, we're going to the Starlight, wanna come?" and I asked "What are you seeing?" I did not expect to hear her reply of "The Hunger". The Hunger? "What's it playing with?" Nothing. "Really?" She figured the place would be packed with goths and I figured it would be packed with lesbians (she was confused by my guess, her, having never seen the movie).
It was weird to have Spy Kids 2 to one side and Martin - Live on the other. It was weird yet hilarious to hear some mom, screaming while running to the car from the snackbar yelling "Spy Kids 2 is on SIX!!! Spy Kids 2 is on SIX!!!" whilst some girl-on-girl-vampire action was, ah-hem, going down on screen. They burnt some serious rubber getting from theater five to theater six.
I was closer to the mark thinking it would be full of lesbians and we got there to find out it was sponsored by Out on Film, some gay film society. Last week they showed Grease at the drive-in with a costume contest. Is Grease now gay cinema? Has it always been?
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3:24 pm - Rushed...
Back from a week and a half at home with the folks. In brief:
Three days at the cape with mum and three of her school teacher friends. Some little swearing-kids at the beach trying to catch a "humungus friggin' crab":
12year-old orchestrating the capture from the rocks: "What the hell are you doing? Don't use the damn bucket! Where the hell's the damn net?"
8year-old designated to the actual capturing: "Oh man! He took off with it! I lost them both!" (meaning both crab and net)
After the Cape, mum and I took a day trip to Foxwoods casino. You could win a sharp-little two-seater Audi convertible in some high-rollers poker game or an ear-wax-orange Chevy Cavalier at Bingo. Mum figures that one must have been a drunken mistake on the production line. We won nothing, but the people watching was top-notch. On the bus on the way there they showed some old Julia Roberts movie that the "regulars" were complaining about because the driver had already shown that one within the month. The driver warned there were a few risque scenes and this 90 year old man said "Good!". The movie on the way home was A Beautiful Mind. Eh.
Courtney cut and colored my hair and I am blonde again. She pulled it through a cap which scared me since I haven't seen that done since maybe 1983, but it's fine. Will try to update photo.
I cleaned my room and had four bags of junk to throw away, four bags for Value Village and 18 dollars.
There's a Beautiful South cd on the jukebox at the Gravity, but i was too drunk to get my dollars in the slot - good sobriety test, that.
My Toshiba Satellite is en route.
The weather at home was sweater-weather at night. Sigh.
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| Tuesday, July 23rd, 2002
7:42 pm - X-rays times 3 and cytology
So sad. I brought Norman to the vet yesterday and she thinks he has cancer. He is ten years old and the only cat I've ever, ever had. I never liked a cat until me and Karen picked him out and took him home. His results should be back by Thursday.
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| Saturday, July 20th, 2002
2:40 pm - My aim is true.....
...I just teared up listening to Alison. Unfuckingreal that that song is 25 years old.
Yeah, uhm, still overtired on overtime. I'm leaving in 20 minutes, but have to be at second job at 6:00pm. Hoping I can keep it together.
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12:51 pm - Your mind plays tricks on you, you play tricks back!!!
Overtired on overtime....just tried to remove a staple that was actually a PHOTOCOPY of a staple. Must rest (or drink).
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| Friday, July 19th, 2002
5:32 pm - Dear Hag....
Here is a rough draft of a letter I am thinking of sending to a vocational expert who provides testimony during hearings. Mind you, she's about 67, wears Ali McBeal suits and drives a red convertible miata. Sorry bitch. There's one paragraph I only wrote to vent so probably won't include it, but there's a shorter paragraph immediately following it, that I think I'll keep in just to twist the knife a bit:
Dear Ms. Hannah:
Though I am still stunned by the rudeness of your comment to me this afternoon, I am writing this letter to express my utter disappointment with the inappropriateness and unprofessionalism of your comment. I cannot believe the words “That is the worst hair color you have ever had” were said to my face by a grown woman. It seems that someone your age would know better. While you have commented on my hair color in the past, which as at times has even lead to a discussion of said hair color, it has usually been something closer to the nature of “Oh, why did you change your hair color?” or “Wow. I never know what color you’re going to have the next day.” - comments more befitting the nature of our co-worker acquaintance. No matter the context, it seems such a comment would never be appropriate. Your comment was all the more perplexing, in that your opinion was never asked. Had I asked “Oh! Ms. Hanna, what do you think of my new hair color?” then maybe you would have felt entitled to express such strong feelings about it. The matter is made all the more curious by the fact that I haven’t colored my hair in quite sometime, as I am letting my natural color grow in.
Though, perhaps I should not expect such a degree of professionalism from a woman whose presence lingers in a hearing room, a restroom or elevator stall for days after she has vacated the premises due to the smoky stench she leaves behind. Perhaps I should not expect such a degree of professionalism from a woman whose nicotine addled breath and similarly nicotine rotted teeth cause people to cut a conversation short. Perhaps I should not expect such a degree of professionalism from a woman who twirls her high-heeled shoe on her toes during vocational testimony. It seems I have previously overlooked these things and deemed you capable of at least a mild degree of professional decorum. It seems I have misjudged.
Although you found it appropriate to point out to me weakness in my personal appearance, I shall refrain from pointing out your weaknesses to you, be they in reference to your appearance or your hygiene, as it does not seem possible that you are not aware of them.
It would be greatly appreciated in the future if you would keep any conversations with me to what is absolutely and professionally necessary.
Thanks so much for you anticipated cooperation.
Lynn Margaret Senior Case Technician
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| Thursday, July 18th, 2002
2:37 pm - WE FULL
That was the sign at the ghetto-ass parking garage next to my office building. We full. I'm surprised it didn't say We Be Full, but I guess they still got their message across. The parking business is booming, it seems!
My puppy, Addie, is so wonderful and clever. I, on the other hand, am dumb as fuck and have been out past four every night this week. I am NOT a rockstar, I am an office lady. I am NOT a rockstar, I am an office lady, I am NOT a rockstar, I am an office lady. I'll never learn.
I won the "T" game on Tuesday night at Bingo, but had to hulahoop for the grand prize of a round of tequila shots for our table. Victory was ours and tasted sweet. Well, tasted like tequila, but you know what I mean.
My new roomate is wonderful and loves the dogs as much as I do.
Going to the Cape with my mum and her teacher friends for a week at the end of the month. Good thing I'm building up my late-night drinking tolerance now as they are all lunatics.
Over and out. G&T;
current mood: sleepy as fuck current music: The Shins - Know Your Onion video
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| Saturday, July 13th, 2002
5:09 pm
Note to DEFTLYSTUMBLING, in case you come here wondering who the fuck added you to their friend list:
Congratulations....you are my tentative "D". I'm bored at work and browsing similar interests to get a friend with every letter of the alpahbet. Hence, you are my "D". If this is not cool with you, lemme know and I'll find another.
After browzing quite a few other D's, it was your Flaming Lips post that cinched the title for you. How amazing is that record. TFL are such sweethearts to let us hear it for free! I've been listening to it for days, but will buy the real mccoy when it comes out.
xo G&T;
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4:53 pm - Easily entertained....
I am at work and have decided my LJ life needs a shot in the arm. I've found I'm more of a reader than a poster or a responder. To give me more to read, I am browsing similar interests with the goal of having a friend for every letter of the alphabet! How gay.
So, I've only just recruited a "C", and am moving on to D, E and F - consider yourselves warned!
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| Friday, July 12th, 2002
3:31 pm - a holiday gone well....
| Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002
3:26 pm - Not unlike a ton of bricks....
| Thursday, June 27th, 2002
1:37 pm - I am, I cried....
Lynn is sturdy and easy to use. Lynn is not my favorite person. Lynn is the perfect doll for toddlers. Lynn is the officer-in-charge . Lynn is taking Florida by storm! Lynn is sometimes called a "transsexual" woman. Lynn' is one of the most unique of the Maine Schooner fleet. Lynn is a coal miner's daughter. Lynn is Talk of the Town Lynn is gone. Lynn is in touch. Lynn is 13.50 square miles in total size. Lynn is available for workshops and lectures. Lynn is eligible Lynn is a historic port Lynn is the last building on your right Lynn is crucial Lynn is coming up with all the ideas. Lynn is a delightful 24" porcelain doll. Lynn is among the very best of the youthful smokers. Lynn is currently working on a tea and coffee-pot. Lynn is a rising star to keep an eye (and ear) on. Lynn is so clear, precise and practical. Lynn is a 33 foot Tiara. Lynn is a troublemaker. Lynn is a different story all together. Lynn is suspected of being part of a ring.
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12:56 pm - The Need for Speed
Had to go to traffic court for a speeding ticket. Dismissed due to the fact that the Man in Blue neglected to indicate how fast I was going or how such speed (had one been noted) was detected. Keep up the good work, Johnny Law!
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| Wednesday, June 26th, 2002
11:55 am - Pet Sounds
Sunday Cgray found a kitten at the park that some little kids said a man was trying to hang from a tree.
Monday Mitchell found a 5 foot albino boa in his warehouse space he's moving into, that had escaped from it's owner.
And yesterday, Heather found a raindrenched puppy with a telephone cord tied around it's neck and an elastic band tripple wrapped around her tail. She's definitely part Rottweiler, as she's all black with a little carmel-brown over her eyes and her paws are the same brown. She's a little bear, but so sweet and friendly. Love at first sight.
Heather called the animal rescue who don't kill animals and they will take her if we neuter her. We'll go to the vets tomorrow, but I don't see how I'm going to let her go, after the fact :( Will keep you posted.
On the way out to the Gravity last night I was opening my car door and leaning down at the same time and WHACKED myself in the dead middle of my forehead with the corner of my car door. By the time we got to the bar there was a full-on, Tom-and-Jerry-style, goose-egg in the middle of my forehead. Charming. Ed, the barkeep, gave me an icebag and me and Heather stayed until about midnight.
Will run home at lunch to check on the Chauncey. Oh no! I've even named her! I'm doomed.
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| Tuesday, June 25th, 2002
3:38 pm
Bad, bad journaler!
Just got back from a week and a half at home and for the first time in years and years, coming back to the ATL wasn't a struggle at all. A bit of a releif, really. I am the happiest I have been here - really comfortable with my current circle of friends and it's dynamics, I guess. Work has been tolerable and I LURVE my second job.
Spent some time at the beach at home, a good amount of time with Mum and Dad and got almost all of my friends in. Learned to play cribbage. Saw Doves with Elbow and Buffalo Tom while up there. Ash was doing an instore at Newbury Comics tomorrow, but hopefully K will go regardless. She's back with her boyfriend who she has dumped and taken back 114 times in the past year. She's SOOOOO blue when she's with him and wears it on her sleeve and it's hard to watch. I have no clue if she reads my journal or not, but in case she does, I hope she knows that I HATE to see her let herself get hurt over and over. If it's tiring to watch it, it must me even more so to live it.
Have recently gotten the new Weezer, the new Eminem, the new Elvis Costello, and a Marvin Gaye&Tammi; Terrell double cd.
Oh! My flight home was overbooked so I gave up my seat and got a $250 voucher, which I'll likely put toward a trip to Deutchland in the autumn. Sweet.
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| Tuesday, May 28th, 2002
5:24 pm - Momacita! Momacita! Momacita!
Saw "Y Tu Mama Tambien" Friday night - it was good, not amazing. Los chicos were muy guapo, such cutie pies. But really, it just kind of seemed like a girl movie, a bit sappy, despite the raunch. Speaking of raunch....
Well, not raunch really, but MAN, saw The Piano Teacher on Saturday night. A-MAZING. I felt completely stunned when I left. SOOOO many people got up left at various points during the movie, like, as soon as ten minutes or so into it and as late as three or four minutes before THE ending. There were tons of full on ELDERLY couples there - I would pay good cash to have heard what they talked about on the ride home.
School pool opened - went for a few hours with Hedo and Danny then to Oakhurst for a couple of pitchers then i had to work at 6:00 - arrived with a bit of a buzz, worked it off and then started a new one around 8:00 when it got slow. Ended up drunk by 11pm and was sort of a meanie to Andyboy. But we are still BFF today - phew.
We may be driving to Biloxi tonight so he can get $9000 cash on one of his credit cards at a casino to use for earnest money on the house he's making an offer on. The house the inspector said he'ld be better off tearing down and starting from scratch. I guess the fee they charge at the casino is significantly less than the standard cash advance fee. I'm nervous but he's not, so be it.
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| Friday, May 24th, 2002
3:48 pm - Ban de Soleil for the San Tropez tan.....
I think I'll see "About a Boy" tonight? I liked the book and have heard it's a decent translation. Luckily they didn't move the story stateside as with High Fidelity.
School pool opens this weekend, GSU's hidden gem - big and clean and usually pretty deserted as it's tucked away 13 miles from town. My tan needs a jumpstart. Too much time in the office.
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| Wednesday, May 22nd, 2002
3:49 pm
Last night was Sarah's "graduation" from Pre-K. I don't think kids can really "Fail" pre-k, but still. It was very cute they filed in and sang a few songs and kids came up in pairs, one from either side of the semi-circle, held hands and said things like "In December we leared about bells", "In January we leared about fire safety" and everyone would clap. Cute stuff. One kid, who looked like he was about 11 started crying before they even sat down after filing in. At the end when Miss Yvonne was calling them up for their "diploma" he was still sitting and crying with his dad and she said "I'll just save yours Josh" and Josh's dad was like "No, he'll get it now!" and dragged him up by his elbow. Freak. He's not even retarded, just a freak. This other little girl just SAT through the whole thing, not crying, not nervous just with this hypnotyzed, non-blinking, Cindy-Brady-gameshow-stagefright, slight-grin on her face. We were totally spooked. At one point Sarah dropped her diploma and looked up at me and I rolled my eyes exageratedly and we both started cracking up. I bought her a cute little sundress, a box of card games and some Barbie panties - the panties were her favorite she opened them and said SOOOOO excitedly, like it was a puppy "PANTIES!". She's so funny.
We went to this pizza place for dinner with another couple and thier little girl Catalina who is such a cutie. They sat at their own table and I ended up sitting with them as the grown-ups were total bores. Catalina told us the story of "THE Goldilocks and The Three Bears" from memory and said THE Goldilocks everytime, which is like a hundred and wouldn't describe the porridge, chair or bed as "just right", but "medium"....".....Papa Bear's was too hard, Mama bears was too soft but Baby Bears was medium." Cuties.
I got home from those festivities around 10:30am, into jammies and slept like a log, though I had planned to redress and go out. Wahoo. M. had called twice around 11:30 needing a place to stay, but I didn't answer as I never know if he's calling hepped-up on the smack or if he had his insane dog with him. He has an interview with the Attorney Generals office tomorrow. He had already driven his motorcycle to LA then got an email about an interview so had to fly back for it. It will be his first job as an actual attorney, not a clerk and he would start at about 55K. Retard - on the trip to LA he had to stop about 10 times for gas using his debit card. It ends up his check hadn't gone through so he owes about $300 in overdraft fees. Retard.
Birthday greetings to the mad, mad, mad, mad Beard that is paulbeard. I'll drink one, if not even TWO to him tonight.
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